B AND MANAGER THE COUKTY, THE STATE, THE TftnOH, t. . ' - ? = LOqiSBOHG. N. C... FRIDAY, MAY 80, 1818. A. F. JOHNSON SUBSCRIPTION SI, 00 PER YKAft VOL. XLIIL TOWN FATHERS MEET! ELECT OFFICERS AND APPOINT] COMMIT TTEK&. A. W. Alston Made Clerk? S- P Boddle Made Chief Fire De partment? W. H. Yarborouprh, Jr., Made City Attorney The Board of Town Commiseioners (or Louisburg met in their first really business meeting on Thursday night of hut week? all members being present. The following business was transacted: After attending an executive session the Board proceeded to elect officers as follows, there being no opposition each received a unanimous vote: Clerk-A. W. Alston. Chief of Police ? I. C. Tucker. . ' Night Police? J. A. Harris. Treasurer? K. S. Ford. Chief Fire Department ? S. P. Boddie. Superintendent Light and Water I Plant- R. C. Beck. ' 1 Attorney? W. H. Yarbo rough, Jr. After the elections the Jdayor an nounced the appointment of commit tees as follows, the first hamed in each case being Chairman : Light and Water ? J. M. Allen, B. G. Hicks, H. A. NewelL Finance? G. W. Ford, F. W. Wheless, B. N. Williamson, Auditing ? H. A. Newell, B. G. Hicks, B?N. Williamson. ? ? Ordinance ? B. N. Williamson, F. W. Wheless, J. M. Allen, G. W. Ford. Building ? F. W. Wheless, H. * A. | Newell, J. M. Allen. Street-B. G. Hick's, G. W. Ford, J. M. Allen. Sanitary? All the Board. Market? F. W. Wheless and B. N. Williamson. A resolution prevailed to the effect, "that all town officers are elected by the month, as long as their services are satisfactory to the Board and that each officer enter into contract to that effect with the Mayor." Upon motion of Commissioner I' ord the Chief or Police was instructed to have the Mayor's office puinted, white ^vaslied and thoroughly cleaned. Commissioners Allen and Ford were appointed a committee td get prices on m watchman's clock with power to pur chase if found satisfactory. A motioa instructing the Treasurer to pay the note at the Citizens Nation al Baak, of Kaleigh, at once prevailed. 8upt. R C. Beck was ordered to col lect light and water rent as instructed. After allowing a few accounts the Board adjourned subject to call. ' i The Board met again on Tuesday morning fer the purpose of receiving the bonds of and swearing in the sever al officers which were as follows: A. W. Alston, Clerk, ?8,000.0?. J. C. Tucker, Chief of Police, IMO.OO. E. S. Ford, Treasurer, $10,000.00. After the bonds were received the tax rate for Louisburg for 191* was placed as follows: General Fund W cent* Water bonds 50 '* Light bonde 0 10 " Total * l.?0 Poll tax * 3.00 The clerk was ordered to place the necessary advertising and begin taking the tax lists at once. The mayor was authorized to employ an extra police to serve on Saturdays and Sundays to assist in breaking up the bliad tiMrs in Louisburg and to as sist in preserviag order in the several districts that have been causing se much trouble. A meeting was called fer Thursday night to straighten out the contention in the settlement of the tax account ?with Mr. D. C. High that has been outstanding for several years. The Commissioners met again on Thursday night of last week with all members present, except Allen, who was out of town. They proceeded with business as fhllowss: A. W. Alston, Clerk, reported the finding of an error ot $09.70 in the tax of P. A. Reavis, in the town's favor. The Board ordered the amount to be turned over to tax collector, R. W. Hudson for collection. ' The report V the special Auditor for the ??? account of B. O. High, former tax collector, for the years of 1908, 1900, and 1910 was received and a com plete settlement was made. A motion prevailed to purchase a safe for the town. Messrs. Yewell, Ford and Wheless were appointed a committee to make such purchase. ' A motion to ran the light plant all nig (it, and. that all pumping of water be done at night, to go into* effect not later than June 1st, was carried by unanimous vote.- (This motioa was mad* after Supt R. .V. Beck bad sub mitted an estimate showing that the ' . v . ? ? .,'Kj ? *? >.