A. F. JOHNSON, EDITOR A1 SUBSCRIPTION St. 00 PER YEAR VOL. XLII lURO. N. C.. FRIDAY OCTOB NUMBER 84 BIG TOBACCO SALES ll at bote warehouses the| PAjrt WEEK. Change la Sale Days From Sat- 1 urday till Monday ?Bl? Aver ages and laay Vlaitora. Friday gin to Lotusbarg one of tfa* largest tobacco sale* oyer had bora la sometime. The balk ?u to large that a block sale waa the result and the finish ?ever came natll Satardaj. This looks good. It speaks more for the market than anything else. The fact that ter mers have Mad the laarket and foand it ao specially -well Bttod to give to them the. highest prices that' they should blook the . sales is evidence of the taithfuiaeec at ear ever alert wa*a hoasemea. The prieec have been es pecially satieteetsry tr all coscened the past vtekW the (anun seem to be briagtoc la the go idea wapd 2. He steads fer tari* reyisiea downward la tee late rest 'ef lower prises aad the eliaaiaatie* ef aseaopoly. 3. He staads tof treat levielatiea which will previa* eoatrel ef prieea through say sect o< tosaipely. >. He steaAt'fer the lasnms tax aad belieyes thai wealth shoald ahare the eminent. . r 9. He stead* fa* the rights of later and the protecti^h ef the > aaaa who earns ha bread by the sweat ef his brow, as shewa ia Us isgft a as dever ne> of New ZegAffs ' -UVjV ; 6. He staads f er th^tevfv*! ef oer | in?Kha?t marine, end f?r the gov era meat eac.saagemaad d< sgtoealtarc, to- 1 dostnal aad vaeeltocal >dte*>la> T. He traato the people s?d behevee | that the go i st ate abeeld isssit, that Wsastow ehoaid be ahcsM b y the | people. 8. He iaithfaUr perferass to the promieea asfc eM of odtee. 9. He will 'XiiLHA* HOUSM" at Washlagtea aa he has "CUIANSD HOUSB" la HeW-feraey. 10. He preaaaaa aad praetieee eleaa j politics, aad prtlHese it effectively. He unalterably eppeeee machiae pott- J 11. He stoads (er legitiseats MfBift ] iness eyery day, bat fer meaepoly art ' 12. As Beaater LeFollette says, "He; approaches every preblem ! with the solemn premise to be really, in tee highest sease, a serrant ef tee peo p>?-" ? v; . Cold weather is eemiag and so is smallpox, some germs are soaMwbere is waiting fer cold weather and they are liable to attook any ena. Mow why should yea' waller it to g.et oato yea or yonts to disflgM them fOr fsa or kill t bom wbsa yea ' have a simple sad harm leas rsmsdy that will make yea or years reateto, or lather to preveat cstchiag it. They say ia bigh ateditel circles that it is a refieetioa oa oae'sin telleet to ge aaveeeinatod. Jast thine yea will oaly have a little scab on your arm, yoa wiU take nhsnosc to have them all ever yoar face aad body. The Intel ligeat world say vaccinate. /' Citizens Whe Are Not Citizens. Only about thirty per oeat of the Democratic yote of the State, it is eeti mated, waa - polled -at the primaries Tuesday, white bat- some twenty per cent of Republican strength was lepmWed. ' - ' ? , ,1 ' . 'aj a ii i i I i h UHW ? '?! MjT W81? II IMV OTfU uBcOW. Mtea Bilaaua. the aew Tateetaacbar.ia WNMmi FnmIv Died at his aaaatry bsase near Piaak liatea. K. C. , on tk. night af July ?th, ma, Waa Prmtlay Meatgem ery, ia toe ?8th year af hie age. Me had hasm ia faiKag health aaeeral years, aad far aaarly a year death had seeaaad near. Laeiqghaarto aad wilting haade atfaittoredto his every waat, atftlbal over Ua alaaoet imperceptible deeltot, boo this* aad eottcatag every diSeaH day. Wtj ape eaa acyer be preperod fer the iaat eceae ia the geaat tragedy of life aad ?eath. His