T Imti K. F. JOHN SOW. ?DITOB AMP MAWAOKH VOL. XUI. ~~7 ; T~ ~ rHE COtTNTY. THE STATE, THE JTHIOIT LOUISBURG, N. C. raifiAY i ANtl ARY 17 19*8. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 i NUMBBBi* AT THE LEGISLATURE DOINGS OF TIE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL Bill Providing for the Payment or Jnrora $2 00 Per Day la Franklin Coanty Pasaed nnd la a' Law. ? ^ ?v>* . f Special Owrr? piriint. Raleigh. Ju. IS. ? A Itnm*" flfht am the flow ef the Howe waapartael pated Ttuaday wniW whoa Mr. Murphy, ?( Bowaa, chtirMB ?f the rules committee, made hie report. puiata. was lad br Mr. B Ache. Other* Jwka okjeeted to varieos pro Tiaiana of the biU were RapraaentatWea Williams, af Btaaotnfca. Griar, of *n dell, Ray, of Maaon, Heymout, of tarry, Dunaing, of Martia, aad Wil liams, af Cabarrus. Tha rscssamendatieas that provoked tfca tgkt vara related to the propoeod appointment af a aaaa#?lttae on privatn bills aad tha suggsstion that tha House graat to cerperatieoe seskiag a char ter at the haada of the legiala tare oaly thoe* pew era that the secre tary ef State is sot bow empowered by law to rrant. The ralee committee proposed to iaclade ia aa omaibua bill all ef tha private billa that are new. in troduced upaa the floor of the Hoose, after they have been paased upon by aba private bills committee. Ia sefer eace te the g rantiag of aharters by the lef ialature the ralee report pointed out that i( their reeastraeadatioas were accepted several hundred dollars per year weald be savsd the State in print ing aa it often happeas that a corpora ? tion seskiag a charter will sabmit a petition pf forty ar fifty pages ia length while oaly oae er twe pages re late to powers sought te be granted to it by the (egialatare; still the whole patitioa must be priated at the expense of the State. After conaiderable dis oaeslon a motion prevailed to defer the vote on the aemmittee's recommenda tions uatil Friday moraing. The follewing billa were among thsae mtrodaced in the House before ad journment Tharaday: lly Mr. Bellamy, of Branswick, a bill eatitled an act to establish a com missioa for motor vehicles, etc., re ferred te eemmittee on pablie reads. Joint rasolatian by Mr. Justice, de daring the views of the General As sembly of North Carolina with refer ence to iateratate passeagsr and freight rates and akargea, referred to the com mitte on public aerviee. Bill by Mr. Cornwall, ef Nash, ea titled aa act to appoiat justices of the peace fsr Manning's township, re ferred to tha cammittee on justices of the peace. By a two-thirds vote Friday morning the Haass voted to acaapt the rulee committee after sliminsting the pro vision requiring the aewly created pri vate bills 'committee, before it re ports favorably any such bill, to see that the thirty days' notice requited by law hss bsea given in the county where the aet weald operate. This was the amendment offered by Mr. Williams, of Buncombe. Another time caviar prevision ef the new House rulai is ths oae providing for throe lock hexes into wkich pablie bills, public losal bills, aad private local bills mast be placed by members bsfsrs the epeniag of the session each moraing. The speaker is to possess the oaly key te these boxes and will ?aaa them each moraiag at tha propel time. This arraagemsat will savs a freat deal ef time. ' geyerat billa of State-wide interest were introduced ia the Houaa Friday momiag. Thaae inelade a bill by Mr. Justice, ef Gilford, for State-wide primary elections, aad a corrupt prac tices bill; snd aa employers' liability bill, latrodueed by Mr. Rector, Repub lican, of Madison. Other billa aad resoiatioss in trod deed in the House Friday wers aa follows: Tumsr, of Fraaklin; Relatiag to pay of jurors of Franklia ceanty. Passed third rsading and isnt to ths Senate without engrossment. Turner, of Franklin: Apiend sse fions relating te wild game ia Franklia couaty. | "TaterJay's saaiion of ths Heuss was yery short, laatiaK forty-Aye mlnatoe. Only oae bill of importance waa intro duced at the session this bsiag by Mr. Del I infer, of Gastos, ea compulsory educstion. Its saain provisions are: The ace limits sre 7 to 12 years. Parsnts willfully failing ar refusing te comply will be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days. The ceunty superintend ent is constituted educational inspec tor for the enforcement