? V- ? v. SUBSCHlrtlON St.OO PER YEAH ' ")f i , . , f NUMBBR 82 *? F. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGER VOL. XLII. , LOOlSBURQ, N. C, fRIDAY September 87 1918 THE LOWSBURC MARKET CROWING I* - WHTOLAV** WITH THB FARMttS . " , v Tobacco tka '*?' W?ek ????? to k On u ttr ??* Still Climbing It la always pleMtof So "P"* * "goed thin*' ' that'* why *??*??? inxlou for all to too* ?* bur* tcbaooe ?atket an* wha*"? doing for the tobacco f^?er?. ItJ. price, are the hlgboat ? V** ie?n" around the ?'*?" the aales. Such u thi* do#* ivot.top her. It continuee after th? ?*1** *** over. A gentlamaa ?" ? the. efflce Wedaeeday aS?r eollra* hi* tebaaoa, and roughly eetiWted .hie *tYI*5 ^ -which for nearly 400 P**?* J1* received an average of about ?cent*. Many have mad* atfll hither average? and there la aUll room for ether* to re ceive tie same bleeeing*. Our ware housemen are jubilant aod fun With the fact that Uoatoburg to aettiag the pae* (or other market*. Although there hai been rain and comparatively no sale* were had ?n Tuesday the local market haa aolda lot of the weed the fart week. *Hdar there waa about 50,00* posted-. Satur day about 17,000 an* Wi laiiiliy abesst 29.004. The warehooaee were flUed up again yesterday. Tbe f annate eeem to he aeiling u faat aa they can get it ready for market. The price, are eafaefymg all eeliere beyond their expectation*. Lontaburg haa a epUodld *et of *?? srsrtfsassi-J*? -a profit with tainly find aa good aeeoewi*tie* M tobaeeo. wWa ??? ? tend. Oa lut Friday ?emiag the clUaeaa at LoaUborgama Made ****** ** announcement ? made that Mn, eaaMBift ftsg tineuished t*wnafcen. Mee*ra W. H, n r J 11. Lo?*'? *Weat citizens end had enjoyed a moat ?? . . The ina?gu???? of the Primary Sy? trail, th. Nation V intended to remedy, WhaMMfoaf t? be Avtu existing ? in- the political aire la* illy. 1 what tti It ha* tended to Indue* fraud, misrep resentation debauenfiry, and ha* made anemia* ef those who war* friend#, causing the best of frUad* t* abuse **?h oth*r qnd oftentimes nusiag Ufa long enemies. A* aa example, consid er the National Primary botweea Taft andRceeovelt. Thi. was a National dis grace. South Carolina ha* juet pa***d through a bltte* *aat*st, and th* Dam. oodatlc p*rty Is that State la ton aaun r. A rlasos at ?ome eountiee la oat 8 tat* which have th* Primary law, la saffloient to oonvinc* any one, the re aulta Intended by a Primary har* not bean aoeompUahad bat is many in ?taaa** hav* bean a howling fare*. It toi remain Democratic. Batortaias . Mr?. G. L. Crowall entertained th* Bridge Club la th* parlors of the LouiS ourg Betel on Wednesday afteraoau. Quite alarg? number wan proa eat and aa enjoyable awing was apeak. . A Dlckeas Items. Th* farm*n are quite boar gathering their little crepe now, and maay -are (lad to *ae such nice rain* as we are having the past week ar two . >*UBI| ?f the much dry weather there baa bean but little grain sowed yet. Sema war* afraid to buy their cloyar am Aa ? general rale the Sunday Schools oat is the country get dad and eama to a aloe* along in th* anmaaar about the Una the country people begin to fehClMft ke*e?iag. But glad to say we ?re having a good sabool yet. Ulaa Annie Colllag speat aome time with bar *pol*. Us, fjMry Collins, at SaadyOitfik. !?*:?** Miaa Anal* h-Jlfi *??*? FteatoqtognAeMt W#t*> ?f ib. Midway toattotttf*. wmm the pleasant aatoto ?1h*"ftto* ? T It W. Wood oa last WtanUyaad luaday . ?r. RanUollIro went to _ oaabtoina*?H?1artW?afe. . ,, lira. Ottfta Brewer sad lAUe daaghter, MamM,: left laat Tb fair Naoh ooenty, where they-wfll ?pe*d soaae time with rahtivae aixi Irteada. jfr. Charlie CoHlaa atti wife >o*M last Tharaday evening at the hame of hi* fathers. Bid W. H. Collins. ;? Joha. W. Wood to at the haepitol la Henderson agaia thia reek and he hope* It will be hl? last trip. Be speak* highly of the hirxtoees of the people at the haepitol. Mr. Dick Williams will aooo complete hie Jeb ef work e* the too new dwelling of Mr. A. D. Barphr, oa north poad street. The peopleef this vieiattyare lookiag f em aid for a big time and are quite f-busy fl ring for the Daloo raeetlag that Is to meet with the Pree Will Baptist church at 8t Delight ea next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A loo the