sr ? w .... JpBSCBIPTION Sl.OO PER YBAR ' NIIMDPD At OyTY, xme 8TATR THE TOION. _ errv utwm i A Prosperous New Year TEACHERS AMOCIATOH. Containing Information Not Tabulated Bafora, That Will Baof Much Intarast to tha Public. A total of 1406.10 raised In various ways for the lmproveaMnt of public school bouses and grounds la Franklin county is what appeared from tha re ports made by the different schools at the monthly msatlng of the Teachers Association held in Loulsbarg on De c?mWr 7th. In addition to thU elevoa schools report work done la tha way of cleaning up and improving rroonds. . Twenty two schools observed North Carolina day an the flth and reported contributions ta the Aycoek Memorial Fund amounting ta 131.81, not counting all proceeds from sale of pic tares of Gov. Ajcook which are to be retorted later. Ala* Bunn reported 1200 peunda of cotton front tha school farm which has net bean sold. Daring the month two new libraries aad six supplement* ary libraries havs bean ordered. Thfse are a few of tha facts bresffbt out at the meeting aad'shsw something of tha general prograes is school matters la our county. The meeting was largely given over to reports from the schools. Mr. Q. M. Beam, of the Mapleville school spoke briefly ef the district meeting bald by Miss Arlington at HapleviUa, aad Miss Sallle Allea of the meeting bald at Bann. Announcement was made of district meetings to be held at Ingleeide on the 10th aad at New Hope on the 12th. In aaotbar column appears ??. state meat showtajff the earallment and av erage attendance for the various schools for'the week ending >ov. 39th and also -- i-ths amount contributed for the Aycock fond. A sumssary of the written reports aa kv tor work done for school improvement, is given beiow. Pearse (Dunn's) , , ? Box party $34.00 Donated by patrons $10.00 Five cords of wood given. ? Pine Ridge Apron sale $25.00 K -FB IANKLIM pobuc schools ?AKB CK WIMG. Pilot School Farm cotton Bunn *e6.oo Lawn party $15.00 School Farm cotton 1200 lbs. Outside* for fuel donated by Cheyes Heddiagfield Lumber Co. International Encyclopedia placed temporarily in li brary. Organisation of literary soeiety a and debating elub for boys. Men ?f the ^district (pre a day's work toward pre paring tn?~grounds for the new school building. New' Hope Sale of serap iron .35 Box party J20.90 Donation for library $5.00 Laurel Number of framed pictures donated. Two doien bo* lea Including a dic tionary loaned for the year. Library ordered Dr. Jaooeka leotured oa hookworm for lilmiy 16.00 - " " painting house 96.00 " picture frame 91.00 Oyster (upper 916.00 Kearney's All b*u donated 4 oords wood " ' Ceaterrille Boa party 990.00 11 pictures touted 9 blackboards " ?.ViM " Justice t ' ;Y Oyster sapper M.00 Coaoort 98.00 A play 991.99 7 leads ?f wood donated Maplsriile " by pupils far (liction 94.00 i 1*0 *nan supper 9M.0U Sal* 4? hkkory aaU 91.00 ? and papers far Beading Complete sat of Bul isted. of Reading elub Friday night. itlM. The next **?*? of tfc* Aaes^ghon will be held Srtnkr the nth day of January. Box Party A very eajovaJ?le Syeflla* W** a past at the academy at Woc^l, Friday even ing last. The affair, a box fatty, given for the yoang ladle* of the rieinity who believe m higher edqfafMlp we* pro nounced by every *ne a howling ?aeeeea, Hie academy, Wa* beautifully decorated with all kind? 9 1 flags, bunt ing and holly. At an^ly hoar there waa *tandiag room oalj. The ladie* Who eontributed to tha d^r were Kin Kan Upehurch, Hiaa Viola Harrington Mia* Baby Win* ton, Center Til le, Mia* Ksther Taylor, Mia* Laay Oupten, Mlaa Lillie Lanier, Mil* Moby Gupt*n, Mlaa May Gapton, Wood, aiid Mlaa Rama Underbill. Loaubarg. Mr. Wm. D. Upehurch, CenterviUe, waa