A. P. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGES VOL. XLII. LOUISBUHG, N. C.. FBIDAY HOVEUBER 1 1912. NUMBER 88 CETS HI8 NECK BROKEN BY BEING -THROWN FROM WAGON. Mules Gat Soared of Automo bile and Buns oft? Mr. J. West Sutton the Victim. one of the saddest Incidents that has happened ia our vicinity in many years was that on last Friday evening when Mr. J. West Suttoa, of Mash county, was throws front hd Nashville road betweeu;Sp ing Hepe and Castslis and he wis rettr aing home after having sold a load of lobacce on the local mar ket. He occupied th?' wagon alone, however his son, Charlie, was driving a wagon just ahead of him, also a friead occupied still another wagon. He was 71 years 0/ age and leaves a wi'e and six children. We understand the party in the automobile was from Wilson's Mills and were retura'jig from the f?? etal of Dr. J. H. U*zall wno ? as enter ed at Mupleville that duy, b it th.it the SOB aHribatM ao responsibility to the part r as it is stated the mule became frightened after the machine hail pass ed and the ps,tv seeing thee was trou ble stopped and went b?ck rendering all the service it was possible for t'iem to do. TV? body was brought back to Loeis burg and taken to the under' aking es tahlishment of the W. E. White Furni ture Co., where it was prepared for bur ial and was taxen to the home that rrglit, where the interment was made on Siitu'day. .V r. Su.Lon was in truth a good man and h'?hl / respected by all who knew him at) J in iiis death the community loses much. The entire community to geihtr with the citizenship of Louisburg are ?ad on account ot nis untimely death u nd extend to his bereaved fami ly the deepest sympathy. Services at Incleside We are requested to state that Ee?. IS. Lucien Malooe, Rector SU Paul's Parish, will conduct services at In*le side in the Aeadtmy uuiiding on Sun day aCeraeon No'ember 3rd, at 3:30 o'clock. The public is ordiallv invited to attend vaese services. Vanii-DJxon Invitations readiag us follow* has beea icceived by fr.ends hare: Mr. Minton Hughes Dito.i requests the honor o f your presence at the mar riage s>' his dailghtti, Elizibe(h Mc Donald, to Mr. Aid idge Henley Vann, ?on Tnu:-day the fourteenth of Novem ber, one thouaaad nine handled t r.d twelve at high noon, S'. Paula Epis copal chuvcu. Eden'con, Noitn Carolina. . Tke brdeto be is one of ?}enion's most yopr.'.ir and acco japlis'jed yourg ladies. Mr. Vann. the groom to be, in one of franklin coanly's foremost young men He is the son of Mr. 8. C Vann, of Fran Minton, 'and is deservingly pooular among a host of fnenda both at home and abroad. He posseses a strong and striking bus;ness abiU. y and a pleasing perannali' v that lias won for him friends ol all acquaintances. In (he capacity" of secretary aw' manager of tno Ster lings Cotton Milla Mercantile Depart ment the position he now so atimrably fills, lie has K^own a marked business ability that has placed him in .he f'ont ranks of Franklin couatya' young bus iness men. Mr. Vann has many friends who wish for him and his young wife tha bast that I'fe affo.-ds. Funeral oi Dr. UzzelJ. The remains of Dr. J. H. Uzzell, wha died at "he University hospital at Bal timore on Tuesday night of laat week, arrived urg Lodge, of which he was a member and escorted homo where they were met by a large namber of Masons and friends. The body waa taken to the home of the deceaaed at Mapleville where !>.ey lay In wait until 2:80 o'clock when the funeral set vices ware ^ad and the body laid to r?*t In '.b? city of the dead by tha church at Maple Springs. The sertfaM ware Masonic and conducted by tha lodge of whiok he waa a devoted member and was aa a Is tad by many visiting Maaona, friends ?of tha deceased. Before leaving tha home ? choir sang " Sometime* We'll Uiderstahd" after which Rev. O. M. Duke led to a beauti ful prayer hi which he made many beau tiful reference* to the deceaaed. Alter the prayer Rev. W. B. Morton, of Louisburg read a selection from the bible and the service* here were con cluded by the singing of "Abide with Me" bv the choir. At the crave the usual Masonic service was useu and "Je sus Lover of My Soul" and "Shall we gather at the River" were sung by the choir. The extreme popularity of the de ceased eonld only be estimated from the la*ge nurobet of friends and rela tives present, which waa possibly the largest ever