SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lets on VIII.? Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 24, 1912. ; ? i THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Luion, Mark ix, 1-1S. Memory VtrtM, J, 10? Golden Text Luk. ix, 35 (R. V.) ? ?CommtnUry I Pr*P,r*J by R.v. D. M. 8tsama. This lesson, like the last. Is recorded if Matthew and Luke as weU as by ^arW. Jt wag tbe one wcgsloo on Which the glory Which w*. always to Him waa allowed to shine through in thla particular way. In the tabernacle and in the temple the glory of God was Jil'Mfs Jb j^e holy of holies abQve the mercy seat, between the cheniblm, bat the veil concealed It-the Tell which was rent in twain from the top to the bottom in the midst when He died and which, we are told In Heb. x, 20. repre sented His flesh or body. John saya , "the word waa made flesh and tabernacled among us, and we beheld Hia glory." Aa he makes no record of the trans figuration, possibly be tfefere to It in Uria saying, as well as to His whole ufe on earth. Peter undoubtedly refers when he says. We made known unto yon the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and were eyewitnesses of His males In'* h* mentloIls the boly mount and the words from the Father (John ?. M; n Pet I. 16-18). r-lt .CO,Dnectlon the coming of Christ In glory which He mentioned in last week s lesson He said that some of those who stood there would not taste of death till they had seen kingdom of God come with power or the Son of Man coming In His king dom. Then after six intervening days or, as Lnke says, about eight days.' i^to r?M hCter and ,ames and John into a high mountain, apart by them selves^ and as He prayed He waa trans figured before them ft seems to me that the wonder was not that the glory now shone through the veil of His flesh, but that it was always there, yet concealed. But It was. as to His whole life, the time of His appearing ae one to us. sin excepted (Heb. U. 14). His face did shine aa the son. and His raiment waa white and glistening ,be "*ht- while aa raow. -When Moses came down from "ktn ?f bia face abone he had to wear a veU while he peopl# (E* xxxlv, ? ?5)' T^t must have been reflected light. He did not wear the veU whea ?aLTi f - t0 ?lk.wlth Lora and WfeaiBIy only after he bag done talking jrith (he people. Stephen". face aeems these two men from hearts who im2 talking with Jeana and when the three tavored diaclplea saw and seemed te "ow, for Peter mentlona tbem by Mine. ?*er 1.400 years aloce Meeee aied and waa buried e* Mamst Neba fPeut- Jcxxl?) ?nd perhapa 800 yean Jrf'mi^!IJab Wa* take" from ">? of Ellaha on the east of Jordan by a wirlwind and horses and chariot of "re (H King, Uk vet ?ere t^T." aliTe and well and recognfceda, no doubt we ahall know all In the alary without Introduction. They talked with Jesus about Hia decease, which He should accomplish at Jerwalem (Luke ix, 81). By virtue of that atoning death the* and all the redeemed frem Abel oe ward had enjoyed centuries of bllaa aa It were, on a premlssorv note now about to T>e paid. None are in glory nor ever can be except by virtue of that precious blood In due time abedoa Golgotha. It Is the blood that maketh atonement, and without abedding of blood there Is no remission of sins (Lev *vli. 1 1 ; Heb. ix. 22). The diaciple, were heavy with sleep. (Luke lx. 32). and so "'thsemane. Are we aot all in a measure asleep to the great things of God? How oftefi we talk ss foolishly as Peter, who suggested the three tabernacles, not knowing what to W.T. ,KTh*.V* * eood "?r1' b? Malted. See now the ,5T"T ln m'n'nture? the I-ord Jesus glorified and with Him the risen saints represented by Moses and the trans lated saints represented bv Elijah The ?hree disciples may represent" nil