as V'0L^j5Tn~^^=:i7==:=^^ fHE COTTNTYjTHE 8TATE, THE UNION, LOUISBUBO, N. C.. FRJDAY^FEBKUARY 7 1018. FiUNKUH StlP'R. COURT A J I JIM ilB'Ji gAlURDAY AFTEH noon For tjjkM Tha EntiPa Tjpm has bsen a Busy one and Jutlifo CH no and Solicitor Allsbrook do serve Congratulations. ? ' Vi January term of Frank lin Superior Court -adjourned ^Saturday afternoon about fourVclock. The. en tire .two weeks, was conjumed with the '.rial of crian??l-ea?es and this" docket so we learn was almost cleared? being only about Bix cages ieft. , Judge CLine, who 'has .impi eased our people as being oi! )i?; a'il '."lost; fair minded ju Jf as ' that over held court here,' and Solicitor ^llsbrook deserves the congrat ulations of tho entire public tor thn un-' tiring eftirt) put", forth. by them for the purpose ofjaleaning the docket. They both did well their parts in looking after the county's interest in his especial pKticjUr. Since our last report of the pvjcaedinifa ' the following cases were disposed of:. State vs Eraman Carter and L. W. Doyle, a. d. TrTT^Sontfiuiod and beild renewed, State vs Clavelaml Gupton and Prank Raynor. a. d. w. . The defendants were required to pay S. T. Gupton $250, and to pay a fine of 9125.00 and one-half eoit? each . State vs Willie Stokes, retailing, former sentence stricken out and al lowed $-'90 for appearance at April court. State vs Orange Davis, retailing, nol pVos with leave. S'ate vs Ike Brodte, retailing, nol pros with leave. State vs Willie Maeon Will Free man and John Williamson, affray, nol proa. Skate va Robert Etheridge, c. c. W.t nol proa. Scate va Peter Whelcss, retailing, continued. x , State vs N. V. Winston and E. D. Allen, affray, eontinusd. State vs C. H. Poarce, selling wine> continued. . State vs Willie Bridtfer3, a. d. w., continued. State ys John Matthew?, murder, guilty of muder in the sgPMd degree* 25 vear|_in the Stats's prison at hard ?* labor, appeat State vs Moses Dunston, retailing, verdiet set aside and prisoner dis charged. Stats vs Jeff Patrish, retailing, not guilty. State vs T. Peppers and Oscar Dayis, affray, gulltv. Peppers to pay fine of $50.08 and costs, Davis to pay one-half costs. Stats vs Buddie Ruffin, disorderly conduct, defendant to p?j costs and prayer to be continued. In ease ot failure to pay costs judgment of the court is that he be put on the roads for SO days. State vs Buddie Ruftin, vagrancy, not guilty. t S ta t e vs Tinker Perry, continued. Stite vs Tinker Peiry and Bud Ren ton, affray, continued as to Perry Denton to renew bond. State vs Tom Green, Jr., larcany, nol pros with leave. State vs H. G. Bragg, manufacturing spiritous liquors, not gulltv. State vs Sidncv Wright,, a. d. W., not guilty. Stat* vs James H. IVarce. man slaughter, judgment six months oil roads. ? ? State v* Witt Moore * and Loonio Epps, a. d.w., defendants .to pay costs, fines continued to April court. State vs William Allen, failure to support child, allowed to home after adjournment of court, but -to pay costs in both cases. 1 State vs Eras Bra me, cruelty {o an imals, fjuilty, judgment to pav witness Hale's witness tickets. One-half of other state witnesses. For Mr. and Mrs Cooke. Lotnsburjr, Jan. 2V ?Last Tuesday Judge and Mr*. Charles M. Cooke en tertained at their home, Korthfield, in Louisbutg' in lionor of tkeir Ian Mr. Wilber Cookfe anS'hia hridsof Spartan burg, S. C. In tho afkernooft from 4 >UW 6 the married people called and ^m^the evening from 9 until 11 the younger set. Receiving in the atycrneon we re: Judge and Mrs. Cooke, Mr. and' Mrs. Wilbur Cooke,- Capt. Francis N. Cooke, U. S. A., with Miss Leah l'errv, of Hender son, Mr. C. Ml Cooke, Jr.. wltli Miss. Martha Byrd Spruill, of Roekv. Mount, Mr. Kiwln Cooke with Mrs James Tis dale ill the parlor. In tho hall Mrs. Wm. H. Ruffln, Miss Mary Arrington, " Br. and Mrs. Louis L. Joyner. In tha librarv Mayor and Mrs. B. T. Holclen, Dr. yd Mra. A. Flaming, In the dininf room Mesdames Sraitliwick, " ? :X ? , 1EUu J - an Items. ? Miui?nlk,y ' I proipMtl ?? bright ? "i ' ? ? more attractive thai) an this occasion with its open wood Are*, ita fine old furnishings decorated iu long leafjpia*,' irr;'*v ?"