If. JOHNSON, EDITOR AMD MANAGER OoxnrtT, OL. XLII1 uti NUMBERS LOUISBURG. N. C.. PHID APRIL 11. 1913 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MET IN 8BQULAK SESSION LAST MONDAY AND TUESDAY Maoh Routine Work Done List Takers Appointee? Ac tion Taken Upon Court House. The Board of County Commissioners met In regular session on last' Monday and Tuesday with all mem ben present. Alter reading and approving minutes of previous meetiag the following business waa transacted: William B. Hodge was relieved of poll tax in Harris township ? not beta* ef age. The petition for a new road from the Naah plaee on Loniabarg to Henderson road to Milford road was grated. Tom . Weldon, K. L Frazier and R. L Stokes were appointed registrars. K. O. Bewdea was relieved of poll tax in Cypress Creek township? same having been paid ia Cedar Rock town ship. . W. F. Branch, D. M. King and P. J. Harris were relieved of special school Uk in Hairis township? they not being ia said district. 6. T. Whitaker was relieved of tax on $1,000.00 as solvent credits listed through error. Clancy Davis was placed on outside pauper list at $1.M per month. Ed Harris was relieved of special school tax in Cypress Creek township ?not being in said district. E. C. Crews was relieved of paying poll tax in Kranklintoa township. Loney Perry was relieved of special school tax in Franklintea? not being ia aaid township. Rixie Privstt wss placed on outftide pauper list at $2.06 per month. It was ordered that the following men be appointed Road Trustees of Frank linton township: S. C. Williams, B. T. Green, W. L. MeGhee, H. E. Pearce. The Board then proceeded to appoint the following me* as list takers for their respective townships: Dunns? W. H. Williams. Harris ? G. C. Harris. Youngaville ? Geo. M. StelL jk FAflklinton?.'. D. Speed. HayesviUe? A. A. Medlin. Sandy CreSk? E. M. Gupton. Gold Mine ? W. D. Upchurch. Cedar Rock ? S. H. Boone. Gypress Creek? K. B. Harris. Louisburg ? A. W. Perry, Sr. The Board convened on Tuesday morning All proceeded as follows: ? A. S. Fogleman was relieved of poll tax on account of inability. S. N. Nalms waa relieved af $1.01 be ing an error ef an avercharge la tax. Report of EL M. Williams was receiv ed and ordered tied. He reperts 8 white and 14 colored iamates. A ballot waa take* which resalted unanimous not to mots tke site of the court house. Another ballet waa takea upon the bulldiag a new court hoase or remodelinr the old ene. The idea to build entirely aew was serried and the eounty Attorney was instructed te ad vertise for specifications and plans for the Snd of May. An election for additional roads Bonds for Franklinton was allowed. It will be held on the 31at of Mav 1913. Repert ef Dr. J. K. Malone, Superin tendent ef Health was received and filed. His report was a splendid one. He was given instruction bj the Board to take necessarr steps to keep the jail and convict camps in proper sani tary condition. Report of F. R. Pleasants, Manager ol the Medical Depository, was receiv ed and filed. After allowing several accounts the Board adjourned to its next regular meeting. Not so Bad After All Nearly every time anything is said ,ab*ut the condition of the towa's fi nance some one jumps up with the ex cuse that the electric light and water plant is at fault. There is ao doubt but that a majority of the people -fell very much this way but from a little figuring we capt find it so. The com missioners have not dealt fairly with the aknnt and we feel that certain changes COO Id be brought about that would change the feeling of the entire town In regard to it. Wo are publishing herewith twa tables, that will no doubt give a little IFght on the matter to the oUiiens of, the town. One of these approximately what the plant i? now doing and the other is an estimate based upbn the same figures showing an idea of what the plant could do. by giving all nighrvorvice. It will be re membered that thibsis * public owned plant and the peoplear^ anxieui for all the accomodations possible, and we see no joat reason why tbey should aot be gIVen full wrrlce. ? In faot to our minds the plant van be made to pay a nice dividend for a day current. It would of coarse necessarily have to ?tart off small, but would increase rab idly. However we are now discussing this matter in the light of giving ju* tiee to both the plant and to the citi zens who hare to foot the bills. In the following table we attempt to show what the plant is now doing; ' BEOaiPTS Amount received from water ? and current per year 17,068.00 | Amount doe .plant for lighting atreeta 1,20# DO Amount due plant for 1(0 hy drants for tire ptbtection 3*0.00 Total 18,668.00 ?ar*NDm/K*8 Salary Superintendent |800.00 Salary fireman est 886.00 Coat of coal 3,420.00 Oil, chemicals ate, est ? 