A. F. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND HAVAOBR SUBSCRIPTION 31.00 LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRIDAY OCTOBEB 18. 1912 NUMBER 36 speak? to big crowd HON. F. M. SIMMONS MAKES MAMYVOTES. > His SDeeota A Vote Winner Both for Himself and the Pariy? pay? Tribute to the Late J. A- Thomas The speech of Hon. F. M. Simmons, here on last Monday was one of the best delivered here ia many years.. It waa noted for fts vote winning powers and for its absence of "mud slinging." Although he waa not at his best on ao countof a severe cokl he delivered a speech to a crowed Opera House for two hours that hold the attention of all. His discussion of all the issues was clear and unmistakable especially that -of the tariff question. He proved him self a close student of this important question and handled it with an abun dance of information at his fingers ends. Uo was loud in his declarations of the opportunities to win in national politics of the democrats this year and felt satislied that in Governor Wilnon they had a safe and sure leader. The , -fact that even in the greatest Republi can strongholds Wilson's popularity was greatly increasing gives Kood cheer to us. In reference to his candidacy for the United states Senate to succeed him . self he declared he was willing to be mea^urod by what he had done regard less of the many charges to the con trary. That he had Rupyorted the plat form M' the party in every instinct With the proper regard for the interest of the southern farmer, and closed his speech with the assurance that if he was rt turned he would fight the battle of the common people in every instance in the face of any criticisms that may be ottered to the contrary. ' During his speech he paid a high and feeling tribute to one of Franklin county's most highly beloved sons, the late J A. Thomas. His remarks a the 1:1 emery of Mr. Thomas were broad and far reaching and were inspired by a long time persona! friendship be tween them. The speaker was introduced by Mr. ? F. S. Spruill in a most eloquent a'nd im ^ press ive manner. Mary times during the speech the house tfas in a loud roar of applause, showing that he had struck upon the right dfceourse and by which . he had won many votes in this county. The management of the occasion se cure' I the Rocky Mount brass band, who under the direction of Prof. Hailey, f ur nishi'd some excellent musie for the occasion. Oas of the largest crowds that ha* been in Louisburg in some time, and possibly the largest to hear a political speech since 1900 when cx-tiov. Aycocke delivered his speech here, were present Tuesday to hear Senator Simnwns, although many failed to hear h;m from the fact that the house would not h"ld the crowd. Our poople as a whole are very much pleased **th the Senator and expcct Lor.isbucg Baptist Church. Ptimic worship Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7:! i p. m., Sunday School at 9:30 a. in., r.nd t lie B. Y. P. U. al 4 p. m. Th?' pastor will prench in the morning on "Not I ike Other Folks," and ut night o:i "Pleasing the Lord," All are cordially invited. To Be Retired We take the following item from the Waslnncton fost, which will be of in terest to bis many friends in Pranklin eountv: ' Second Lieut. William W. Boddie, Second infantry will proceed to his hoaie preparatory to his retirement from active service. Franklin Superior Court. The October term of Frahklin Super ior Court convened on Monday moraine with lion. F. A. Daniels, Judge Presid ing. This being oaly a elril eourt there are no cases of special interest to our readers. Oeurt was adjourned on Mon day on account of the weather being aueh as would not permit of the wit nesses and jurors being present at tbe I opening hour, together with the fact that several ?f the Attorneys were un avoidably detained. Judge Daniels, with his prompt and easy rasoner of administering the courts - business. IS tnakiag himself vary popu lar among our people, and is proving himself especially fitted for "the impor tant position he holds. Red 0r*M Stamps. North Oaroto* M to be b*91*h?-to this rrnt la the dksistsua Campaign far the Ml* of Red Croca Seals. AM toe profit from the sale of these little etamps goes to carry on the' work igiiub tubercalosis. At the direction of the National Association for the cure and the pre vention of fcbcreuloeie, Mr. Myers, sec retary of fee Associated Charities of Charlotte, has taken an Initial re hi this work, and is new organising a state oomaaittee, en whiek will be rep resentatives from all the leading sitiee of the state. Acting under the sec tion of the state committee, Mr. Myers will thee proc^pd to organize a local committee in every eity and town of more than six hundred popnlatien (n the state. Through these eomsaittees the Red Cross Seals will be pat on sale in every Community in the