ty. M - A. t, JOHNSON, EDITOl AND MANAGER VOL. XLII. THE COUTfTT, THE STATE, THEtlWIO*. ? ;? ? ? ?? 'j. ???' LOUISBURO. N. C.. FRIDAY September 18 1912 SUBSCRIPTION SI. 00 PBB YEAR NDHBEB 80 THE LOUIIBURC COLLEGE OPBVID IW 1STTH MSBIOB | WiOWSPAT. Mair Touwf Ladle* frwut at The Opaainfr-Hat in Aate mobilaa U?t Wihnlix mMfaiac marked 1 opniaf of tbt 197th MMiOft t ? i^uitbmnr ??*?** o*u*c* mobile* ted Imm mmmI oe Taaadaf to a>eat the MOT ?a?ni k? eeleetea thl* werf known toetttation to which tc reoetre tlxte toatotog aad iarfe auabar *n? pceeent at the opto- 1 The i nuiaenlti wen plala tat f?U of | the eptrtt that amkee eoe t?i at ?ad iVniuMf welcomed to what la be lore then and toaa pttoM ever by Ber. R. W. Ba%. whe called on V" E. Lueiea K>k4 a nd W. M aUaeore, aadUr.r.B. *Etow att ^ wfc* made talka, *tar ?Wah Bar. Mr. Sailer taok the floor i the aadtaee far i moat tatoraattoc and. an The pin pi eta ?< Ufc total b each year and tto 1K more and moenappnientwtth term aad oar pntfto ate proud af tto| increealag popelacUy. ?a meat informe ee tkey will da all to tbeto | pewer to make aneh tor* ?aall peit aad the raeoafieeo fat taa eto their efforto their good r? far tke Yaaa*er let Daring the paat we^k tham haabccp ? round of teettrtttoa -to Lcoiebaq. | Maav entertainment. bare 1 complimealarjr to the TtaHtof J*x*\ hd>*- . . , - M. MiiI J alia Barrow. daegfcato at Mr. and ltm. J. i. Bwow, entertained at the realdeaae of ilMV Oitar.l T. ?W. Blekett thl* waah ahent atoty yoang people. The afflrtr <M given eompll meetary to Miaaai neat ef M tea J alia B. Baeeow, Jalle gonthcrland Barrow and Adelaide By rew, el Norfolk, the tw. Mtac Mar fint couain. ol Kim J alia B. Baatow. <TK| IUUI? |4t?? w?w li their natota after which delightful freahmenta were eer-rad. Tba t?a?to diapetacd abeat tw?lte o'eloek, after h?JE|M.doyed one eft* moat P>??" "i few a?ya (Jn?WilIf.W?H?y eatertalaed at the ? H. Maoee. tha ???????* . Mary :2ra?='55A!5 lament, attar wWah mfca.hme.to were ?rred aad tha compear one ,11 were profaaatotBafc P?alaa of arealaga entottotom^ Mtaeee la On WedneedaT altornoen ??" 'a lie Boetherland mi AaeleWe entered at the realdenee of the** s?rs^A*s?[~ rsr ^L^^MiSl'jLtoJnlde Bartow WI1 uique and catchy, ea aha aeetried to be In her .omerf ?*e aatoettoea; %?!!.? -**? rr^KTiTtato the wtotor. mmt wtahea tar ST-t? to t^tota^ ,3^ JTStr. hrt we Wt? taan an STta ?.t ..????? *? make a "^^eat eajayahto aeea4oe ? toa ^ltoa?n4m party hy Mm. teuon wae aa P"? T J J t W Biekette" yaataeday ana'oee the WmuHfat kwm at he. raaldMae ?ndr*J-0?"y?? * -t*r tAlned. ? Werk. Atloixa, Oa*i ?apt. 1.- tha Improvement Deeae?maek which tha Southern Kallwer Bfitom haa decided to eetabliah. wae aegaeiaed yeeterday . t tie piedaaeat Matai at a aaaattaf at the thirty am* whawmrnaka ap thle 0' toto****' ?^a *?aem u~0~ ?tto *? ? M^oda af aaMen ami fTrtof toam jthe benefit1 of an#aat a4?lea. ?[-y, department ?m w eat of Ba m* ito undertaken by the Southern and allied line* two years ago . In the territory threatened by the boll weevil in Ala bama and Mississippi. It ?ie foand that In aiding Use farmer. to flfht the weevil, RTaeklT increased yield* per aere were ?Hjrei and eo eueeessfol waa the raanlt considered that Fna dent Finicy decided te extend the week to the entire territory covered by the Southern Railway, the Georgia South ern and Florida Kaltway, the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, the Alabama