BUGGIES BUGGIES BUGGIES ''tK % ' ' ' ^ " ? '** ? ' 4'- ^ ? ? . *" ? / ?- '?* * ? ? ? ' - ? s . ? ? ? AT - ? ' . ; . ? The Riverside Warehouse 4 *? ^ . . [ , , , i j # " E. S. FORD Professional Card OOm in Hotel bmkimm. neat to PcateOsc UatabntN.a C 9 to 4A Phone No. 48. , > ? JJR. H. A. NEWELL., PHY8ICIAN Lowborg, N. G. Phone No. 156 DR, E. M. PERRY Physician and Surgeon # Louisburg, , ? North Carolina Oflo* [next door to Aycoek Dror Store Dmy phone 69 N?ht Pnooe 107 TUL J. E. MAX ONE, Supt. Health ?U Louisburg, N. C. Ofice in Aycock Drug Store, Market Street. Office practice, Surjcery and consultation ^R. 8. P BURT PHYSICIAN and SLRGFdN Louiab-^g, OAw in Bart Building Main street IUim 11 a. m. to 1 d m. and 4 ta 5 p. |JR. B. F. TARBOROrGH PHT9P-1AN and SLRGEON LMtikare. H. C. t in larbtrocgk A Biekett baildii-p. t tali aaaaarod from T. W. Bickatt'a resident*, pbane 74. WILLIAM WILLIS BODP1E j? o ?r?Ai-uir UuMog Mortfc tarofcaa Ommm I pictin. Ofice over M. C. Pleaaaaf a stare HATWO0D RVPFIN ATTORNEY AT 'LAW Late* Ware. M.? C. WiM practice la all coarfa of Fraakha a ad ad^atainp: caantica. also ia the Sap ran? laart and in the United Btatea Butriet and flrenit Ceart. Ofico orer First Natioaal Bask. gPRDILL A HOLDEN ATTftBSRYS AT LAW Loaiabar*. N.' C. Will attend tbo co art ? of >raakliu. Tanet, Granville, Warm aad n reuaiiaa, aJao tko Sapreiae Com t to erth Carolina. Prompt attention given eoUactiorMi ? ifflc in BptaiU balldin*. 1W. Biekett, R.B. White. E.H. Mulo..e JJICKETT, WHITE A MA LONE LAWYERS Looia barer. If. . 6aaeval practice, settlement of eaUtea Umda in rea ted. One member of the firm alawaja in the office. M. PERSON ATTORNBT AT LAW v Loaletmrtf.'N ?? Practice ia all eonrta OfB?e on Ilaia Street "jy H. TARBOROITGH. Jr. ATTORIfEY AT LAW !?. ?: ABlaoal bu.ineaa latraated <? ai r?eeWe giiy attention. om^o iB Egtrton F. HOUt-K rONTRAlTTOR aad BUILDER Loalebe r*a. if. C. Tradina ajrvat for all kind# of baildii* .?p pNea. artistic Maatlee aaCTTilaa. Arrbitee taral dcatrna aabaltted. A cafe and p . rtoppea ia M tmmmm ; eases. 9 . Decoration Day Tjo beautiful spring month of May" while it comes to as with the fragrance of flowe s and much that is sheerful and beautiful, yet it also brings to as Memorial Day and with it many sad memories. We are not indebted to his tory for our knowledge of the greatest ef national crisis. Many of as remem ber it and fathers and mothers now living had better keep telling thac story to their children, so that instead of their being dependent npon cold type" and obliged to say : "On such a book yoa can read that," will they rather be able to sav : "My father told me so!" My mother told me so!' ' Men and women who vividly remem ber 1861 and 1882 and -T863 and 18C4, be yourselves the historians telling it, not with pen but living tongue and voice and genture. That is the great use of Memorial Decoration dav, for the cally lillies on the grave tops soon become breathless 'of per{pme and in a week turn to dust like unto that which lies beneath them. But the story of cour age and self-sacrifice and patriotism told on platforms and in households and by the roadside and in chfcrchetf and in cemeteries, but that annual re cital will be kept fresh in the memory of generations as long as our American institutions are worthy of preservation. Poor appetite is a sure sign of impai red digestion. A few doaes of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your digestion and improve your appetite. Thousands have been benefited by taking these Tablets. Seld by all dealers. You and the Fly Are you bald? Did you ever haye a fly crawl across four head! Or did you ever have one crawl over your face and wake you up? Nuisance, isn't it? Well, that's only the small est part of the quarrel we have with flies. Flies are scavengers. Do yoa know what a buzzard does? A buzzard is a large, loathsome bird which eats dead and decaying animals. They are not nice to have around. What buzzards are to birds flies are to insects. Flies hatch from eggs. The eggs are laid in filth. Fly eggs are not nice. Another name for them is fly-blows. But about the only harm which My eggs do is tc make more flies. After a few days the fly eggs hatch no mag gots. Maggots are not nice, but they do not do mach harm except that they make flies. The maggots crawl into dirt and in a few days they come out flies. ! Flies