??" ??-?* ? earns lluui. Over four hundred people called and Louis burg was charmed with young Mrs. Cooke, who was^Miss Gertrude Du Prcu llurnette, of Spartanburg. Thi.i was the first occasion in quite a time 'that Judge and Mrs. Cooke have opened their home in a social way. a hosne where many young people of the State have spent enjeysbla hoars sn4 where hospitality has become pro verbial . ? N ews-Obsorver. JSIS Marriage Licenses. Register of Deeds Yarborough is sued marriage licenses to tie follow ing couoles during tlie month of Jan' uary. Wnrrc- T. R. Dunn acd Blonnie WliHieaa, Krnjamin F. Willy and Lela Belio Cooper, W. F. Baker and Katie Ayoscue, R. B. White and Grace M". Wa-d, J. C. Wood and Lilla Tiadale, Walter E. Sledge and Mamie L. Par risb, Ezra Burnette and Rosa Lancas ter, J. M. Harris and Pearl Boilings worth, W. C. Bragg and Willie L. Washington, Roy M. Banks and Lixsie May Utley. Colored ? Ivoy Mitchell and Lena . Clementis, Manuel Kelly and Fanaie Hawkins, W. Wilson and Alice Wil liams, Erne&t Davis Mary E. Renn, Sam Pulley and Mary Wilkins, Isaac llorton and Annie Stokes, All Crudup and Salli? Nichols 'in, George Egerton and' Eleanor GrMn, Samuel Wins ten and Lela Dcbnam, J. T. Thomas aid Dozer Green, Junius Freeman and Essie Dunston, Eddie Rogers aad Ad die Perry, Sol Perry and Mary L. Johnson. 13 IS NO HOODOO * President. Elect Finds that It Brings Good Luck. Princetou, N. J. Jan. 1. ? " Another lu?ky year has started? the year of 191.V was the observation made today by ProBidcnt-ele-t Wood row Wilson, whose life so far has proved a contin uous refutation of the old supersti tion legardintr the. fll-fortune *f 13. President-elect Wilson's 18 has proved a signal of Rood luck and in discussing this question today lie said : How the number IS has figured in my life? al ways in connection with some fortane. You knc w the electoral col lege, which in to cast the vote officially electing tne to the presidency is to meet january 18, 1918. Perhaps you have no ticed that if the numerals making up the year 1012 in which I was elected Preident. are added up the total is 13 It is also a fact that mine thfe thirty first term, and if these numbers are placed backward the result is IS.'- j The President-elect, watchcd the old year out and the new one in, retiring thirtes n minutes after 14 o'elock. Further, in connsetion with the re versed superstition of 18 Mr. Wilson was a professor at Princeton Universi ty thirteen years and was thirteenth president of that institution. Mr. Wil son frequently points out that there are thirteen letters in the name Woodrow Wilson, for ho never uses his Christian name Thomas.- Upon his recent trip) toBeimudahe left his cottage there] on Friday, December 18th. Tho first person, to wish the Presi dent-ele?t a happy new year was Rich ard Taylor, _ the secret, service ageat, I who is Mr. \Yil Ron's bodyguard. Error In our rejxjrt of the court's proceed ing" last week we stated that Norman King was given four months in the State's priion at hard labor. In jus tice to tho court wo hasten to correct same as it should have read four years instead of four months An appeal was taken and the bond was |>lace<! at $2,000.0#. Woman Fires at Officer Kills Her Husband. ^ Henderson, Feb. 1. ? About 5 o'jrtfck thil afternoon Charles Snfdjr-lCnd , his w '] i c were riding on the^efreet in the vicinity of the Harrijt-iSotton mills and began shooting ^wfth pistols. A war rant was tea nfeh for their arrest and placed L^tT: a hands of Deputy Sheriff GajiMiT While the paper was being .j*ervcd Mrs. Snyder secured a pistol and opened, flro on the officer, who Stepped behind her husband. A bullet entered Snyder's heart, killing- him in, while the officer was wounded in the ihoulder, It is said both hus band and wife were intoxicated. Offi cer Champion took from the pockets of the dead man twenty-seven cartridges. The Legislature. Raleigh, Feb i.? The Senate today passed the bill of*SenatorWard increas ing the number of judges and districts to twenty. The bill passed the Houss last ? week and it now becomes a la*?. Governor Craig, today announced the ? -1 HORTICULTURAL BUILDING, PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNA TIONAL EXPOSITION. (VNl of the most notable bollding* at the P??