A. F. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGER THE COUNT Jf, THE STATE, THE UNION LOUISBURG, N. C.. f KlUAY Ja|uARYTo 19J3. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 THE CONDITION OF JAIL JAILOR HIGH VINDICATED BY EVIDENCE. But Held tor Court Without The Usual Requirement of Bond to "Bring the Matter |* Before the Superior Court " Saturday^ brought forth quite a little interest u-nong (be people of Lojls burg. It was the da; set forth for the retarp of a warrant against former Jailor D. C. High, by Judge C. M. Cooke, for the condition of the jail The origin ot the case.wu in the tria of Henry Wright on a writ of habeas corpus the day before wherein Wright testified to the fact that lice and vermin were in the jail using thiq for a plea that he should be allowed bond. Upon this Judge Coo** issued the warrant fer Mr. High and it was returnable Satur day raernfng before J. L. Palmer, J. P., at 11 o'clock. ProasptlT on time the case was catted and an ? investigation goo* late. Henry Wright was the trst witness to testify who stated that lice and such vermin infested the jail, that five per sons were kept in each cell, they had plenty *f roona te sleep comfortable, that foed and all things else were all right. He says the enly complaint was about the lice and that the jail had been fumigated, bnt had failed te have good effect. Messrs. D. C. High, C. M. Vaughan, E. C. Perry, J. C. Tucker, B. H. Mead ows. J. P. Hill, Dr. J. G. Malone, and Joe Freeman and Frank Satterwhite, the latter two colored, were sworn. Mr. High was called and testified that he had been Jailor 12 years and assistant three years, up to Jan. 1st, 1918. States prisoners frem other ceuntiss were brought here with liee on them as was foond by ezsmiaatien. He immediately repotted the matter te the Health Officer, whose instructions fer cleaning aad famigating 'he jail ware carried out. States that he thorougnly cleaned the jail every Sunday and wed disinfectants liberally. The condition had existed about four weeks. There is ealy four cells -in ass one unsafe. Commissioners know conditinrS and have bought new cells. The sells are cleaned every day. He complaint about feeding or sleeping. Vpon examination by the eourt Mr. High stated that prisoners sent from Vance County to the roads here were sometimes put in jail for safe keeping until the read force came ia. Dr. J. ?. Malone, Coanty Superinten dent ef Mealth testified that as soon as he heard of the complaint, he made in vestigation. .That he had the 21 pris oners put ia an oatslde room aad given a hath all ever with bi-chloride water, bought new clothes for them and fumi gated the jail. He oenfirms statement of Mr. High as to cleaning the jail and keeping it sanitary. He states thst fumigation is supposed to kill all ioBect life. . He states that it is next to im possible to keep the jail in perfect con dition while prisoners are being brought in from everywhere day. or night. There is not eneurh reem. It fa the healthiest crewd that has been in jail here in five years. This trouble devoloped since the first Moaday-in December States that High performed his duties ia good faith. B. H. Meadows was then called aad testified in substance that he attended to the Jail fer High duriag the summer. They bought new bedding several times cleaned oat the jail eyery 8u day, get ting out all trash aad used disiafectants liberally. .Disinfectant pqt In jail by the ease no complaint about lice. Sees no dereliction ef duty on the part of High. C. M. Vaughan, Superintendent ef Tewnship Roads after confirming state ments of High, Malone aad Meadows about the cleaning the jail says he has heard ae complaints^ about lice. He knows of cleaning process for five or six months. Sees no dereliction of duty by Mr. High and has heard of none. Hays there ate 28 on roads, that all commitments send to the roads. Ia seme cases he Is on the roads and lias the keys aad the officers can't do other wise save pat the prisoners in jail for safe keeping. ; It is often the sue lousy prisoners are received here. 1. P. Hill tastilied that he went sll through the jaif several times last fall, sometimes three times a day. States he bad been in on Sunday while the cleaning was ^oiag on and confirms former statements. Hears no com plalntf. States he saw them cleaning the jail several times. ~ Joe Freeman states he was In jail two days and got ao lies whils in cells. Frank SatterwlUp stated he had been in jail the past we? Ia faot he spent almost every Satu my night In there. The Big Events of Interest In 1912 Photo ot Taft copyright by Purdy. Photo* of Equitable 0 w, Boooontt mad Wilson copyright by American Proof Association. ? - IN January the $18,000,000 E)q?ttable bufldtnc to Mew York wan b?rned down. Hooacrelt threw his "hat in the rime" lu February. R<*ld Amundaen an nounced the dlacovery of the aaath pole in Marck. April wttiiina the Titanic dlsaeter. Wilbur Wright, the pioneer ot aviation, died in May. Taft was renominated In June. In July the mikado of Japan died, and the following month waa marked by the death of William Booth in London. 