A- F. JOSKSOM. EDITOR AND MANAGER THE COUWTY, THE STATE, THE UTTIOIT. SUBSCRIPTION <1.00 FBH YB*j VOL. XLII. LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRIDAY HOTEMBEI 8 1012. NUMBER 80 NATION WILSON AM MARSIALL BLBCTU BT MOD BAPS 11 J0B1TU8. A I?f?Ur LaaOlid* la Matlaa al Nutlot? ??turn? Cradlt Wilton With Carryla* Farty ' SUtM. T1>* ilsstlsa Tindtj recorded one of the largest national victories in many yeari sad ?king ? cku|o ia f?ror of Deaeeraey. Lata retunu give Wilson 399 eleeteeial vetaa ? having carried f ar ty states, ia whieh waa Naw York, Maiae, Kaaaachuaetta. Coaaetttout, Now Jmhj lad California. The victory ia one at Uva Met complete ever exper ienced. Uuy of the heretofore repub lic** aklaa (at iato ttaa demaerattc eol uao by electing the Democratic candi dates for ?overnor. In the late rf turns Democracy ia credited with elections that ?lll insure its central in the United States Senate. This gives the party ab. solute control of the government affairs. Mr, Bryan expressed himself as being '?mora pleated over the reault than Woedrew Wilson," and Teddy wired hiB congratulations to Wilson before 12 o'clock Tuesday night. The State Democratic ticket was elected by around 45000 majority and the county democratic ticket, which had no opposition by a vote of 19S5. It/eemed to be a Democratic year all round and many states haye added to their Democratic representation. The vote in most css?a.farie< ially North Car olina win light as compared with four rears ajo. 1 At Insrleside Academy. We are requested to state that there will be an ice cream and oyster supper at Ingleside Academy on Saturday night, November 8th. The proceeds will go for Academy improvements. The public is invited to go out and .enjoy an even ings entertainment. Tebaeeo Market. Activities on the tobacco market the past week have been somewhat off com pared with (orator weeks, the eauae of which Wei og da* to the lack of the weed pros sat. The prieeo have been holding their straaad hie average* have been nppant ttmfc day The market la still actio tad previa* its value to the far mers Tofallacota-Hltckiaer IariiaMoaa reading ? as follows have baa* utetvsd by friends ia town: Mrs. Edith Cornelia Mitchiner invites yea to he psaaaat at. the marriage of her daughter, Moll Wilder to Mr. Sam uel Phil* Toallaaon, Wednesday even ing. Nevessbor the twentieth, one thous aad tiae handled and twelve, at eight o'clock, Ferry's Chapel, Franklinton, North C*r*liaa. Kits Mitchiner ia one of Franklin county' most attractive and accom plished yeong ladies and is especially popular among a host of friends. Ml Tomliason, baa roeently located in this county, and has won the admira tion of a host of frieads. He is a suc ceteful young planter and possesses ex ceptions' sbllty. ?liuon ???tins: At the Pareoaa*e Tuesday afternoon tho Hod>? and Foreign Missionary so cieties * Joiat meeting for Novem ber, o*er which Mra. !(. W. Dai ley , Preiicleei o < tie W. F. M. 8., presided ia her a**1 ?T?tematie and graceful ra?ns<* Ti)?r# wara twenty -air present, in cluding ?*??<*! Ti?' tort, two of whoaa earoHed their lumen a* members. X rs. Haleae led the devotional exer cises. asiaf ?eripture ieaaon, Matt. 7:21-2*. r,B,B '*? aa giyea in tha progrnm far Ner ember, followed by the beautiful sad 'mpreeaive hymn, "Will There B? Aajr Star* {a Mr Crown. " ^fterthe haainaaa oF both aoeietiaa had bcee attended to, quite an intereit ia( an<i ln?tr?c?Te debate waa held, the query UeiB?. Reoolred, That tha work for Orieatata in America will do jnore to utabliah tha kingdom of Ood ?a earth thaa th* w erfc la Chin*. Mm. T. B. Wilder M Um tflnutln aad Km. W. B. Whit* ?be uittir* rife. lt>M( point* war* brought to kor Ml both, leading thaae pNMt late alaattr ?Uto. ti th* (Ml BOO* both ?t bNM aad abroad. Hn. Bailey |UU4 that ?ln*a this ??