*ma-P?elflo Iaterna 1 ttonal Exposition at B^n BTanclseo la 1015 will be the gnat P Palace of Horticulture, constructed of glaas," covering over Are acres, or two city squares In extant and surmounted by. a dome 100 fact high. Tlx Palace of E^rtlcaltnr* will be set In a great tropical garden near -the main entrance to the exposition grounds. It will be On feet Ions and 1W greatest width will be 820 feet An Impressive nsve eighty feet high will ran the length of the Willdlng and paralleling the central nare on either side will be two side aisles fifty feet In height At the main entrance to the building a huge arch will be adorned with olaade bas-reliefs suggestlvo ef the purpose of the structure. The en trance tDd interior of the Pnlsce of Horticulture will be decorated with trellises upon which flowering Tines will be trained. When the exposi tion opens the Horticultaral Palace will appear aet in the heart of a marreloojl garden. Although wood will be ussd In connection with glass the Palace of Horticulture will be th every sense a glass palace; it fU be th* largest glasa structure ever built During: the night llluml natlona at the exposition the Tast surface ef the building will preeent unusual and beautiful reflections. of oppoiition to tha present discrimi oatioa against towns and cities of the State as tu freight ratae. The Senate committee this afternoon agreed to report unfavorably to two divorce bills that have ^passed the House: one provided that divorce ceuid be secured by tha abandoned party af ter a separation of five years, and the other one would pat on an equal foot ing the hasband and wife as regards fornication and adultry. Mr. Stewart's anti-tipping bill, which passed the House last week, has not yet been passed in the Senate bnt has received a favorable report from the Senate committee. No action baa yet been takea on the offer of Hon F. C. Duncan to buy tha State's stock in tha Atlantic and North CaroUnj|=^ailroad for serentv-five per cant af ita pat, yalt)e_ , " . __ _ _ Tha bill to allow jurors to be sum monad from counties other than the county ot trial has passed both Houses. The Senate has passed the recommen dations of the joiat committer on coa stitutional amendments providing f?r the tailing on a [special session of the legislature and for the appointment ef five Senators and eight representatives to sit during this session and during the vacation and to report to adjourned session. The governor is to appoint five men to sit with the members ap pointed from the legislature. The speaker of tha Hease and tha presi dent of the Senate are to tit with the committee. The House haixnot yet acted an this matter. \ j A resolution providing far the incit ing of Wilsoa, Bryan aad Underwood was finally shelved last week upon motion by Mr. Murphy that' it be taken up far consideration on March 18. 1111. - The bill to scire the defense in capital cases twelve instead of twenty-three peremtory (haUenxe* and the State tour, has pasted the Senate. Mr. Min*E has introduced a bill pro riding; for a bnilding for the Stat* Department of Educatien and for other building! te be knewn at the Avcock aiemerial. The resold tion by Mr. Kellum calling for irn in vestigation of the ^unDting^ot the charter of the Atlantic ^ -Yadkin Kail road, has pasaed the House. Mr. Clarke has introdticed a bill to make it unlawfulte^manufacture or offer for sale cigarettes in this State; also a bill to allow wemen to vote in municipal -elections. Mr. Clarke's bill to require railroads to provide cinder guards on passenger coaches was killed in the House today. A bill haj been iatro duced in both Houses to place the sev eral solicitors of the State on a salary. A resolution has been introduoert in , the House providing for an investiga tion into the granting; of the charter of the South Atlantic and Western I Railway Company which is bemg pro- j moted by Ool. Jones, of