4 merlca ? as forced to send troops to qnefl a Hicaragaan revolt fa September. The opening engagement or tbe Balkan war took place in October. November saw the ?lection of Wllaoa. and the house of governors met hi Blchmond, Va., tn December. He got no lice on him. He remained over from Sondav until Tuesday bat got no lice. He says he was up stairs ia cells with the rest of the prisoners. J. C. Tucker, Chief of Police, stated in sabstance that he was attending to the datias of Jailer. Says Mr High did best he could in atteading to duties. Say.1 the trouble had beea about 60 days. OmpLaint more in the past fuer weekr. THe'Jail h^^Werf fnmlfitfiMwIre since the first complaint Not much effect last time. , Saya that the orders 'and di rections of the Superintendent of Health were carried out. Ne derelAioi ef duty on part of Mr. High. Crowded condition largely responsible. Some bedding had remained twelve months bat had uadergene fornication sereral times. Says prisoners from a distance are seat to the Sheriff whe pari cests and puts them in jail for safe keeping until lie can, turn them over to the roads. E. C. Perry then stated ia substance that he had helped Mr. High with the cleaning at the jail several times on Sandays, and some times duriag the week. Confirms statements of Mr. High and others about washing prison era, bumiag clothes, cleaniag up, fumi gating and the use of- disiafectaita. About four or fire weeks since the firat complaints. < This completed the taking of evi dence after which Mr. W. M. Person, who was representing Mr. High, mad* a short talk to the court in reference to the merits of the case including re citing the laws for the equipment of the jail and car* of the prisoners. The court then expressed itself that to its mind Mr. High was guilty of no effenee, and should it have jurisdiction it weuld not find him guilty bat under the circumstances be woo Id send the caae up to the Superior Court but woald reqaire no bondef Mr. High. In conneetien with the case it might be mentioned that every grand jury in the past five or ten y?ara has made a favorable report on the jail ia s* far as the jailor was concerned, hut in almoet every instance the inadequate accom modations of the building or the cells have been noticed and have received their respects. Not Allowed Snriler Bond. ' Judge C. M. Cooke heard evidence in -the case of Henry Wright for killing Sid Strickland, on last Thursday and Friday under a writ of habeas eerpns, for the purpose of having the bond re duced. After the evidence was all in the Judge decided the boad as flxed by the Magistrate was small enough and weuld not iaterfere with the order ef the lower court. Sunday Scrvkts and Week of Prayer. At the Looisbnrg Baptist church the paster will conduct public worship Sun day 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 10:46 a. m., and B. Y. P. U. Moadav 7 p. m.t led by Marshall Hud son, The Woman's Missionary Union, of which Mrs. J. P. Winston is presi dent, will hold their annual week of piayer each afternoon except Saturday at 8 o'clock In the ladies parlor at the chareh. / "CITY FATHERS" MEET IN skgular session frieay NIGHT Ordered the Repeal of the Sh-?v Ingr Order ? Considers Sev eral Matters Relative to Town Hatters j The Board of Town Commissioners | met in Regular session on last Friday night with all members except Terrell j present. Opon motion the reading of | the minute* of the previous meetings | was disposed of and business was j transacted as follows: I Mr. J. A*. Turner went before the ' Board in the interest of haying the water main and street leading to the power house changed to a position in line with Cress street. After an intel ligent discussion the matter was re ferred to a committee composed of Messrs. J. M. Alien and B. G. Hicks to investigate and ascertain the probable coat ol such a change. Supt. Beck went before the Board and requested that the Commissioners allfw the aecount of J. D. Winfree for services while be (Beck) was off on vacation. Upon motion Mr. Beck was reimbursed. He alse asked definite instructions as td running the pewer plant. This raised tbe question of fuel and the condition >f the plant which was discussed at soaae length. Upon motion the clerk wps instructed to buy necessary instruments for testing light and water meters, and to pay cash for same. Tbe report ef Chief of Police J. Q. Tucker was received and ordered filed. He also requested further instruc tions as to hauling coal or (havings, when apon motion the order hereto fore given relative to the purchase ef shavings was annulled and