state, and eduaatioaal matter of great importaooe In anti-tnberloeis work will be pat out. It ia a big undertaking, bat the results will andoubtly be well worth tEe effort. The public may expect to kear more of this work as time goes on. Last vear 100,000 seals were sold in the state. It is expected this year to raise this number to 000,000 and possi bly 1,000,000. Authorizes An Exchange. The post offlcc department at Wash ington City has authorized and ordered an exchange between the carriers of Louisburp route Xo. 6 and Alert route No. 1. at Carroll's corner to begin on Wednesday. October 16th, 1912. This will be good news to the patrens of the Alert route as it will make it possible for them to eet all mail originating at Louisburg from one to three days earli er and at the same time not interfere with the service from the other end. It will also put mail from Louisburg in the pjstoffice at Alert by at least 4 o'clock in the afternoon instead of eight at nieht. By this exchange the patrons of both Alert and the Alert route will get a double daily mail. Consplains of Saall Salaries Paid Bank Clerks, Who Huve To Dress Neatly and Keen Up A Good Appearance. To THrf Editor of The Sun -Sir: A lawyer of Philadelphia condemned banks for the small salaries paid when the bank clerk for whom he was coun sel pleaded guilty to embezzling $6,500. This clerk wai a married man with four sniall children. He was making $12 a week, out of which he had to keep his family and maintaiu a good appearance to hold his position. In making a plea for mercy the lawyer said: "I feel safe in saving that he is here as the result of a mistaken policy on the part ot many of our banks in aot paying adequate salaries to their employes." I certainly do agree with him, and 1 think I would be safe in saying that the majority of bank clerks that go wrong do so on account of the small salaries paid and what tha officials o? the bank expect of their clerks. They are supposed to dress neatly, to have cleuu linen and to look like,;i new pin at all times. Most people think bank clerks have a very easy position and get pood salar ies. They have the mistaken idea that when the bank closes at 3 o'clock the clerks go home. Jost the opposite; when the doors close, then the hard work begins. They may have their work done by 5 or 6 o'clock and then again they might be required to conic back at night and finish it. L would not like to mention some of the salaries paid by some of our banks, as it would be a shame to publish them, they being so insignificant, compared with salaries paid by other concerns that do not require as much gray mat ter as ia necessajy to hold down a posi tion ia a bank. Let us hope this will be remedied in the near future, so that bank clerks will not be ashamed ef their salaries. A Bank Clbrk. Baltimore, Sept. 20. ?A birth record completely filled oat ia extremely valuable in many ways, In the matter of inheriting property; in relations of guardians and wards; in tha administration of estates; as an insar aaee proof whea the exact age of insur ed ean not be determined ; in determin ing the legal age for marriage; in vot iag; in obtaining pensions; in jury or military serviee; in professional and of ficial life; in the enforcement of laws relating to education and child labor, aa well sb in public health and sociolo gical matters, those records arc often of lacstimable value. ? The county canvass will begin on October 23rd at Dunns towaship. Bea circulars and next week's issue for far ther appointment*. The ana wlco imagiaei he is workiag himself to death aevei will. PRICES STILL CLIMBING THE GOLDEN WEED BRINGS 78 CENTS On Looai market the Fast Week ?Many Sales Made for Around 70 Cents? Good Sales Tues day ant1 Wednesday. The price* for tobacco on the lo-al market continues to clhnb. During the put week rales were made for aa high aa 78 cents per pound and many others for {torn 70 to 72 cents. Quite a good lot of the weed' has been sold here the past week and the marketing continues strong. The demand for all ?fades seem to be good and the prices ars holding a steady increase. The Loniaburg market offers ad van cages equal to any market any where and the tobacco growers are in vited to make use of them. Mrs. James H. lay. lira. James M. May died on Tuesday afternoon, October 8th, at 12:30 o'clock at her residence, 446 Halifax street, af ter an illness of several months. She was born in Nash countv and be fore her marriage was Miss Bartholo mew. She was fifty-two years of age. With her husband she moved to Raleigh from Louisburg about throe year? ago, and although only here but a compara tively short time won many friends. ' Mra. May was a devout member of the Edeuten Street church and had been a member of the Methodist church since a voung girl. ? She is survived by her husband and ' three daughters, Mrs. T. Fuller Terrell ami Mis.se.