Waynesville. j A bill has been introduced to empower ! the- governor to appoint women neta riee. A bill to allow the town of Franklin toa to issue street bonds has passed tho Senate and the Heuse. Rev. W. W Rom Dead. Tha town of Frank liiiton wu made j sad on Wadnaada; by ?A daath of Rev. ! W. W. Rosa, pastor of tha Mcthodiu ; ahurcfe. Mr. Haee had been sick only ; sines ' Monday. ' Ha Wvea a wife 1 aod savaral children to mirvlye | Louisburg, R. F. D. Nol in Louisburg join in extending the deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. Trie to Burn House- . News received here th? past week is to tlio effect that several repeated at tempts ky Some unknown person or persons have been repeatedly made to barn the .hose of Mr. J. C. Tharriie ton, who live* about eight mile* from town. It has gotten so seiioms that il is necessary to keep a guard around the premises all the time. It is said that ?n one night while the family were putting out the fire on one side of the heuse the incendiary set fire to the other side. It is a pity that the officers can't get hold of the guilty party. I ? . At the^eihsdist Church. "The Temptations of Youth" is the | theme of the sermon next Sunday night at the Methodist church. The pastor, R?v. Wilcox is uiakin^a spec- ; ial plea to the young people of Louis- j bur?. There was a fiue congregation i last Sunday night. Everybody is invited as all arc inter ested in the problems of youth. Ser vices begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Pearl Bringon will rsndcr a spec ial solo. Inelesiils Academy. The "Old Maids Convention'1 "will be presented in Ingleside Academy Friday night, February 14 Admiislon 2* 'dents, children 15. Pioeeeds for the benefit ef the sohoo!. Play will begin aKeight o'cloclj. Public cordially in yit*a> This worthy cause should re ceive the support of the public. yS That Cap-/' He owned a handsome^tfuring car, To fide in it waf^heayen, He ran across^pieca of ^lass Bill %\\wf He tetftchis friends out for a rid#. /^Twafl ?fod to ks alive, _ Tlie carbureter sprang a loan. Bill? 949.95. He started on a little tour, The finest ssrt of fun. He stopped too quick and stripped his jfear?, ? ? " ? Bill.? 990,51 . lie took his wife downtown (o shop, To save carfare was great, He jammed int>> a bitching: j>o?t. Bill ? $278. I He spent all of the coin ha had I And then iu anguish cricd: ' "I'll put a mortgage on the house I And take just one more ride7" ?Chicago Journal." MR. WILSON'S CABlNtT. New York, Ian. 28. ? A Washington special dispatch to the American Bays: President-elect Wilson has practically completed his list of cabinet members, and with the exception of possible ] shifts from one portfolio to another, j his official family, according to the | American's imformant will he made up as follows: Secretary of State ? William Jen- j ninrs Bryan, of Nebraska. ' Secretary of War? William McAdoo, of Ktw York. S?oi?tory-of' th? N*Ty --*IKm '?r. BurUM*. of Tax as. YNorth Carolina. Fisher, of Chicago. Attornay ?eneral? Mitchell Pal mer, of Pennsylvania. Postmaster ?eijepal? Josaphila Dan iels, ?f North Carolina, or David Lew if, of Maryland. > i h^: * Game of Base Ball. A very exciting game of base ball was played Friday afternoon at Royal between the Royal and New Hope school boye. Th* New Hope boy$ w^uthe tra me by the lar^e score of The features of the game was Arnold's Ion? drive over center-fielders head and Den ton's two bagger. Batteries for New Hope, Edwards, Arnold and Denton, for Royal, Hill a?