A. F.JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGER VOL. XL1I. THE COinrTY, THE STATE, THE UHION. i ? LOUISBUBQ, N. C.. FRIDAY September 20 1912 SUBSCRIPTION SI. 00 PBR YBAB SENATORIAL QUESTION -*R.J H. HOLLOWAY WRITES I P the times After Haying Traveled Over n Large Portion or the itate Think* Simmons will Psll' si Urge Majority. flu following letter from Mr. J? H. Heiloway, of *bia ptaee, bot who] held* a traveling | ?lad praetlaaliy i ~ J the beginning of pai*a, diacasaee the I i leading c andidatae. The I WwiTON K. P. ? Sept, ?th, mi| Tn Fkakklim Tima, ling* the Ural letter follower I 1ST W Mm. probably the many *CI -I ftjrron-? 1 Tina night be hi tana Ud in burning the eentimeat ol Oeaoambc votara, la different parts of the atete on tbe sen atorial quaatioa, I aabmlt the following obeervatioai.- V I am writing front the <wirw uon rtrongbeld, thetfth district and the - county of Kerayth. Seme o* the elaima that are being made by the Uovemo r and hla friends are rldieaieus enough to aiaka a horse laugh if it was poeei bleior that anlaaal to iadulge In each pastimee. For inataaoe, while In the waat you can heat all kinds of elaims being made abeut- big majoritiee in cer tain eastern eoaatlee. In the eaat yon hear claims about the western prospects The Governor and hla friends are Ilka the littlo boy going through the grave yard. They are making all the noiae they can trying to ecare the Simmons goblins away. The goblins are juat aa sure to get them the 6th 'day of Novem ber as anything can be. There never has been a eonteat con ducted in North Carolina that hea created more individual interact than the aenatorship. The wiamiai of Sen ator Simmeas have given eurreney to more costemptibie, aaean insinuations . and reports than ever before and moat I of them came by the grape vine route. ,1 You meet them ia every community and they are like aaeeqoitoe. No man knows their >ouree bot .all the Kltehtn euppertets have them down pat. If the old aayiag "a lie travels twice aa bat aa the truth" ie correct, the truth baa got to do aome tall running to keep in hollering distance of aome of the palpable falaehoede that are travel ing around the atate about Senator Simmons. I haye heard that Senator Simmons had a million dollara to apend , in the campaign and that Mr. Watte and Mr. Bogota are la Kalelgh handing It oat to those who ean ton the triek. The writer haa been a frequent visitor to the Simmoaa headquarters for aotoe time and their ate Haa elgna of a mil lion dollars up there'thaa any place f ever saw, ia fact I su sue Mr. Rogers would be delighted to sell nfl of his ef floe equipment for $500 and threw hs his typewriters. -4 m?aely mention the above to give mj readers aa idea of the extreme methods that are being used to prejudice the vatera against the Senatar. Of coarse nothing but foola will believe such aeporta and the only effect they hare fa to "alia the Govern ors caaee weaker. Frqm onreful obser vatioas and peine taking Inquiry I be lieve the Senator will win his fight by approximate!? *waaty thousand major ity over the field. The fallowing eoantita. notwlthataadiag the clalma of the Governor aad Us tow friends are going tor Simmpaa: jrL Wilson. Warren, Vaaee, Wayne, jraaklln, Leaoir, New' gaaovar aad Mecklenburg, aearly every coaaty weal of Saiiabtoy, with move than an even chance in Rowaa and Nash. He has a fighting chanee ia Oullferd aad ? wHiroake a good ahawiag ia every county in the <Mh district. There ia hardly ? tom* 01 eeoatierahle size in North Caaollna that will not gtvaa majority tor Senate* Simmons. The Governors friends claim he will the eouatry almost solidly but from all reporte they seeta to be ail wrong there. I was in a towa aome time ago ??d an* *???