patient, bereaved trite knows that he reata wed, baring givee hit heart to fiod "aaade his calling and election sere." ' ' She eaa dad peace aad ceasolatiea ia $he certain hope that he baa passed over to. river to net aadar toe shade ef the tooee. When a bey, in his 'teens a ?Mast at Dr. Wiiaea's Academy at Msbans. N. C., early ia the asener ef 18*1, he ssaiancod all parpeee of com pleting a litoaary eeurse, calls ted for duty uaMl the closing aeewe at Appo mattox. . Ma eras a member of Co. 1. Ccpt. W. H. Cheek, tot Bag. N. C. Cavalry, CqLamanded by Geo. Rebt Raaaoss. He saw aotbro eervlce with Stuart in alt hit ' valley cam paigns and in moat ef the bloody, bat tles ef the army af northern Virginia. He retained' his enthasiasm fer Lee, Jackson, Stuart, aad sever changed , his views ia regard to Soatbarn colors and the glory of Southern chivalry. He waa, toe, a bright Maaao, loved the principles of that ancisMt order, aad an deavcred to conform hia life to them. He was mads a Royal Arch Mason in Henderson, N. C., Chapter 54, in Sept. 1904, and not long afterwards waa made a Knight Templar in the Henderson Commandery 15. Ha was laid te rest by his brother Masons, bsaids his loved ones in the old family burying ground' overlooking the home and Sonne of bis childhaod. Sleep on, beloved, sleep oa aad take thy reet Lay down thy head oa thy. Havior's breaatfc We loyad- thee well, hat Jaaus lores ?4{W !*'? w Goodnight. gWnigbt, goodnight! A. Fmbnd. TH? PEOf LFS. T8RN NOW1 . . ?J ^BTPhj In Jocnud, Portland, Or* Epwh Kaklmr Speeoh Bf Ion T. W. Blekett ? (Wlaston-Salam Joarnal, 8?pt. 87, 1913.) .-"We one net. to raise a battle cry bat to proclaim'* victory. We do Dot **ta>4 at Armageddon' bnt we bars thrown, down the walla and are now in Jericho." This waa the triumphant note that formed the happy prelade last night to one of the moat powerful and convincing exposition* of Democratie principles oyer heard in North Carolina. And it iittiagly expreseed the sentiment of the meet magnificent aasembv of Democrats been ia Forsyth eouaty since the stirring days of 190#. "J Tke wes4e were eaod by Mr. Hack Chatham, promiaeat business man and etaaneh Democrat, la . introdveiag At toraey Goaeral T. W. Blekett, the ora tor of the oecasioa, to whom Mr. Ola^ ham referred ea "the maa who baa beat iatorpsatad the boat theaght of all tW people of North Garoliaa. " j Tmmbmdods Cbowd "*232 WW* WlnktlbMiIlflt proeeesioa. participated ia by haadreds of stalwart Deaeerataof the eomssy, who. Mr. Blekett declnod, "raised a pillow of *re that wtll lead the Dsaaeeraey of Ferny th osmly to a (brieve victory.'' The words of Mr. Chatham wore inspir ed by the groat eeeesiaa, by oaeh e Tal ly af the Demeesatie boats aa le aot of ten Man; for the'erowd that csme to hear the Attorney General wcrald Kayo ftlled two ceart haasee. AJaoet Mttth* people had to be Mraed away. ' ? 'r ' . AlTMreca Miznc SrsKR. Bat l|iaee who paihid the Court Hsalljllri aa epoch making addrees, the effect of whieh will be felt thresh all this eoetioa of the State. For in the aadieaee ware people not only from the alty ead Forsyth, bat from the adjoin ing eenatiee also. Many farmers from Yadkin, Barry, Stekee, and other coun tios asarby were bees tor the big to baceo break yesterday, and some of them were seen to stand around the edges of the apditorum throughout Mm eatire ateh-eas, which consumed aboat two hoars. ? . ~ Tot* Wiinajfc Stbbch. Mr.Bickett was at his iiest.rad in bis tai ml table awaaer thrilled his bearers to frwyn't and continued applause while at other timee the crowds shook with laaghter at stories that Vsnce eoakl aot have teM mere effectively. It woe truly a red-latter Occasion for the Deasocraey of Faearth? anoceaaion that, sogers well for a sweeping victory for the county tieket. The speech was one that inspired coufidende in a Demo cratic breast, and if it did not make rotes for the party, s public speech is neeleas as a Votegntoh !