a rent Kouthera Rnilread, the ClncinnaM, New Orleaae and Texaa Pacific Railway and the smaller Hnea which make ap the Southern System. The field areata of thle department win work peiaenally with farmers to whom their services are requested without ooat of any kind. In earryiag on Ha work, the Southern's department will eo-opernte closely with the United Btatea Department of A0* culture, the various state igtiislt^tl departments and asrriesltural eellegee. The work of -the departmaat is nadtc the direeMoa of 1ft. T. O. Phmkett, Misup, who will have headquarter* m Atlanta, and report to Preeideat Flatey through Mr. J. C. Willlaass, Asalstant to Preaideat at Waahiafftoo. Mr. Phm kett will he aided by tfclrse assistant tnaaagow, Mr. W. D. Clayton, with hsailqWSMaa at Chattaaooga, Mr. B. B. erabel, with handqunrten at Ohnr> lotto, and Mr. Roland Tasaer. with headquartsss at Meridian. Miss. Field scants will be looated at the following points: Miasssss. Va., Danville, Va , Broonshoro, N. C., Green Tills, S. C., Aaherille, M. C., Columbia, 8. C., At lanta, Go., Maoon, ha., Valdsata, Go-, Knexville, Tetm., Holenwood, Tenn., Jackson, Tsan., Dnnrille, Ky? Tuseuns bia, Ak, Tkomaarlllo, Ala., Mniien Junction, Ala., Map! Barilla, Ala., Tus es loose, Ala., Anaiston, Ala., Attalla, Ala., Cuba, Ala.. Greenwood, Miss., Leaderdaie, Miss., Wast Point, Mies., Wayassbaoo, Miss. . Okoleea, Miss. Flrat Bale Maseru. Gaptaa * Q up too. of Sandy Croak Township, aoM the tot bale of now oottsa oa the loeal ateiket hare last weak It bro^tft 11 eeaW ead waa panhasii by Mr.' A. W. Person. It weighed 460 pounds. , ?oath of Hp. Btm Mr. W. M. Bores died in a boepital ia Bslsltk ea Taesday last, Aoguet 18. Mr. haves waa bop 1a Fmklia aoaaty Angus* SOth, 18(0 aad therefore was 11 yeocs of ego. In 1888 ho was mar ried te Hies Mollis F. MlteUner, of PtsakHn soanty, and Is sm-rlred by thros ehildrsn, Misses PntMe and Leila aad Ms. Morris Bores, all of wheas re aids ia FMklinten. Be w*e aagatsd In bastaiss ia thin eity far tea yensa aad while beta was a eeaaistam meat bar of the First Baptist dbaaoh. Right yearn s?o bis hsalth faiisd sort be re tamed to bis oM homo hi Freak la eouaty whose bo rssidid Mil May of this yeer whoa he waa Mhso te *e hr^ltel in' Raleigh te trsataaati There he reeslrod the bsnt attention bat hia diaaaaa waa iaaaa^Ue. Two weeks sc* his shlidrsa aad slaters were ealled to his bedaide. Staoe Ihea Us death waa expected shaaat hourly by thoeo at bis bedaide. n u mind waa alear and be talked with Wah end relatives aatil the ead~eaaae. Bis ne maina were carried to tfee banso of hie aister. Ma. Footer, In BaWft, from the beepMal aad than te Ma eU borne. Be laaves threa ateOasa, Mm. W. B. Footer, Miss Marv Bevee, of Raleigh, arid Mis. L J. Cor, of D i hail Tfce fanssnl was esadasts* tsa bla homo at 8 o'alock The is hi y by Rev. W. W. Boas, Rov. M. Wteapa sad Rev. I. F. Mltshbesr. The pail haaas? at Ral eigh were Maasrs. Freah fat, Walter T. C. Gelt aad A. B. Iitnem. These at Proakltetea weaa Dr. R. B. Rsader eoe. Messrs. b. W.'- Rllhsd, B. 1. Cheatham, M. D. Wilder. F. ?. Banks aad W. 0. 8tephsnsoa. The dotal beasara Were Hooey Mlteh il, Leonard Ilsadsrasa, Joe Cooke ead M Wnie fleld. -Durham HsraiA Peculiar Wall Mr. B. J. Harper, e t Cedar Book township, baa a ps color epcefcaee of a wsB. Bs recently baaaa t?h? a wad aad after gethag ? eat shsat II tees deep stsask a seek. Me aseoseded to daiU thaoagh the rook, ead agaa baaak letMag In of eU aoaoad *d teeeblc. state that the aeiae eesdd bs haaad Ma* rah tea the top of the a*. AVERAGES 26 CENTS. . * TOBACCO ON LO0ISBOB0 BAS KET SELLS HlffH. Tkli Is >Bww< of Wholo Loads ?Many Other* Average Above 20 eon ta The put WMk has bMB oo? of tram* satiafactlon to tha (?