Mlasieo ory Baptist at White Level en next Saturday and>8unday. It la generally known that the two denomination* work together ia thia oomm unity and they are trying to entertain both thia time as they both hare boon eent in our mldet. So we welcome one aad all to ouoao aad be with ?a.fc:) Qoed wiahaa to th* readers and beet regard*' to the good oM tiSM. UA?UI. "City Fathers" Kiet Thar* waa a called meeting of the Board of Town Commie* toner* la th* Mayor* office on Holiday afternoon far the pnrpoee of determining whether the town ehoald take the re*pe*Mtblli*y ef turning on the light after they had bean fixed by the representative ef the Western Bleetrie Co. It was decided that responsibility re* tod with the 001 pany and waa so ordered The ss*ond I representative arrived that entnlag aad | pot the plant to nmalng. The resignation of Capt. J comer as a I member of the Board waa bdoded la | bat no action waa teken-oa ask l -Several other* matter* of g|laor im portance were transacted aad the board | adjourned. ? -? ' ? I PabU* KramlaaUoti i The last publis examination tor teaeh era will be bald at Loutoharg oa Than- ] day, Oct. 10th. R. B. Warn, Co. Bupt. uncle Sam ? "Honettly, What Are You Running for, the PreeJ denoy or fer Rwenoe?" ? ' ? Trom the Hew T oik Herald. About tk? Contest. ? Below we FebUeh aaether letter from Mr. J. H. Hollo way with rtbrtue to th? Senatorial OHtnl the Weetern portion at tha State. Tk? totter (allow*: CBi^orT*^?- C-j. ?ep*. as, wit Tn Funia Ttioa, , . . Z v r i . t. TjMMMUK,'- *?? C.- , r. The Senatorial aitaatto* to thia narnm zitts&s&zzsi ffeefc'takarz than the Coroner will kaya latajtw* oeontiee la State > Th* witter baa talk ad with a Dintor af ferm.r. in thia aao tlon the past WMk and ao (*( to aleot ad with Republican rote* bat tha Sena tor tfilenda aa th* Committee oallad hia "Blaff" aa qaiok If ~au?e hi* head ewim. Tha Uaranor wtH tad aa elea Moa day that then( at Dem ocrats in Narth CantUaa te "cook Ma geeee" without aay aid tpn BepabH eaaa. Senator tthamaaa hat ret hit float and ae ameaal af mlirapreeeatation or eeuiac will sat him keek. Deri* eeaatY to almaet aelidfor Sim aaeaa aad the Goyeraor aad hla iaaem peteat maaacer McNiaah ara making tha Mffleet diaplay af pure aaadultored "Gall" whea they intern the people af the Beat af their Woodtrfui atrenrtb ia thla nark of tha wooik. Wall inform ed people areoad hare, ridicule hto ?laima, a (treat many people here be lieye the Governor it fftttiag ready to break with the Democratto party aad joia tha Ball lfoeeers. They point to hto aaheard af arithlem of the State Democratto Convention, becaaaa, it re fused to do the bidding of Brother Ctoada aad himaelfaapreedef hto mtea ttoa to bail Tha writer daea aat think he will 4a that aa the Dtmoeratio Party, ef the nattaB, ndar the ahto toadmhip, af ite great leader, Woodro w WUaOa will baqr the "Bult-Kooae" ao 4t?p ea the tit th day of NoTtmber that he Will tot h? from arfmtn. , I {? . ?>' v.' ? ? ?-?' l' .. it the lln cpunty Clown log ia an art a< Itaelf, Ml* beet clowns are born, Mt aaade. The fan department mf the Doitnie A Wheeler's eombiqed shows U ftaltjr ay t? the etud artf of its otter departmental iafaet, many peepla will testify to the stats Bent that the elewna with tola show are warth the priee of admission, their work appreciated, aa the preaaat stren oas Ufa of meet people eauua than t? to reliaba W|le jieraeeaeeaae now and then. BrarftMac in all departanante of the Downia A WtaeaUr airaaa this year ia pualtl'aty ?to.'whwttt and itto of uiOTtne aoveltiea freta ayery where aa the faaa of ft* >I?ba. feissiai Hie meet wonderful, divereifled, aad pleas ing show th^wdrid haa avar aaaa. Th* hit show will exhibit ia Leniibarg, Moaday, teptombar SO, and directed by a large comber ol suc cessful farmer* aad bualneaa man well diatriboted throughout the county Thar* ia more than a hall million dol lars wealth behind thia bank, the. direc tor* are able aad eompetant. the officers e among the beat businees man in the county, *nd mar condition point* to the Farmer* Katienal feaak growing rapidly and being a mighty power for the good of the eoanty and the farmer in particalar. We caraot toe atorigly commead this strong and growing bank to the people of the eeanty, and