ef the act. Ho shall '^ceive reportf from local school authorities aa to children out of school sad can demand pay rolls of factories to verify any report* made to him. Ha can proseedfa lif magistrates' court anr parents, teacher, qommittee maa, officer of factor <>r ptlur parson willfully violating the act. She same punishment is prescribed for county superintendents failing to perform their dutiaa. . Speaker Connoi! announced that the majority ot the House committees wsoM be aimouujad today. It ia likely tha^ both -bvaqthea will pot get down to Heady grind until af ter the inaugural qereaioaia* Wednes day. Mo line oa the probable lineup ?f the member* can be gotten until the considerations ef the hill* q{ gen eral importance are takes tip, proba bly not before tba first ot next weak. The joint raaolution introduced ia tbe Bouse Thursday by Mr. Justice would have the General Assembly express its Tiewtf oa freight trAnapartatiea ine qualities and Ago the Jkaa's delega tion in Coagrsaa to work fer such laws aa will improve conditions, b tbe *iew of the Gsaeral Assembly, the raaolu tion declare* Congraaa should declare illegal a greater aharge of transporta tion ef either freight er passenger* for shaft haal thaa fer ? leng haul. . The reaolutiaa would have abolished all diacrimiaations and in additioa em ploy coaaael to iaatitate suits in this State to insure be Her aad mere equita ble freight rates. The sum of 99,000 ia asked to aa aet aside tor this parpoee. The raatlutian was referred to the coain ittee oa D*W1e aerviee. Thursday waa conaumed ia the Hen ate by the passage of asiaor hills af no aapecial aote to this aectlon. Friday's werk Ik the Saaata waa taken up ia the iatraduction ef the billa and reselatiena ef miner importance. The fallowing resolutions were in troduced in the Senate Saturday rnorn iag: House bill to pay juror* of Frank lin couutv (2.00 a day was passed at once upon ita receipt from the House. The Senate adapted a jaint refla tion from the House to isrita H. L. Graves, United States foraatry,' to at tend the meeting ?' the North Caroliaa Forestry 'association and Wake aa ad dress in the hall ef the H^aasnf Bep resenlatiTea o*'the eviiiing or Janu ary IS on "Federal Aid ia Fire Regu lation." v Tbe bills of greatest importance to the State introduced ia the Senate last week were tbe ones by Senator. Bryant, eae reducing the number of praesstery challenges in capital rates from twenty three to twelve, one providing that in capital casea a judge, instead of re mOTing a trial to aaotber county may secare a jury from an adjoining coaaty to sit In the case, aad eae c ha aging the method ef drawing apecial Teaires. Negro Murdered. Oa Satarday night near Kearney's store Tolly Fogg shot and killed Dewitt Green, both colored. It seems that these two together with Torn Wilson, Jim Foster and Wil lie Green worn all engaged in a game of crap at Willie Green's house and a dis pute arose with tbe result of the killing. Deputy Sheriff Lancaster with Messrs. J. E. Thomas and G. C. Holden went out early Sunday morning and canght the participate and a trial was bad be fore Esquire E. N. Williams, The evi deace resulted in the holding of Wilson and Foster for crap shooting, and aa witaoaaea, Willie Green, for allowing tbe game to be carried an ia his house, aa wall as for participating la the gama and aa a witness. Tolly Fogg aad Willie Graea were placed uader (10,000.00 bonds and Wilaon under a (250.00 bond, while Foster was allowed a (100. *0 boad. The last aamed was the only one to giro bond and the othera were brought to Louisbarg and placed in jail. To Subscribers. It is gratifying to as te hew an ileus our subscribers, whe have mavoH frem their old addreea to a now tit, ara ta (at the Tims. We are kardly giren time to make the change in our mailing list. Why one man gare us the change aa t nday evening after the paper was printed and on Monday raised eain because be did Tot get his paper. Gentlemen we doa't mind these things? they make us teel good ?it is very seldom a person will make mach (use oyer something ha deean't care anything about. However we don't want reu to entertaia any un pleasant rr uneasy feelin?a about these things as, especially the Arstfof the year, therrf are so many changes to be made it is a pretty hard job to get all rigbt on time. We prefer your notify