>???, who ban patioiilail the Louisbarg tobacco ?uM in tbo feet that U? peleeo re ctlnd wore to maeh ia advance of any tUs* ?aNCMd in the paat Urn yeais. Other markets ara boasting o < good averagee, hat whan it (att to aa aw> age far whole loads at ?h]a tune of tha year of 96 ceate pat pimnd these ate ee 17 Um that tan stand for a show dowa. On tha local market tha paat weak there waa at least one lead that arer eged *6 eaota per peond with aheat 400 pouads in eaa* and several leads that averaged 10 eeota aad above niflaf from 400 to 1100 peanda. Ia aenvotgi ties with eeveral of tha farmer* the paat weak we were iaftnaod that Leaisbug easily had the lea* oo any thing la reach and they would eaD their trtam aa this market. Tea will da wall to after the bum pecaoaal h toreete feed trine your tobaace bees. Leefoburg is enteriag'a boom aad Me r time to proSit with the intereet ia Tho Uatoburc Baptist Charah The paator will conduct the public worahip Bnxhr at 11 a. m. aad 0 JO p. m. Sunday School at 9 JO a. m. The themee need Sunday will be, "The Charehof the Liviag God" and "A Beady Mae." The B. T. P. 0. Recently there wee organized at the Baptist charch a Baptist Yon* tt* o plaa Daion, whooe object is to teala yeaag people for Christian sea lies. The fallowing officers aese eleetod: Mrs. P. H. Cooke, preeldent; Mr. Blair Taeaer, vice-president; Mua Uraoo Hall, oaerotary; Mr. Cade Marshall, The aaloa Meets Saaday afternooa at 4 JO o'clock. A epleadid program has haaa arranged. A aordial invitation ia extended to alL 6ov. Qlenm Coadomns Atttro or Tka Woman. Washington. D. C.. Aug. Form er So vera o* R. B. Glenn, in hit annual lee tare tour ia tha Xaetern Statee, yee torday a pake to ssore than two thous and (oambera of tha Allegheny Teach ers' laotitato at Pittsburg. Ia the coarse of his address, whleh waa aeaieeaod with maay anbjeeta, and which Ineluded aaora than cneeoaa pliseeatary refereaee W Governor Wil eaa. Mr. Glean made a plea to the toaehare to aee their influence ia aeear tag rstorai In the manner of the drees In Mm wemea of tha coon try. Ha attributed the spread of Imparity and immorality, wbieh he said, ia in creasing at aa abufmiag rate, in pert to the prevailing style of lowneck and ahorVekirt draaeee. "My dear ladies," he eaid, "if yoa want to wear pauits, wear them ? iapa deee women wear them and look pretty ?eed ia these. Bat If yoa insist spon wearing them, wear ^snto with both Isgs in them and net with only one leg and then fcy and etiek your foot through them as some of you weaaan aee now trying to da." The North earollna orator iai>t- | the modes of today with thoee of a gen eration ago, whleh ho daaiatkad as hav tng a dlattnet advantage. He declared that the praeaat atylae de net were *er gsase or taautj to woman's appeae T? Tblaca to io la September. 