1 . *^1,000 -M Total 86, 086.08 The above leaves a total profit of 82,883.00 which even yon should allow a ten per cent item for error' in calcu lations would' leave 82.VOO.OO profit and we are informed that 1f shavings were used the cost of eoal wen Id- he reduced at least $100.00 per iponth which would give its a total profit of nearly 88,608.00 There is hardly any doubt but that the remaining hours of night would tarn in an equal p?r cent of business compared with the cost. However since the run at the last part of the night ia so much lighter than the first it would hardly take more than one third ot the coal, and the amount of current used would be equal to at least one-third, therefore we would have as follows: Receipts $2,366.00 1 EXPBKBfi Coal. 81,140.00 1 Cost of extra fireman 360.00 | Total 81,605.00 It will be seen from the above that there would remain a profit from this end of the service of about |800.00, al lowing 861.00 for the sake of au error, and if shavings are used there would remain still a greater profit. Where the town has not dealt fairly with' the plant i? not giving it credit for lighttng the streets or for the use of the hydrants. The argument' that the town made the?e things possible by establishing same is ?ot~ sufficient, as the people pay a separate tax of 60 cents on the 8100.00 worth of property which will offset same. Since there is an apparent profit of about 83.600.00 per year from this plant we see no reasonable argument why it cannot be run all night. There are nearly half the patrons of the light plant who will use nearly as much car rent in the last part of the night as in the first, taking an average the year round and with the addition of those who do not now use the service becaase they cannot get mrient >n the early motning we beleive the town could soon releive the tax payers of the addi tional tax of 60 cents on the $100.00 worth of property which goes to pro vide for. the interest on the bonds and and the sinking fund. It will be re membered that the interest is only ?3,200.00 per year and with a sinking fund of $1000.00 only makes a total of $4,300.00 necessary. With now a pro fit on an all night service of possibly above $3,500.00 it can easily be ' seen that it would not take much of an in crease to relievet the tax payers of this | butden. We shall maintain until we are shown different that the town's water and light plants together are very close, not only to self sustaining but enjoying a financial condition that will take care of its own expense and pay the interest on its bonds and provide a sufficient sinking fund. Mr. Voters of Louis burg you know how to figure as well or better than the editor of this paper ? study it out for yourself. What ever may be the oittome of your efforts we will gladly pulish same if furnished us in such form as we can put up in type. Mayor's Court , Monday morning Maypr Holden pnt a fine $5.00 and costs each on Daiay Jones and Loe King for fighting. They "forked over tlie dought" and were released. Makes Chanare. On Tuesday morning a. change waa made in the street ? convict working .force by putting Mr. T. P. Alford in charge of tho work in tha place of Mr. J. R. Wiggins, and Mr. [tennie Moore instead of Mr. J. J. Place as guard. We are iaformed the change w|i 'made on accouat of the saving in tha cost of the salaries pajfl tha respective parties. It U.to be hoped the chaaga will pcavt wise in other ways. .? v AN EXPERT AOCOUHfltoT TO BE EMPLOYED TO MAKE STATEMENT Aotlon Taken for Confederate Monument ? Front Door of Market House to Be Changed ?Other Business At ? regular meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners on last Friday night? Commissioners Ford, MeK'nne and Ilicks being present, Mm fallowing business was transacted: Mr. J. P. Winston went before tfae Board In tha interest of the Daughters of the Confederacy ef the Joaaph J. Deris Chapter requesting the dona tion of ? site ia the centre of Mais street ea top ef the Oollere hill open which to plaoe the Confederate monu ment. Upon motion it was ordered that upon the proper exeeatioa of the deads Irons the Graded school trustees and Louis burg Female College for suffi cient land on either side of the monu ment fpr street purpeaea, she. town wpuld donate the desired apace On motion a resolution endorsing the petition of the Farmers Union t? the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, relative to' the soil surrey of Franklin county was adopted. On motion of Comas iasioner Hides, Tax Collector Hudson waa instructed to advertise all property of delinquent tax payors to be said first Monday in June. ?" . On motion of Commiaaioner MeKinne it was ordered that an expert account ant be employed by the toOa to pre pare a statement showing the financial condition of the town. Report of J . C. Tucker Chief of Po lice, for January, February and March was received and ordered filed. A motion prevailed instructing the Chief of Police to change the front door of the market house so aa to lead atraight info the hall way. Mr Ford was present and consented to this change. : On motion Clerk R. H. Davis was appointed registrar and J. A. Turner and E. F. Yarbo rough were appointed poll-holflers for the regular