-? v.: x i.vw-v,: remtindur of tb4 night would be It s profit. Alio whin it Is considered that no pumping will be done in the day time a greater revenue ahouid be received.) ? A motion was made and carried that the town purchase a pair^f mules, wagon, harness and necessary equip ment to haul shaviogs, -ooal, etc., and work on the streets. Commissioners Williamson, Ford and Hicks were ap pointed a committee to purchase same. Under the dlacuaaione of thia motion it was the aenae of the Board to have this leam to haul gravel on the streeta, after the other work and eliminate the use of so much unfit dirt. A motion prevailed to make A. W. Alston, clerk, purchasing agent, with one member of the ?Board. Commis sioner Williamson was appointed to act with Mr. Alaton. The purchasing committee waa- In structed to purchase a aet of meter testers at once. Supt R. C. Beck waa ordered to put a light on the '? tree t near the mattress factory. A motion prevailed to inatruct the Light and Water Committee to pur chase a sufficient number of meters to meet the present demand. The discus sion of thia motion was* to the effect that meters should be put on every customer of the plant,? both water and lights. The Clerk wa* instructed to try and find the 1907 tax book. Motion prevailed that the l'urchasing Committee buy necessary bo oka and stationary for the Clerk's office. _ A motion prevailed that the Light and Water Committee be instructed to investigate the insurance on the power house and electric light plant. Anoth er motion that this committee have a window* cut in the boiler room waa car ried. Supt. R. C. Beck presented several reports of estimates and comparative reports which were received. The salary of Supt R. C. Beck was increased to $85 per month from $75 as heretofore. Several accounts were allowed and the Board adjourned to its next regular meeting. . ' . ' " ? Godfrey-Egerton Draft Co. As wrill be aeer^frcm their advertise ment in another column the above is the style ot the new drug firm for Louis - burg that purchased the business of .The L. E. Scoggin Drug Co. It is comx posed of Messrs. P. V. Godfrey and Weldon D. Egerton. Mr. Godfrey is an experienced registered pharmacist and is bo stranger to our people, hav ing filled a position with the Beasley Alston Drug Co., a few /eats agj. He comes here from Rocky Mount, where he has been identified with the Grifflo Drug Store. Mr. Egerton is one of Louisburg's most popular business men. He has recently become identified with the insurance business in tbii county and while he will give. some of his time to the drug store he does not intend to give up his insurance work. They bave with them 'Mr. W. C. tligh, who held a position with the old firm for a long while and who is thoroughly familiar with the busineas. Installs Electric Plant The live and wide-awake Aycocke Drug Co. , is again showing their pro gressiyeness In the 'act that they are installing an electric plant in their es tablishment for the purpose of running several large fans in their drug store and to operate other machines neces sary to a strictly first clans business in their line. They will have a six horse power gasoline engine affd a dynamo sufficient to give a reasonable amount of surplus current They will probably furnish current to run a moving picture show for Mr. E. S. Ford in the Opera House and also to operate the presses of the Times, It ia expected to have the plant in operation by this afternoon. Wagon Team H?ets. On last Friday night the wagon team of the Louis burg Fire Department met in their lire house and enjoyed a moat harmonious and Interesting busineaa meeting. They elected offi cers tor the ensuing year aa follows: Foreman? N. B. Allsbrook. Assistant Foreman? W. D. Jackaon. Treasurer? W. F. Beasloy. A resolution waa unanimously adopt ed requesting the Board of Town Com missioners to continue the services of Mr. B. H. Meadows, at an increase in salary. The two divisions of the Louis burg lure Department haye done a ser vice for- -the town that standa second to none other and the oity government, aa well aa. sryery citizen of the town, ahauld take ptMaure in doing