the auction eer and it waa evidently a bet the gen tleman had used the hammer before, because In a very short time he had sold a* at j box and turned over IM.M to C. G. Wood, Treasurer. Aftar the aala aC the boxes every one was riven the privilege of yoting far, in their opinion, the'most beautiful girl present. Miss Diekeaa wen the prise. Miss gas maUnderhlll, ef Louisbarg, contributed the box bringing the largest amount of Refreshment* were ssrvsd the entire evening. The Franklin County Unton The next session of the Frank II* County Union Meeting will be held with the Maple Springs Baptiat church Sat urday and Sunday See. 2&-M. The falls wiag ia the saggeeted pro gram. Saturday 940, Prayer Service, by Bro. Dennis Olark. What ia the Ohriatian'a aacret of a happy life? By Rev. J. W. Sledge and Bro. Will B?a?dell. Enlisting and tiaining our church i&inbsnhip for MTVieMiy Rev. Mask ftamp* and Walter M. Gilmore. . After-Noon SaaaioN. What I* the Bible teiching on Charoh Discipline? Rer.G. W. Coppedge and Rey. Harper. How can we increase the eflioiency af our Sunday Schools? By Rev. C. C. Williams and Bro. T. H. Sledge and Bro. W. J. Dennis. Sunday Morning Sussion. Sunday School Mass Meeting, led by Bro. Jas. Fulgum. Sermon by Rey. W. B Morton. Maple Springs church and commun ity extend a most cordial welcome to all who will come. Barbecue and Brunswick Stew. Last week the old Portia Homestead waa the scene of much merry making. The stags gave the party but did not conAne the invitation^ to tneir aex. The pig snd the stew were taken off the coals at 1 :3# p. m., and served in the large dining room of the Portia home, about thirty covers were laid. After dinner a cotillion waa daaeed, followed by the Virginia Reel, then lots of two step* and waltcee. The big event of the day was a live bird akoot eon tost open for the ladias ea'y. Mia* Maud Cornell was high gun. Among the guest* from other plaeea were Mr*, and Mlaa Pearson, Rs*. fink, Mr*, and Misa Goan.ll, Inec, Mtaa Underbill, iioaisbaxg, Mis* DUkega, Franklinton. No Paper Nerftfck. ,t. * la keepiag with a aartwa that ku been held in, high ?et#??' threughdut the age a? the Twas, ud alee la pa. ml dm among practically ail tha waafc Ijr papaia af tha atate thsra will ha aa Mhlieatien of tha raaun Tool next week. W. f?J aura that ?aa au; raadan will gladly WMI ta the | (ores aa ?ppcrtOMity to ?]a; a faw daya holiday aa it I* the enly tiaae dar ing tha year thay can Rat. Itch and a-aary ana eonneated with the offlee Join togatfcw ia axtaading tha Maaoa'a heat wiihea tot a meary Uhriatnaaa aad a kap?y now year. Stores to Close. Tha itoraa iaT LoaUbarg *111, in keep iag with a long ? tending emitaai, oieea twa daya daring Oiriataua. *?? Close February 1st. Thtoogh aradaeedatatandlng tha ia lonnatlon waa girea aa wreag ia Mkard to ' tha fleeing ?( to* tobaaaa waiahaaMa fat the NiM tha yaat weak. JTha article ahaald hare read. Itfcra* *y lat fhetoad at Fehraary 1?, NO 6ASE AC A INST HIM BBASLEY IS FOUND NOT IN k \ A powiMyi Case 1b Federal Court fctfcbtft Franklin Man Dismissed? Great Number* of Franklin County Citizens Prevent to Teetlfr to His Nigh Charac ter. The contempt proceedings in the Federal court ?t Raleigh agaiaat W. F. Ueaaiey, a prominent baiinsjf man aad faraier ?f Franklin county, were di?ai??g< jutwdar at the instance of the gaiarmnant, represented by Asais taat Diatriet Attorney L M. Meekins, after a formidable array of affidavits aad tcatisaoay had been presented to the eoaitts eoatrovert the uuupportcd aflilavit of Jaff Parrish, a negro, and to establish the high character of Mr. Rxaalcy. - Tkta waa a ease of much interest to the people of Franklin county especi ally, and many of the representative citwsns