election to be held on Taesday, the 6th day of May, 1913. At request of Chief ef Police Tusker Mr. J. L. Palmer was allowed a refund of $5.00 on market house rent. No ether business of importance coming before the. Board it adjourned to its next regular meeting. Daniels Goes in for Savins: Oncle Sam's Thousands ? v >? . W Washington, Much 2. ? Secretary of the Navj Daniels believes that the government can save thousands, if not millions of dollars, if oar hattleahips, instead of being supplied with coal as a motive power, oil in its place is sub stituted. Ever since Mr. Daniel* became head of the Navy Department, this question has been one uppermost ia his mind. He had no definite knowledge of the extent of the oil fields of the United States, neither did he possess sufficient information which would convince him that our men-of-war in the future can be equipped with a fael supply at a cost largely, in decrease of that which Uncle Sam is novr compelled to pay. In ether words, Secretary Daniels has been oi the belief that oil, instead of coal, could be substituted to move our greatest dreadnaughts and that through such substitution the govern ment of the United States would save many thousands of dellara annually. He wrote to Secretary of the Interior Lane, in charge of all public lands and all oil fields, about the matter. Secre tary Lane, who is a native of Califor nie, stated in his reply that his native state will be the only one from which will bedrawn the supply of fuel dur ing the next score of years. Secretary Lane recommends to the Secretary of the Navy that the govern ment acquire sufficient oil fields lo sup ply the present demand of our fighting fleet, operating them, as they can do at a lews coet than under private con tract. Secretary Lane states that the life of ft battleship will have become long sinee exhausted before the pil supply burns out. 1/ writing to Secretary Daniels, Secretary Lane sal<V amoug other things: . . ? "The production of heavy oils in OWornla has now Been under way for thirty five or tortv years, although it did not become importSnt until the middle 80's. . Furthermore, it ia th? only state, with tha-poaaible exception ?f Illinois, in which production has not begun to decline. Ita rate qf produc tion has aontloed to inarease aa new ?aid* have been opened and as addi tiooal Wmltiet hare come to depend upon oil u rn fuel, for it Is the 00I7 important producer of fuel oil*. It is probable that the majority of the oil bearing areas within it are aov known, and that there will be few important discoveries in the future, white the de mand. will doubtlett continue to in crease The development of the known fields however, is at present somewhat retarded by the existence of the tem porary Government reserves. The re serves will eventually be opened by legislation and when that event takes place ill of the known supplies except these retained in the permanent naval n^syws will be available tor commer cial extraetien. The development of promising Mexican territory may cheek the rate of ti*f extraction when sup plied h the California fields ran low and coals there increase for this reason. Thto development, with its tendency to retard the rise in price, will probably proton* the period of produeUoa with out th^oil fields of the United States. NevertBalias there can be little doubt that priche of fuel oil will rice as tfcs supplies defeliae. This tenderer to ward higher prices because of lesssn iar , naerves is further stimulated by the imprevemeat in technological pro cesses by which the fuel oils are broken up into more valuable lighter products are thereby more fully utilized. (1) "Tfrenty years hence the price of fuel oil, which thea a* now will be produced chiefly in California, will be much higher than at present and the production will probably have declined seriously, although it Is likely that it will still be large. " (2) The failare of tbo oil supplies in the Uaited State* will not take place suddenly. The decline will be gradual aad will t#ncl constantly to he checked by -rialng prices. This is illustrated by the feet that in the oldect field in the United States, Pennsylvania, where pioduetion was important as early as 1861, rccfnt increased prices have changed e former decline, sometimes as rapid , %s 15 per cent, into a slight increase for the year 1912. Production from fieldt abandoned earlier may be resumed when prices advance to a point which permits of more expensive ex traction at a profit. Declining produc tion and increased demand will he an nounced ' by rising prices, bnt there will be no sadden cessatioa of supply. Indeed it is believed that the decrease in California will be mujh less rapid than the increase has been. The lat ter has risen from twenty-four million to eighty-one million per snnura during the last decade, and one of the older fields? that <Jf Kern River? maintained a nearly constant production for nine years before decline began. (8) As nearly as Mn be estimated the privately