ing us two weeks ahead of time as it usually takes this time to get the changes made. I XL JAMES A. TtfBNEK Member of the House of Representative* from Franklis Ceantj Farmers Natloaal Bank Heating: The regular annual meeting of the stockholder! of thia voang bank was held at ita hanking house on the 14th. We learn that the shareholders were delighted with the progress, an 4 the splendid showing made in the business of the bank. After discussing the report made br the cashier, the shareholders proceeding to the election of directors, naming the following well known citizens ef Frank lin county to direct the operations of the hank for the next year: R. H. Strickland, C. B. Mullen, J. 11. While, J. U. Beasley, W? E. Maa aenburg, J. B. Smith, J. C. Tharring toa, T. H. Dickens, J. M. Allen, T. B. Wilder, P. B. Griffin. K. K. Allen, J, T. Mann, D. E. Harris, It T. Hollings worth, T. T. Terrell, J. H. Weathers, J. T. Weldon, R. 6. Allen. The directors then met and elected this followiag officers: President, J. M. Allen; Vice-Presidents. J. M. White, J. 0. Beasley, T. P. Dickens, J. B. Smith; Attorney, T. B. Wildar; Cashier, R. G. Allen; Assistant ?aahier, F. " J. Beasley. We learn that the showing made by the bank, although only three months old, waa moat satiafactory. The de posits ob the day in question were, wa loam, about (90,0*0 and nearly $3000 profits were cleared during the short" time the bank has been running. The directors ordered $2000 to be placed in the surpius fund. Religious Services. Methodist ehurch, Rov. A. .D. Wil-| cox, pastor. Services next Snaday at 11 a. and 7 p. m. Morning theme, "Acceptable Service." Jnnier tertnen proceeding the regular scrmqn. Theme of the junior sermon, "Tk? Cross in ths Door" All children from si^ to fourteen years of age are invited to at tend the junior sermon. This ssrmon is but from fire to seven minutes long, and it always contains one or more good stories for children. It is preaab Inj^by story. It preceeda the regalar sermon and the children aro permit ted to go after the jnnier sermon. Bring ot send year children to chnreh. TJTe evening sermon is "Ths Unseen Worker." This service is especially for young people although all ara invited. There will be excellent apesial music at both services. Kills Three Deer. Information received here the past week was to the effect that Mr. Tobe Gupton, of Gold Mine township, killed three deer at the same stand in one day. This is quite a nice lot of game for one hunting trip and Mr. Gupton is being congratalatod npon his hunting ability. Breaks Jail. Loomas Harris, white, la jail await ing trial on the charge of attompted as sault, suacosded la breakiag out of the county jail hero on laat Friday. He was occupying ons of ths down stairs rooms and through soma mysterious way sscured an azs aqd cut a hole ia the wall large enough to get through. He was dstectod by the officers after, having gotten out and was given a 4 halo but ausc ceded in getting away. Peppy-Shtarin On the 9th. ot January 1911, at the home of the bride's farther. Hits Mary D. Shearia was united fa marriage to Mr J. R. Perry of Washington, D. C. , formerly of Mapleville, N. C. The bride is the daughter ef Mr W T. Shearin, a prosperous farmer of near Whttakers, N.C. and the groom the son of the late Perry of near Louis burg. The numerous and costly pressnts attested the popularity of this eouple. Just before the appointed hour the guests assembled in the tastily decorated parlor, there to await the entrance of the brifel party, who entered proasptly at ten ^cleck. First entered the ribbojv bearers, little Wilbur and Bettls Shearin, "Wot her and sister of the bride, followed by .little Herman Shearin an other brother of the bride, bearing on a silver waiter the wedding ring. Next Mrs. W. E. Shearin, dame of honor, attired in white charmeuse, fotlewed by Hiss Ethel Shearin, sister of the bride, maid of honer, who wore pink eharmeuse tarrying pink carnations. Next entered the groom with best man. Dr. E. M. Perry-followed imme diately by the bride leaning on the arm of her farther llr. W. T. Shearin, who presented her to the grooat. The bride wore a blue eloth traveling suit with hat and gloves to match, and carried' brides roses aad ferns. Rev. h. M. Duke officiated using the beautiful ring ceremony. Miss Ada Shearin of Meredith College presiding