* tormeta to a drug store together i six of whom ex pressed their parpeee of voting for Sim LT. The seveath waa nou-eeaimttal tattbiahahe ? Clark. ' At that ratio Mr. K'Uhle will aot get a "dara" thing in th* ??entry. Mr j. W. ?al ley, of Raleigh, k making a big ap*??h for the Senator a it i9 powerful lnlegie and entirely ^ frem any thing like ahuaa or aa iair a**?. Hi. plaa to made to "" snd aet to ptajadfce. Tlja writer M?. Baiter twice, once ? Wikoa tTlZ* in Wkaatoo-Saleru. Me i? ha goea. On I pother hmi the Governor loaeethel support of noma of bit beat friend* every time he speaks. Bit deauneiation of the Democratls Convention through hie month piece, Mr. McNIncV, becssse the majority of that body failed to adopt the minority report censuring the Senior Be tutor add all the congressman except hie brother, baa shocked the patriotism of every loyal Democrat ta the state. Ne man' with intelligence eneogh ta get out of the way of a billy coat, who attended the State convention woo Id believe any each statement aa that it wh peeked and it ia pitiful to aa* a a greet etate in Ma In ... ? *-? ?* ? -ra * K*Mlk awM lit ?!> IU-* opal a?bitl?a etoep ao .... aad the oodtmoo wealth. Note the la the great apeaah aada by Ha oat oaly gave hi* friends surprise, hot hU * " ito the |, Ho ?tie aopiiUMM bat a rly effort that carried conviction to the minds of hla hearers, and exposed the perfectly obVtons falla cy af the Governor's chargee against Ma laaocd. Contestn of thia Iriad (a the the democratic party areahray* lagieti able bnt la this eaae It will aarre to' albalnata itiv of Governor. The gnat traat beater" and eelf appointed critic of democratic qaallfleationa. After the ?th day of next November there two man in tkia nation who will be re lieved of the burden of directing the "dear people" in the way they ahoald ge. I refer to the Bon. W. W. Kitckin aad the head and tail, and all other portion! of the Bull Kooae party, Ted dy Rooeovelt, The Democrats el North Carolina shoold riae in their might and regiater su*k a protect against aneh ssothode aa the Governor and hla fricade have need in thia campaign aa to diss enrage for *11 tigpe further attempts o* aneh natose to get public ofiee. How any man with ordinary intelligence, after a careful in veatigatien of the merita of can refaae ts give hla aappart to Sana- I tor Simmons ia certainly hard to under- j sUod. Very truly, Jaunt H. BOLVtmAX. Cotton. | Cotton (old on the local aaarket here yeetarday far IX 9-16 centa per pound. The indicatkma at praaent chow a pee sibility of aa increaae in price. Mrs. Bona Dtad Newa waa received beta yeetarday of | the death of Mn. V. R. Bona at heme ia the Seven Patha aeetion, about | 3 o'clock yeetarday morning. She < the daughter of the late H. A. Bince | sad boeidee* husband she iaevee aev eral brothers and ataten aad a mother I and a hoet of ralatlvea aad frieada, | The faneial will take place today. The DlStrence. "Webster's Weekly makea the point 'that Governor Kitchln eon Id not spare ? day from bU a tentorial campaign to attend the funeral of hia appointee. General Leinater.' William Bryan refaae* to make a political I . in Greensboro while hia friend, Chart ee | D. If elver, lay dead, 'aad turned meeting into a memorial occasion; | vkereas Governor Kitchln made politi cal speeches ia twdhocntiee on the day that Leinater waa laid away. Thia ia, indeed, the limit; bttt Governor Kitchln ia a vary aelfleh man when It cornea lis campaigning, aad while ha wean the red point, ear old friend. Mr. A. J. Field doea the actual work. for the Gov ernor. Tha Governor haa hot had tlak* to appoint a sac teas or to the late Gen eral Lelaster."