<! Harris. ' Took $640 Out of the Bank; Lost It Mr. A*. J. Jones, a farmer living near Speed. X. C., lost or was robbed of $G40 in currency in Tarboro Friday morning. Mr. . I ones received a cbcck on the first National Batik for $640, the proceeds of his crop. He presented it at the bank and demanded the cur rency. Mr. Morrissette, .who waited on him, asked him if he did not want to !c:?ve the nieney on deposit, but he would rather carry the cas i with him and was paid mostly in $20 gold certificates. With this big roll jnf m?ney Mr. Jone3 started to Day off some of hiai>iUs and sottled)w3acc#unt with several of ef th^^torekeepers. While ?oitig into a st6re to pay his ac count discov?i*a that the roll had disappeared^Southerner. Resolutions of Respect Whereas? On the 'J2nd d*y of Janu jary, A. D. 1913, death removed, fr^m | our midst, at his home in FranJsIinton, N. C.. our highly esteemed and patriotic I Mayor Cwrletf W. Conway,- nge 65 years. Resolved ? The town of Frank*, linton has tost a faithful, competent and an honest officer. He was true to the trust reposed in him. He discharged his duties fearlessly and tempered jus tics with mercy. The country hns lost a good and true citizen. lie was ever ready to do all in his power for the welfare and uplift of our people. The doath of Mr. Conway causes a great loss to us, -both personally and officially. Wo will no more be greeted with- his pleasant and genial companionship. His cauiily has lo&t'a truly loring and de voted hushand and father. Resolved? T.hat, we extend to the be reaved family of our deceased friend aid co-worker, our sincere sympathy, in this hour of sore trial and bereavement, , and point them to our Heavenly Father, | to whom a'l must look for guidance ' help and strength. JlKes?lved ? That a copy bo sent to the family of the deceased, a copy, to the Franklin Timf.s, Loui?bur$r, N. C., with requejt to publish, and that a ropy of this memorial be Written in the re cord book of the towu of Franjilinton. B. F. Buliock, j H. E. 1'EARCH, j > J. W. Daniel, >? C?mmi*?ioners. J. D. Spued, A. S. JoYNKR, J A. B. Coohk, Chief of Police. WhiUker-Daniefc Invitations readme a* follows have : been received by fri??nds her?: Mr. and Mrs. William P. alter Daniel finest I lie pk-iisui^ of your presence I at the nnui iajfc <jt thoir daughter Ada I Meadows to i.vJwi' L*ne Wbita School Attendant TTi-f '-'!r).Tins tablo ikowa the M rollmcnt and average daily attendant for the variou* tcbeo'a for the w?d ending January 24th: List of School*. *? -g l 1 5 Pearee (Dunn'a) 1M Social Ptsing fine Ridge 84 Pilot 78 Bunn 144 Math Bock Royal 49 New Hop* 70 Rock Spring* 60 Rilev ? 65 Pro*pect 88 Gamer S4 Oak Lev*) 34 Tharringtoa 38 Flat Rock 40 P.DCR Mt. Olivet Mitchlner Kateeville 31 Winn 56 Whiiaker 26 Balance Rock 14 v Laurel 24 Moulton 49 Ingleside 111 Kearney 83 Mountain Alston Ceoterville Weods 68 Sandy Creek 78 Pearce (Gold Mine) Wilder > 32 Cedar Reck 108 Red Bud White Level 128 Justice _ . ' , 81 Seven Paths 108 Mapleville 94 Hickory Rock Hayei 40 r ResolattoaSi, _r? "J In the stillness and quiet of a Sab bath morning three weeks ago, the spirit of our . beloye J friend and ^ixter Mrs. G. W. Brown took its flight from earth into the paradi?e of God. Kor many years she had been, sistent member of the llethodiat church, belonging also to our missionary societies home and fbreiffn. In an un obstructive but most decided way she showed by her daily life that the re ligiea she professed was to her blessed reality. She delighted in helptaf^al) who needed her help, and ,by her brightnesss of dispositiofl;*tid her gen tleness of manner epmmned with her clear intelligence**!!: has cheered maay ft sick reom^ad helped to brla back to healtb-'and strength the weak and suffgHfig. -^Resolved 1st. That while our heart s are deeply saddened by her loss we real, ize that we must bow in humble sub mission to the dirine will knewing that God in hii infinite wisdom deeth all things well., 2nd. That we extend our tenderest sympathies* to the husband and c^\jl dren whese hearts are deselate. May the ^memory of her deroted lore and unselfish spirit ever be an inspiration towards all that is highest and best. ' 3rd. That a cepy ef these resolu tions be placed on our miautes, one sent to the bereaved family and oae to the Franklw Tisine for publication Mrs. J. S. Barbow, " J. K. Malonb, " J). F. McKinWb, " K. R. Harris, Consmittee. Obltaarr. Death again has viaited our father and mether's home Mr. and Mrs. Willi* j * ood and taken away their baby which was all they had to auivive them in their old age. Oh! how hard it ia ta part iroaa those we lore a* well but God's will .must be done. Masie was 23 yeafs old and wsi released from