Franklinton News Items ? Ham of Interest Gathered Froan in and Near Oar Stater Town Cadi Waek CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY Robert Speed apent last Sunday with bis people bar*. Its a "boy" end J. K. Faulkner ia wearing a broad grin this week. Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Venn and lfiaa Elna went to New York laat Thurs day. Prof. R B. White went to Ral eigh Monday on professional busi ness. Miss Minnie Foster, of Bridgeport, Conn., ia visiting her sister, Miaa Kit lie Foster. The work of grading the streets is moving along very satiafsetory and ia adding much to the looka and usefalneaa ef our thoroughfare*. Got. W. W. Kitebin will address the people of Fraaklintoa and vicin ity on Satarday, October 26 ih, at 10 o'olook. The publio is invited to attend and beat the Governor. An aate party of yeang men eoa sis ting C. C. and D. B. Kearney, Hngb Daniel, Walter Cooke and Joe Joyner went on a flyiag trip to Raleigh last Sunday. Mr. Hector Young and Mrs. E. F. N" a well were married last Tuesday, October lltb, at the Methodist par sonage by Rev. W. W. Rose. Only a few friseda were present. They are both well known in Franklinton where they hare resiJsd for several years. Work began in earnest laat Men day on tbe large new Sterling Cot tea Mill. Twenty-five first clasa brick layers ftem Raleigh, Header* ?>n, Oxford and Franklinton be^an the wort with a "v o op move- whicii iadicatea an early ooca^leuen of this large and eon-.odiois bulldisg, s-'uieb wken completed will be u See a mill as the State can boaat of, and au benor.toeer town, betid?* gi,ing eiapioyaaent to a large a urn her pf men, women and okildrea. Hen a a 'newish "bo speaks from aad long experience via . Mn P. H. brogaa, of Wilspn-Pa., who say*. "I kaew from experience that CkaaaberUia's Cough Remedy is far superior to aay other. For crocj> there is o? thing that exewls it " For salt by all druggists. Resolmlons of Respect. The following resoiation ?f respect ww passed laat Sunday by tbe Bira ca Class of the Methodist Sunday School: Whereas, God in His Infinite Wis dom has wrought His Divine Will la transporting to his eternal reward. Mr. J. L. Mitchell, father of our-Bs raca Class brother, Mr. Henry I) Mitchell, and a man of wholesome, useful influence, of christian charac ter and worthy citizenship; ailc!^ , Whereat, W e bow in bumble sub mission to tbe All-Wise dispensa tions ef an Omnipotent God, it ia tbe sense of this class that oar commun ity looees one of her most esteemed citizens; and Whereas, Oar hearts dwell deeply in sorrow and friendly sympathy for our Class brother and his berieved family, at a time whan the abadowg of grief are dark and heavy and hearts are disconsolate; and Whereas, Sympathetic, friendly hearts bespeak a testimonial of chiistian living based on tbe princi pals of Brotherly love; therefore be it Raeolved, That we individually and as a class extend to oar distress ed Brother our abiding and heart felt sympathies at the sad loss of bis father; and aasare bim and bis peo ple of a kiad christian fellowship; and pray God to lighten the harden of grief by His own Fatherly Love, and bring a clear light of consola tion that shines forth the eternal truth that God doeth all tbingi well, and be it farther Rsilolved, Tbat a eopy of these resolations be transmitted to Brother Henry Mitchell, and ? eopy property filed in the records of tbe elans. B. A. Whs stow, x J. K. WarmiiD, O. T. Nioholsoit, Committee. KEBP THE KIBNEYS WELL Health la Worth Savlnar. and Soma Leuitborjr People Know Bow lb Save It. Hanr Xioaiabarg people lake their lirea in their hands by negltcting the kidneys wh?a they know tbeae organ* need help. Sick kidneya ara responsible for a va>t amount of Buf fering and ill health, but there la no need to coffer nor to r< main in dan. ger. Una Doati's Kilney Pills ? a remedy that haa cured thousands of kidney sufferers The following statement leaves no {round tor r stooped, I had sharp twinges in ay loins ?nd my btok aohed io lensely at night. I tired eaaily, was anguid and nervous and otten ao ioed that the kidney searetiona oon lained sediment. Tlie contenta of iz boxes of Doan'? Kidney Pills uade a permanent cure and at tha >ree>nt time I Km enjoying good leahh. This remedy deserves my uost hearty endorsemeat." Far ia!u by ail dealers. Prise DAILY SALE New ea at the BARGAIN STORE Joseph N. Ramey, Prop. '(Under the Baeket Store) We are selling at the very lowest poe sible prices, eonsistent with houeety, our entire stock ef well selected Ladies, Gentlemens and Chlldrens Furnishings Our "FAULTLESS" TROUSEKS made Hp to the lateet styles sad our comoletr line of "Brand Shoes" ean aol be beaten in the local market. REMEMBER ? Our store is headquarters for Ladies Kimonaa ? an elegant ? ? . lot on hand at very reasoualtt prices Be Sure ' to Gat One ot Our Trunks and Suit Cases If you want to say* money Tke pro prietor recently visited the northern markets and took advantage of the many splendid bargain sales. Uv hav ing to pav only a small rent