1. Hare feed? eat aad ehook the earn If yon hare no silo, Prodding or cutting it ap later If you ean; harreet every thing that will make good hay, sod stare or stack It so that It will keep. S. Save ecede? eelect yoer cotton aad corn for aezTyaars' planting if yea da not expect to bay ftom aomeoae who haa batter than yoe bare; don't pat It off till neat apeiag aad than plaat pee* I Sew eatn if laad asm beHHI ready; keep land, ieteaded for wheat wall stored; nee a gaaia drill to pot ia seas If possible. . . ?; A Sew rape, lalaiam etovm, tarwipa. yea aea and keep Ary saJ otssn boat bo* fore end after giaaiag. a Oat baay about (he beaee, bans and oatbsildtage; paash leaky roofs mi tat ui thrift*. & toe t la tb? winter'* wood and ?tec* It in the dry; Ax ? walk to the woodahed If then ia none. ?. Figure a little and aee it r*a can no* afford ta put id a water mpply *y* ?? before eold weather comaa; It yo* find yoo aaa do it at all, *> ahaad? it wfll pay. 10. Start the ehildrep to aebaol and their Ms brother* and itatera to callage it peaaSble; take aa lateraat la the aehooi, too, and help and eoaowace both taather and children. ? The Pro KnaalTe Karmer. Tha aaaae elab waa entartataedja Ita me*tiag tha part Wedneedar aftarabeu. br Hn. J. L. Palmer, who prepared quite an enjoyable areata? tor tha ?Mr Opnimt. * On oar eighth page Maaaie.P.8. * K. X. Alan aawrta* their big fan ?pat tag te take plaea ea Taaaday and Wed ??Hhy ft.neart weak. They bare a Crtir lock Mews. Wall I're not aeaa aa artiale from Cedar Sock for qnite a while. Why, I wand 01? Are we too boay to write er are we daadT "No not dead," bat ]aat hariaR a biff tine. Tha tewa ia Ml of Tialtora and bu been fer quite a tittle while and Oh! the pies lea, jay ridaa, ice eream anppera and inah like that tha eld Rock baa aeaa Una mntr. Some little ladiee an now rtaMag at V. O. Stona'a for whom ha gare a cream supper Friday ?i?ht, and twe ladies are risitiag at N. A. Smith whom ha alao gave a aream Kipper hat Friday night Mica Nellie Hladya aad twe Mtoaea Bobhltt, of UtMatao, lava boa ?totting at her father's, J. W. Hedge, fer whom a eream rapper M fftrea laat Tuesday night at Mr. Sled?a hiei. W. Gaptoaa laat Monday a%ht mm at the home of W. I. Stallinga the week bafere. Mr. W. L Stalling* tba gave a delightful barbecue at hia haaat the flrat weak in Aogaat, tha cia? Ipa betna ane of a family reaalaa wMat waa maeh enjoyed. Mr. DaUw haeaae with Miee Myrtle Stalliaga aad Ha. B. L Stalling* atecadad a eream aapti* gW ea in baner at ttiaa Myrtle at Meaaeyer, report a Jolly trip. . Mlaa Laaa BtaUtaga to rial tin? Mr*. Or. Valeataa aad Mr*. Meade CUmcDta, at Merthaa*taa aeaa pla. Mi*. Farcy Ctaptea, otMaaito waa on Cedar Book Thnraday rtoittaff Mr*. E. W. Gnptoa aad Ma. W. I. ?tailing*. Mr. W. A. BtalHag* ha. Im en a vlait to hia hoate people. Ha n the aaaiatant telegraph opera >u? at Roeemary. Mtoa KeUie Sledge with her eempaay. tha Mheaa Babbitt, ct Little ton, baa returned to bar part of daty. Rot. 1. W. Sledge to baay *Mh hi* meetiaga. Wa wUl have ear marttg at Cedar Seek ehareh tiaglnntag Maadty night after tha flaetad Smaday. We hope for a large altaatoMa aad a ffto Tlotu revfteL Mr?, Btiaa QfUtot haa ra the creek*. Thee* to a new fatal fir* at Baby toed la tha hortt at ?. B. B. Stal ling*. There to iwaoa cf ?