tbe light eommtyee was Instrastod to bny as they thought best. Mr. Ford then made a motion to have a committee appointed to ascer tain the cost of running the plant for a given time op coal and shavinft and refer the separate costs to the commit tee. Chief of Police ? Tnckar was ap pointed a committee of one to attend to this. After allowing a naraber of sceeunts the Beard adjourned to their next reg ular meeting. Intptlw Cwmittfe Tbe appointment of the following named gentlemen aa a special recep tion oommittee from Franklin aonnty at the inauguration of Hen. Locke Craig, Governor of Mortfc Carolina, on Wednesday, January 15th, has been asked: J. M. Allea, A. F. Johnson, C. P. Harris, F. B. McKinnc, B. W. Bal lard C. C. Wintton. . The committee* will be furnished badges upon their arrival in Raleigh. -? J. A.-ToaNnn, Sec'j Franklin Co. Dam. Xz. Oom. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HOLD SESSIONS ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY The Business Mostly of Ordi nary. Ojjjce Routine? Report oP Rood Election in Youngs ville T<n#b5t>ip Received. i' The Board of County. Commission ers met ill regular sessions on last. Monday and Tuesday with all members present. After reading and approving minutes of the previous meetings the fallowing business was transacted: That Julia Walker be stricken off pauper list and all orde's in her favor be canceled ? she being dead. George Harlefield was relieved of special school tax in Cypress Creak township? not being in said district. Will Hart, of Franklinton township, was relieved of poll tax on account of the loss of one leg. Kick Wright, of Sandy Creek town ship, was relieved of poll tax ? being oyer age. W. E. Joyner, ef Louisburg town ship, was relieved of poll tax? being oyer age. H. C. Hight. of Fraaklinton town ship, was relieved of poll tax? beiag over age. The allowance of Waah Jones was increased from 11.50 to 92.00. Anderson Yarborough was plaeed on outside pauper list at $1.00. W. D. Pendleton was relieved of poll tax? not being ineounty. It was ordered that J. T. Helden's tax be reduced from (14.50 to $11.50 psr acre. Ed Thrower waa relieved ef Graded schoel tax ? not being in such dishrist. It waa ordered that the bond of E. N. Williams be received and recorded. Bond of E. S. Fulgbum, coastable fsr Cedar Reck township, was received and ordered tecerded. Mr. Fulghum came forward and took the usual oath sf office. ? Joseph Hill was reimbursed with $1.00 ' ?being an error in the addition of his taxes. The following wsre relieved ol special school tax in Seven Paths district: W. M. Green, B. F. Bowden, Mrs. 8. L. Batten. Denny S tailings was -relieved -ef pay ing 111 .36 taxes on timber listed to hia belonging to J. J. Sanders. Repor+*f Dr. 1. E. If alone Superin tendent of Health, waa raceivwd and filed. v Mr. A. A. Permit was appointed con stable of Hayesville township. Jack Hayss and wife were placed on eatsids pauper list at $1.00 per month each. The resignation of Mr. B. A. White, as cotton wslgher at Frank linton, was racsived. Mr. A. L. Allen was appointed eot toa weigher at Franklinton. Beport of F. R. Pleasants manages medical depositor* was received and recorded. , Keport of E. K. Williams, Superin tendent of County Home was received ana filed. He reports 7 whites and IS Bond of A. L. Allen as cotton weigher for Franklinton, was received and re corded. The registrar and poll-holders in the good roads election at T oungaville re ported to the Commissioners the fol lowing results: For additional road bonds 147. against additional rdad bonds 01. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to meet again at the county home on Thursday, January 9th. Takes Interest in Business. Mr. C. C. Hudson, who for the past twelve months has had charge of the undertaking department af the Howell & Bunn Farniture Co., has within the past week taken a oae-third interest in the entire businees and in the future the firm same will be Howell-Bunn Hudson. All those connected with this firm ths past year have been very strong in their expressions of gratification of their business daring this period. The popularity of this firm has grows to a broad seepe and while the change will make no difference in the outward bus iae-s the many friends of Mr. Hudson will learn with pleasure his venture in the basiness interests of this section. Bumn-Wheeless. The heme of Mr. J. C. Wheless was a scene of beauty en Jaauary 2nd, when his daughter, Blonnie Dale and and Mr. P. R. Bunn were united in the holy beads of matrisaeaj. Rev. G. M. Duke officiating. After the roem was filled with relatives aad friends ef the bride aad groom. Miss Belle Wright in her qaiet and serene manaer beau tifully aaag "My Rosary." To thej , strains sf "Lohengrins" march render ed by Mrs. J. 8. Alford they entered as follows: First came the ushera