* Ohner and Alathea May; al so by two brothers and four sisters. I The funeral services were conduct ; ed from the residence that afternoon at 8 o'clock by Rev. H. M. North, assist | ed by Rev. T. W. O'Keiiey. The in I terment was at Oakwood cemetery. I ' ' I Letior From Mr Hdloway. "Hamlet. S. C., Oct. (ith 191'J | The Franklin Times Louisbnrg, N. C. j Dear Mr. Editor: | The writer had the great pleasure J last night, of hearing Senator Simmons make a speech in the interest of his e&odldaey for the senate. ? [ Although I expected to hear si.me j thing worth while, I was astonished at the powerfull appeal the . Senator is making. Xo man, with one particle of the ele msnt of .fairness in his makeup, who , will hear the Senators side of the case, will for one moment doubt the man's sincerity and lofty purpose. He bad j made two speeches-previously the same I day. one at Kllerby Springs and one at i Rockingham to large erowils and when I he arose to speak to a crowded house at Hamlet his roice was almost gone, I nevertheless, he waded right in aa<i j made h speech of two hours duration I ftliat was the most remarkable che I writer ever listened to. His audience was very responsive and the applause I was freqimnt and prolonged. Quite a I a number of ladies were present and were every bit as enthusiastic as the men. The senator on several occasions reached tlie heights of the sublime in his flights of eloqiienco. Not once dar ing his entire speech did he mention by name eithet one of his opponents. He does not temporize or split hairs but takes the "Bull by the Horns' and answers fully and intelligently every charge of opposition. His speech is clean and statesmanly and ha uses the most powerful logic imaginable. When he sits down you feel like he has said every word that is necessary to con vince the most sceptical opponent of his fitness for the position which he is seeking. The writer has heard the Governor make his appeal but the spirit of personal egotism and vainty which was entirely lacking in the Senators speech, was so pronounced in tke Governor's address that it was positively disgustin*. The Senator ap peals to a mansjyasoa and intelligence but the Oovenior makes his appeal to passion and prejudice. If the Kitchin partisans will lay aside prejudice and go to hear Senators Simmons they will either believe in him, or else, they are like the scrpitiial hog that "rotnrnedto his wallow." Since my last letter to the Times, my work has taken me to Rowan county, Davidson, Wake, Randolph, Moore Simmons is going to carry evory one of Anson. I will staka my ropatation as a profit on this and agree to eat old blaok crow with a relish If my predic tion Is aot fulfUed. If the tide con tinues running as strong, nntil ?taction day io ths Senator's faro*, as is now parfaotiy apparent to a blind ma?, not withstanding McNiochs claims to tbe eootvMV, Simmons will carry seventy oouatlee and have more majority than Kitchin cot* iotn. If I wu as certain of making my calling and election sure ksmttar aa I am of Simmons succeed ing himself by an enoriaous majority I would nerar have anether uneasy feel ing. _ Mr. Rogers has certainly pot McNinch in a bad bale about the tariff on leaf tobacee and peanuts. McNinch kaa baaa hoiat oa his owa petard and can not answer. "He will be domed if ke does, and he will be damned if he dont. " McNineb is like ike Irishmaa's flea, now yon see hlns and now yon don't. He haa not attempted to answer in an intelligent manner, a single pertinent inquiry of Mr. Rogers, but baa paid hia money oijt freely to haye recopied obsolete articles from republican and other discredited periodicals. The fact of the matter is MoNinch and Kltehin both, haye succeeded more admirably in emulating the fatbar af the male than any politicians Worth Carolina has been bhrden with sine* the palmy days 6t Marion Butler. Cordially Tours, Jam as H. Holloway, R. D. Pinnell Appointed Superintendent of Health, Dr. .J. B. Malone, informs us that he has appoint ed Mr. R. D.. Pinnell, deputy quaran tine officer for Hayesville township. Sunday School and Epworth League Institute. To be held at Franklinton, N. C., r>ct. 25-86. For Franklinton circuit, Louisburg station. Tar River circuit, and Youngsyille circuit. Friday $vexikc October 25th. 7:30 Sengs of praise and service led by Kev. J. II. Hall. 7:50 Address: The Epworth League by Rev. C. J. Harrell, District Secre tary. 8:25 Round table discussion of Ep worth League Work. Saturday Horning October 26tii. 10:00 Devotional services conducted by Rev. R. W. liaiiey. 10:20 General Topic: Sunday School Management and Organization. (Five talks of five minutes each. ) 1. Increasing the enrollment and av erage attendance, by Mr. F. B. McKin ne. 2. Observing special days, by Mr. E-. J. Cheatham. 3. Improving our Sunday School music; how? by Rev. G. W. Starling. 