at the piano. ? Immediately after the eeremeny, the bridal party left for Washiagtoa, D. C.TNrhere they will stake their future heme. These present from s distanse were : Or. E. M, Perry and Miss Ovte Alford. of Leuisbarg, Rev. G. M. Duke, W. H. Perry, Jr., Mai Perry, and Mr. asd Mrs. W. P. Persy, ef Mapleville, Mrs. G. B. Parker and little daughter, Iela, of Reeky Meant, Mite Mary T. Sumner aad Mr. A. T. Shearin, ef Beeky Mount, Mrs. G. B. Parker, Claytsn, Miss Tosslinsoa, (milhteld, Miss Ada Shearin, Ralefah, Miss-Annie Praxier, Nsahville, M. C., and Mr. J. R Ricks and Miss Dellie Ricks, ef Alert, N. C. Whit* Sale. Candler-Crowell Co., la their spas* this week sake announcement ef their aanual whit* sale. This sale has won a bread popalarity In the offerings sf such exceptitual bargains in all whits goods asd the proprietors inform us th*y *xpe*t to overdo anything skew* hero before on saeh a sale. Xvery de partment has been filled with bargains and at will be seen from their adver tisement, the bottom has been kaocked out of prises. The sale will continue through next week end you are inrited to attend. Read what they have to say i* their advartisesatnt aad ge oat to see them. Inanirnratloiu Raleigh, Jan. 13.? A long parade, starting at Naah Square and takiag In the governor's mansion in its course, and ending at the auditorium, will bo the first public function in the inaug uration of Governer-elect Craig Wed nesday. The parade will form at 10:4.'. and it is expected to reach the audi torium by 12:30 when the inaugural ceremonies will begin. Following this affair there will be a luncheon at.the mansion in the afternoon, a public re ception there at night and a public dance inltbe auditorium immediately afterwards. The tint and third regi ment bands and twelve companies of infantry will be in the parade. Mem bera of Mr. Craig's Sunday school claas in Aabevillo will attest the inaugura tion and Raleigh Baraeas and Phiia theas will hold an open house in their honor. Baleigh business men have al ready begun decorating for the occas ion. It ta estimated that between fif teen and twenty-fire thossand visitors will be here for the occasien. Sunday School Room. The moreasent for the ereetion of a Sunday Ssheol room connected with the Methodist Chareh waa launched on last Sunday morning by Rev. A. D. Wilcox, pastor, in his morning theme. There ia no doubt ol the need of this addition and his plaa was a strong one. Our people will no doubt get to work right away en thia addition. T Nr. Harris Elected. The First Xatienal Bank is to feel congratulated upon securing Mr. John N. Harris aa Vice-President. For the psst year or so thev have been operat ing with a vacancy in thia offlee but filled same the paat week in the uaaai mous election of Mr. Harris. His many friends in the couaty will learn with pleasure of his election, Loiilsbarg Baptist Church At the 11 o'elock service the pastor will diseuss a theme of vital interest to the men, "Men and Religion;" nt the T o'clock service, "The Greatest Ques tion of the Ages and the Answer." Sun day School at 10:45 a. m. 1. Y. -P. U. Menday 7 p. m., led by Wm. Winston. Yeu are cordially invited. rire. On Monday night about S o'elock the fire alarm was tarned in and the lire department was quick te respond. At Srst it waa thought the oil mill waa off fire aa that gave tha Srst alarm but it was found that the trouble was at the planer of Mr. G. ,W. Ford. Only slight damage was deae a? the fire companies were quick oa the job and extiaguised the blaze. Demonstrates. j. As will be seen feom their advertise ment in this issue McKinne Bros. Co., wilt have a Majestic Range Demonstra tion at thsir store en Main street next week. This is a very popular range and has been tried with great satisfac tion by many of onr people. It will be worth something to von no doubt, to attend this occasion. Read their ad vert! 10. Sale at Allan's. P. 8. & K. K. Allen are making big preparations for a "Big Business Mys tery" sale. This sale will be ceaduet ed by Mr. Wood, of Wood Bros., Baltimore, special sales people, and gives premise of being a big thing. They are new arrangiag their store and it ia already taking on the appearance of a thing of beauty. It will bo te your interest to read their large two page advertisement in this issne and call at their store next week. From the in formation we caa get prleee will he no objeet at this sale. Louisbmrsr. Vider the above heading: Rev. A. D. Wile**, writes Editor L. 8. Masaey as follows concerning oar peeple: Dear Brother Masaey: ?I do not ef ten writ* about By charge, but the go+4 tl>iags that bar* happened to us since coming ta Leuisburg are too eo pla a\e ready. We are in love with the town and the church, and are already dreading the time for removal. Wish thefe wasn't any time limit.