? Public Ledger, Sept. 4. Opcalagr at- Alias* Tneaday and Wednesday ef this weak marked tha opening dispfey of P. S. 4 K. K. Allen's new millinery and drees goods. It wsa la ? sense n don hie event being tha saeaetoa of the opealag af a new buaiaeee and that oi the reg ular o peeing ef fall aad winter geods. A vtcit to the sterol was enfflcleat to eoavince one ef the fact that a large ?nd varied atoek had 'been received and opened aad the display aad doeeraticas with thenwMf diflWent fabrics pretty shadea of fancy goods was a. thing of baanty. The mlUaery depart ment was s favorite among tha ladies and erewds and crowds were In rvldsaee thare tit all timsa. Its pmgisters in form ns that they an eapeslally wall pleased with their openings, and ax poet to kaap their stock aad storo sash a. will attract the ladle*. The ma?y ?ur f or an y oae to lsave Lenieborg fecshepptey patyimft him. ? Pilot SehMl XiNM Amile Wilder aad Pearl* Parker kare be<n?n their eaeoad Urn M teacher* if the - PI tot aehoal. They airlyed ?T?r?l day* keforeitb* opeelag ob September t, yliited eyery home to the district^ bad the ichool pot la site aad befoca the ek?e of tto tat w**h toMhar* ud paptla waia Uttoaly at work. - Ito ?arotto??t ww la tot; In. log them eouatj an lo af thia at bav pormanenUy la the Bana. Frtaklla Connty Oatoa The next meettof of the Franklin County Uaioa will be held with the Whit* Leyel Chare h. September tSth aad nth. the fallowing prorram hy? bean arranged. ' KiTHDAT 1 Q 9:10 a. m. Prayer Service, eoadneted | by Bro. i. W. Wood. 10 a- m. What are year obligation! to tboa* called of God to preach? Bro*. Jaa. Pulghum, Prof. J. A. Beaifc, R*t. Jack K Ilia 11 a. m. What are we gaing ta da f*r the deaMtota aaetioo* of oar Aaaoaa tioaaT Bro. T. H. Sledge, Pre!. Tan aer, Rer. G. M. Duke. 12 ea. Dinaer. a p. m. Can aot meat of oar bhurahea bettor equip their Sunday sehoela Bro. Dock Pearee, Bar. W. U. Gil 1:48 p. m.. The tralntoc of'Sanda* school teacher*. Rer. If. fttampa, Ray. J. W. atodx*, I Allen. SutfPAY 9:90 a. m. Suaday eahool maaa aaaet iag. Ray. J. H. Harper. 11 a. m. Sermon. Bar. W. B. Morton. . Ua. Dtaw. 8 p. m. The enlarged opportunity mt our orphaaas*. Gaaaral diaeuaekoa lad by Be*. T. S. (Mil*. White Level I* a good church in good community and they erftt be die appointed If there I* aot a goad atten dance. Let ua eat a high standard for the Aaaoetation whieh will meat near by tha fallowing Tuesday week. 1A" i - L *U0H. 0. M. Son, > . Cemmittee. On Friday, September 6th, 111m Ar lington, tha supervisor, visited the sshool, speeding the day in tha elaas room* with ttuhtri and i-uyila. After school a nudfker of parent*, two waitiUMmen, t*a*h*r* and super Tiaor met In informal Maaion and dle caaaad achaol matters. Tha sehool la ruaaiag a school fat m to help with oxpsann, aa tha apacial tax is not safisien t tor the needs. There arc three *ad oae half teres saw ia iraad mdM>? Tha prisnfls from tMM. Tha rrerk of thia farm 1* dooa hy tha man and shOdrsn. Tha saroBknect of tha aehaai thia year la 100 par a* at battae than laat year at thia date. Tha toe?, in at Maa tails for increased aaatb it Asaoctetfan trasruij U*. fti ? i>w af tha l?n a party, served rallraal rssHisd $16.00. That Was tha laaat thay had ever dona, bat nethtag thay Ml doaoever aaaa at a sso*e . opyogt