aad baaiaess men of that coun ty vera here yesterday at their own instance, lending their moral suppeit to the man accoaed. The discharge of the rate by Jndge Connor abaoiutely wipaa away the charge against Ur. Beaaiey. The case grew out of the trial last week of Are negroes from Franklin county who were charged with retailing. Mr. Beaaiey waa the bondsman for the defendants, having taken security on certain properties and a fee of <10 in each case for the aervice rendered in keeping the defendants sot of Jail. Par riih was a witness in these caaee. At the isae tiaso an indictment against his soa for breach of the peace was pending ia Franklin Superior court aad the Ave defendants In the Federal oourtwof* witaeases against the younger Parrish negro in the State coart. While en the atand ia the Federal coart laat week JeC Parrish testified that W-. P. BeoOti* hod f|?iowliB8 him ana offered hiss f-25 to suppress the tratlf in his teatiasony against the Ave defendants for whom Beasley was bondsman and that the latter had threatened to have the witness indicted in the State court in Franklin for re tailing, unless Parrish did suppress the truth as to the defendants. 1 The court had P?rrish pat hia testi mony against Mr, Beasley into the form ot an affidavit and thereupon Judge H. G. Connor, of the federal court, issued a rule azainst Mr. Beas lep calling upon him to show cause why lie should not be held in contempt of court in attempting to bribe and in timidate a witness. The hearing was continued once or twice on account of the necessary absence of Hon. F. S. Spruill of Rocky Mount, chief counsel for Mr. Beasley, but the case was Anally heard yesterday, when Mr. Beas ley, presented an affidavit controvert ing the statements made by Parrish and further setting forth, that instead of kariag approached him that Parrish had approached Beaaley aad told hia that be would supprees the truth against the deteadamts for whom Mr. Beasley was bwtltman if the letter would mae his iaflueoce la behalf af Parrish' a sen who was to>e tried is Prheklin court. Collateral te Mr. Beaaley'a eSdavit, ethers from Vepety Sheriff J. J. Lan caster, Ropreeentative-etect f. A. T?r ner aad United States Cemmiastoaer J. L. Palmer, all ef Franfcliaeeaaty, were predueed, in further support ef Mr. Beeeler'e eeateasiens, Ike Ave defend aats triad last week teetifted. At the oaaeloaioa ef the heariag ef the afldayi^i aad taetlmeay the action waa diemflMed on aietiea ef the govern meat The eaee waa oae which bseaght to the ??# pert ef Mr. Beaaley great aam hen at rapreeeatative eitiaeas of Fraaklia oeaaty. Seme fifty to seven ty tve eaase to toatify la hie behalf, mmomg tbeee beiag Meeere. W. H. Al taa, S. P. Beddie, J. M. Allea, P. B. Srifla, W. ?. Stone, R. W. Hudsoa, J. I. Laneaater, J. 3. Laacaster, A. P. Johaaea,' i. R. Xeaea, E. S. Perd, B. V. WiUiamsea, W. K. Mssseabarg. K. P. ?ill, I. A. Taraer, Peaaer Splvey, Chariee Clarke, M. P. loach. t. B. Tarbereugh, Hev. it P. Mitahiaer, Dr. J. E. Mateae, t*. B. K. Perv*. Dr. H. A. Newell, aU ef LeaUharc, Mt. U. Xearaey, of FraakHntoa, T>*.v i. O. Newell, ef Keeaanarijfe Jtfhta May. ef Wsad.ll. and maay other*. la the heariag of thmft* the teeti sseay af Parriah was *t eerTu berated. The affidavit* tor the r*T*raaM0t aad the testimony ef goveramaat wltosesee ?seer*. E. L. Harris, W. E. May a* a the defense to put on testimony. IV ?ffid?vit? gave testimony as to the bign character of Mr. Besaley. It w^-ehown that the Ave nerroea, Chas. Harris, Henry Egerton, Moees Danston, Hatch King and Chas. Egerton bad b*e? acquitted of the charge of re tall ies. t? which Parish te.tifled, and the allegations of Parriah as to attempts to bribe and intimidate were ?gt. auitun ed, the court dismissing the rule, and thus clearing Mr. Beasley. Appearing la the case for Mr. Beas ley were Meases. F, S. Spraill, of Hooky Mount, 13. r. -Holden ?nd W. M. Per son, ?f Looisburg, and Bennett H. Perry, of Henderson. In their hand ling of the case it was shown that the alienations against Mr. Beasley were groondleie and without patting on wtt neeses for bin Judge Conner dis charged the Alio, entirely exonerating Mr. Beasley. Bistrlot Meetings in addition to the regular monthly teachers' meeting, the district meeting has beea instituted in this county, the reeults so far showing thst this means of bringing teachers into closer touch with the supervisor and with one an other is quite worth while. Six such meetings will give every teaeher in the county the opportunity to observe the teaching and school management of soae ether teachel or teachers for one day, siaee the school visited remains hi session during the forenoon. After the pupils are diamissed the teachers discuss their common problems in a way , ' ! meeting place sends the following no tice tn the teachers of the adjacent dis tricts: "There will be a teachers' meeting a*-- ? school from t till ? o'clock on date. You have the privilege of dis missiag your school for the day in or der attend, aad anises providentially hindered we shall expect you to do so." T^e following meetings of this na ture haye been held: bums, -Nov. 8th. Sdhools represented: Bann, Pearce, Me# Hope, Pine Ridge, Pilot, Seven Ma, Mapleville. PROGRAM. 8:30-11 :3b. Observation. 11:30-12, Explanatioa ef Instructions to Teachers, Miss Arrington. 12:- 12:30. Discussion Chapter XIII. Reading in 1'ublic Schools' Lead by Mr. lleam. 1-1:30. The Hunn Library and Read ing Room. Mr. Highsmlth. 1:30-3. Discussion of Observation: work. (2) Miss Roger's History Recitations. (3) Miss Gill's Geography Study Lessen. (1) Miss Cheatham's Primary MAI'I.EVILLE, NOV. 15. Schools represented: Maplov.ille. Ce dar Roek, White Level, Hickory Rock, Justice. PBOGBAM. 8:30-11:30. Observation: 11:30-12. Explanation of Instructions to Teachers, Miss Arrin*ton. 12-12:45. Lunch. 12:45-1:30. Reading ia Public Schoels. Mr. Beam. 1:30-145. Teachers Daily Preparatiea. Mr. T. H. Bledee. 1:45-2 Assigament ef a Lesson. Mr. Teaser. . 2-3 Disevasioa ef Oheervatioa : ? (lj Mr. Beam's 8?? Leases. (2) Miss Jask son's Primary Work. IIGU61B1, D>o. 10r*. Heheols represented rlagleaide, Vina, Whitaker, Kearaey's, Hayae, Moultea. nit mopa. dbc. I2tr. ?ehoola represented: New Bepe, Math Reek. Riley, Royal. . At Iagleaide aad Mew Hepe simitar prof!? s ware tollewed. Do ye? viah ten CIVy ea the anguratien? 'It THE MOVING PEOPLE THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOW* 1 J'j 1. 1' yd. s.K ' \ Those Who Hay? Visited Louls burg the Past Weak? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. Mr. D. F. McKinae returned home Friday. Mr. K. f. Hill retarned from %trip t? the hone markets Friday. Mr. F. B. MeKiane went to Raleigh on business Friday Mr. J. W. Brown, of the H. F. Munt Meal Co., ?f Petersburg. Va., vi? itad J. W. Hollincaworth the past week. Lieut. W, W. Boddie, Mr. S-i?. Bod die and Mrs. D. W. Spivey left the Dast week for Kings tree. S. C., where Lieut. Boddie was married on Wed nesday. Representative-elect J. X. Turner at> teaded the annual baaqaet of the gen eral agents of the Bartford Life Insur ance Co., given at Columbia, S. ?., Monday night. School Attendance The following table shows the en rollment aad average daily attendance for the various schoola (or the week endiag November 191 h aad also the amount contributed for the Aycack Memorial Fund: Schools Fearce (Dunn's) Pine Ridge Pilot Soeial Plains Bonn Math Kttck Royal Hew Hope Bock Springs Biley Sarner Oak Level Tharriugton . Flat Rock X* Popes ^ Mitchiner Katesville Winn Whitaker Laurel Moulton Incleside Kearney Mountain Alston Centreville Wood Sandy Creek Pearce (Gold Mine) Bab Rock Cedar Rock. Red Bud White Level Justice Seven Paths UapleviUe Hiokory Keck Hayes E 1 & 109 79 n 1SS M 82 67 33 89 36 2T 19 20 21 2 1 49 29 14 36 SS 27 a* a 57 94 19 SS 75 74 79 99 SI as !