Israel made righteous and the multitude at the foot of the hill the people to be Jlessed when the kingdom comes. jr? em.',re "" who ,h* ?'ory of Jils kingdom, endeavor now to walk Worthy of it and live to hasten It As they came down from the mount He charged them to tell no one of the WMders they had seen till the Son of " . be rl?en from the dead, but "y'ng meant not one the present table net-, ire of uic ww-n vltn'ker Id n t'iiii;l^ii it*ci;iiiii*iit li-ti vpnrn hko. fcir S nii'iel l'uy. re. t-utly- kulgbtiHl by Kills t .??.?ve of Knitlauri. Is general umu-Mfr of liir Ureal Central railway, in. I. "lit* of the most (imminent DjjiiU ? \'l* riit!?ruy ivurlil. be 1m- tan us n Itiolur i ierlc in * witjullltf country attfiiou on u bntU' b Hue i'rvfensor Motoori. who wan commis sioned to reui[wt U>e dirge to be used at the funeral of the lute tmpefor of Japan, U n prominent member of the (acuity 9t Um imperial Academy of linalc at Ulyeao. He baa written k ?amber of maalcal compositions. WlnOeld Scott Tbaaman, chairman ft the General Manager*' Association of Chicago and of the Association of Western Railways, baa worked bla way op from the bottom of tbe ladder. Be entered tbe railway service in 1882 at Trenton. Mp.. na office boy for tbe Hock Island line. New York's "System." Tbe terror of the gang must be real when a man bad rather remain In Jail than go free.? New York American. These are bard days for tboae whose band* aa well aa minds are full of rice and crime.? New York Tribune. Viewed from any angle, tbe verdict of tbe Becker Jury la tbe moat terrible blow that tbe wicked and flaunting al liance between the guardlana of tbe law and tbe violators of It has ever received.? New York Post. Tbe Becker verdict leaves tbe police department uf New York In a abamefnl position. Tbe time has come now for a vigorous and fearless investigation of that branch or the city government, fbr a thorough overhauling of It.? New York Times. ? College and School. Columbia university in point of at tendance la third on the llat of tbe world's greatest Institutions of learn ing. Tbe moving plots res are to be em ployed in tbe Loadoa schools to Illus trate lessons In botany, ornithology, eatomolocy. scleace and |Mtr?p>y. Tbe luoa goversmaat baa decided against tbe project tor s snlversity at Dresden on tbe grsssd that tbe learned professions are already overcrowded a ad that tfce gsvsrsmsat dees not re gard tbe mslntsassce of two anlversl Use ef the Bret grade aa practise ble. Sporting Notes. c*"'on>Ul *? Fred Clerks has rigaed to ma sags the Pirates la MIS. The Raltiaiere peel try shew irtt be held Dec. SI. UK. la Jaa. 4.7?l5: *" The New See* Wales Bagby Feet %0lt lja^a^ wagti an BsglUb team to, Chicago follewera ef Qaellc football plan to pick aa all Americas team and tssr the world, starttag next iprH Wireless Whispers. W,ireleas telegraphy baa been fives tW credit far savtag tweatg-two eceaa going vessels *esa leee to the last three yeara. Test messagas at wireless telegrams seat la Peca with tve kilowatt power : psssed tbe Audea moaatalae from 14. 000 to 20.0UU teat high ! Aa Kngllshasss baa moaoted a wlre 1 less telegraph oatlt on tbe motorcy cle and receives and seads mssssges i while traveling ever the coanlry. Automobile Runs. Kansas baa 16.000 motor vehicles msed In farm wark. Dozens of New York firms are In stalling automobile moving Tans. For children an electric automobile baa been built wltb a one-half horse power motor and a speed limit of fonr mllrsa a n Kaup '?'l a u llvUl . Some eighty -seven manufacturers will be represented In tbe New York auto show January next In Madison Sqnare harden. German Gleanings. j Every German bank clerk speaks at . least one foreign language. During tbe past thirty years the pop ulation of Germany