>|aiii> n wedding*. I m-at ateaa tort I waary Co mine In. We hare > *omaaanleatiea troai eorraapoadant at Fiaakllcton bating C*k W. L. HettkNUtbwMklM to i tat* that ha woald o*a tribute 110.00 to to* C*afede*ate llomnt f*r Fmblta coaaty, aa oaa of to* i ad $10 ro*a. L*t others fall In Da*. P1d?t Gror# Ittmt . Jut a few It* ma to let th* otd re liable know that oar H*Hoa at to* ?oontry ia (till alWe. Th* teniae* ar* baay ptekiag eottoa, grading tobacoo aad saring foddee. Mrs. Mary Perdue ia Tisiting at W. A. Jones. Mr. J. T. Sawyer, A. SpniU aad E. M. Harris from 1'amlieo Monty, earn* o*er on an aatomoblle and tpaal laat week at W. A. Joaea. They aaid tka bast read traveled orer waa th* ton mile* from Vraaklintoa to Lralabarg. Misaea Corinna and Zelma H*la?a have returned bane after a sheet visit to their east, Mrs. O. 6. GID. Mia. Moiiie Cettrell baa ratoned from Curiam. ? j Mr, Daaaia Clark and family spent toa wa*k-*nd at W. A. Jonea. Misaea May and Ora La* Jeaaa aad gn?*?a wast ever to MapleyiUe by aa taaaobil* laat Friday and spaa* a tow hour* with Mrs Clark. Be*** Arm in LaaUbsrg mast b* giv iag away carriages aa there aaa abaat a dozen n*w oaea ia toe oomnaaity. R*t. J. A. Elli* waa a pleasant *aH*r at W. A. Jon*a Tuesday. There wer* tea to join th* ehareii aa a reaalt af the peotracUd ssaatlng. Don't forget the Sunday Sehoei aow toa meeting is over. With bast win baa for th* Tina. Fauna Cul. Thi Right of Way. Wka father drovs old DobMa, he sat ?poo hU lead And tmrnd on ever y ckiiffaor who wasted half the road; When father cot aa aato, Ms feelings I Neaed to switch; Be glared at every hots* he met unless it took the ditch. ? September Lippiacott's. any other mouth in the ySar. War on the flies oatil eold weather. ? . HlALTH Dmpabtxext. Inglealda Aoademy. The school at Isgisside Asademy will begin Monday Sept. H. Patrons are re quested to please eater papils the day of openiag. Kit. M. B. WlIUAMS. Mis W. L. BuUr, Miss Mutem Maco*, Tsashsrs. I lira, Wage? What dM yoo <fc> wtth that pc* I care too to dean this moan ing? Mr. Kn?- 1 gave a tramp a dkne to beat It. Mr*. NRPK-Dia he beet Mf Mr. Vasg? He did? ee soon aa my back was mined.? Ctnetnaati Bnqptoar. THIth Kh Very TtiMyi A mttei who perhaps means sunjuuta that The Bath Booh" be MHwed by T*e Book" sod -The KM Hfett Book." ThKh tth tfee Wtrfh thaggeaMon we hare tfteen late^r In netted to bookih. Berne Omnpanton. Cigarette Savings. -~FW)bsr eeapja Impressed wtth your talk abopt ooupona," said the girl. "Have too realty enyT ? f i " - , ' -i- -,~*i =T ? ed some extra good sermons and aa ? result of the meeting there waa a boot twelve conversions and both of 'tba chorehas were greatly revived. * The people of the eonmoaity had the pleasure of listening to a fine speech on last Thursday, Septsmber 5th at the Asademy which waa delivered by Horn. T. W. Blekett Hs spoke near two hears had in hi* genial way bald the attfntion of the congregation to {the sad. Miss May Bartholomew, of Header son. has been spcndhw sons time at the home of her uncle, Mr. Jsmss Bar tholomew, for tha past week. 1 J. M. Dickens, of Casta! ia, spent sev- _ oral days among his many friends in this yioinity last week. Mrs. Charlette Wood spent test Sun day and night at tba home of bar moth ers, Mis. Jsaaie Wood who Uvee near ?rlfBa town. Some af tha people of tha community are attending the meeting at Osdar Bock this week. Cornelias Collins of Saady Creek has bee* steading some time with ralstives and Meade In our midst. Garland Paxvkh, of Oeaterviile, spent last week with his many friends here attending the meeting. A big Una hoy and Mr. Lather West la all smllss. Mrs. W. H. CelHas waa the happy (neat of her pom, Joe, oa lsst Wednes day Good lack and the beat o I good wiah ss to the good old Tnua and its many mi?.' . - ' ?' v *

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