everything in ita {town to promote good feelings, the interasta and welfare of thia depart TO ItiheOftNER STONE TUESDAY, JUNE TENTH. NINE TEEN THIRTEEN Confederate Monament to be Brected on Main Street Be tween College arid Graded SoKool? Masonic Ceremonies. The laying of the corner stone of the Confederate monument to be ejected in the venter of Main street between the Louisburg Female CoJljge and the Graded School will be aolemnized on Tuesday, Jane 10th, 1918. The cere moniee will be In charge of the Grand Lodge of Masons and will be conducted by Prof. J. T. Alderman, of Henderson, assisted by four other grand lodge -offi cers. The occasion will be one oi much Interest and a large nnmber of people will be in attendance. Taking part in the ceremonies will be the Louisburg Lodge of Masons, with visiting brothers, Franklinton and Louisburg military companies and other organizations. A full -program of the exercise* will prob ably be printed in our next issae. Hakes a Seizure. On last Saturday morning Chief of, Police J. C. Tucker assisted by Mr. H. H. Meadows, made a raid on several houses in the town which they suspect ed as being blind ' tigers. As a result of their work they found in the house occupied by Sid Davis m the bottom of his trunk 16 pints, 2 one-half pints and 1 quart of booze. And in the house on Cripple Creek occupied by Bob Yarbor ougb, bid under a let of bags, bed cov er, etc., behind a bureau they found a 3 gallon keg with about a gallon of booze in it, and al o a I gallon bottle full. They fonnd and arrested Bob. but as he was not ready for trial his case was postponed till Monday morn ing, when he was required to giye bond in the sum of $200.00 for his appear ance at the next term of Franklin Su perior Court. The "officers failed to find Sid Davis, however a negro woman appeared at the Mayor's office on Mon day and claimed the booze supposed to be Sid Davis*. The Mayor soon decided that upon her claims she was guilty of violating the prohibition law under the search and. seizure act, and forthwith issued a warrant for her arrest and bound her over in the sum of $100.00. Both of the parties gave bond for their appearance. Mis Kathleen Egerton Hostess. In honor of her bouse guest. Miss Cherrie Mse Preston, Miss Kathleen Egerton informally entertained a few of her friends Taesday evening at tor beautiful homeon Elm street. The gaests, after being served punch in, the hall, were ushered into the Bpacious parlors where several novel and original games were engaged in. At the close of the evening dainty re freshments were served. Those present were Misses Eleanor Cooke, Maud Hicks, Mary Stuart Edgerton, Louise Allen, of Warren ton, N. C. Florence Edgerton, 'uiia Barrow, Gladys Johnson, -olrjonesboro, Cherrie Mae Preston, of Abingdon, Va., and Kathleen Egerton, Messrs. Vernon Godfrey, William Jaekson, Osmond Yarboro, Edward Yarborough, Clayton High, Stuart Davis, . Walter Waddell, Ben Summer, Al. Hodges, Edwin Malone, Frank, Courtney, Weldon and Graham Edgerton. > Memorial Service at Justice Much-interest was manifested in the memorial service at Justice. On May 10, 191S an immense crowd, all full of sympathy and love for the cause, gath ered at the J ustice school building to honor those brave confederates who have passed away, and to cheer and honor the liying. The speaker, Mr. Ruffin, of Louisburg, whose speech was so eloquently presented to his au dience, was introduced by Mr. T. H. Sledge, principal of the school. Pa triotic songs were delightfully rendered by a class. A most interesting feature of the occasion were the reminiscences of war given by the veterans in their own entertaining manner. Then the sixties were led by the smaller children, each with arms full of beautiful and fragrant flowers to place their tribute of love around the marble shaft which hap been erected in honor of oar Sothsrn heroes. An impressive prayer was rendered by comrade Jee Duke, then a few beauti ful and fltting remarks by Mr. Ruffin ended the service and the interest of all turned to the table where an ele gant dinner, which had beep prepared by the good wives and