> the porpeee of the debet*, ao judges bad been appolated, and aak ad Miea Para, whaaa piaamaa with na la alwaya a baaadlitt*^ ta aak* a law remark*, which aba did, fivlaf reaaona why each' aeeaed to' her the am* ia port*At, id ii tlaiin itrtMtd tk% on? aaaa of viaaieB work ia ita dlSeromt phaaee. A ooaun'ttaa waa appelated ta draft raaalatioaa ia mastery of Mr*. 0. W. Brown, whoao leceat daath haa *g*in depleted ear ranka. Hn. E K. Tori the* *aag ?n aweet If, "0 far * Boat," aad the aaeeting waa adioaraod with .ptayer by Kin Bail* VMS Party. Oa Satarday eight Uat Kn. I ray Al Ian aad the ladiee of the T. W. C. A. entertained th* faculty aad atodaata at a Hal la wean party at the eollage from aeroa-thirty to nine o'clock. All except the janleta aad senlera war* dlacmeed aa robber*, gheata and fortune- teller* and aereral aalectioaa of instrumental music by Misses Lottie Ken; Helen Hoaae aad llollia Jobaatea. Recitations by Miee Henainger, the expraealon teacher, were enjoyed by all proaant S*T*r^l guns ware played after which rafrashmenta were tarred. Marriage Licenses. Register of Deeda Y arbor ough Uaaed marriage licenses to the following cou ples during tlie month of October. White? R. P. Jones and Lizzie Wal ker, W. L. Sleane and Aliie Davis, Wil lie Burnett* and Mary Tucker, Robert Eakes and Rosa Tant, H. R. Faulk and Cora Uowdcn, A. C. Fisher and Mamie Preddy. Coixjoed? Robert Perry and Lula Lu cas, Otho Singleton and Nona Keen, Ira Taylor and Martha Littlejohn, Charlie Bailey atvl Annie Scarboro, Lessie Allen and Laura Rogers. Lonzie Haywood and Maggie Perry, Ed Dt'nton and Josepljin* Jones, Hnbvrt Ltrtlejohn and Giacie Greeo, J. W. Hawkins and 0*er"Kay?s,' Oscar Person and Harriet Davis. Willie Jor.es and Lena Williams, Joe Williams and Elzer Wilson. The Louisburff Baptist Church. Public worahip will be conducted Sun day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, W. M. Gilmore. "What about your Influence?" will be the theme of the morning sermon, and "The Old Time Goepel of Blood" at night. Come and worahip with u?, If you do not go to some ether house of worship. Sunday school at 9:46 a. m. and B. Y. P. U. 4 p. m. Hollawaj L?ttf ? 1 The following letter w* received Wednesday from Mr. J. H. Helleway: Tn Fiimo ma, LoelBburg. N. C, Dear Mr. Editor: While I de net believe is rub blag it ia when yea have the other fel lows goat, I cannot forego the pleasure of aayitiij like the old lady "I told /on so." One ot the Kitchin followers in Louis burg, who also professes to he a follow er and teacher of the lowly nazariae told me yesterday say predictions in the Franklin Timks on the ultimate result of the Senatorial campaign reminded him of a statement ence made by a minister who visited Aehevllle, N. C. He made the very broad sweeping statement that Asheville was the wick edest city in the world and when he was call' d on to prove his statement or show what reaton he had for making it they foand lie had never been anywhere te amount to Anything. Hy good Kitch in friend said my dogmatic manner of making my political pragaotications re minded him of the minister, I apoke as an oracl*. Please 1st me ask my friend If it ia possible for any man to state a fact and ha dogmatic. The writer challengea any reader of the Tmse to ahew an errer in his fore salt, but on the ether hand every eteim was mors than realised and it certainly is the greatest pleaaore ef my |lfa to aaaonnce the elimination of the most monumental specimen of egotistical, vituperative, negativenaw; from politi cal power that North Caroliaahas ever knows. Never agala will N.rth Carolina set another sueh campaign aa the one jnst eloseJ, all other candidates - will know better. I AM H. Hollowat. ) c-^i 6 c ' ? w ilM$|=Es|S E|gaS8S^??5g i i <rj Kitcbln 5r$52S?