FRANKLIN TIMES 4. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager om tub, . M.Ott BIX MONTHS, ?? ? ? **6 THRKK MONTI1B. ? - . -Vi. Friday. October 11 1912 Statement of the Ownerihlp, Management, Circulation Ete. of tl, Ci Known bondholder!, moitgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds mortgages, or other securities: R. B. White. (Juardiap, Louisburg, N. C. A. V. Johnson, "Sworn to and iubscribed before me this 30th day of September 1912. ? Kobebt G. AllhS\ : Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 20, 1913. Cedar Roek Items. The Baraca class of Cedar Rock has I greatly improved since the year of J 1911. On the sixth of October we had I election of new officers, as follows: J.' ?T. Inscoe, President, E. S. Fulghum. Vice president L. T. ' Bartholomew, Secretary, W. R. Dean, Treasurer, J. R. Earle Jr. Class reporter. Prof. M. I T. T. Taunt?!, TbmIiw, T. n. Sledge.) Asst. teacher. They met again at 7:30 p. m. to or ganize a Baptist Mission Society, to draw the young into active christian service. The class of 1912 wish to -show their appreciation to theii past teacher, - Mr. T. H. Sledge, by better work in the future. X OPINIONS OF WM. J. BRYAN AS TO SENATORIAL CANDIDATE?. What Bryan Thinks of Waltrb Clarke. ?'The name ot Chiefr Justice Walter! Clark is brought fey ward by' Mr. Bryan in an editorial in the Commoner as | available (or the Presidency" said Hon. Thos. J. Pence in the summer of 1911, and continues: "Mr. Bryan gives a list ot those he deems fitted for the honor, and Judge Clark is Dreminent in ' the list " It will also be recalled that Hon. William Jennings Bryan strongly endorsed Judge Clark for the Presiden cy of the United states in 1904, What But am Thinks or F. M. Simmons "The Commoner does not take part in contests between Democrats except ing where a principle is involved. Io North Carolina Whbrb Senator Sim mons is a candidate for re-election a principle IS involved. He (F. M. Sim mons) IS NOT A PKOORES8IVX AND IT IS A MYSTERY TO THE OITSIDB WORLD WHY A STATE LIKE NOBTIl CAROLINA HAS TOLERATED HIM so LONG."? W. J. Bryan, Aug. SO, 1912 Senator Smith of New Jersey was shorn of his power by the voters, in which Woodrow Wilson took a hard, bv reason of his non-progressive ideas. What Bryan Thinks of W. W. ? RHWWH A Five Dollar Bill To The First Man who discovers anything Mr. Bryan has said in favor of Kitchin. HOW WOULD BRYAN VOTE FOR SENATOR? (ADVERTISEMENT.) ? Paint Put-On Think of paint put-oa and not by the gallon. A gallon of paxit iu the can is of no account to Anybody. Put it ort. Now reckon its cost and value. The secret is; one paint goes twice as far as a bad one, You have a ?ob, sav an average job It'll take 10 gallon Devoe and 12 or 15 or 18 or 20 of middling poor very poor. and trash. You know painters wages in your town. Put the price of a gallon of paint and the painters days wage together. l'ou can, we can't. Devoe costs less tiian any inferior paint; there are hundreds of them. ? One paint is as good as another, *o long as it last good; one lasts months and another years; and the one that goes furthest lasts longest. DEVOE. McKinne Bros. Co. sells it. not1^~ofsummon? North Carolina ) In the Superior Franklin County J Court Rosclla Tant 'vs. . *> Arthur Tant , The defendant above named will take notice that an actios entitled as above has been commenced ia thebuperior Court of Franklin county br i tiff to secure a divorce from or matrimony, aad the said will farther take notice that uperior court of held on the sixth Monday first Meaday In March ] court house of said county, _ or demur to the complaint la or the plaintifl will apply to for relief demanded la said Thie the 8th day of Oetobwufj^0*" jTT: Barrow, C> ?. C. I ? > ?? f 1 Notice I heriby announce myself a candidate for theofflea of constable foi Hayeavile township and if elected will serve to the beat of my ability. Hopin* all of you -mav see tit to support nse on NoveMOer Stb, 1912. ?t- 6. H. LAJW8TM. SPIRES Chickens and Eggs I want to bay all your ea* Kuioeas. duucks aad am*, sweet pota toes, f raits and all eoantrv produce. I also bur old iroa, copper, rise aad bfsss, furs an4 b^JWhx. 1 pay 9 eents fqr cow hides, J pay th<* highest mar ket ^rics (or ?U a hove, I. SPIRE White "C" the smokeless oil at t, P. Hicks. Meet Me at the Bargain Stpre and lets-take a look at the new line of the celebrated "Brand" shoes jimt in. They are made in all the latest atylss and de aigna sad are being sold cheap. You will also find there a beaatifsl line o( ladies ready to wear garments, kisonsx, etc., and gentlemen'* furnish ings. A full line of sample goods in season. THE BflHGfUU STOflE JOSEPH N. KAMEY, Propria LOtnsfiHiQ, N. c. PAWNBROKERS GOODS v In this line we have a lots of good clothing, magical instruments, watches, etc., at most reasonable prices. ? . I hd also well prepaied to handle > our. old Furniture Repairing Ilave your old furniture tbade as good as new. I make all sizes and grades ot picture frames. When in need of any o! the above