4. Getting parents interested, how? by Dr. Morris. 5. Looking after Absentees, by Rev. J. \>". Martin. 10:45 The Superintendent and his propraai by M. W. Brabham. 11:00 Missions in the Sunday School by Rev J; K. Hall. 11 :20 Round table discussion methods and plans of work, led by M. W. Brab haiii. Field Secretary. 12:00 Adjourn. Saturday Afternoon. ? 2:30 1'rayer scrvice led by Rey. J. W. Martin. 2:45 General Topic: The Sunday 1. The teacher's life, what must it be? by Mr. J. S. Lumpkins. 2. The teacher's knowledge of the Bible. Mrs. Mary D. Allen. 3. The teacher's knowledge of Church Law and Doctrine. Rev. W. W. Rose. . I ' 4. The teacher's mooting, by Mr. B. W. Ballard. 325 Hound ? tahhr discussion, ? the teacher in the Sundsy School, led br M. W. Brabham. . ' > 7:30 An hour with the workers. Sunday Morning. Sunday School at regular hour. 11:00 Address. The Standard of Ex cellence, by M. W. Brabham. (Going to Youngsville in the afternoon) Sunday . night. Address. Teacher Training, by Mr. T. B. Eldredge. List of Letters. Remaining in the post office at Louis burg, N. C., uncalled for: Wikk kndiio Oct. 7 ? Marynetter Branch, C M Clodfeiter, J H Cook, Nancy Paris, Candace Dees, Haywood Ellis, Kmma Farmer, Vines Farmer. Noah Fields, Buck Gill, Petter Horton, Wm L Hill, Mare Heardy, Essie Kidd, Irene May, (Jennie Morgan, M C Mack, R 1) May, Franklin L Mock, Willie Plqmer, Lula Perry, Litha Perry, Nan cy WHIiame, Ulvsses Bridges, W E Cnlbreath. Wkbk ending Oct. 14? B L Abbot <P**b*>.- W B Hrewor, Snsine Babbitt (Stallings), Earnest Colev, Louise Dims, I.' Uaona Egerton, AMaur Palter. Joel Hill, W L Harrison , Menni* Hill, Walter Harrison, Johnson and Price, Ohas Schandt Fannie Van?, J E Strick land. When calling tor the above please say they ware advertised. M. W. Yamokwo* P. Nt THE MOVING PEOPLE theib movements in and OUT OF TOWN Those Who Have Visited Louis burg: the Past Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. Mr. Gilmer Allen, of Raleigh, visited his mother here this week. Mr. Ivey Allen a peat Sunday with his father at Ridgeway. Dr. T. J. Dean, of Nashville, was In town Tuesday/ ' Mr. Ben M. Moere, of Raleigh, is in attendance upon court. Miss Janie Blanchard, of Hertford, is visiting Miss Eleanor Cooke. Mr. J. I. Gillis, of Norfolk, Va.. was a visitor to Louisburg the past week. Mr. J. B. Gee, of Henderson, was a visiter to Louisburg the past week. Mr. F. S. Spruill, of Rocky Mount, is in attendance at court this week. Mr. T. T. Hicks, of Henderson, was in attendance at court here this week. Mr. G. E. Gupton, of Nay lor, Ga.; was a visiter to Louisburg the past week. Mr. W. D. Morris has returned to Louisburg after an absence of se.eral n^onths. # j " Mr. Osmond Hale, who is attending school at Buie's Creek, is at home tor a few days Mr. J. R. l'erry, who holds a position at the National Capitol, is at home for a short stay. J. S. Strickand, who his a position with the Red Springs Citizen, spent Sunday with his mother here.? Messrs? <i. N. Bissette, M. W. Lincke,'?>f Nashville, were in Louisburg to hear Senator Simmons Tuesday. Mr. W. M. Shaw who has been visit ing his people in Louisburg the past w<?ek, returned to his home at Peters burg. Va., Monday. Mayor B. T. Holden returned home Monday nijilit from Richmond where Mrs. I lolden had undergone an opera tion. The many friends of Mrs. Hold' en will be glad to learn that she is get ting on nicely. Mr. J. O. Sledge left Wednesday for Littleton where he and Miss Jesse Bob bitt left on Thuisday for Raleigh where they were married at 12 o'clock. They returned to Louisburg last night and were given a leception by the grooms sisters, Mesdames C M. Gattis and .J. J. Lancaster. County Commissioners The Hoard .pf County Commissioners met in adjourned session Taesday .morning. Aside from allowing several accounts no business of interest was transacted. They adjourned to next regular meeting. The Ladies Dinner. The ladies of St. Paul's Episcopal church served dinner at the Armory on tzed by the public. Their receipts were espcrially satisfactory. j | Laymen's Missionary Movement Convention at Durham (By J. A. Robinson) j Durham, N, C., Oct. 7. ? Durham is j now busy preparing for the great Lay ' men's Convention to be held here Octo ber 31st and November 1st to ?