has increased by 20,000.000. Last season 1,800 concerts took place In Berlin, and ont of these only 150 showed a profit. Female . school physicians have re | cently beeu nppblnted In four German rltles? Munich, Nuremberg. Col mnr and I Hocbst. Short Stories. There are 8,500 steamers on the seas. Tbe government mint at Denver Is operated entirely by electric power, motors totsllng 300 borseposrer being nsed. Electrical current la. said to kill all germs hi oysters wben properly ap plied to water In wblcb they are suit merged. San Francisco announces that the Panama Pacific exposition buildings will be ready June 25. 1014.' The ex position la to open Feb. 20, 1915. Y?llow F>v?r. There l? it market! inrallarltr aboat jrelu?w ti-vcr ffhtrh tUnHtijnilsb^ It from m<>st It In easi'utiitll.v it tiiTUM* of a In it i llniMtv. nod It tn Ki'i I certain amount 11 ml duration of lt*-tit to awaken II lu lirr It In *ttld I la:i ? it rwu never iitvvuli Dublin's Big Park. Phwulx park. Dublin. baa an irM or 2.1)00 WM Th? Larjnt D?nw Among 1 hi* lurKr?t domes In tbe irorhi are tbe 1'autbeon at Home. 142 fw?t diameter. 143 feet high: baths or Cam calla. Rome, 112 feet diameter, lilt r?'i tilg b ; St Sophia. Constantinople I IT feet diameter. All feet blgb; St. Marin dtlla Kure, Klorence, ISO feat dhimrtcr. 810 feat blgb: Bt. 1'fltr's. Rome. i:s feet diameter, 830 feet blgb; Bt fa1.'1'* London. 112 feet diameter. 4l& fee:' w?S ... C eanak C alfc^la^. Preach coloblta abd d*DeB; In all part* or tbe World have an area ?l 4 ,000.000 square miles and a population of 40,000.000. - Ancient Football. Modern footbsli Is h direct descend ant of an ancient Roman rh roe called "barpastum.'* In which the object of the players on euch side was to selx? the ball and carry it by some means or other across a line marked ou tin gronnd In the rear of their opponents No Peace For Diacoyerors. It la remarkable how few of the dl> corerers and conquerors of the new world died In peace. Columbus died of a broken heart. Balboa was dls gracefully beheaded. Cortes was dis honored. Sir Walter Raleigh was In headed. Plxarro was murdered. OJed.i died In poverty, and Henry Hudson wit* "left to the mercy of the Indians aloug the bay which he discovered. British Battleships. In the class ideation of battleships In the British navy no ship is considered first class unless she fires a broadside of at least 0,000 pounds. Fish In Copenhagen. Copenhagen has a model tlsb market built by the municipality. With tbe exception of tbe larger varieties, ilk- , cod sad halibut, all the fish are k*-t?? alive In tasks filled with running wa ter. There is no other towa wber* s" | the fish, whether cheap or dear, ar*? beautifully fresh. Ireland. . . . Oat of the twenty odd Million scree wblcto comprise Ireland nearly one-sev enth are barren, being aeMtala. tun bog or marsh. No Gold Magnet. Ne one so far baa bees stole to M)? k? a mag art wktcti will attract goto Coald ttoU be accomplished tu enoi moaa value ???niu scarcely u? rraiixtM. for It would wake it p?wsluio to work rock Crsai wsicu mu itauwu proc?o? ua* bees stole to extract gold to paying qaaatlttet ""?c - Two Volcanoes. Vesavlae aud Etas are never both active at the same time. Adder it ? net. The stugvlar supers titles of tbe va. ue of adder atoaea for coring a variety of IMs toaa cestinaed la many countries from ttoe time ef the Bestans. Tbe?