MM. My* dosha will to |ai^?iJ U?rt?o" HM ftaOra Atford imitlat It at MerMlth Ol lage aad p. T. Msssay at Sorara High School. Thia yea* P. H. Maasey aad D. C. Feere* go to Ban H%h Sshool. Com. T? Carregpondants. Wa ara always glad to losotve letters for publication from ail parts of tha county; but we most insist .that tha onaa witting these lettsra most aneloaa their proper name with tha items. Wittiin tha past few weeks wa have had to .throw away a number of these letters, right many of whiah ware vary good iteaaa, for the sols reason that no name waa enclosed with them. Eveo thia week we have pat aside some good its ma, and we boilers we know tha au thors, but no na&e waa enclosed and therefore they could not be published We want your letters, bat these rules must be complied with. Died. Ceo. Farrant, who waa married to Mias Mollie Dednam, December 18M, died suddenly J una IB, 1812. A wife aad three children mourn the death of a derated and loving father and hus band. . The assy friends of Mrs. K arrant will learn af the death of her husband with mach ngnt Mrs. Farrant ia a resident of Medtaoavilie, Ky., but was a native of Franklin county. leturms to Loolaborg Mr. D. T. Williams, who has been at | Apex for the past two years has i tnrnsd t? Loaiabarg aad has taken a poeitioa with tha Riverside Warehouse. Mr. Williams la a sapahle yoang man and has a seore of Mnds In Louisbnrg who are glad to welsoaae him baa He informs us that Mrs. Williams will arrive ia a few day*, and they will make | "old Loulsburg" their fatnre heme. Birthday Fart#. The ladlss of the Metkodist church win givs a birthday party on tha lawn ef the church on next Tuesday night They will serrs an elegant supper free ef charge aad invito everybody to come The proceeds derived from the even ings entertainment will be for a worthy canto. Let everybody go out and help the ladies. County HhUd^ The regular mee*<d tha Fanners ! Union ef Frankltntlphaty will be held in the court house m Loalsbnrg, N. C., j an Thursday' October 3rd, 1812? It be ing the first Thursday in said maath. All loeals are requested to ssad dele deatea. T. H. Slbuob, Ses'y. lttW^nlt . Ws sss issuing tha TiMM thia week Under difllsaMiee aa due ef ear priaters has besa sick sinee Koaday, Therefore If there is ahy short coming ws will ask you to be generous enough to overlook aaaae as ths editor (aa had to ast sdltor solicitor, painter, prsssmaa and deyil, aad has probably Sfons from eae to the other so saddea that no doubt there wrtl be eowt^lag left undone. Open far Iimtia The L. E. Stofffin Drag Co., Louis busg's asw drug store has epeaed its doors to the publie aad is new ready foe thsir share ef the dsag trads ef Louishurg and Frank 1 ia oonaty. , They have put ia plaee nearly all their tx tarss and havjs a dial store that 1a one] of the pretttsa* la the utate. The ets will bs ia charge a< Mr, V. B. Seoggia aad Mr. W. C. High. A took at their sdrsrtioomeat will (toll yea more of what tfcsy oxpest to 4o. ' ^IWvft Ji r . THE JMOVING PEOPLE their movements in and OUT OF TOWN .Those Who Have Visited Louls burgr the Past Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or PtMsnre. ? Mr. W. C. Redaboah U on a yisit to Blshwsad. Dr. B. 6. Onan Md *lb at Maaroe, are vtaitiag kke peopl* kera. Mrs. J. R. B?an la risltinc her peo ple at Spring Bop* this wsak. Mr. N. 8. Toaliaaon. of Gnaw, vis ited Mr. B. 8. Tito, tka peat w**k. Mr. aad Km. B. L. Bernhardt, of Sallsbary, in visiting bar pwplt km Mr. Jooeph J. B ink Ml laM WMk ta safer the Onivarslty at Chapel BM. Mr. Mtl P. SmHkvtek, at Atlanta