=e5. Ctark fcSgS?5S51 Wilnon Taft OI?>tO(l?<HC?w o.S5SSSSggS BOQMTllt 3^5 xssssg^ssl ?>t-?ocfcao>???soirf. ?*?~ ^lo e* ?hp osts?-*H SSSSSSSSS8S2 OB ?MN- OtMMI s2s?isgss; 09 iomm ?528232223 ? to**** Uuaw ?JCrsl* ' U* ar? Ssttls Po? liitcbell W?*hin?ton Tborne No Opposition No Opposition | Tarter -i No Opposition ao' ? to os e-i-" OC'VOfcSO-^-JOi-J^OS '?s Allen No Opposition cc Gnffln c :*os-*oa s ae o??j ?<*oas>-j ?*oc *- cs O 03 CdMM... 3t'CJ^01C54??Ci9?OQC Yarborough No Opposition! 09 b)MM oxjia-i?ac*--j -H?o?aa o <? c: Egerton 3 No Opposition No Opposition , , , UMM CO !_? t-" _ ^ ??o?oi^aaw^^ OHScck?ioijea Simpson No Opposition 4-8 g-.KSS.S5CSCfiui' ? o'+>?.coa<oo?coc?ks<e ?T W M CCHHH ? ?) OD>4MI3*)ACK?1HO ? M' WOS<IOOiO?lCtO n?w?n ?r s ?* ?-? t?MMH 2l222l*,0"4a0'-,M-* o'oiSMaociie oicu [Cooke ? oe lmm c* >-*** ** CJ 'isctaee.e.aiaM Wilson 5 g eL ? ? CO *3 >? ' ?-? CO t 2- <?i a?-*co???*-a Ballsntine 0 Tl 3! 0 > r < 0 H m (D L 10 0 ?n ?n > z x r z 0 0 ? z H < COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MET IN REGULAR SESSION ON MONDAY. ' The latter of the Jail Calls Was Considered? Other Mat ters of >laor Importance Tfussitnr The Board of County Commissioners mat in regular session oa laat Monday ? all members being preseat. Alter reading and approving the minutes of the previous meeting the following basiness wss disposed of: J. A. Clifton waa relieved of $6.02 taxes la M arris township ? ever eharge. Robert Hunt waa relieved of pell tax ? beiafr a non-resident of the county. Miaa Lucy A. Parnell waa relieved of $2.00 taxes? errer. J. Lehman was reimbursed with SR. 22 for for tuea en land of J. C. Johnson, purchased at the land sale for taxes there being no such property. It wee ordered that the Sheriff take into custody Win. Massenburg and de liver to Superintendent of county home. It was ordered that J. Ax Tamer be relieved of taxes on $1,600 worth of property ? tarn* having been paid bi M F. Houck. It was ordered that P. G. Hagweed bs allowed six joints of piping to go across road in front el his residence. A representative of a steel company met tha Board of Commissioners at the jail and got the necessary information to enable him to quota prices on the i _ The repert of E. N. William*, Sup erintendent of the cannty home vu re ceived aud filed. He reports 13 colored and 11 white Inmates. Report of'Dr. J. E. Malone, Superin tendent of Health waa received and filed. Report of V. K. Pleasants, Manager Medical depository waa received and filed. After allowing a number of acceunts the Board adjourned to its nextregnlar meeting. Dickens Items The farmers have been quit* husy tor the past saveral weeks trying to save their crope. Tha majority are getting on all right with picking eut their cotton and will soon ksva tha short crop housed. Those who hay* tobacco ?mb to be Terr well pleased with the fncrthtj but keen (ettlag Uuj ?ra clad to see lk? alee rtiu wa hare been hsriac lately so Uu; eaold pot hi their cIotst, rye, ?k?t u4atk?riM& ?r. 01)U Hedge mil aa tateraettng talk to