present at such an occasion at Mapleville, and the many beautiful and expensive floral designs, which pictured to those present a more strid ing and devoted popular friendship than is possible to pen. 4 Louisburg and the Mapleville com munity in the death of their young son have experienced a sadness in which they can aincerely extend the deepest aympath" to the bereaved parents. Farmers' Uniom Work Mr. J. O. Sledge raelea tiie following appointment in the work he is doing for Uie Farmers Ucioa. Me reqt'fcuib ejoh and ev?ey member to a "t as a committee to get others 0.1K The pub lic la invited to aileiid these m' t'.in^s The appoi-itroents follows: Spodv Creek, Wednesday nisiil, November 6>h. Ha'es, Thursday night, November 7?t lngleside, Friday night. Noteniber 8lh. 1'rospeot, Saturday, November 9ch, at 2 p. m. in the >ou-c l'ouse. List of Letters Rema'0:ng ii the post office at Louit bir.-g, N. C., nncall' J for November 1st, 19J% Mrs. J enora liaskervi'le, Mr.?. Toea Branch, D \ C. M. Clodfei .er, Lina Dav-s, W.'Uer Harris, E. Ha> - son, H. G. S. Kawkins, Dr. Joel Hill, Dr. J. D. H:iI, D'. Wi'i'am I. Hill, Mu>.y Holden, Wilson Jnmes, I ranklin L. Mock, R, M. Pa'ham, Mra. George Wash ncrton I'e'Ty, Aa-on Shea ron, R. H. Ste'l. J. R. Te'rell, Annie Tooiaon. Persons cal'ing for the above letters please say (oev saw I hem adye tised. M. W. Y A9BOR0UGH, P. M. The Young Men's Club. The ?ot?ng men's bearding; club of Elon C?oIleze is organ tzeil on a perma nent basis this year. A general man ager and matron ha\ e tbe general over sight of the organisation. Mr. Tord, of Richmond, Va., has chaige of purchasing all supplies the club needs. While Mrs. Battle, of Louisbjjf, N. C.. acts as superintend ent and I la the place like a queen. She m a 'any of culture and refinement. All a;e pleased with ner work. There are now th rlv-two young men who get boa -d at the club. Undc the efficient managemei t of M ?*. liattle F.ood table board is furnished at a max imum of six dollars and fifty cents (36.50) per month. -Elon Weekly. ? Mr- Spencer Boone Bead. Juat be'o' e V6 close our forms news reached here to tlie effect that Mr. Spencer Boone, of Cedar Rock township, died in bis eighty-third year at his home on yesterday morning. Mr. Boone Serves a wife and a large family conaec nection, and has a host of friends to whorii this announcement will be re ceived with sadness. The funeial will lake place tbia morning at 10 o'clock. Br- W W .'Boone Dead. ? Mr. W. W. Hoone, oae of Cedar Rock townships most successful and progres sive p'anters died suddenly at his home on last Sunday night. He was in ap parent perfect health and bad just left the dinning room and gone into bis room when the end came. He was 54 years of age and leaves a wife, who is a sister of our townsman Mr. C. T. Stokes, and three sons, Taylor, Jeff and Spencer Boone, all of whom live at home. He bad been a consistent mem ber of Maple Springs Baptist church for twenty years and in conducting; his fnneral, which was from the home, his paat)r Rev. Gr M. Duke in bis manv complimentary remarks said he had -'known the deceased practically all hia like and could recall nothing against him." The interment waa tnade in the family bar; ing ground at the home in the presence of a large crowd of Borrow ing friends aqd relatives. Ia fcia death the community has loat a good oltisen. The family has the sympathy of the community. . . NEW RECORD IN PRICE8 TOBACCO SOLD FOR 88 CENTS PAST WREK Sales Not So Heavy Aa Last ' Week But Prices Keep Dp Just As Good? Record Break er Sale Friday. Win? Interest ha* been equally ?: t?nff on the tobacco tales b?ra the paat weak wilh the exception of Fri day the receinta have not been qu:.te *o heavy. Fr.day'i sale was possibly the largest tale had in Lou?iburg si ice the year 190T. The prices reached 88 cents per pound the past week and many aye) axes were away up. The farmers all seem especially well pleased at the prices and accommodations received in Loulaburg. Cot. Ion. Cotton sold for 11 1-2 ceats per pound on the local market yesterday. The receipt* were larger 'han usaal. Joint Meeting There will be a joist meeting of the Home and Foreign Mission Societies for the November nlsetiiH.. on next Taesday afternoon at 3 80 o'clock it' the prisons*, a. An unusually a1 trac tive programme v ill be rendered aud dl the ladies are urged to bepresenc. Mr- J. I. Pieasants Dead News was received here yeslerdav of the deaih o" M-. J. ' . Pleasanls, one of Gold K ioe township's most successful ta'-me's and ? iti>.en*. T he death o^cur ed at Irs home oa Wedu^sila ?