EGERTON'S STORE NEWS I have the greatest sale - of Summer Shoes Louisburg has ever known. I have never offered you a fetter selected line, which includes everything new and 4esirable_in Taopumps, Tan oxfords, Tan rubber sole ox fords, White Nubuck pump, White canvas pumps, White ctnvas strap pumps, White rkbber sole oxfords (very popular.) All the best styles in Gun Metals and Patent leathers. I liave every desirable style and hape for both la dies and children not forget ting the rubber heel cushion sole comfort shoes for tired fieet and remember too I promise you better shoes for less price, the best proof 'is the quantity I am selling. Follow the Ciowd i The men have round out ftom actual test that Leo nard, Shaw and Dean's are better shoes, while the prices average 50 cents less. The demand for these fine slippers this season has been unusually large necessitating my placing a second large order which will soon arrive. Once worn always worn. A Challenge Sale Of ladies and children ready-to-wear dresses, waist and separate skirts, some of the dresses costing less than you would pay for the ma I am showing percales ginghams, brown and white anen figured foulards, white linger e, and extra special satin messaline and charmuse ?lk and then I can fit all the little folks starting at 25c up to $2.00 It will be worth while to inspect this line. I am showing full lines of iacies, embroideries, fiouno ings, allovers, white and brown linens, white dress goods in every style, all priced specially low for quick sales. If you care to save an in spection of my stock will more than prove the genuine values offered. Your orders will be filled and sent on day received by Parcel Post. ' R. Z. One Price Cadi Stoee Now Paint Strike when the iro? is hot and paint when the property needs it. They paint ships a dozen times a year yes some of them, every voyage. What for, do you ,think? To look nice and get business. A livery keepe its carriage* painted and varnished and washed, to look nice and get business. A man with a house for lale or to tot, does it up and Devoe la the paint. There 'is more in paint than tt> keep out water. Paint tor looks and you needn't think about water. A fresh coat of paint once a year is about as good for his credit as paying his debts. But the man whose fences and build loo* new very likely has no debts. .DEVOE McKinne Bros. Co sells it NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of Peter Collins, deceased, late of Frank lin county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against his estate to present the sane to the undersigned oa or before March. 31st, 1914, or this aotice will be plead lu bar of their w eovery. Persons owing said estate wil make immediate payment. This March 31st, 1913. Mrs. Mattie Guptok, Administratrix. Jlo? *? 0^ o' ja CO o < Ice, Ice, Ice Beginning April 1st we will have on hand at all times a full supply of ice made by the latest improved methods. We solicit your orders and guarantee prompt delivery and satisfaction. Our house is located under the old dispensary building. Your humble servants, CITY ICE COMP'Y ED FULLER, Mgr. 1 Piles Cared In 6 to 14 Days Your <1 runt st witt refund *9f>t\ey M. PAZO OINTMENT fails to car* afepeUps of Itckinc, Blind, Blaediiuor Protruding Pile* in6jto 14 days. Tb* first application Kue and Bo*. 60* -1; ; . ? ? ~ ' X ? Home Circle IT 18 HOHI. ' Many young men standing among the most tremendous real ities, . have their eyes bait abut or entirely cloned. A mighty de fence for a young man U a good borne. Qome wf oar readers look back witb tender satisfaction " to their early borne, it may hare been rude ruatie, hidden among the hills, and architect or upholsterer never planned or adorned it. But (ill the fresoo on princely wall* never look ed so entiomg to yon aa those rough-hewn rafters- You oan think ?f no park or arbor of tree* planted on "a fashionable couDtry seat JO attraotive aa the plain brook that ran m front of the old farm house "a53 sang under the weeping willows. No barred gateway ador-* ned with statue of bronze, and swung open by obeevious porter tn full dress, has half the glory of the old swing gale. Many b f yon have a second dwelling place, your adopted home, that also is snored forever. 1'here you built * the first family altar. Tnere your children were born. All "? those trees yon planted. That room is sacred, be. cause onoe in, it, over the hot pillow, flapped the wing of death. Under that roof you expect, when your work is done, to lie down and die. Tou try with mauy words to tell the excellency of tbe place, but you fail. " 1 here is only one word in the English lauguage that can (U scribe your feeling^ It is "home." ? ? " ? * ? * " A KKPLY.V Mr. Editor: ? In starting out in to life there is proffered to ine two maxims that are' said to leait to success: uDo yonr whole duty in whatever state of life you may be placed," and uThere is the White House; get into it if you cat.*" Which ehalllohoose? My young friend, to me these two maxim in dicate contentment and ambition, and would reply: there is no need of both in this day and age to , attain success Aim ""to advaooe world y po " sition if possible the best road to suc cess is devotion to yonr present duty. Aim to do your work with whole souled and conten ded thorough ness; this may lead you to higher spheres of life. The important question is not where you stand in the world, but what you really are; and this is determined not by the outside ot circumstances of wealth or rank, but by the charac ter within. Oct rinhes and honor if you can, but do not seek them simply for their <-wn sake; there are more precious things. The best prise in life can be won b> the most humble citizen A useful career and the love and esteem of those around you, are more than titles and millions; a noble character is a brighter crown than gold and jewels. THE VALUK OF KI!U> WORDS. Let the yotrng who weekly read this column never lose an oppor tunity to aay a kind word to their parents. Tour parents have planned for your best interests all these years. They mly sometimes (their nervous system all used up by the oares, and losses, the disappointments, the worries of life) be more irritable than they ought >to be, and thev probably have faulto whioh have be oome oppressive as the years go by But those eyes, long before they took