mothers of the community, awaited them, and which added greatly to the pleasure ef every one. The veterans' pteesot wars: Com radea P Jit. Alston, J. L. Bowden, S. J. Matthews. "Tip" Bill, A. 8. Strother, Jin Mustkgi, "Pap" Joyner, T. C, May, "Rough" Marshbourne, D. That rington, Axlm Wester, Daniel Wester, Bald; Dorsey, Joe Duke, Joe Creek more, Alfred Wheleae, Tom Collie,? Barram William Wood, C. H. Hen dricks, Henry Hedgepetb, Joe Hop kina, Jesse Bass, T. T. Harris, Peter Coolce, Tom Collier and J m Hunt. v Graded School Trustees Meet . j The Board of Graded School Trustees mat in the office of Mr. W. H. Rullin on Thursday afternoon of last week with all members present, and transac ted business as follows: Mr. W. R. Mills was retained as Su perintendent by unanimaus action. - * Prof. E. L Best waa reelected Princi pal and given a salary of (M10.00. Superintendent Mills made his annual report, which was a very creditable one. In his report he recommended the employment of an additional taacher to assist in the High School department. The Board was unanimous m deciding to furnish the additional teacher and passed a resolution to that efftct and placed the salary at $60 per month. The salary of the primary teacher was increased to fciO per month, and the salary of all other teachers was placed at 946 per month, being a slight in crease. ? Out o*. twenty-two applicants the Board made their election as follows: Primary or 1st grade ? Miss Alice Morrison, is.', 2nd grade ? Miss Ora Lee Jones. 3rd grade? Mrs. Rosalind Ragsdale. 5th and 6th grades? Miss Loulie Jar man. 7th grade? No election. 8th, 9tb, and 10th grades will be taught by the Principal and assistant, together with the Superintendent. ' The Board expressed regret at having to lose Miss Mary Best as one of its teachers, recognizing her services as among the best they have been able to secure. Prof. E. L. Best was appointed to take the tax list for the Louisburg Graded School district and also to take the scheol census. A committee composed of Messrs. W. R. Mill* J. M. Allen, J. J. Barrow, W. H. Rullin, were appointed to have the outside woodwork at the school painted and to have other needed re pairs made. * The election of the colored principal and teachers was deferred. The Board placed the tax levy for the district this year at 45 cents on the #100.00. The amount of property val uation in this dlatrict was found to be $1,216,575.00. : s Mo other business of importance coming before the Board it adjourned. ' Storm Hits Circus- ?"? Henderson, May 28.? Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Pawnee Bill's Far East show arrived here promptly and people of Vance, Granville, Warren and Meck lenburg counties, crowded the city Tuesday, but it was a desperate show day. Rain broke up the parade and a big rain and wind storm, with thunder and lightning, blew away the tents, killing one man, Mr. Robert Davis, from Bear Pond, and hurting a good many. Miss Smith's arm was broken and her ,jaw bone crushed, and Mrs. Page's an kle was broken.. .Others were slightly hurt by flying pole? and ropes. The show people got things together after the storm and gave the perform ance. The Big Sale. The big sale how going on at Candler Crowell Co.'s big store is proving to be quite popular from the large numbers of people who are going in and out at all hours. They have exerted many moans to make things attractive and the several displays, of pretty dress goods, millinery and accessories, were beautiful. Mr. Ray, of Washington, D. C., who is is charge of this sale has proven his capacity and is making it? one of fhe most successful of its kind ever held in Louisburg. The sale will continue several days yet as will be no ticed from th?l- ??<?- ''-(?tvm an . ?