* celebrated c karma are netting 'more thos aatiqse green or tolae grass stripeu In varlesa designs sad perforated The virtses ef these stanes are sun * in ttoe peema of the aneieat dm Ida and are mentioned by Pliny aad other claa eical writers. * Mines In Southern Spain. Vraacto. British aad German capital Ists control moat of tbe miaea in south ern Spain, the Spanish tosvtng alwsy* been as willing to invest money In mln ing. Man's Thumb. Tbe radical difference between the band of mau and of the monkey lies In tbe thumb. In tbe bumsn band the thumb has tbe "opposing power, which means that the thumb can r* made to touch the tip of each or auy of tbe other fingers on tbe same band Tbe monkey's thumb Is nonoppoaabla. Belled Horse. Tbe Swiss horse is apparently a ver> musical antrriSi? or not. according' i? ! the bearer's ear. Strings of bells are bung round Its neck, producing a mil ?leal jangle at every step. Lead Pencil Writing. Sometimes In 1111 emergency one ha* I to address a letter or a postcard with a lead pencil, and tbfere Is always the I danger -that tbe writing will become ' blurred I k? fore it reaches its destina tion. To prevent this breathe on tin writing and then blow on It. and H will remain clear for some time. Flight of Birds. Some bird* nave a long range oi flight, such ns the martingale, wild goose and several members of the vhi tn re tribe. In 'general birds are re strictest to certain geographical areas although the same fishing eagle thai Uihablts the shores of Scotland Is seei' In sonth Europe. -xj "Sleeps LtVe s Mouse." We all use the expression "Hlo^e Use a ton.' but few _ lino w frwi what the term arose. It Is a prov??" of Italy. The Italian word t?>p m-im a mouse, snd tbe proverb I * "(CI dnriM como on topo." or. "He o^eejm like * mousa" OF LOTS AT FR ANKUNT0M N. C Tuesday, Nov. 19 At 19:30 A. K. w? will sell to the hieheat bidder regardless of price 60 cheice residence lots adjeining the haadsame dwelling of D ? 1 Bark ley alsa a nice two story seven room dwelling J?st north ol D. E. Barklev's heme. This to very desirable nrone'rtr and now is your chance to get a beautiful home site at your own price. Will be sold on very, vary easy terras. Don't fail to attend. Ladies especially invited. Httsie By Ixctllent Brass Bamd. Valuable Prizes Given ?way Free. Tou Can't Afford to Miss It. Come one! Come 011! Bail) Or Sltine Raleigh Real Estate and Trust Company ftaltigh, lUrth Carolina HILL LIVE STOCK COMPANY nl mlhiiaint we dedicate to tbe oruinary farmer who lovee a square deal. Deal with oe sad yaa wwl kaock i ?. If yen are a man whe meet yoar obligations and pay your defcte. Ml with as and yea will hereafter boost the HiU-*Live Stoek Co. We atand aolidlj kiikl?4 nw gaaniTaa on all boraee, buagiee, wagons an i harneas add. We thank yon our aaatMOra, (or the large amount of buaineaa girea u? the pant spring aad will aay we are qaifce ?eU, V yoa pay ?a November 1st as yon promised, if not there is going to be helt to pay a Wg ' 7 CYCLONE MORTGAGE SALE Wednesday, November 20th, and 21st. on wfciob data will offer for sals a* usual, horses and mules, bugeiee, wagons, cows, hogs harness, aurriaa, WaeehouM and kitchen furniture, shot guns and opposum dogs. All about the Bale w? appaar u? a later iesue of this paper. We wish to reduoe our stock of buggies ao4 vafeea, all new buggies, wagons and harness. We have a large stoek of dry goods, notions and ihoes at our store that we wish to sell. Now we want to gin your cot toe. We hevaj?t eeuimeoeed the operation of our new ootton gin ia front of our stables, which hw a ?a pa4ty of 60 bales per day. We will be glad to gin the ootton of our friends and custom era. We hare a large stick nf agricultural implements that we will sell cheap for the next 80 as we want to clean up our stock. . Now gentlemen we wont you to pay yoar notes tW? year when they are aue if you are not dead. If you are dead that set tles it; *4 weal attempt to follow you because we are in doubt as to which road some of you will fcak*. If you pay us, we cali you gentlemen behind your back and to your faoe. If you don't {*y whan due, and when we look over our books in the d