\ nich the laymen in all the dhurches, as well as the ministers, are cordially in vited iitall the territory from Randolph and Guilford, on the west; Halifax, Wayne and Harnett on the east; Gran ville and Person on the north and Chat ham and Lee on the south. It is ex pected that several hundred christian, men will be registered to participate iq this meeting of church men to deliber ate and? plan for larger and better things in the work of adyancing Christ's Kingdon on earth. This confederance wifl be led by men of large christian experience and well knowu ability. J. Campbell White, general secretary of' the movement, and W. B. Doughty, educational secretary, will bo here and "?ive the laymen the benefit of their rieh experience, aad forward the Mis sionary spirit in the church, and espec ially anong the men of the phureh, to arouse them to greater efficiency in the work of the church, and world-wide evangelisation. It will be a meeting every male member of the ehurch ghnnlfl frtt-pnri far his own benefit, and | training, and carry back to his ehurch the great blessings that will flow from the eoooerted actions of these men ef God who want to be something aad do some tangible in the Masters eause. Therefore Durham aad all christian nomination of Durham, bid the laymen . of all the ehurshee, with their ministers to come on the dates given, and jolm in the unison of thought, sentiment and effort throughout the land that will make ear national Missionary policy a reality within the aext few years. All the work is to be done through the respective ehurehes. ?* L. B. Padgett, the executive secre tary, is here now completing the ar rangements. J. S. Carr, Jr., is chair man ot the conyentioa committee and leader of the movementin Durham. He ti ably assisted by laymen of all denom inations, among who are Dr, N. P. lloddie, D. H. Wileox, L. U. Crissom, W. D. Carmichael, Prof. K. L. Flowers, J. P. Weatherspoon, T. K Smith, W. W. A. Brwin, Mayor W. T. Brogden, Geo.' H. Nash, J. E. Peg ram, host ef otherr, and the various congregations behind them. A ay information can be obtaiaed from B. H. .Wilcox, Durham, N. C., the local secretary. Ice Cream Supper. An ice cream sapper will be given at Seven Paths Academy Friday night,. October 18th, 1913. Everybody is cor dially invited to some. The proceeds will go for the improvement of the school. Takes Position With Farmers & Merchants Bank. Mixs Marguerite Harris, of Youngs ville township, has taken a position as assistant bookkeeper at the Farmers & Merchants Bank. The management in forms us that the business of tkis pop alar institution ha3 grown so rapidly that an addition to the alreadv strong force was imperative. In Miss Harris the bank officials have secured a meat efficient assistant and her many friends) here will learn with much pleasure that she will make Loui^burg her future home. Two Killings Near Wood's On Tuesday of last week Gurfis Keith shot and Rilled Fred Perry near Woods store. The cause of the trouble is r?r> t learned but Che ball took effect in the lower abdomen causing death al mo'st instantly. Keith was plated under a ?1000 bond until January court. On last Sunday afternoon Will Clifton was found dead at his home near Woods store with an ugly wound through his head inflicted with a shot gun- In this case a robbery was also made, taking: 9175.00 from the pocket of the dead man. Three parties have been implica ted and Coroner Simpson will hold his inquest Wednesday at which they will be given a hearing. In both the above instances all the parties were colored. "Judcre Clark's Chances." # When in Greenville, N. C., Judge Clark was asked what w^re his chances. He replied, "If you listen to Mr. Sim mons' friends they have all the' votes with 'or.lv a few left to be divided with Governor Kitchin and myself. Governtr Kitchin Bays that lie has almost every thing in sight. I am not bragging, but the situation reminds me of what hap pened at Kinston a few years ago when they came near having a race riot. The white men collected on one corner and the negroes on another. The white men fired their pistols in the air and the ne groes left. Next morning, Mr. Whit field said to kis servant, 'Ihearthat vet* ran like the wiad last night.' Sam, re plied, 'Naw suh. Boss, I did not run like the wind but I passed them two niggers who did run like the wind.' The Judge said that he was not bia^g ing now, but at that rate of speed .iio woufd get there. Resolations of Respect. Whereas on the -24th day of Aupust, 1912, death entered the ranks of Leah's Sunday School and took from us one of our well beloved members; therefore, be it. Resolved. That in the death of our fellow worker, Ben Jones, our Sunday School has lost a devoted member. One that gave Wright promise of even great er usefulness in the Master's cause. 2. That the Sunday School bows in deep humility to fchis sad dispensation of providence. Knowing that God doeth all things well. 3. That we extend to his bereaved family our heart felt sympathy and pray that God may be very near them In their serrow. 4 That our Sunday School fcembers may be strengthened by his life of faithfulness and may it be that bis works de follow him. be sent the family, that a copy be spread upon the records of our Sunday School, and that a copy be seal to the Fbakxliv Ti mbs, for < . h:*: -*??* r j. k. i.,'. ?' t'

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