< <*>ctor ?jf <Mvlnlty 0 *red upon Rev. Livingstone Johnston 1 of Raleigh and the decree of doctor | of law? upon President WUHam J. j Martin of Davidson Collage. Greensboro. ? Master A. H. Price of Salisbury filed In the Federal Court here his findings, of faot and conclus ions of law fii favor of Ambrose a Goniales and J. C. Hemphill agalnut D. A. Tompkins. George Stephens and W. H.t Wood of The Charlotte Obeer ver Company. Asheqrllle. ? The Thomas W. Pattern i camp, Banish -American war veterans I has applied to the war department feu one of the plates made of copper taken from the battleship Maine. The plates [are hand engraved and the local caitiff ?is very desirous of seen ring one for Ma itmnhv rrv>m. . j,#, x'Vk' . ' - THE MOVING PEOPLE their movements in and I OUT OF TOWN Those Who Have Visited Louis burg the Past Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For business or Pleasure. Mr. U. T. Holden went to liendersoa | Tuesday. 1 Miss Eleanor Thomas is visiting in J Raleigh. Mrs. J. P. Winston left yesterday to | visit relatives at Selma. ? Mrs. C. F. Carroll, of Warsaw, is | visiting her people here. " Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harris visited | relatives near Kittrell Sunday. Miss Gladys Johnson, of Jonesboro, is vlsitintr Miss Julia Barrow. Dr. W. D. Morton, of Tarboro, was a | visitor to Lonisbuig the past week. J. S. Strickland, of Henderson, visited his people here the past ^reek. Miss Louise Alien, of Warrenton, vis ited Miss Mary Stuart Egerton this week. Mr. J. J. 'Harris, who has been at- 1 tending school at the University, Chap- | Hill, returned home Wednesday. Mr. G. B. Egerton, who has been teaching school at Rutherfordton, re turned home for the vacation this week'. Mrs. F. A. Riff left Monday for a visit to friends and relatives at Scot land Neck, Lynchburg and Salisbury. Mr. F. N. Egerton, Jr., of the Co-| lumbia University, of New York, ar rived home the past week to spend va cation. Miss Bessie Oast, a student at the College here, who has been visiting Miss Eleanor Thomas, returned to her home at Kington Wednesday. Messrs. L. P. llicks, J. J. Allen, K. W. Perry and H. S. (iupton left Sunday t> attend the Confederate Reunion at Chattanooga, Tenn. Editor M. \\ . Lincke and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Overton and Mrs. Frankie Overton passed through Louiaburg Monday en route to the h^me of Mr. Overton's mother, near Franklinton. In Htnor ot Miss Ferabec Kittrell, N. C.? On Wednesday even-M ing Miss Alice Rogers delightfaliy en-l tertained at her country home "Oak dale," in honor of her house guest, Miss Cora Ferabee. One of the inter eating features ef the evening was a contest in which Miss gel lie Whitaker and Mr. H. A. Woodlief won the prize. All present enjoyed the asusic by the "Mitchell Band." Several beautiful numbers were rendered by Misses Fer abee, Daniel, Green and Whitaker. The singing by Miss Addie , Ellington and Mrs. Luther Whitaker was exquisite. Among the guests from a distance were. Miss Cora Ferabee, of Elizabeth City, Mrs. Moize, of Duiham, Miss Nellie Whitaker, of Franklinton, Mr. Grever Hatris. of Louisburg and Mr. Roy Howard, of Oxford. Delightful refreshments were served and Miss Rogers proved a charming hostess. In Honor of Mrs. Bailey. The Wednesday afternoon Bridge Club gave a very beautiful party on Friday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. G. L. Crowell, in honor of Mrs. William Bailey. ? After an interesting game of bridge the prize wpa presented to Mrs. W. P. Neal, who made the highest score. The club's souvenir to Mrs. Bailey was a lovely silver loaf sugar tray. Those present were: Mesdames Wil liam Bailey, <i. L. Crowell, W. P. Lara bertson. of Greenville, Tenn., W. H. Ruffin, T. W. Watson, W. P. Neal, G. A.Cralle, R. H. Davfs, J. J. Barrow, J. W. .King, T. W. Bickett, E. S. Ford, B. B. Perry, S P. Boddie, L. E. Scog gin, J. L. Palmer, J. B. Yarborough, B. G. Hicks, A. W. v Person, W. W. Boddie and Misses Eleanor Cooke, An nie Allen, ^ary Arrington, Annie Green, and Mattie Ballard, of Frank linton. \ State Officers t 0- 0- F. .Valeigh, May 26.? Hon. M. L. Ship h, the newly elected grand master of iNorlh Carolina Grand |x>dge of Odd >ws, has completed his list of ap Jve officers for the term and pro 1 to inaugurate fortWith one of the r aggressive campaigns for the fur I (ince of the intereata of the order V/tbia State haa evet known. > appointive grand officers are: 3 