A. F,.10HMSnN, RniTOR A HQ manager VOL. XL1II. - ? ~~ *" THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. LQDISBUj5g. N. C..WUDAY F EBHUAH Y 2 8 18J3 SUBSCRIPTION YF.Ah search and seizure law Full Text of the Bill te leoome a Law A bill to b? entitled -'Am oare the enfowe*??t f tI against the tale aid miaafiacture of I* t4xicatinar liquers." ? - .. r._. The General Aaae?bly ?' North Caro lina do enact. . _ . . Sectlen 1. That it akall be for any person, Mrm, elation, or company, lywhaterOT nana* called, ether thaT engage in the busime* of selling. ex changing. bartering giving ?T etherwise handling Bpiritoua. vinout, or malt liquors in the Hate . of North Carolna. Any person vioUting the provisions of this act shall for the nrst ?ffense be guilty of a -Udemeanor aod punished in the diacretion of the court and for the second effenae P"** . felony and ftaed net lea* than??n'v^""" dred dollars nor mere than sssttasaswtsirs *K!i" KffTi.11 any peraan, firm, corporation, assecia tioa, er eomnany .bTjJh*tc'1?j "**?; called, ether than d^rnggisW and -edi oal depositories duly >e??ed thereto, to have er keep in hU. thcir^or _ita possession, spiiitoas or vinoua '"J"?" at the same time in ens or mere P'a?a ia quantity exceeding ene gmltou lor the purpose of sale, or to haye or his, their or its possession, malt liquors at the same time, whether in o?? J' sssra places, in quantity exceeding *?e gallons fer the purpose of sale or to r<^ oeive within one week more than til ee gallons of spiritous or yinous l'q???> or fU teen gallons of ?alt l'quors for the purpose ot/ale Any person, firm corporation violating the Pr??*'?"f . this section shall be heliand deemed o have it for the purpose of sale in Mola ? tion of section one of. this act, - and it aliallba prima facie ovidience that he they or it, are engaged in the b"8'nJ*3 oi selling intoxicating liquors. Trend ed, that this section sl-all not prohibit anv person keeping in his possession wines and ciders in any quantity when eVer such wines and ciders have been | manafactured from fruit and grapes i crown on the premises ol the person in | whose possession the saiJ wines a id , cidere may be. , . 1 Sec. 8. Upon the filing of complaint i under oath by a reputable citizen, or 1 information by officer charged with the execution of the law, before a justice | ot peace, recorder, mayor or other otti cer authorized by law to issu2 warran.j oharging that any person, firm, corpo ration or association, or company by whatever name called his in his, their, or its possession, at a place or places apecified mora than one gallon of spint ?us liquors or move than five gallons of malt hquors for the purpose ot sale, a warrant Bhall be issued commanding j the officer to whom it is rt,re&st week. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Perry left_ Wed nesday for NorfsU where Mrs. Perry will eater St. Vincents hespital for treatment. Mrs. Julia Scott left Monday for the northern markets, to become familiar with the latest designs in millinery preparatory for the spring trade at the Presiding Elder j. H. Hall, preached at the Methodist church Sunday morn ing and evening. The sermons were fine and enjoyed by a large crowd. Quarterly conference was held here Monday morning and at Piney Grove Saturday. Mr. H. L. Candler accompanied by Miss Clara Aycock left tbe past week for Baltimore. New York and other northern markets to purchase ' the spring and summer stock of dress goods and millinery for the Candlcr Croweil Co. Loolsburtr Baptist Church. [ Public worship Sunday 11 a. m. and j 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. li. Y. B.iJ. Monday 7'3u p. m. Tk# ; theme of the mon.ing strmon will be. ! "Watch, work, .war;" at night, ''The ! Pearl of the Parables." Moves to Louisburg Mr. J. B. Fulghum, county parchas- 1 ing agent for the Farmers Union, has | m??ved his family to. Louisburg: and is j occupying the residence of Mrs. P. H. Cooke, on Main street. The business of tne Union bavin? so much increased | .that it was necessary for Uim to move to a more convenient location. We ex tend to him and his good wife . a most cordial welcome to our town. \ Prftspeet School. On Saturday afternoon, February 22, Miss Annie Perry held a parents meet ing in the school building, ' which was well attended by the patrons and pupils. Sr-veral topics of interest to the school were discussed by Misses Perry and Mary Arrin^ton and Prof. R. B. White. Money was raised at this meeting to add a supplementary library to the school. Arrangements are being made to add more room tov the building and to Daint it. A committee of live con sisting of Messrs. Phelps, Bennett, Weathers, Ball and Catlett were ap pointed to attend to this matter and see that the work is begun at once. We hope the committee will have this work completed by the first of May. Cor. Justice Items There hasn't been very much news from this little place in sometime, but we are still living and in the ring. The farmers are enjoying this beauti ful weather and are quite busy In spite of the inclemency ef the weather we had good success at our box party. You may know somebody's best girl was there the amount being made was $15.00. Miss Boilings worth and Mr. Leonard were visitors in our little town last Sun day at Mrs. W. H.' Stallings. v Miss Alford from near Bunn and Mr. Fuller near Spring Hope were visit.ors j of Miss Stella Hayes the past Sunday. We are glad to see that the Justice 1 Supply Co. is replacing all the inachia- j ery that was burned last fall. There tw an interesting game of hall between Justice and Cedar liock. Fri- 1 day afternoon- the scores being 8 to 5 in favor of J ustiee. Our Sunday School is improving rap- 1 idly, have good crowds and a great deal of *nterest is being manifested. Stick j to it bo.vs and girls and