Stieff Pianos Chase Bros. Pianos Carpenter Organs Putnam Organs Shipman Organs VICTOR TALKING MACHINES We invite your solicitations and inquiries. We have the best made and if you like can get you cheaper one*. We take especial interest in mak ing all saks advantageoBS to our customers. Come in and see us; ~ ? HOWELL - BUNN - HUDSON, Inc. THE TODSO MIT. LI OS A IRK. How many of our reader*, espec ially the young men, envy the wealth that is showered upon a few. Few of U8 can make ourselves believe that wealth does not bring happi ness. In this connection the fol lowing appeared in a leading Illi nois Daily and contains much more truth than poetry. It savs the tele graphic dispatches the other day carried extended accounts of an all-night reception given by a young New York man who has just attained his majority an<^ received ?1,000,000. The affair was given at his father's estate and 200 guests attended. Widely diversified en tertainment features satisfiid the iranta of widely varied desires of his friends. There were midnight fetching parlies on the ?xuansive artificial lakes. There was all-night dancing in an immense ball room tor those who favor that pastime. There were card games. There was fleet of canoes for those who wished to steal away and un- i der the shade of great treea, hidden I from the moon's flit away the hours. Unparalleled decorations in keeping with the rest of the function only added to the gayety of the event. The palatial home was a blare ot lights from top to bottom and throughout' the the grert estate were hundreds of lanterns and lights. "John Smith, of everywhere, a few days aao reached his twenty-first birthday. He received a nice silk handkerchief from Msiy Brown. He worked at hie bench all <fty. Home he went, tired but happy. Washed tip, fee ate and then went over to see Mary. There in the ??? I ing on the porch of.the unj.i ? ym. they spent the evei iog. A million dollars was greater than any dream John ever had and 200 society persons were more than be bad ever seen. But there under the ind ulgent moon, tbey never missed the million ?or the party. "Envy tke young millionaire if you will'. But a man who really baa lived a man with a wholesome heart and who knows fulljwell of die warp m*1 *<*?' of ll,e> wil1 enr7 Joha Smith. His industry and love axe linked with health and bope. No better riches are known to mortal man. Without theee, in epite of a oeol million and society friends, life te him would .tie a wil derness of unsatisfied longings. Brff ter John Smith? and they are found i very where? industry, ro mance and civilization would perish from the earth." vfe1*-' ~ ? ? ? We are persuadtd in our own minds that the cause of a great ' many disasters aad rained homes is owing to lack of ooneord between j husband and wife in the manage merit of far?ily concerns. We could mention a score of women whose hatband* have failed in buei mess, or died insolvent, who did not have any idea of the state of his financial affairs, ontill the cruel blow came which turned them out to wrestle with poverty for lhe re mainder of their life's day. Then oftener than otherwise, the world would say, "It was her extrava gance that ruined bim." Such an astute judge of thiogs is the world. SKELETON IN THE CLOSET. With the observation of years we are almost tempted to believe there are few in any home that are truly happy. There is no truer adage than that, "there is a skeleton in every eloeet," no tenet of sacr< d writ so sure if verification as that which declares "in the "wqrld ye shall have tribulation." Sooner or later our sha^w will eome. Knowl-' edge will not save us; many a bright cultured intellect has carried the heaviest weight of woe. Education and good scholarship increases our wants and calls for refinements and luxuries that money cannot always be honestly obtained to procure "He | that increaaeth knowledge increaaeth sorrow." says the preacher Neither* can riches lift ua above the hill that beset life. Gilded mis ery is perhaps the hardest to bear. The rich envies the poor man who is obliged to earn his bread by the sweat of hit brow and considers him "Rich from the very want of wealth, In Heaven's beat treasures, peace and health." High positions are thorny paths and those who scramble to attain them do not find the bed of down they expected, and too late learn it is better to "range with bumble livers in content" than carry a weight of responsibility that makes a man a target for the envious. He who baa great infloenoe and author ity looka upon the man in humbler walks as a favored creature; be baa only his own affairs to attend to, he caa find rest. Bat the little man doesn't feel that way; he hsa his own stand pointa to view from, and he clearly sees himself depen dent upon the patronage of others. He doesaH tssl like a man ? and he longa for the freedom be cannot have