< ?< 81 47 * 110 7 SO 37 14 *37 . 19 18 15 26 Me 16 17 19 7 14 65 18 17 No 2.1 28 47 16 No 64 No 71 60 69 52 E6 24 1 ?< $1.96 1.16 Report 2.26 1.82 6* 2.80 1.75 L00 Report 1.00 4.48 1.25 50 Report 1.00 56 80 Report 1.10 Report 40 1.25 1.35 5.18 1.00 1.00 Total 981.31 At the Methodist Church. The choir at the Kethedist church will preaent a foil masieal pregraat for the Christmas serveisa aext Snndey msrniag. This ia an azcellaat choir aad semethiag tne is expaetod Sunday. These will alao ha a road musical jrt grata far the erei)i?g serricee. The paator will areaeh a Chriatraas ?araaa ia tha mormiaa aad a aar/aan to roue paeple at tha night aarriea. Christmas Bxereises at the College. f Tha Cellegs Sunday aehoal, assisted h; tha yaang men's Bible elass, halda Christmas aarriea at lha Soilage last Saatjaj afternoon. Tha ehapal was appropriately and beautifully deear ated far the oeeaaiea ia hally, silver tinsel aad myriads of eaadlsa, wheae a* ft ?l?w seemed te radiate tha real ?igatflcaaee of Chriatma* far, la spite af the large number ef young people jkeaeat, ft saamad ao time for merri | That had assembled for some better. Tha soaga they sang Jiaralded tha birth of tha Kiag whaaa preaerer Inspired semethiag too aaated 'Sad heir for the aomaraa place. *?> ?>? : lha pragma was interesting and W*U rendered. The readJaga af Kisses ?Ilia and Kerr. farmer frona Baa ' Her, the latter from an iaci of Mr. Henry Dlckersen of Franklin county. Following the wedding the young cenple left immediately for Mash county where they will spend their honey moan with friends and relatives. Hookworm Campaign. The hookworm campaign which has been in progress for the past five weeks closed Saturday, Dec. 14. During that time 1,731 people were examined and 428 were found infected with hook worms giving a general average of 25 per cent in round numbers. There were 795 children examined between the ages of fire and nineteen and 294 were infected, gifing a per centage slightly over X7. The tetal number of people examined was not as large as itshould have been, the greater majority haviag been ex amined daring the last two weeks how ever. Dr. Jaeeeka left Sunday for Little Beck, Ark., for a general conference ml representatives ef the hoekworsa eommisaUm in the various Senthem ?fetes. . New Fixtures Wilkips k. Stegall, papular Laaiibarg barbers, have put la a nice let ef new fxturee is their ahep on Cenrt street, and hava otherwise improved the in side appearsaee. Ameag these are the hydranlia ahairs sad an exeelleat, large r mirrewed wall stud. Whan their shop is eompletsd ther will hsvs one ef the prettiest sad meat convenient is thin seetietr of ths State. A Letter or Thanks Belew we pabliah ? Utter of thanks from Be*. R. W. Bailey wkiek will, c*rrr witk it ita rwn expiaaatioa : Dan Baorna Jonsoa: PlaaM 1st ate tell yoa ai naar aa I can in werda, how deeply wa appreciate tke ?agatfieeiit fift of a korae aad bo ni wkieh you aad etkeri ae rener onaly presented a a a few days afo. It waa, ladaofl, a feeaaMtal thine. And ?with the otkar, and taany, aeta of kiad aose whisk -tke Iiowakurg people have froaa time W time ahowa aa, pat you down in tmr eatimation M aaaoas the ?tmj kindeat people we knew. Wo thank m. aad all. Hee+ao'a richest kleeaiaft apen fm. ' ",*?1 *?' * ?' Tsare Sincerely, r. w. Bamjt.