Messrs K B. White aad J. % Alford, thea same the rroom with her sister, Mrs. K. B. White and the bride with hei brother, Mr. B. F. Wheless. Duriag the cereaiony "Hearts and Flewera" was softly played. The bride was at tired in a dark blue traveliag salt with hat and gloves to match. She is an ac complished (young ladv of J usttee with sterling worth and character. The groem is a prominent aad prosperous farmer near Margaret. The Many and beautiful presents attest their popu larity. After they were covered with showers ef rice, they drove to the beau tiful home of the groom where the spaeious halls and rooms were thrvwn open to the bride and her friends. There will be a-l*ox < party at the Mountain Qrove School Friday night, January IT The proceeds will be-ior the benefit of the school. The public is cordially invited. colored inmates. A Box Party THE MOVING PEOPLE their movements in and OUT OF TOWN Those Who Have Visited Louis burgr the Past ' Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. . Miss Mary. Page Wilder left Tuesday for \YlnaW. T Mr. S. S. Williams, of Apex, has returned to Louisburg. Mr. K. P. Taylor returned Sunday from a trip to Richmond, Va, Mr. J. H. Doughton paid Weldon a "business trip" the past week. Miss Kearney Williams, of Warren ton, is visiting at Mr. L. E. Scoggins. Mrs. J. A. Cooke, of Littleton, is vis iting relatives in and near Louisburg. ' Miss Annie Belle King left Tuesday for Ralftigh, to resume her studies at St. Mary's. , Mrs. J. H. Odom, of Nashville, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. E. Odom the past week. ' Mr. E. S. Green and Master Joseph Hale returned Monday from a visit to New York City. Mr. F. N. Egerton, Jr., left Monday tor New York to take up his duties at the Columbia University. Mr. K. P. Hill is on the horae mark ets this week purchasings lot of horses md mules for his lirm. Mr. H. L. Candler left Sunday for Baltimore and New York in the inter est of the Candler-Crowell Co. Miss Katie Whim Williams, of War rcnton. who has been visiting at Mr. L. E. Scoggins, returned to her home Monday. Dr. J. O. Newell wa? in Louisburg the past week en route to Nashville, N. G., where he will locate for the prac tice ot medicine. ______ Prof. Graham B. Egerton, who spent the holidays with his people in Louis burg has returned to his duties at Westminster School, Rutherfordtoa, N. a Misses Nona Crofcker and Allie Boon er, of huflolje, Va., who ware, ea route to Greensbor6; stopped ovor and spent a few days with Miss Margaret Hicks. They left Tuesday in company, with Mija Margaret to resume their studies at the Greensboro Female College. Mr. J. R. Perry left Wednesday, for Hilliardston, Nash county, where he will be married on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock to Miss Mary Delphaa Shearin. Immediately after the cere msny they will go to Rocky Meant where they will take the north bound train for Baltimore and Washington City. Very Pooular. The editor of the Tmai loves to keep track of a new idea and wat-'h it* pop olarity among the public. In this par ticular we were informed the past week by Mr. R. <J. Allen, cashier of the Farmers National Bank, that the new Chriatmaa Club idea was Meeting an exceptionally broad success and was growing ia popularity each day. .He ' Informs us that on Monday twelve or fifteen new members were recorded and that the idea was meetiag with a more general popularity than waa ait first expected. It is a spleadid scheme and Mr. Allen deserves to be congratu lated upon its successful launohiag as at the same time it is treating a fand for the Chriatmaa holidays it ia stimu lating a proclaim of saving that is bound to result in a blessing to any community. If you are in the least na familiar with the idea, read their ad vertisement in another celumn. Change of Bate of forestry Convention As it now seems probable that the inauguration of Governor-elect Craig will be held on Wednesday, Jaanaor 16th, the day originally selected for the third annual Convention of the North Carolina Forestry Association, it has been thsnght best to change the date of the Forestry meeting to Tharaday, January lOtk. The Forestry Convention will there fore be held en the day following the inauguration unless the latter is still further postponed. If. as- was origi nally thought, the inauguration Is Ixed for January 14, then the Forestry Con vention will be held, as already an nounced, -on January 16; but if a change is made and January 15 ia decided - upon by the Legislature for the inaug uration, thea the Forestry Convention will be held on Thursday ..January 18tb. All who come to the Snaqguratisp should stay over and attend this im portant forestry meeting. ' ' * Chamber- of Commerce rooms, Kat" ' HgH, 10:30 a. m., and 8 p. m. Evening J session atSf i

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