the hnm of onr yieiaity M rueaday Bight, OiteWer a la J, at the Academy la behalf ef the hram Ua ian. We war* |M to eaa a tot of the T?C people out. Mia* Tan la ?alHaa, af noar Sand; Creak, a peat some tlan last week with hat eaasfa. Miaa Jim ala GoUuu. EM. J. W. TsVaattne and Mm. Ool liaa apeat laet Canday *aad Meaday ia Nashnlto. Mr. Oar lead Pajilak aad his friaad, Mr. Sap ten. ef aaar Ceatrerllle, vera ia oar Bidet last halt;. Mr. T. C. CelUae to hayi* ? building pat ay ea Mala street sear the Academy. It wlB add right ataek to the appearance of ear Katie to we. J. C. a ad X. 0. Colliae vhe hare tfaa cea tzaet say that they ?>??> to hare the job eetapletod witkia two weeks. The "Hickory Srrra" Saw Mill Com pany hare their aoaehtaery dowa and abeat ready to bafto weak. Mr. Charlie Jeraer haa oeatracted to plaster the aew dwelling of M?-. Ollie Sledge and haa employed K. L. Collioa to help hita de the work. They will in their fast way aoea have the work fin ished. rtis a fise boy sad Mr. Hill Thorne ia wearing a broad omlto The Farmers Uaiea gin came near getting burned oa last Tuesday morn ing. It aeemi the bra caught from a little boy. up ataira supposed to hare been smoking. Good wishes to tha Tiuu. Dandy. Constable Elected. Mr. R. W. Hudson wis elected con stable for Louis burg township on Tues day by s rote of 385. tsarDBcne. There will be a barbecue at Moulton on next Wednesday night, November 13th, for the benefit of the school. Tome prepared to eat a big aupper and contribute liberally to the cause. Election Returns. The election returns were received in the court house where a telegraph apa ratus had been placed in position on last Tuesday night and were listened to by quite a large number of our citizens who were especially interested in the outcome of the general election. Mr. T. G. Hoddie and Cept. L. L. Jovner were especially alert on this occasion and bandied the wires well. Returns were received up to a boat twe o'clock. SlmmoDi Carrie# Franklin Ctntj. Hen. P. M. Biaiias eerries Franklin ceoaty with a eejeeity ef 328 oyer both ef his Off wta. The tabulated yote will be mm to aaother column. His majority ia the Mate ia estimated betweea W,*00 aad M.000. By a vote shown that they prefer a campaign feaght apes iaauee and achievements rather than personality. The vote ia quite a ceaplinaai te the Senator and his record. Box Party. - Thers will be a box party at Cedar Rock Academy Saturday night, Nov. 9th 1912, given by the yottag ladies of the community. The proceeds derived from the evening's entertainment will be for a werthy cause. Everybody is cordially invited to ceme. Crystal Wadding:. Invitations reading aa follows have been received by friends ia Louisburg: 1897 1912 November the tenth Mr. and Mrs. Jawee Archibald Turner At Hne on Monday eveaing November the eleventh from nine anti) eleven o'clock Louisburg, Kertb Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Jaasea A. Turner are among Leuisbu? a aaoet popular citi' tans and have numbers of friends who will wish for them aoany more happy anniversaries. Card of Thaaks. We wish to extend oar sincere thanks to the many people of Louisburg and vicinity who so kindlv rendered ns as sistance in the recent accidental death of our husband and father near Loop bnrg. Especially Messrs. W. E. White, J. J. Lancaster, Oapt, P. G. Alston. Mrs. J. W. Burton, C. J. 8ctto*. THE M9TIM PEOPLE 4 . i ?