- and the ft >e i! was had yesterday ufie noon. Adds New Department T!ie Cardlor-C.owell Co., have pdded much to 'their already larfe pop- 1 ubr y ?mo"? the ladies of Frark!:n end adjoin*-'!* counl-es bv adding lo . Heir ess veil known to ?ur people and we learn that it is the in UDtioe of the proprietors to bar* their many Customers u?e this department for an f information they wish aa well aa to hive opportunity ol having their drts?f< made in an up-to-date dress making establishment. This depart ment la already meeting; with the pap ular appro \ al of the ladies of thia sec tion and we (eel sara it will meat with much (access. County Canvass The county candidates of the Demo cratic party have been busy tha past weak Ailing the appointments in the countyieanyaas. At each place thev bare b4en well received and are asaur ed a law* majority .VwAifrce he will accept a position wiih the Sou-.hern Express Company. Mr. Coli'er is a cafiale and ? '.eiget e young nan and has many fiienda^ere who wish for him nru.-h success . -- THE FOLLOWERS. ? Winner in the Pittsburg Post. NOT A VERY WIDE SWATH. ?From the New York World THE MOVING PEOPLE THEIB MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OP TOWN Those Who Have Visited Loula burg the Paat Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. Mr. a. L. Da via bu returned from Norfolk. .? ' . Mr. C. E. Cooke visited Raleigh the past week. Mr. J. A. Turner visited Raleigh the past week. * Mrs. Geo. W. Capehart, of Atoc*. is visiting Mrs. Katie Crenshaw. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hughes, of Apex, attended the funeral of Dr. Utzell Fri day. Miss Cherry Maye Preston, of Abing don, Va., is visiting Miss Kathleen Eg erton. Dr. J. E. Malooe attended a meeting of tlie railroad surgeons in Florida the past week. Mr*. R. L. Bernhardt, of Salisbury; \ .sited het mother, Mrs. Katie Cren shaw, the past week. Mr. S. H. Farrabee, of the Daily Times, Ralelgn, was a vistor to Louis burg Weo'nesdav night. Miss Janie Blam-hard. who has been visiting Miss Eleanor Cooke, re- uned to her ho.ue at Hertford today. Chavnan J. R. Collie attended the meeting of the State Democratic Fxec uetive Committee ;n Ra'.eigh on last Thursda" night. Dr. E. M. Perry left Sunday to- ac company Mrs. U. H. Meadows lo Bal l-more where she will en .or the Mercy hospital for an operation. Mayor B. T. Holden returned Monday f rom a v'ba to his w.fe, who is in a hos pital itf Richmond under .reatment. He reports to the delight of their m-iny f. leads, her condition much improved, Mrs. Bessie Davis, of Hende'sonville, ii \Isi.ing her uncle. M-. C.M.Vaughan. M?. Davis is a daugh'er of '.he late P,of. T. L. Ca miehsel tod her many f: iends in Fiankl'n county will ke glad to have her w.'-h them. - Mr. J. Caae Hayei, who has been with Beasley-Alston Drug Co., f or some time, left Moaday for New York Ciiy where he taLes a position as drafts man with the United States Lithe graphic Ce., of that cilv, one of the largest concerns ef its kind in tke Un ited States. Mr. Hayes is a capable and energetic young man and has many friends here, among whom he is yeiy popular, ho will wish for him every possible success in his new po sition. The Chaperon. "The Chaper on" a p?ay in four acts was presented at the Opera House he :e on last Monday night to an exceedingly large house by local lalent for the ben efit of the Phi'athea class of 1he Metho dist church. The plav was a good one but was made better by the excellent work done by the many young ladies in their special roles. The evening was one of great enjoyment for all who at tended and the young ladies were great ly encouraged in their work by the large attendance present. U. DTCT" The Joseph J.' Davis Chapter of the II. D. C. will meet with Mrs. T. W. Bickett, Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 8, at (our o'clock. This will be an espec ially important meeting as officers for the coming year will be elected, and other matters of interest to the Chap ter will be taken up A large attendance is desired. Mrs. J. P. WlNBTON.Tres. Mrs. W. E. UzzaLi., Sec'y. Castalla Items A pretty n: arriatf e was solemized at the Rloks Hotel