while in anottier's employ, and liable at all times to be dismissed, may be for no neglect of bis daty, bat bessuso bis smployer has a favor ite or relatives be wuhes to oblige. There are two sides to everything ? all sitaationa are somewhat like what has been said ot the married state, "those who are in wish to get out and those who are ont wish to get in." The woes we make for ourselves are legion; envy, jealooaly, suspicion, unkiodness,- disobedience selfishness, perversity, falehood and a long line of thoae cheertnl attri butes that distort the human race, and bringdown sorrow and suffer ing, like coals of fire, on defenseless heads. Unsightly Face Spots. Are cured by Dr. Hobaon's Eczema Ointment, which heals all skin erup tions. No matter how long you have been troubled by itching, burning or scaly skin humor?, just pat s little of that soothing antiseptic. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, on the sores and tbe sc tiering stops instantly. HealioR -be gins that very minute. Doctors use it in their practice and recommend it. Hr. Allemau, of Littletown, Pa., says: Had eczema on Forehead; Dr. Hobeon's Eczema Ointment cured it in two weeks." Guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. AH druggists, or by mail. Price 50c. PfeiHer Chemical Co.. Philadelphia and St. Louis. ? WANTED AT ONCK. A woman either white or colored to stay' with my mother and help her a little. Only two in family, scarcely anything to do. For terms apply to WALTaR J. PxRRY, R. F. D. No. 1 Louisburg, N. C. SALE OP LAND. By virtue of the power of sale con ferred upon the as trustee in that cer tain deed of trust executed by G. W. Brown and wife to W. J. Lancaster, Trustee, on the 16th day of May, 1911, and recorded in Franklin county regis try book 177 at page 15, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Loaia burg, K. C.. on the 4th day of August, 1913, it being first Monday in said month, at about the hour of noon, the following described real estate, vis: A one-fifth fl-5) undivided interest in and to that tract of land bounded as follows: On the east by C. S. Merritt, on the south by C. S. Merritt. W. H. Edwards, on the west by O. S. Macon, Mrs. P. W. Foster and the Yvarrentoa road, and on the north by W. E. Dement con taining fifty acres, and known aa the old "Dr. Peter Foster Home place." The interest hereby sought to be sold being a one-fifth undivided interest in and to one-half of said land* above de scribed which waa acquired to Mrs. M. F. Brown by inheritance as heir at law of R. E. Foster, deceased. This July 1st, 1918. W i. Lancaster, Trustee. Why Bother With Making Ice Cream When yon c*n have it made at ao fcmall a ooet- I take order* to make any kind yon want to any qaantitiea and will guaran tee my priooe to be cooeiatent. I will alao keep on hand at all time* a anpply of the beet ice cream and ? ' 7 Can Fill Orders alOnce Investigate my plan and pnoee before you go to the troable and expense to make yoSr cream thia aammer. L L Harris Phone 245-L The Steady Even Heat of the preserves the'rich natural flavor of the meat. It means better cooking, a cleaner, cooler kitchen, and less work. ' ? * No fire to kindle, no drudgery of coal or ashes, no smoke or soot. The new 4-burner Perfection Stove cooks a whole meal at Once, with least expense and trouble. Smaller stoves with 1, 2 or 3 burners. See them at your dealer's, or write for descriptive circular to STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. Richmond, V?. Norfolk, Va. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. 5 Gar Loads Choice L - " " ' ' I I Ha; on the Road PRICES RIGHT J. W. Hollingsworth Phone 303 Don't Your Horse Suit You? Then come to see us and let ub trade you one that will. Our Mr, Fuller is now in markets purchasing a nice lot of good horses and his long experience and fair dealing will guarantee you satisfaction. ' Come to see us and lets talk it over anyway FULLER & PERRY E. A. ROGERS Tlnworker. Louisburg, N. C. Will make eetimatee an any job Work Guaranteed. Call or write w) 3n in nocd of anything in my lid*. SURVEYING All Kinds, Leveling, Plats and Estimates B. B. Egerton Phone J, B- Jonea, or leaya menage with M. S. Da via. TW Nortk CireNa* College of Agriculture and Me chanic Arts. The State's Industrial Celkge V Equips inen for successful live* in Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock lute ins, Dairying, Poultry Work, Veteri nary Medicine; in Civfl, Electrical and mechanical Engineering: 111 Chemistry Mid dyeing; in Cotton Manufacturing. Four year course*. Two, and One year cooreee. 53 teachers: 089 students; ? buildings; Modern Equipment*. County Superintendents hold entrance exami nations at all county-Heat* July 10. w"t? for cotnplete catalogue to E. 6. OWE*, Registrar, ?? 27-4 t-pd. Wm Raleigh, N. ^

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