>-:>*??_., Mr. Biokett devoted moat of his ad dress to a discussion of the records of the Democratic and Republiean parties in National affairs, showing the utter ridieulouanese of the protective tariff system end paying his respects to Col onel Rooeevelt as only Blekett could do. A BooH Wilsom, whose life, he said, is a reflation of the priacipliee of Democ* raey, a man who is democracy in the ,fl?eji. In the State he pointed to Locke Craig, "a nan with clean hands and W heart ?( pure gold." I hare just ofe*Jg$? the western counties, "bo I tell you the spirit of Vance W anas iq the mooatalna. Locke ?Oraig *m t>e elected by such a major ity as will saake the Republician vote Hook like an extern, sand hill by the side of 'Mt. Mitehell's lofty domv Ivory faction the earth, every sign In the heavean -points. to a Demoratic ric lory in theS??te and natioa. Truly the Go* of Discording teken ho M of '? ?U52i .. fmt i i i , (Continued Next Week ) _ MraHairfOpenlajgi Mn. Hall's mllliaery qftraia* W?3 needay night was quite a unique and brilliant affair. To have aa opening jkt night is out of the ordinary, and proved very successful ia getting together a throng of people to behold the latest fads and fashions. Registration Books. The registration books in Franklin county were opened on October 3rd and will remain open until October 26th. Only these who have become of age and those who have moved into the county or precinct are required to reg Istea) I| you are in this class, don't put once. . v.-fi . Far mere National. On our second page will be found a full page announcement of the Farmers National Bank. Many statements of interest will be found there and its of ficers need no commendation on our part as they have served you well and long. taahw.lhtll ml ii m I I and read what thfy have to say. Dettz Announcement. On another page will be found a half page announcement of Mr.Aaron Delta, In it will be found many things of in terest that will no doubt attract your attention. Be la a man of exceptional judgment tn purchasing a stock of goods and he informs us that be has overdone himself this time and. will have to rednos his stoek at osica. Read his advertisement We acknowledge ?soHpi Bt the fol lowing invttattaa: : S' .*;> ? The Boead of Directors, the Faculty, andttka State Mwatsed vite you to b? present *t the unveiling of tbe Melrer Statu*, Greensboro, N. C., Saturday, October ttb, 11 a. m. The exercises will be held in tbe Audl terium of the Students' Building. The programmsoJ the occasion is as follows: Fbidat, October 4, 9.30 p. u. Addtess ? F. W. Huckstuhl Sculptor, Designer-of Mclver Statue. _*S*AilU>AV, Octobbr 5, 11 A. M. ; Addsess? Hon. P. P. Claxton, U. S. Commissioner of Education. ? Pesentation of Statute? Hon. J. Y. Joyner, State Supt. o! Public Instruc tion. Aeceptanceof Statue? Julius I. Foust, LL. D., Presidant of the College. Unveiling of Statue. Senator Simmons In LoulsbuiY Senator F. 11. Simmons will speak in Louisburg on Tuesday the 16th day of October, it being. i