In Rocky Moant on last Wednesday when Miss Blanche "Jones, a cultured and popular young lady of Halifax couaty and Mr. Russell Bartholomew, yoongest son of S. J. Bartholomew of this place were married. The ceremony was performed by Rey. G. W. May and was impressive. The parlors of the hotel had been tastily decorated by friends for the occasion. They are popalar young people and their hosts of friends Join us" ia wishing tbem a long and happy life. Owing to the scarcity of labor the road fore* ia making slow prog real. The writer lika many othera wish to see the old custom of ' placing sign boards at all crossings of the public roads. Trsrslerf an automobitoa are frequently throi^off their course and cftuaed mush annoyance by this neglect. Mr. 8. A. Jonea whe for iom? time tuts been taking treatment for rhenma t'sm at Hot Spring*, Ark., haa returned home and seema greatly improved. Mias Eugenia Braswell who haa ac cepted a position aa teacher near Mid dlesex will begin Wftb her- duty next week. Mr. J. 8. Batchelor went to Johns Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore last week for treatment. Plain To*. Sandy Creek Items. The first appearance of "Jack frost" visited our community last Monday morning. Owing to the pretty weather the far mers of this vicinity have about finished housing their crope. Mr. T. J. Ricks left last Sonday to visit friends and relatives in Nash county. Mr. John Ward was a pleasant caller at Mr. J. I). Rick's last Sunday. Mr. J. K. Brevier now leaves for Petersburg, Va., where he will locate in public business. ... Mr. B. B. Collins will giye our Bun day school his farewell address next Sunday. His subject being "Approve all things, and hold fast to that which is good." ^ The connection of* the Alert mail route, and route No. 6 of Louisburg, gives us better service, abd quick mail. Those who once opposed it are realizing their broad mistake, and enjoying the privilege that is du6 every free citizen. We regret very much to note "that Mr. B. B. Collins will leave for Hender son next week where he will make his future home. , Mr. Collons will not on ly be missed in our Sunday school work, in which he has done so much, but the entire community will lose a devoted frieud and a good neighbor. J. B. A Card. rWe wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends for the many ex pressions of sympathy and loye to us in our great sorrow in the toss of our son last week. Their manifold , kind nesses will ever be remembered and dee -ly appreciated by us. Mr. and Mas. J. H. Uzzell, Mapleyiile, N. C. ?An exchange savs that one trouble wLh this wo-ld is that there are tco many people who will not cast their bread upon the waters unless they are assured that it will come back to them in a few daya a full-grown sandwich all trimmed with ham, butter and mus ts d. ? Don't blame the newspaper man for what happens in the community. If there is anything in the life of the place that you do not wish to go abroad in the world, blame yourself that it ex ists?not the paper for saying some thing about it. it is the editor's duty to make a typographical photograph of the town each week, and if you take a homely picture don't kick the instru ment, but try to get a better expression on your face the next time. DOUBLY fROVEN Louisburif Readers Can No Longer Doubt The Evidence. This grateful citizen testified long ago Told of quick relief ? of lasting benefit. The taots are now confirmed. Such testimony is complete ? the evidence conclusive. It forms convincing proof of mer it. Mrs. J. A. Uasliford, 603 Polk St., Raleigh, N. (J., says: "Yon may continue to publish the testimoaial I gave in J. nuary 1908 in whieh I told about Doan'a Kidney Pills. Siuce that time I have been freu I from kidney coicplamt and backache 1 and during the past year I have had no aeed of a kidney medisine what ever. The seoretions from my kid neys rausad me great annoyance and I suffered from dull baokaohes and pains through my loins. I sow'd not sleep soundly and in the morning when I got up, my back was Very lame and sore. I read about Doan'g Kidney Pills and as I knew several parties who had used them with benefit, I finally began their use. This remedy was tar more effective than any other I had eTsr used and it was not long before I felt like a different person." I>.i For saU bf aU AaaUsa. Nh fcaOTMT Y?* s*s QaM IHln ?