are very busy insects. They are active all day long, and at night, too, if you have a light in the room. During dry days they like to stay out id the grass in the yard. They can feel a rain coming before you can, so they always try to get in the house before a rainstorm. They are not fools. They like the light. If a room is dark they do not like to go in it. If there are flies in the room a good way to get rid ef them fa to darken the room and leave one window open and bright. Th4.fi lea will fly out of this , window. On -a warm day you can easily persuade' them to walk out into the yard ot 'to stroll around the block. If it ia getting cold in the fall or if a lain is coming up they will stick to the bouse like a hun gry dog to a frankfurter. Bat what can we do about it? Don't let any manure stand in the boxee. Don't let any 'garbage accumulate - Screen the bouses. Kill the flies. Keep everything slean. In other words, starve the fly. Lame baek is usually caused by rheumatism of the moseiee of the back, for which you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. Tarter With Ralefch . _ The -following item taken from the Raleigh News-Observer will be read . .? .. with interest by the people of Franklin county. Sam Turner, for several yean catcher for Wake Forest, baa been signed by Manager Mack and will be given a try oat. Turner has been doing the re ceiving this year for Horner and he is given some of the credit ef developing the pitching ability of Meadows, now pitching for Durham. He was one of the sturdiest catchers for the Baptist team and with his brother, James Tur ner, form the battery of Wake Forest for three or four years. Winter Life of Files How do flies live through the winter? A few lazy, logy flies can be found half rfead but slill living around chimneys and warm places in the house or stable. They will come to life just as soon as the beys get to playing marbles. An old she fly will go off to some bit of manure or garbage and lay a million egg, and then, in about two weeks, there are flies galore? there is no dan ger of the stock being exhausted. It would susprise you to kri ow of the ir rest good that is beinp done by Cham berlains Tablets, Darius Downey, of N?wberg Junction, N. B., writes, "My wife has been using Chamberlain's Tablets and finds them very effectual and doTng her lota of good." If you have any trouble with your stomach or bowels give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. Dairy Division , Atlanta, Ga., May 1, ? To take advantage of the immense interest created in the dairy and poultry industries throughout the South east as a result of the operation of its dairy instruction car, the South trn Railway Company has enlarged the scop* of its wo tk for the up building of these us tries by appointing seven additional dairy and poaltry experts who will devote their entire time in the field advis ing and helping dairymen and farm* ere. Headquarters of the reorganized dairy division will be removed trom Washington to Atlanta with Dr. C. M. Morgan, dairy agent, in charge. Working under nis direction will be the following assistant dairy and poaltry agents: F. H. Denniss, with headquarters at Columbus, Irliss.; G. W. Humphrey, Birmingham, Ala.; C. A. Hutton, Knoxville, Tenn.; Walter W. Kitzj>?trick, Atlanta, Ga.; C. T. Rice, GVeensboro, N. C.; Carl ten Mall, St. Louis, Mo.; J. P. Quin erly, Jr, whe will continue to travel with the dairy instruction oar. The services ef these men, alt of whom have had wide practical ex perience ana are thoroughly con versant with southern- conditions, will' be without oost to dsirymen, farmers and all persona interested in poultry "or darying along the line* of the Southern Railway, Mo bile and Ohio Railroad, Georgia Southern and Florida Railway, Vir. ginia and Southwestern Railway and Southern Railway in Mississippi. The neif organization becomes effec tive May 1. ? . llO.qo- REWARD. I will give $10.00 reward for the ap prehension and conviction of the party at parties who so often med dles with the lines of- the Louisbuv Southern, Telephone Co., causing so much trouble to subscribers. P. Floyd, / MWt. _ rre"4"t ? / ' I ? * y . j LOST, OR STOLEN. One black and tan male bound about two years old with little white under breast and one mingly colored female hound about one year old. Have been gone about lixty days. Will