a*., rWM hit pwfl* hart tha (dl wesh. y Tnt B. I. MgwaU wtU l?rt tkia w??k for Uatrsraity, Cm 9mm- -yr : i* Mr. aad Mas. B. H Sim and little e*a, retaraad tka past week tram a ?tott to kia vaayl*. Mr. T. a. Boddia, of /oka's Status, wko kaa kaaa visiting Ma peapla kera, returned boma tka paat traak. Prof. J. B. HabkaU, Profaeeor at En glish at Waka Foreat College, visitsd Prof. B I. Newell tka past week, Mr. D. T. Keller left Wednesday for Riehmond to take hii i yughtar, Mary Suean, to a hospital flr treatment. Methodist Church. Bar, R. W. Bailey pastor, will preach at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:30 a. m., F. B. McKinne, Su perintendent. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 7 M. AU paraoaa cordially invited to aaak of these s?r vioee. The Farmers Warehease Wark kaa bogtm aa the enlargement at tha Farmers Warehouse next to tka depot an Mala street. It will be bollt twa stariee of brick aad pat la food shayp for storfeg aottea and other predaeta in tka fall aad aappUaa for tka forasara In the spang. Tka work ia nader the sapar Tisian of Mr. H. A. Mattkaws, who In forms it wiD be poahad rapidly ta aom pletion. _ Pepo'a I teats I Mr. R. L. Canyon ia spending tkia week in Tampa, Fla. Several of our yeuatr people pieaiaad Saturday at Mr. C. F. Holmaa and all had a fin* time. Miss Irene Pergarsoa spent last waak with Miaa Lillian Bledsoe, of Triaity. Misses Zalma and Corriaaa Bolsaaa spent Saturday with their coos in, Miaa Ethel Holmes Bear Flat Rock. Miss Sarah Coayers called ta saa friends nsar Yoaagsvills Sanday. The farmers aro yery boay picking cotton aad wa tkiak will gat throng* la tkls month aad tha arap will bo oao of the shortest in am recollection. Miss Mary Parka, of Mitahiners, is visiting Miss Emma Perry tills weak. Mr. H. O. Holmes speat last waak a ear Triaity wlth-friends. , G. H. P. Ca stalls Items. The s?r**tT-ainth annual aeaalon at the Tar Rtwee Baptist Association will conren* at Bad Bod for three days ? October 8th, Mh and lOtk, These oc casions are looked forward to with much interest, and brings ministers of note and talaat as wall aa ehareh rap reeentatlvee from saany eoaafiae. This chnrch ia one of the oldest ia the asso ciation, having been a place of worship for oror a hundred years. Prof. A. A. Williams and his moat efficient facnlty, Miasea Carrie MeCau ley, Sallia Lanier, of Bnneoasbe couaty, and Retina Doll, of Spottswood, Vs., have begun the fall term of Castalia High School uuder flattering coaditiona and fine wark ia being doaa. Soma days sea this writer was la Louis burg aad was glad to see thrift i and improvement on all sides notwith standing tha poor craps la tha county. Tour neero bants aad hustling baslnaaa men hare the progressiva spirit aad know haw ta make a town mora. Tka [Taauaatai bqjal ia aa ideal seating plaee a always filled with jrueste aad tka stranger I* trot mad* ta feel at home b? cause of Ita appetiiiag man a. All la all Fmaklia haa aa Saa elUseeahlp of lataUigsat ssaa aad women a* can be found anywkere, and her Increaabg mileage of good road making places bar among the foromcet in tha State (or magnificent hirhwayi. Mr. 6. A. Jones, a prominent citizen and plantar of Cedar Rock, and Mr. Williams left for Hot Bpriags, Ark., laat Mondav, where they go for rheu matic treatment. Mr. W. B. Coppedge, of Cedar Bock, la nearlng the completion of hie pretty home which wu burned aome time ago Mi. 