Tuesday in 'convt week. Let all some oat and bear Sim discuss the Senatorial situation. . New Residence. Mr. Frank'. Thompson, of Raleigh, architect, and Mr. Allred, of Alhboro, builder, haya'togan work d? the ele gant nsw residence of Mr,; and Mrs. T. B. Wilder. uVw be rd. A. Kmend. ? Letters. Remaining in tile post office at Louis bo rtf. N.'C? uncalled for: W. H. Msoon, tfrnest Sim*' Morton, ffcnnie Nfcafe Jbacn fyqy. P, W. Perry, & W. SttfcfcMd, Mrs. William Stretch er, G. L. 8tephety.on, Mary TKft'rring ton, Johtrie Thomas, Annie Tomson, R. D. Williams, Mary Watson, Aller Wil der, Mia. Lucy Wiiltamr-{2,) Mrs. Joe Young, J. P. Exing. Robert Mitcheft* Mary B. Perry, Veltfes Taeee, L. WV Williams, Joseph A 1 ford, P. R. Allen, Luther Brodte, E. Z. Burnett^ Brooks & Tune, Brown Matheny, George Col lie, John K. Dunn, Mrs. Bettsyand Kgerton, Miss Beatrice Garrett, Willis Gollop, Robert Highly, Mrs. J, C. Har ris, Ben Huleby, Johnson & Price, Mrs. Lilian Keith, W. J. Mills, Blonna Mar shall. ? Persons calling lor the above letters wilj please say they saw them advertis -edi ? ? ? - M. W. Varbobouoit, P. M. Bow many of those who are stsug gttng wtth tbe -High ObM of UsW Mm there Is to be any pdM fe flke Republican party, whMi tsierii ft about, remains la ptwisr* The Bull Moose ran thln^ vrttfc big stick at Washington tor ??ii? ao a half year* and ffltftil by aet'or word THE MOVING PEOPLE THEIB MOVEMENTS IN AMD OOT OF TOWN - Those Who Have Visited Louis burg the Past Week?those Who Have Gone ElatNQlfr4 For Basluess or Pleasure. Mr. J. R. Collie want to Raleigh Wedneeday night. Dr. E. II. Perry paid Spring Hope a buainese visit Tuead&y. Miie Bath Adams, of Four Oaks, ia the gaeat of Mrs. Prank MeKinne. Misa Mary Pace, of Aberdeen, ia vis iting her aia tar, Mrs. T. B. Wilder. -Mr. J. W. Mann, of. Nashville, waa a visitor to Louis burg the paat weak. Mrs. L. L. Jaguar ia visiting her brother. Mr. W. T. Clifton, at Waaa, Texas. Miss Lucy Oop podge, of Greens bere, ia visiting at the home of Dr. H. A. Newell. Miaa Annie Ureen left yesterday for a several weeks visit to Monroe and Charlotte. Miaa Alba Allen has returned to Con vene College, Spartanburg, S. C., to pursue her atudies. Miss Viola McNeill, who has bean visiting Mrs. W. M. Gilmore, has re turned to ber borne in Donn. Mr. W. Wheleaa returned the paat week ttbaL' trip to the northern mar kets ^e be purchased his fall stock ? *v|lr. H. G. Perry left Monday for Bal timore to again resume his medical studiea at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Mrs. George Newell is visiting Dr. and Mrs. OUie Newell, of Kenanaville, in whoee home the atork recently left a beautiful little girl. Dr. W. C. Person, a prominent phy sician, of Orlanda, Fla., has returned to his home after a short visit to his sis ter, Mrs. C. M. Cooke. Mrs.' C. C. Rimes and son, Earl, and Mm. J. W. Davenport and little child ren, of Rooky Mount, visited the edi. tors family the past week. - | Mr. J. Howard Person, of the 3. A L. Ry., who has been taking his vacation, returned home the past jr aA from Eastern Carolina and the Iforthem Mr. Aaron Deitx, who hv been on tije northern markets pure baaing the fall and winter sto?k of. goqdp' for bis' firm here,. returned UMagan Week and informs us be ha* piia^isi Katrine of the largest and beat ataMK ha baa ever brought to.L ?oieb?rg. Read bis adver tisement ia another column for farther ' information. ? 4 FARMER SETS LESS, BUT? ttyp.^tae *o Pay More for What Ha >