Marshal, J. D. Berry, Raleigh; chaplain, Rev. Zodak Paris, enborg coonty; grand eonductor, C. L. Gay, Rocky Mount; grand guar dian, Dr. J. R. Woltz, Dobson; grand herald, J. M. Barrage, Concord. The district supervisors for the 21 districts of the State are: W. H. Zoel ler,. Elizabeth City; T. W. Phillips, Washington; W. R. Johnson, Windsor; C. L. Gay, Rocky Mount; M. Leslie Davis, Beaufort; M. C. Guthrie, South port; J. C. Gibbs, Fayetteville; J. D. Berry, Raleigh; A. A. Hicks, Oxford; Hugh Parks, Jr., Franklinville; B. F. Godfrey, Tarboro; J. B. Uurrage, Con cord, H. E. Russell, Salisbury; Dr. J. R. Woltz, Dobson; J. S. Seabock, Hick ory; K. Kendall, Shelby; Dr V. Rollins. Forest City; F. P. McGuire, McGuire; D. Buchanan, Spear; G. G. Hyder, Hendersonville; T. L. Green, Waynes ville; J. S. Greenwdbd, Andrews. The Storm Oo Tuesday afternoon a\>out 2 o'clock this section was visited by one of the heaviest rain storms we have had in a number of years. With it came a lot of hail,, however the stones were hardly large enough to cause any damage. This proved to be quite a washing rain as rejwrts from m&ny section* are to the effect that aside from tt? many washouts there was no especial damage. An Old Heirloom Rev. j: W. Valentine was in Louis burg yesterday for the purpose of ship ping to Miss Annie E. Carlisle, at Whitakers, an old heirloom or family relic of the estate of Miss Martha A. Yarborough. In the box was two counterpanes, and two quilts, cach of which'were made entirely by hand by Mrs.Yarborough before her marriage or about fifty years ago. They are being shipped to the above address in keeping with her will. The designs and the workmanship on each of these were pretty, and showed the touches ol a master hand. Dr. Bryan, of China, Will Sneak at Baptist Church. Dr. R. T. Bryan, who has , for a num ber of years been a missionary a 3 lan Bhai, China, is now on a missionary tour through this state, and will speak at the Louisburg Baptist Church next Thursday night, June 5th. Dr. Bryan ia a native of this state. When Dr. Matthew T. Yates died a few years ago. Dr. Bryan was called to his post, and proved himself a worthy successor to the veteran missionary. He has a great message for the peo ple of this country, aad fortunate in deed are those who can hear him. He will be in Louisburg only one night. Everybody is cordially invited to hear him next Thursday night. In Reaambrance or our Beloved Mother Mrs. Bettie E. Champion, who was loved by all who knew her has passed. She was the daughter of Mr. Edward House who served his time out in the war and lived to be seventy-one years of age. He married Rev. Daniel Wes ters daughter in early life, they having died sevorat years~ago. Mrs. Champion was married to Mr. Benjamin Cham pion, to thera were born five children, four of them with their father survive. She was a kind and loving mother, do ing what she could for family and neighbors, she was a member of dear oH Maple Springs church having joined there in early life and died in its fel lowship. From the day she joined un til her death she tried to work and cling closer to her dear Savior, and was only waiting for her welcome over on the other shore. Why weep dear friends for it is a debt we will all haye to pay, and let us all pray to meet her over there and all of our beloyed onfes who have gone on before. She had to part from her loved ones and may we all meet her on that other shore and Join her to sing the song of Moses and the lamb, Sh! what a gathering that will be. She was with us twelve months ago today, but today she is sleeping peacefully with her Sayior. Her pastor Rev. G. M. Duke having known her through life preached her funeral at Maple Springs church, his texT being, "She hath done what she could," may God be with those ahe has left behind. Help us to cling cloa?r to our Savior which is eur wholly desire. "By Her Younokb Daughteb." I pG,. The Jopaph J. Davis Chapter of the U. 0' O., will meet with Mrs. T. W. Biokatt on Wodnescfay afternoon, Jane 4th, at 4 o'eloek. All members at* ?t pecially invited to be present ' *

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