'a Mary Whltaker, of this county, whe is teaching moaic at the Oxford Seminary, has gone to again resume her duties. She waa ore mpanlsri by her aistsr, Kiss ?race, who eaters as a pu pil in this popular Institute, ' Ber. Mr. Duke, assisted by Bey. W. O. Boeser, who held a meeting last week at Cedar Bock, and as a result near twenty-ire weee baptized Saaday Senator Simmons is growing stronger day by day and our knowiag oaes say Gaatnlta is the banner township la this county, His flae stand for Federal aid for good reads is the leadlag star that wilt again retarn him to ths Senate. Mr. -tad Mrs. 8. I. Bsitholrmtsw arc off baying their faU mbtoety. They will opcm next week with Mj? Annie Tickle as milliner, who haa been here for the past sereral year*. Pajujf Tom. Cadmx H Mk lie ma Ma. Edttob? Yoa incited me to come again so here I am. We are very dry dowa here bat are in be pea of seme rain. The farmers are very busy hous ing cotton aad fodder. The corn has not matured very well owning to the dreuth and the fodder is badly burnt up and setten is opening very fast. In a short while there will not be aay more to open. Our cotton crop is short aad not at all matuied, yet we hope the Lord will bless us to live asxt year any way. The revival at ear church last-week was a decided sue sees, a great deal of interact waa shown almost from the very first night. Quite a a am ber aaade profeeaiaoa, tweaty nine of which united with the church aad twenty five were baptised Sunday afternoon. Great crowds attended every meeting aad at night the hocae could not held the peo ple. On Wednesday night there was possibly as many as fifty or more bad to stay out of doors becaaae there was not even standing room inside. Miss Soathall. of near Hilliardeton, is on a viait to Miss LlUa Joaes. Miss Kageaia Braawell, of Castalla, spent laat week with Miss Lilla Joass, Miss Swanson, of Nash county, is visiting Mine Moxell Smith. Mr. Tanner, of Northampton county the principal of our aebool, came in last week aad on Monday began the duties ef the school. Miss Minnie Heal as primary teacher, also entered open her duties. Miss Jennie Lena, inter mediate teacher will net begin yet as all the pupils will not begin just st present, fcr the cotton must be picked before soms of the boys and girls saa begia. Mrs. T. H. Sledge te ths mnsis teacher. We hope for the best scbool la the history of fhe academy this year as we aow have special tax for an eight aaonths school and hope foaee day to have a state high school. Mr. D. L Stalling! accompeaied by bit sister. Miss Myrtls, want over to Momeyer.Nasb county, last Friday. He retarn sd Sanday night and left Miss Myrtle ever there on a visit te frisnds. Miss Lena Stall lags has returned from a viait to frisnds in Northampton soaaty. Miss Molly Tally spent lasf week oa the rock. Miss Nellie Parrish bus been vislttag her ooesfcis, Missel Voais aad Battie Parnsh. ~ Seats of ear people are still sick amoag whom are Mr. H peace Boone, Mre. W. A. Pmwiah, |Mr. T. W. Stokes^ little ton and Mr. J. T. Inseoe's baby. IxTMBSTIMG. Mfleotlana of a Baehelor. A woman knows tbs baby has a bril liant future by how he takes such a good photograph. A man can gat a grievance against his wife for forgetting that he forgot te wind the clock. Farmers raise steps Is feed the na tion, and boyt to jo te town aad do the nation's work for It. The reason a girl bdistss in lore at first sight is ska could believe in it just as easily at forty -secsod sight. Ths most sncesasfnl teller ef some body else's joke* always haa * largo laugh e( Ma etni to start the aheros. ?ocse mca aeyer get a gait oa them aatil thay sec a bill eellactar oomlng.

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