pay lib eral reward for any information oftheir whereabouts. W. H. Allkn. NOTICE I will sell at pubiio auction at the court house door on June '2nd 1913 all evidence of debt on the books ot the Tar River Manufacturing Co., a list of which is now on file in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin county as per order of court directed. This May 1st, 1913. R. O. Bissett, Receiver. - 5-2.13? ot: WILLIAMSON PRESSING CLUB Louisburg, N. C. The place to have your clothes prop erly cleaned and pressed at reasonable prices. Up-Stairs in A. T. Neal Building ? PHONE NO. 60. SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH SCHEDULE OF TRAINS FROM RALEIGH . N. B: The following schedule figures are. published only as Information and are not guaranteed. No 21-8:85 A. M. ? Throngh train for Asheville with chair car (or Waynes rille. Cosnects at Asherille with Carolina Special for Cincinnati. Chi cago. also for Knoxrille, Chattan ooga, Memphis and all Western points. Con nests at Creensboro for all No'thern and Eastern paints. No 145-12:40 P. M. ? For Durham. Mosd, Kevsville and Richmond. Connects at Richmond for Washington. Balti more, Philadelphia and New Tork. No 18^4:63 P. M.? For Greensboro, haa dles through Pullman Sleeping Car for Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 A. M. connecting at Greensboro for all Northern and lastern Points, also Asherille and Western points. Makes connection in Atlanta for New Orleans, Birmingham, Memphis and for Tex 'S and California prints. No 181-7:00 P. M.? For Greensboro makes connection with solid Pullman Car Train for Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Nsw Tork sn?l all other Northern and Eastern points. Also with through Pnllm* x Tourist Car for Nsw Orleans. El Paso, Los Angl s es and San Francisco, also wih through train for Columbia, Hfpran nah and Jacksonville. No 111-2:80 A. M.? For Greensboro. Han dles Pallman Sleeping Car for Win ston-Salem. which is open for occu pancy at Raleigh at 10:00 P. M Maxes eonnsctfon for po>nts North and Wee*, also for AsheTill*, Mem phis, St. Louts and Western points, . also connects with through Solid Pullman Car Train for Atlanta and New Orleans. No 112-4:80 A., M. ? For Goldsboro makes connection for Wilmington. Nsw Bern, Morehead City. Also connects with A. C. L. at Selma for points South and North. Ko 108-10:40 A. M.? Local train for Selma and Goldsboro. New train service tflbetlrs Jannary 10 th, 1918. No 144 12:80 P. M. ? For Selma and Golds boro, makes correction at 8eltna with A. C. L. Railway, North afed South, also at Goldsboro with A. C. L. and Norfolk Southern Railways. Na. 22-7:80 P. M.? For Selma and Golds boro, through train with chair sa. i from Asherille. Makes connection ' ?t Selma with A. C. L. Railway I North and South and at Goldsboro with A. C. L. and Norfo4k-Sootbern | Railways. ? ? For detailed Information, also lor Infor mation concerning special round-trip rates account rari< us special occasions and Pnllman Sleeping Car reservations asx any Southern Railway Agent or communicste wrtfcths uadsrstgned. H.F.CARY, J.O.JONES, Gea'l. Pass. Act. Trar- Pass. Agt. Washington, D. C. Kaleigh, N. C. HAMDWICK, H. H. COAPMAN, Pass. TrafU Mgr Vies Pres. ft Gen. Mgr Washington D. C PILES? Graduation Presents Are you thinking of giviag the graduates a little rememberance? Jf so visit our store and see the many pretty things suitable for this occasion. It is needless to mention the many things we are displaying here, from which you can make a selection. Come in and let us show them to you. Fred A. Riff Jeweler Louisburg - N. C. SURVEYING All Kinds, Leveling, Plats and Estimates B. B. Egerton Phone J. B. Jooei, or leave message with M. S. Davis Typewriter I- ^ Ribbons, Carbon Paper, Paper Clips \ And lots ?f other Typewriter ' Supplies are now carried in stock. The celebrated "Rcvilo" Line That has won an enviable reputation for the excep tional quality of th6 go*ds at the prices they are s?W. The Franklin Tines L*WISBUltG, N. C. Why Patronize Foreign Printshops When You Cam Get Just as Good or Better Services \ \\ at Your Home We . print anything tflat is print able and our prices are al ways con sistent THE FRANKLIN TIMES Louisburg / North Carolina r ? ? ' ?'* . * , ? ? ? - ! % ? Mail Orders Receive Prompt art Careful Attention

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