come to s?e me. E. ODOM, Louisburg, IN. G. Spruill Building Court Street NOTICE All accounts due the firm of A. W, Perry Jr. & Co. will be due on October 1st. ..Tobacco is higher than ever before, cotton is a good price, bring it on and pay us. We mean Ml. > sept. 24-12 W. Perry, Jr., & Company Great Attractions at Our Capital City THE GREAT STATE FAIR . Week of October 1 4fh, 1 9t 2 A The Great DOBBIN-FERRALL CO.'S Store _ The Store of Quality Come to the Great FairA Bigger this year thaa ever. Makt yourself at home in our big store. Dry goods, carpets, millinery, ready-to-wear. DOBBIN - FERRALL CO Raleigh, North Carolina FIRE THDMAhn HEALTH LIFE ? VJItllnfU ACCIDENT FIRE FIRE FIRE INSURANCE! I will write you flrt ?Hirance on anything you have On residaooa, barns, stables, fur niture, Wm?, mules, merchan diM and aufthlng that will burn I K ' ' Come in and Talk it Over With Me I can be found at the First National Bank, Louisburg, N.C. I T. W. WATSON, Agent r ~ - - ~ ? , | ... New Banking Features Open Saturday Afternoon ? In order to meet the need* of the farmers, whose interest we shall especially endeavor to promote and accommodate, we will keep the bank open Saturday afternoons, and we will be glad to furnish ohange oi serve you in any other way. Ladies Rest Room ? ' That we may add to the comfort and comfort and convenience tf the ladies coming to town to shop or visit, we have added a rest room for them, a ad we cordially invite them to make asa of tbis room where soap, towels, lavatories and mirrors may be found tree of obarge. " ^ ? We agate iavite the the public to make the fullest ase of The Farm ers Bank, which -will he pleased to render any service in )be banking line. We iavite checking acoounts, savings deposits, issue certificates of deposits, cashiers cheeks and northern* exchange, when desired. ->? ' The Farmers National . Bank ?IK* : . . Under the Supervision ef the U. 8. Government and SnoMMfal Farmers nod Business Men of Franklin County. fr ? '1 '? .? * \ *-> .. ? ? t) ? ?' - If., i ' i .. ? r Purse containing $6.00. Reward for return. (Has not be found yet) "v. i. > ' . STOLEN ! Purse containing 87.00. [Never recovered] fcOST ! v ? * , * - Purse containing $50.00. [It happened to be an honest man who ? found it or the owner would be out that amount.] " - . . ? Sv I . ,t j. ^ * ? ? ? _T. ? . .- I.-. These are actual cases that cam.e to our notice within the last two weeks. Better put it where it is SAFE, " . Farmers and Merchants Bank , Louisburg, N. C. F. N. Egerton, President ' '? x C. P. Harris, Vice-President M. S. Clifton, Cashier. W. E. Ugzell, Assistant-Cashier. Savings Department Pays 4 PerjCent. Compounded Quarterly 'S FURNITURE AND MUSICHOUSE Good Mattresses $2.00 A 810 Bureau for $7.50 , j 1 Good Second Hand Organ for $20.00 . One Piano $160.00 Kitchen Safes $2.*50 One Surrey $50.00 2 Second Hand Bug gies for $25.00 Every article of furn itur? in stock reduced to cost. Sheet music 10 cents J w HOLLi NGSWORTK GREAT STATE FAIR Raleigh N. C. . October 15, 16, 17, 18, 1912 _j ? - i / It gets the people, it g?ts the products, it gots the free attraction, it gets the shows ~ y BIG MONBY OS Corn ooatest, cotton contents, giils tomato contest? desig nated thris yesf to furnish exhibits to National corn expososition. ' Special Increase in Premiums on Tobacco and Prait New reinforced concrete building for Agriculture and hoticulture. Modern poultry bouse just equipped with best steel wire coops. MOKE PRIZES ON LIVE STOCK THAN EVER-Rniining race restored this year in addition to the harness races on fastest traek in Sonth Atlantic states. Grandstand Capacity Iucsaaaed By 80 Par Oeat? Best list of Free Aattaaetien (n 62 Tears History of the Fair. Balloen r&oea, two ballooas. man making doable paraehate drop, wossaa single parachute drop, Maw York hippodrone raees on trask, roman ehariot and stand ing bareback races, teams of two to si* horses. James B. Hardy, King of the high-wire walkers. GlUener Hoops of two women n?d tbree men ia flying tra peze and saatlag aets in midair. C towns and romedy woman in neTeltsr trisk pantomine. Crating Herberts, riding nuicyala down Udder blind-folded. Marrel ons Modern Midway, daazting, olean, interesting, ap-to-data, ronstnc raeket, merry musio, startling stunts. Long experience of Management and wisdom wea from many Bourses soasen trated in one. GREATB3* StATB KAIR TO DATS. Special rates and extra trains on the railroads. Pair groands will be open twe nights, Wsdneaday and Thoasday Oat l?th and 7th. Midway and tree attractions In fall blast Adariasian at aight Kc. ? '? - " ' * v Jo??p kS. Pogue, ' Seorsotarj FOR REKT. One improved two horte farm, 5 room dwelling bouse, one 3 room tenant bouse. All outhousoe neeees&rr. Good gin and outfit. JOO htm in good pae tnie. Also iter* bow* om uao place. Good stand forcoantry oiorc. Also an other good 1 1-2 bono well Unproved farwi with 6 room new dwelling, (food oathoaaee, (food wall w?tor on both places. Apgljr _t? Bunn. N. C. SANDERS the JEW1LER at the RACKETSIQgE