this world of sin and sorrow ths 18 da; of January 1013. Mtisie was. industrious and cheerful and was loved! by all who knew him and will be so mucl missed bv his old aged mother and father who Masie loved so deyotedly, and hi* death was so sudden. Masie was one of God's ignorant servants, he knew not what sin was or good from evil. His death come frem tutting dewn ? trae and it fell en him enly living about 4 hours he waa unconscious in a short while after Sid Honae found him aid he never spoke again. The death blow was on his head although it broke his ankle and masked his body ha said he hurt all over but he soon knew nothing of it. Doctor Bobbitfr or friends could do him no goood. God |aw best to take Masie awny. May God bless and cheer the so much grieved parents and two brothers all that ia now living oout of 10 children, seven ilvod to pass age "f fp*tll^tT1 , - Ha it sleeping only sloopng . ship, relieved of poll over agei 'if It va| ordered that A. )!.? have tin ue of the eoart koi^H SunriajjA every month. ? It waft ?cdered that the coaafl half of rth? (expentes of (ettifl rock oatrof the rond near Jackaofl Tom Mann, of Cypress em|l ?hip. n relieved ot poll taf-l over afft W. JTJHont was relieved of OB ?ch<K>l tax in Frankliaton tewaJj ?at beinf in Mid district. AnAietWood was pissed en oil pauper list at |1.00 per s?oath. VlnejrJohaaon was plaeed on ooj pauper fet at 11.00 per month. AdaraBall was allowed te sell I pan lifters ia connection with his i icine. j Band 0 f A. A- Pernell, eonstable Hayesvile township, was received ordered recorded, and the eath el floe wat administered. J. W. Green waa relieved of spa^H school tax in Seven Path* district. C. T. Wood was relieved of apaaH school tax in B?Ten Paths district. ? Fred Stephens was relieved ef eehWB tax in Cypress creek towaaMp? wmI| being listed in two tewnahipc. -^j I. H. Kearney was reliered of 94.HT tax fer the year 1*12 on account bank stock listed to him through error. W. C. Vick was relieved ef paying $2.17 school tax in Justice school dip. trict? not being ia said distnok S. G. Griffin waa relieved of payU* $1.62 eehoeU^ta Sevea Paths dictrict ?not bedl^^fcj*1^ 4i?trict.., filed, j On Tuepdtr morning the Mpjtjj Commissioners passed a resalutic^tt posing the estabiiakment ef a recorder court for franklin county. The master of a new court koissS taken up and folly goae into. After I full discussion of tkc question a w$t was taken and it was iiiisiilaiiiadM agreed to build a npw court ho? s the selection of th# location to h made later. Report of E. N. WHliams, Superin tendent" of county home, was l ic?lw4 and filed. A number of acceuata were also at* lowed. - / J The Beard adjeurned^o meet again on February 20th. ? , ? . 1 At Plney Grove. We art requested to state that Rev. A. D. Wilcox will preach at Piaay Grove on next Sunday, February ttk. 1918, at 1 o'clock. The public ia ear* dially invited to attend this service. { Opens Store Aa will be seen from hi* advertise* ment in another comma Mr. 7. W. Juitice baa opened a general iters at hia borne near LouiBbury on Sural Route No. 1. He informa ua he will carry a full and cemplete etoek at all times and solicits the burlaw *f the people in that vUlnitjr. Mr. J at tic* is a very popular and experienced rows man, which will insure hi' success ia his new venture. He will keep tfca readers of the Tinas posted each wsek of the many things interesting at Us store. Watch his advertisement. I ? Social Brent On Friday evening, February Itfc, there will be a musical Taleatina fartf , at Clements Academy. Th?re w^ll b? amusement, for young and old. Tkl yeung people may learn what tb* fu ture holds by visiting Mad.. ?**'? boothe; while everyone may f pond- All may have a cupijfl arrow, the suceeasfol tainlng a prize. The people dially invited to attend aad I paries fall. Admission 10 and II eaata. List or Lctttri lamaining In tka poaufRc* at barg, N. C., WHk ?( FttlUUJ 1 callrd for: ? lffra. Lata Branch, Jaaaia 1 Ufa. Liland Bulloak, MIm MUUi too, Vra. LuTenia Darii, MLaa 1 Calvlrrllarrta,

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