-anyhow. f Sincerely yours^ A. D( WlLCOX. j THE MOVING PEOPLE their movements in and OUT or 'TOWN 1 Those Who Have Visited, Louis | burg the Past Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. Mr. Edwin Cooke, ?( Magnolia, i* visiting, his pMplc here. Mr. E. H.; Sine left yesterday for Portsmouth for ? few days vacation. Mrs. W. II. Nickolaon, of Htckcry,' visited Mr. W. H. Maeon the past week. Dr. W. P. Simpson left Monday for Richmond to take Mr. W. H. Yarboro I for treatment Capt. F. *. Cooke, of the TT.S. Artnf. is at home on a visit. He *111 leave in a few days for Fort Mills, Cerregider Manilla, p. I. - Miss Peail timberlake who visited Misa Bessie Williama during the koK d*7? 'or Winaton-Salem where the will take up her ditlee aa teacher. Miaaea Abiah Ferssn and Mary Belle Macon returned Iaat week from Kinaten. where they have been visiting Misa Persen's sister, Mrs. Nicholson. Mr. J. R. Bunn, of HoweU-RunB. Hudson, left Wednesday for High Point and other Western Markets te purchase a new steok of furniture | and bousefurniahinga' fer his firm. ? i First National Bank Meeting:. The anaual stockholders - meeting of the First National Bank was held oa the 14th, and a very gratify ing condi tion ef finances ahown. The volume of business surpassed the expectations of the ateckholdera and the profit* earnad I exceeded that of all former periods. A four per cent semi-annual dividend waa declared and ordered paid at once, and $1,-500.00 waa added to the surplus, making the surplus now I7.500.0W on a capitalization of $50,000.*0. The follwing were elected Board of Directors: W. H. Ruffin, J. N. Harris, F. B. MeKinne, S. 8. Meadows, *,D. F. McKinne, F. W. Justice and Malcolm MeKinne. The directors eleeted oficers as fol lews: Wm. H. Rutfia, president ; J . N. Harris, vice-president; F. B,__McKlime, cashier; T. W. Watson, asst. cashier; W. D. Jackaon, teller. Tne atrong personnel of the Direc tors and officers insures careful banking and every accommodatlen te the public that is consistent with safe business methods. The futare ef this strong bank is bright and premisisg and its progress hat been steady aloag safe lines, and is a gratilying index of the property and progreas ef Louiabure and Franklin county. This was the first National Bank chartered in Franklin County aad be sides having at all times served the people, giving them every banking fa cility possible under the law governing it, it haa paid in dividends te its stock holders $20,500-00. y Since May 1912 its capital stoek haa keen increased te $50,000.00 aad the dividend now declared is upon that amount of stoek. This bank has always striven to the bank "Of the People, hy the People and for the People' ' regard less of occupation, class or previous condition ef servitude. Farmers, mer chants, mechanics, wage earners and men of all profession* and occupations ars sceerded the acme courteous treat ment. The officers, recognising that the bank is a public institution, have at sdH times striven to make it a real help ta j the largest numbers. Jumps Track Quite a little excitement wai ar*ase4 here y**terday about 11 a'aloek when whila the train was shifting a let ef car*, ene of them knocked the obstruc tion placed at the ead of the Rsayis ?torage houa* traek away aad jumped half way orer in the street. Luckily ne ?ne was uader same. It came yery aear catching Reavis dray? aear enough to break off eae *f the back wheel*. The ear was loaded with flourand aside frooa the slight break up to the track, special damage was done. The break ssaa, it ia said was doiag his dnty but the ear* had gotten too much headway. v Llftt of Lettera Remainmg in the post efflce a't Louis burg for the week ending Jan. loth, unfiled for: V GFarriogton, Atex Hoyle, 'Walter Kowell, DonaJ Wall. Persons ealliAg for the above letter* will please *ay Viey ?aw them aircr tlsed. .. II. W. TAaBOKODCH, P. M.