eon r rata late the farmer* on orgaialclag a bank of thai* own, eae so staongly or ganlaed, and so efficiently officered. The bank ia folly eqaipped to undertake aay Une of baaldng aad ia ready to serve the public. The farmers have an op portunity to deatoastrato what they can accomplish by ee*peratiea among themselves, and we look forward with pleasure to the resultant benefits. Fall Op?Bl?C. The fall and winter display at Candlar Crowell Co's. on last Monday aad Tuae. I day excelled anything of It* kind they have yet had. In the selectman of their ?took of ladies dree* good*, trimming*, etc., they showed their ability to flad what the people of this aoomunity wants. Many visitors crowded in and out both day* in spite of the wet Weath er and the management iafortna ua that they were aspeeially well pleased at the receptioa their efforts had received. Their millinery department waa a thing of beauty having mray of the different shaped hats beautifully trimmed ar ranged fa) e moat pUeriag manner aad intermingled with trimming* golon all | e* which made a delightful Mate fe r the many ladle* who were especially ia tereetad In this department. ? ThBiWI etetitte'lb pat forth every effort t? keap wMktU ladies want aad invito yea to ketp dp wHto the# adver tisement foerds?'to keep better ppat ?d. * u ?*? I(mh Ma. Theteur Downia aad sea, of SpHfg Hep*, epate Banday with Mr. *ve* hasted -while plowing. - 4 lltr. Macon House and wife apent Sunday with Mr. and Mr* T. B. ' Miaeec Lno no, Is ' the ' rust this week of lln- Giljnore. Miaa Mary T. King la yisitlag friends and relatives la Warren ten this weak. Miaa Dena Seckinger, of Glcnville, ?*.; la visiting bar cousin, Mrs. W. M. Gibnore. ?. ? i " ? 1 Miaa Fannte Cooke, of Atlaata, Ra., | ia vinitiag at the homo af Mr. J. S. Williams. Messrs. J. R. Collie aad J. A. Ttjrn | er went over to Raleijrh to attend the Executive Committee meeting. Mr. 3. }. Htckey, of Richmond, rep resenting the Imperial Tobacao Co., waa on the local market bar* Friday. Mr. F. Graham Williams, of Atlanta i Ga., aad Mr. Mark Willlama, ef Rocky Mount, aie vlaiting Mr. J. S. Williams. Chief of Pol lee J. C. Tucket and fam ily retained home Friday from a visit to friend* aad relatives ia Ralebrh. Mr. F. W. Wheleea left Saaday fei the Bortbem Markota to purchase his fall and winter a lock at gooda, Han. Robert N. Pare, Congressman from the Seventh district, waa a visitor 1 to his sister, Mrs. T. B. Wilder the past weak. Meaare, Jt L. Bfcorton. V. C. Will i iaaae, A. O. Sogers, J. X. Williama and <*. B. Cooper went to SaAlo Li this Bpriaga Saaday via aatomeblle. Miapss J. R. Collie, P. P. Griffin, B. T. Baitey sad Charlie CMi, viewed OatksviDe, V?, Saaday via aatomo bile. , * ' ' f Mra. A- U. B*U And daogW*. *?? es Cits si and Lyaa, aad Mi%. Jfclla Seett, retaiaid tba pitl weak fae? tba ?farther* Markets. wbare tfcey paaeh** ed the Salt stosk for fed Racket. '7 Mr; R. B. Beailay and aba, Clande, af >aar Wak afield, vis i ton to Leatabarg last Satarday. They broagbt ? hfc lot ef tobaoce aad were eapeelslly well plaaaed with tba raeait. Mi. Beaslay, whe la as export judge af (fee weed, says that tb? Looisbnrg aodskat Is the plaas to sell tebaeeo da it la easily in tba lead of any market ia this section. His ssaay friends bare were glad te see k^i-1" .4- ... Tria# Fsr Manse laminar. Mr ? iaa King, colored, wbe had been apprehended for a namber ef weeks as being connected with the baraiag of McElnae's stablea near fear bridges in the spring was caaght a few days asro by Constable R. W. Hudson aad waa tried before Sqaire J. L. Palmer on laet Saturday Tba evideaee seemed to be pretty good aad resulted in his being bound over te Court andev a $000 justi fied bead. Not sriving the bond he waa again committed to jalL la a ahert while after the papara had been tarnad over to Cenatable Hudson he took an aataraobile aad gat ia tba ahaaa latohtag tba negro about two milee from Btaobope the aaaao ovening. V.B.^ The regular mooting of the Jos. J Dayia Chapter will be held at the Ma some HaU Oat. lad, five o'eloek, p. m. w or US*\f' P- W Pres. Mas. W. E. llmri. Soe'y. Leulsbarg Baptist Chureh. trill conduct poblle wor sbia Sundayit ll n. m. and7:30 p. m. Sunday aehool at S-SO a. m. Sgss hJ352 P??'i?e ThS enrol