strive to make your Sunday School the best. BLur Eyrs. New Idea There is a new scheme on foot by which the sehools of Franklin County are to have at their disposal, a ster eoptic.n for the purpose of giving il Ibstraled lectures on various subjects. Dr. Fleming is working on the plan for raising^* money and sereral of the teachers in the schools in the county have expressed a willingness to help. The planis to select from the musical talent of. the county , some of the best known ssusiciaag-*nd give a series ef J?l|th clan masieal entertainments in the schools. The moa.y thus raised Will be-used ta purchafe a stereoptioon and suitable slides, and the schools ? siatiag ia the mbraMent will have tha pajrilege of uaiRf tie lantern and WMHM, This will be a great addition ta tha teaching facilities as there are taaay iaatrmctive travel aad ether slides that are to ba had. N The lantern is to be Utted with both gas aad aleetrieity aa ? ? ??g it may be used in the country where there is no eletrlc current. L It it not known exactly when the first ' OMicert will be iriveri, but it wOl take place as aeon s the weather will per mit. Thla will be a great thing ter the count; and the ached that U fortu nate enough to help in the movemeat will not only get the benefit ef the Untem, but will hare a real treat ia thia concert, as there ia probably more real musical talent to be feund ia Franklin countv than in any area at equal size and a concert given by eur home talent means one of a very high order. ^ Remember Youi^Loved Ones. .. When yeu ore in the market for monuments and headstones it Is well to write to T. O. Sliarpe. Durham, and get prices before closing the deal. Or better still, he will pay your expenses to Durham and return if you care to inspect the best collection of monu ments in the state. See the advertise ment of this reliable marble works else-, where in this paper. At Trinity. " Rev. A. D. Wilcox preached at Trinity Methodist church on last Sun day morning- to a large crowd. His place at Louisburg being filled by Pre siding Elder HalL Moves f Warrenton Their many lriends In Louisburg will regret to learn that Mr. Geo. Scoggia and family have moved to Warrentoa and will make that town their future home. Mr. Scoggin, through his gen ial disposition and business capacity has become yery popular among our peotfle who are averse to giving him up as a citfzen, sod the society of Louis burg will greatly miss the pleasing per sonage of his gQ#d wife. Especially is it so in this case that what is Louis burg's loss is Warrentod's gain. Adjutant General Banqueted 'On last Friday night at the Louisburg Hotel Capt. James A. Turner of C9m pany I). Louisburg Rifles, gave quite -a swell banquet complimentary to Ad jutant General Young of the North Carolina National (Juard, which was at? tended by- many friends df the Captstja. ?* Mr* Thomas Moore, of Webster, Jack son vounty, Chief Clerk %o the House of Representative was present as a guest of honor. The edibles were of an excellent appetiziag Ordei and were served in splendid style and the toasts were rich. The occasion was one of much enjoyment and will be long re membtred by those whose pleasure it | m&is to be present. Farmers Union. ^A regular meeting of the Franklin County Farmers Union will be held in Louisburg the first Thursday in March. Every member of the Union in the County should be there. J. B. Fulghum our county business agent will give you some startling prices. The Union will be addressed by Rev. G. M. Duke one of the best beloved men in the county, not for the filthy lucre h6 has piled up but because ho is a man of God and wisdom. Come and hear him. We hope some new stars will appear in the Union firmament at that meeting. Hy order of T. J. Harris, Pres. Franklin County Farmers Union. T. H. Slbdg%, Sec'y. To Residents of Louisburg. I would like to advise the people of Louisburg that there are some cases of whooping cough in our town. It is not absolutely necessary to quarantine it if the families who have it in their home will take the precaution to keep those with the disease from spreading it.ahat is to say please keep your chil dren from contact or association with others who haven't it, and by no means let any df them attend the public school. If you will carry these simple direc tions out I think that w6 can hold it within bounds; otherwise I will have to quarantine all homes where the dis ease exists. Respectfully, J. E. Malows. Superintendent of Health. Cemetery at Corinth. TheSundersi^ned committee wish to thank all thoso who were at Corinth Baptist Church on t.*>e 12th to help in laying'off the cemetery. Since then we have made an effort to get prices on fencing that would suit them interested and from a very* close estimate the squares already laid off will cost $5.00, $7 00 and $10.00 each, and is to be paid on or before the second Sunday in March. There are several squares that have not vet been taken which no doubt will be taken later. If you have not made your selection we would appreciate your doing so by the above date. Our people are to be congratulated upon the interest they have shown in the matter and we urge upon them to use every possible effort to help your committee press the work to completion. Not ouly lend your influence in financial aid but your commendation- also. * J. B. Smith a. a. Dement R. D. PlNNXLL Committee. - ? List of Letters. Remaining in the pastofflco at Lou isburK, N. 0., uncalled for February 18, 191J. George Alston, Mary L. Allen, El lea B. Braneh, A. T. Brown, liarvie Day ton, Miss RUlie Hawthorne, Mrs. Koala Hloke, Allie Joyce, W. M. McKay, Johnny McLane. Florence Maeon, Mr?. Stella Mitchell, Mtar Julia Mitohell. Persona calling; to r aar of 'the a here letters will pleas* say they saw them advertised. ?. W. Tamaoaow, P. M.