owned lands within and surrounding the pvesent naval patrol eum rf serves will, when developed, re salt in a depletion of the siipply in ! these resawei by not more than 20 per ' lent. Twenty years hence, therefore, and thereafter until the reserves are abandoned or developed by the govern ment. 80^ per cent of the present roughly estimated amount of two hun dred and fifty million barrels, namely, two hundred million barrels, should be available. (4) No relief can be expected in the price of fuel oil at Atlantic ports for commercial uses. These prices will probably tend upward therea/ter, al ihoush of coarse there may be brief periods during which lower prices will rule, as a result of the development of new fields, for example, those of West ern Mexico. Relief to the aavy from increasing commercial prices can prob ably be secured only by' the develop- ] ment of its own reserves, where it j should be possible to produce oils at approximately the present cost of pro duction, fifty cents or lept^per barrel, plus transportation to the point of use. (5) It is believed that the Depart ment of the Navy may rely upon the reserves already existing for a supply of fuel oil for a period greater than the life of** any battleship to be con structed within the next decade. By H. C. Bryant. - Bijf Cotton Convention Every man, concerned in the best interests of the southland owes it to himself to attend the big' cottoo con vention to be held in Dallas April 28th to May 1st. This will be a monster rally, attead ed by thousands of people in all walks of life, and from all parts of the south. The convention will doubtless place .Brotm nentfy before the world the won Qtirful work bcinj? accomplished by the advantages of a trip to Dallas, the broadening benefits derived by eon tnc> with leading mea of the south ?osi^med ia cotton, sanaot be esti. mated. ' \ THE MOVING PEOPLE theih movements in and OUT OF TOWN Tho?e Who. Have "Visited Louis burg the Past Week?Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For BuMneM or Pleasure. Mr*. T. W. Bickett left yesterday for Raleigh. . . - Dr. J. E. Malcoa left Wednesday for Norfolk. Mbe Francis Lacy, of Raleigh, i* vis iting her sisters here. Mr. W. W. BoMe and wife spent we day last week la Raleigh. Mr. Aafoo Deiti left the put week for a sriait to Baltimore. Mr. W. B. Barrew, of Riehmoai, visited his paraata hare the past week. Dr. E. S. Green, Jr.. and Witt, of Mtarot, arc visiting his parents here. Mr. and Mr*. 9. E. MeKinna, of Princeton, visited their sens in Loais b*rg the put week. Miss Aanie Belle King, who is attend ing school at Raleigh, spent Sanday with her people here. Mr. R. G. Allen, Cuhier of the Far mers National Bank, is on a visit to Mew Tork. Mr; and Mrs. M. K. Pleasants spent several days' the past week visiting his people hare. Mr. and Mrs R. P. Taylorand daugh ter, Miss Sallie, spent one day last week in Raleigh. Mm. W. M. Gilrqore and son have retained from a short visit to friends in Rocky Mount, Miss Kate Kntman, who is teaching school at Apex, spent Sunday with rel atives in Louisburg. Mrs. and Mrs. R. E. Prince and little sons, of Raleigh, visited friends and relatives in town the past week. Mrs W. 1 . Clegg and little daughter of Greensboro, who have been visiting at Mrs A. M. Hall's returned home the past week. Mts. F. B. Asheraft, of Monroe, and Mrs. Richard Brewer, of Wake Forest, visited their brother, Hon, T. W. Bick ett, the past week. Mrs. T. W. Stokes, who successfully underwent an operation at the hospital in Henderson, returned home Tuesday. Her many friends will be glad to know she is rapidly reaovering. ?? Mr. R. M. Person, of Charlotte, wu a visitor to Louisburg the past week. Mr. Person has scores ef friends in Loaisbburg who are always glad to see him aad shake his hand. Rev. C. D. Malone, of Choeowinity, visited his sons here the put week. While here he occupied the pulpit of the Episcopal church Sunday morning and night and preached at Ingleside Sunday afternoon. Mr. M. F. Houck, who has been at Windell greeting several nice build ings the past year after having gotten his work in good shape, has returned to Louisburg to begin the erection of a large brick building for the Hill Live Stock Co. Mr. C. T. Perry, of near Motnyer, Mash eounty, an old Franklin county boy was a pleasant caller at the Times office Saturday. lie was open in his expressions of the advancement of Louisburg? having noticed many changes stnee his last visit here Dies Suddenly. News wa? received here Wednesday that about five o'clock that morning Mr. Cfpo. W. Leonard, of near Dickens, died suddenly while standing talking with hit wife about the work he was planing for the day. Mr. Leonard was a man of family and was about forty eight years of age. He leaves a wife and several children besides a host of friends and relatives who have the sym pathy of the entire neighborhood. Daniels' Good Licks. The pubiie approval extended to Sec retary Daniels policies regarding such matters as more service by naval