and no clerk bire, wiuh prepared to slaugh ter prices, thereby sharing the profits with our customers Come in and give us a trial ind be convinced. You will be satisfied and pleased. Ha!? itUe Jlegidar F uel&upply Required Cole's Original Hot Blast Beater, tm account of the patented ?ir-vight and gas-tight construction and patented I hot blast combustion, gives perfect control over, the fire,' Build Only One Fire a Winter c It is 'bo perfect in construction that fire koepa all night It saves the gases wasted with other stoves. The cost of the stove is saved in fuel. $5.60 worth of ?oft coal, bard coal or lignite, or a $1.50 ton of slack or ;] screenings will do the work of ttvice the amount of fuel in ^ ? other atoves. * 4 It is guaranteed to remain always air-tight, which means' '? that it is always a fire-keeper. Zxamine Cole's Original Rot Blast befor* you buy?-, " Avoid imitations which only look like the genuine. McKinne Bros., Co. ris ? ' aoo*min( M -t j tta and ttjta. COPTMGHTa Used in ever increasing r quantibea, because the roofs put on 26 years ago are as ^ good as new to-day, and hare never needed repairs. ^ Don't put on that roof until you see them. For Sale by M. F. HOUCK, Louisburg, N. C. NO USE TO THROW AWAY TAT OLD PIECE OF MACHINERY When We Can Make it as Good as New for You. Come to See Us * Jackson Tri-State Motor Car Co. Louiaburg, If. C. West Huh Street* .? *? ... I / '*? . . ? YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS SEEING OUR NICE AND COMPLETE LINE OF Furniture and Tlause Furnishings ? We have had a number of years experience in this work and feel safe in saying that our present stock is one of the most up-to-date and best values that has been shown in Franklin county in many years. We have the celebrated Schulz Pianos in stock where you can examine them if you are contemplating the pur chase of a high grade instrument at a reasonable price. . . ?? ? i Our Undertaking Department receives our special attention at all times and should you need anything in this line or our services, we will give you the best attention to be had in this section. Remember when in Louisburg to call at our store and make your self at home. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA x x HILL LIVE STOCK COMPANY This advertisement we dedicate to the orJinary farmer who lovds a square deal. Deal with us and you won't knock < s. If you are a man. who meet your obligations and pay your debts. trad* with us and you will hereafter boost the ilill Live Stock Co. We stand solidly behind oar guaraatee on all horses, buggies, wagons and harness sold. We thank you oar customers, for the large amount of business given us the past spring and will say we ate quit?w?H,' if you pay us November 1st as you promised, if not there is going to be hell to pay a big CYCLONE MORTGAGE SALE Wednesday, November 20th, and 21st. en which date we will offer for sals as uaaal, horses and males, buggies, wagons, cows, hogs harness, surriea, household and kitchen furniture, shot guns and opposum dogs. All aboat the sale will appear in a later issue of this paper. W e wish to reduce our stook of buggies and wagons, all new buggies, wagons and harness. We have a large stock of dry goods, notion* and shoes at our store that we wish to sell. Now we want to gin vour cot i. - ? * * " _ uw... T?o nam tw giu yuur cot ton. We have just oommenced the operation of our new cotton gin in front of oar stables, which hua capacity of 60 bales per day. We will be glad to gin the cotton of oar friends and customers. We have a large stock ef agricultural implements that we will sell cheap for the next SO days as we want to clean up our stock. Now gentlemen we want yoa to pay year notes this year when they are aue if you are not dead. If you are dead that set tles it; we wont attempt to follow you because we are in doubt as -to which road some of yon will take. If yoa pay us, we eali you gentlemen behind your back and to your face. If yoa don't pay when due, and when we look over our books in the daad hours of the night, we sometimes you bad names and say about yoa just what the average man would say. Human nature ia just about the ssme; but please remember if yoa don't pay us this time you will see yoar goods and chattls sold on Wednesday Nov. 20th, and if we don't finish on that day well keep right on sellidg the next day, Thursday Nov. 21st, and we propose to call every maaa name, and where a mans name Richard and they oall him Diok we propose to call him Diek too at this sale. Now you fellows who have been selling tobacoo high; yoa may hare some brothers or anciea or your wife may have an ancle who made cotton and can't pay. If you don't want his name advertised yon had better go and help him to pay his debts, so yoa fellows who can't pay better see somebody about takiug up .^your note for we ssy right here and right now, we are goinj to walk abodl with you if you don't pay as. Oar Second sale will be pnlled off Friday December 20tb, and Saturday December 21st. HILL LIVESTOCK CO. K. P. HILL, President