on spectacles, were watching for your welfare, and their hands, not as smooth and more deeply lined than once, have done for you many a good days work. Life has been to them more of a struggle .than yoi shall ever know about, and muoh of the~atruggle has been for you, and how much they are wrapped up in your welfare you will never appre ciate. Have you by word or gift or be havior, ecpressed your thanks? Or if you oannot quite get up to say ing face to face have you written it soma holiday salutatimf ? The- time will soon pass and they will be gene out of roar tight and their ears will not hear, and their ?y?? will not see. If yon, owe them any kindness of I * , deed or 107 word of appreciation, why do yoa set s?T eof How maob we might all of as aave ouraelves in the matter of regrets if we did ndt delay until too lata in expression of obligatioo that would hare made the last yearn of earthly life more attractive. The grave ia deaf, and epitaphs on cold marble cannot make reparation. . ? ? ? THK NEW WOHAK If the new woman eomeg aa the creator planned when lie "created man of hia own image, in the image of <Jod created h? him; male and female created he tbem," by all that ia good and. holy, by all that ia peaceable pure and praiaewerthy, et her come, and welcome. Let her voice be heard not only in the hoaae b?t on the home top, let let ner place and power be recog nizedf- carefully considered, and joyfully accepted and adopted, with' a rising vote of the "party of the other part' unanimously expressed. If ehe comes possessed of the pre clous instinets of motherly affection, of sisterly devotion, homelike emotions and tendencies; of desire mutual help and . protection to the wayfarers on the highway of humau and earthly endeavor. God speed the day that places her in the front ranks of human effort 'and worldly progress. A womanly woman has a place which no' man nor woman nor sunt nor angel, can ever dia plaee. Hera is the seat of honor in the front' ranks of the better ele ments of' soul being, or religious Bentiment, of party, of "saint liness, and of the borne. There was nevdr a time when people sprraciated the real merits of Chamber lains Cough Remedy more than now. This is snown by the, increase in sales and Voluntary testimonials from per sons who nave been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or a cold give it a trial and be come aquainied with its good qualities. For sale by all dealers. His Legacy , ' A prominent congressman ilecid ed to turn over a part of his law praotice to his son. Sh )rtl j after wards the joung man entered the office and with his face bea t-ing with pleasure exclaimed: "Father yon know that Wilbonr case you'd beea trying for the last ton years?" The congressman admitted that he did. ."Well," said the young m?n tri umphantly, "I have settled it!" "Settled it!" reiterated his father "Settled it! Why. my boy, I gave vou that case as an annuity!" Lippincott's LIVER GETTING LAZY? DON'T STOP WORKIN? Take Dodson's Liver Tone and Co About Your Business. It Will Liven Up Your Liver Without Harm A bilious attack of constipation can be relieved in a ?horMvhile by a spoon ful of Dodson's Liver Tone? the mild, vegetable remedy that every druggist nuarantees. Just ask Scoggin Drug Co., about Dodson's Liver Tone. Thejtknow that it is a harmless preparation that v tarts the liver without violence and puts you into shape without interfering with your habits. Thit store guarantees it to be, ! all that, and will give you your money back if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone gives you quick, easy relief. Dodson's Liver Tone is for both, grown-ups and children. It has a pleas* mt taste, and is safe and reliable. The price is 60 cents for a large bottle, and your 50 cents back to you if you tell Scoggin Drug Co.. that it hasn't been a benefit to you. Don't take calomel and don't buy im itations of Dodson's Liver Tone? you may run into danger if you do. Buy Dodson's ? the medicine Scoggin Drug Co., recommends and guarantees. City Bar ber hop We guarantee our cus tomers everything sanitary, plenty of clean linen, sharp est razors and the politest attention. Hot towels free at all hours. We also have a good pressing club in , the rear of our shop. XAll^ prices reasonable. Your Servants Wilkins & Stegall - 1 ? 'r$Cv . : ' - / ?V ' ? . > Designed and Patented in 1607 The Standard Ever Since Roots put on twenty-ox yean ago are at good as new to-day, and have never needed repain. What is the result? Why practically every other shingle manufacturer is trying to imitate it, so be not deceived ? look foe the words "Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." embossed on the corrugation. It is put there Tor your protection. Accept no substitute. For Solely m. f. gaoucK Louisburg, N. C. FIRE! FIRF! v ?: ? V- ' '* ? LOOK, LISTEN, LEARN, v If you will put your fire insurance in my hands, I will al fways keep it in force for you and when the fire bell rings, you will rest satisfied that your property will be insured- in some of the best compan ies that can be had. I am on my job and will always give your bus iness my prompt and care- * * fulatttention As^Ever Yours, T. W. WATSON, Agent Our Complete Line of the Markets FRESHEST .!. BRHGS .!. Drags, Sundries are at Your Disposal Call in too see us or phone your orders, we will give tkem prompt personal attention. * r Our Prescription Department is presided over by an expert, painstaking licensed pharmacist and yonr interest are given first consideration. Your patron* age will be appreciated. L. E. Scoggin Drug Co THAT SLIT YOU SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT ? Is not helping your appearance at all. The thing for you to do is call at ray store at once and get it Our styles are absolutely correot and the quality of oar goods can't be beaten. The only question remains is th? prioe. This is low, lower, lowest ? in fact a way under anybody else's for the same price of goods. Come in and look it over. We hare a com plete lint of ahi:ts, neckwear, collars, socks and all necessary notions. Remember these goods were bowyht at reduced prices and are being sold bein1; sold at reduoed pnoes. Come in to see us. AARON DIETZ Louisburg, N. C. Subscribe To The ~ " -v ? _ ? I. FRANKLIN TIMES $1 00 Per Year.

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