of ficers actually at sea and less at desks* in Washington js xeconctetK^by the Army and Naval Journal. It Itpse^ him, as another step along the right line, to revoke or amend the regula tion that puts a plaster (upon the mouth ? ? every office holder not blessed by immediate personal contact with the Secretary. Under the present system a Secretary's impressioms ot the ser vice opinion and needs proceed }from a lit le knot of favored officers whose view?s may or may not represent those ?f the navy as a whole. At lor Ike plea made heretofore* that Secretary Daniels predecessors invited or wel come expression* from any officer di rect, we are told that this assertion causes laughter on tho part of thoas who know as a fact that the Secretary does not open'tbq official mail, and that the letters mentioned with their valu able burden of honesty criticism and timely warnings, never reach lpis eyes at all but so quietly to their graves in the pigeou holes of tho very' bureau of officers against whose practices the , writers of the letters protested. Whlek haa the ring of truth and coming froan a journal so representative of service opinion, is doubtless quite true. Sec retary Daniels is going to be one ef the best heads the Navy ever had. : - - Entertainment ?t Bans The exercises of the Primary aad In termediate classes given by the Baaa High School last Friday sight proved very entertaining to . the large crowd present. The two tableaux? The Old Woman in ths Shoe and Byerybedy Works bat Father, under the names of an illustrated nursery rhyme aad nn il lustrated soag were the most heartily cheered numbers. Recitations by Alma Way, Vera Tant, and Ruth Alford were possibly the best rendered numbers oa the program while the small boys of the little army vera hard to beat. Those in music showed exaellent training and sareful practice. The chorouses? Mar Pole Dance Did Let the Bills with Soag Besoand? rendered by the larger pupils were above the average for high school students. All the characters in Axia Her Fader did remarkably well. Edith's Dream went smoothly with some good acting. Cutest of all, and well done too, was the-emaJC girls' dolt song. N The school closes Friday, April It. The full program for commencement came out in the Tiuiia last week. The exercises begin at ten o'clock in the morning. . To Erect Large Building Mr. M. F. iiouck informs 113 he has just completed plans and contract with the Hill Live Stock Co., for the erec tion of a large two-story store building on Nash street. The building will be S3 x 131 aiad the aeoond story will ex tend to Main street over the present room occupied by this company. It will be fitted up in avery particular a most modern and up-to-date store rooas and will be used by this popular con cern for the accommodation of their in creasing business. He will also build for the ssme people a harness display room on the side of the above building and on Xasb street 2* x 62. This wit also bo a two-story building and the second story will be ftted with thevsar latest md most modern offices. The lower floor will bo a display room for harness of all kinda. If r. Houek says he has received instructions to begin the work on these buildingB at once The Revival Meeting The revival meeting: that is now be ing conducted by Rev. A. D. Wilcox, the pastor, at the Methodist church ia being largely attended and much inter est is being shown. Mr. Wilcox is preaching some of the strongest ser mons that the people of Louisburg have witnessed in qjite a while and they are being enjoyed. His texts were well taken and his line of thought well ex- ? pressed, leaying no doubt in the minds of his hearers of the objects of his: messages. The singing is being con ducted by Mr. Fitzgerald, of New York and the music is splendid. During the past week many have given expression to their intentioh to follow the teach ings of Christ. We are informed that the meeting will probably close Sunday night and 1 the doors of the church will be thrown open for the reception of these who wish to become members. This meeting is doing a lot of good among our people, as it is a long stride towards setting things right with many and is causing others to think. May its powers be unmeaaurable. The Louisburg Baptist Church. Public worship Sunday 11 a. m. The service will be enriched by the singing of I'rof. Thomas Justice, a singing: evangelist of marked ability rctently 1 from Chicago, where he took special training for his work. Mr. Justice for merly lived in Vranklihton, where Ilia father pastor of.the Baptist church. Ofl account ot th& evangelistic meet-, nt tlie MethodTkt church", thero will be no ^ervice at night Sunday scho it ?"cl B. Y. P. V. Mondav night, an3' ?nyer meeting Thursday night. More Seed i ' ? *1*' 1 We hare rewired a sack ?f garden seed sent us by Hon. P. M. Simmons for distribution among his many friends la Tranklin ooaaty trfat we will be glad to dispense to thoM wishing same.

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