- >1 THE I* HO TIME NTS IX AND OCT OF TOWN ThoM Who Im VlilttALonii burg: the flat Week? Those Who (kit Elsewhere For BvbIscm me Pleasure. ?m. T. W. Bickett came home Tues day to cut kit veto. Kain. J. J. Barrow sad J. M. Allen visited 'Raleigh this week. Mr. J. Fuller Maloae, ef New Orleaas, La:, is vial tine kit people here. Mr. Key Jackson, ef Apex, was a visitor to Leotebarg the put week. Miaa Cleatentine Miller, of Oklahoma. Miaa., is visiting Miaa Kathleen Egeiv too. Mr. J. H. Hollo way came home the past week to be present oa election *?7 Mfaaea Kmma aad Mary Page, of Aberdeen, are visiting: their aiiter Mr*. J. B. Wilder. ? Misses Maude Hicka aad Alma Adams and Mr. Harry L. dandier spent San flay at Fear Oaka. Mrs. Bam P. Arrington, ef Warren ton, Waited her cousin, Mrs. W. H. Ruffln, the past week. Mrs. E. H. Sine and little son, Thomas, left the past week to visit her sister at Phoenix, Ariz. Miaa Mary T. King who haa been vis iting: her brother in Warren county, re turned home this week. Mr. N. A. Tunstall, whe now lives in Wilson, came over Tuesday to cast his vote in the recent election. Ur. A. M. Hall visited the northern markets the past week to replenish her stock of goods at the Big Racket. Mrs. Mary Love, of South Hill, Va., who has been visiting Mrs. Dora Jack son returned to her home this week. Mr. William Barrow, came home from Richmond the past week to cast his first vote in a .National election. His many frienda hare were glad to see him. * Ur. 6. P. Burt accompanied Miss Maggie La" Bailey to Rex . H?v>ttal , Raleigh, Monday where she auceeasful ly underwent an operation for appendi ? citis. She was also accompanied by her mother, Mrs. B. T. Bailey and Mr. Charlie Clarke. Her maay friends here will be glad to learn that she is getting along well. Sells Out. Mr. T. U. Hill has gold his grocery business on Main street to Mr. E. Jones Macon. Mr. Msconis especially fitted for the task he has undertaken, having served several years in the business In Louts burg, and haa many friends here who will bo glad te leans of hi* verture and give him a portion ef their patron age. Em his advertisement be another eoluna. ,C#tton Cottoa sold far IS cents per poukd on the local market here yesterday. Owing to the rai ? the receipts were ooty aUd inm. "C?n8 Bit N?t Forjf?tUn." "The-dpath angola visited the home ef Mr. aad Mrs. S. W. Young on Sanday morning Oct. 27, and saw St to take away their beloved daughter, Agatha Estelle, which they so dearly loved and all who knew her. She had bore a lot of suffering sor some time, but for the lsst few days she grew worse. (She was a bright little child, her age was 18 months and two weeks. The family haa the sympathy of our town. For we know 'tis sad to see the little one close its bright shining eyes to shina on earth no more, but in heav en among the angels where it will test forerer, without any sorrow. A preeioes one from us has gone, a voice we loved ia still ; a place is vacant in our home, which never can bo tilled. God in his wisdom has recalled, tke booa her love had given, and though the body slumbers here, the soul is safe in heaven. God doee all things well, for those that lore him. So weep not dear aether, but try by tho power of God to metst yonr sweet oao again. There is not words to ex prees'a mother feeling of a lost child We all know not what hour, God may call. For yonr little one ia conataatly beckoning yon to come. May God be with ua all until we meat again. M. D. W. Methodlat Church. Preaching at 11 a. jn. and 7 JO p. m. by tha pastor. Snndav School at 9:80 a. m. All per sons cordially myited to ail thaao ser vices.

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