SUNDAY " SCHOOL. Lesson IV.? Third Quarter, For July 27, 1913. , ? ' the international series. of ?h? Lmon, Ex. ?, 1-14. Mtmury V?n#?, 1, 2 ? Qoldon Text. v. * ? Commentary Prepared by R?v- 0. M. Stsarns. When Mows mid Aaron gathered tbc 'Idem and Aaron a pake the worda and did (he algna aa the Lord commanded tbe people believed and bowed tbeir heads and worshiped, aa tbey beard that the "Lord bad visited them and looked upon tbelr affliction. It looked bright. Indeed, and dell re ranee seemed at band, bat the Lord's time bad not let fully come, for larael needed to be made quite willing to leave Egypt Even after tbey did leave we- beat them longing for (be food they enjoyed there !n Bplte of their slavery. The message to Pbaraoh from the Lord God of Israel by Mbses and Aaron drew from blm tbe sneering reply: "Who la tbe Lord? ? ? ? 1 know not the lord; neither will 1 let Israel go" (verse 2). Then be accused Moses and Aaron of hindering the people In tbelr work and commanded tbe taalunaaters to lay more work upon the laborers let them gather their own atraw. In stead of receiving It, and yet turn out tbe full quantity of brlcka (verses 8-9). He also called tbe words of tbe Lord by Moses "vain words" (verse 9). Thus did ftab-sbakeh speak to Hezeklab of the words of f the Lord as vain words or tfords of-^ Hps' (II' Kings 18-20. margin). Thus' do many wise and achol arly men today speak of tbe words of the Lord concerning the restoration of Israel und tbe coming of a great deliv erer, but in spite of all unbelief "the counsel of the Lord standeth forever, the thoughts of his heurt to all genera Hons" (IV xxxlll. 11). It was Impossible for the children ui Israel to turn out as many bricks when they had to gather their own straw; therefore tbe officers of the children ot Israel were beaten because the jvorlt was lacking. Then the? cried uuto Pharaoh and said that tbe fault lay wlth the Egyptian taskmasters. who would not supply straw He replied. "Ye are idle, and that Is tbe reason ve want to go and sacrifice to your Lord." so the officers of Israel r-.^v- t'.-t there was uo hope for tbem. :i t * ? ? recus ed Moses and Aaron of Lk-.:i ? nnse of It all. Then Moses tu' ? i w tbe Lord and pleaded with hiui. saying: "Lord, wherefore hast Thou so evil en treated this people? Why bast Tbou sent me? ? ? ? Neither bast Thou de livered thy people at all" (verses 22. 23). ? The Lord Is not slack concerning Hie promise, but Is long suffering, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy (11 Pet. 3-0; Ps. ciii, 8). He has am me *or ev ; erythlug, and happy are those "who can; say. "My times are in Thy hand" (Ps. xxxl. 15). The Lord's reply to Moses ?was, "Now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh, for with a strong hand shall he let them go" (vi, 1). There is something In the name Jehovah which Israel up to this time had not known (vl, 2, 3). It is the greatest name of God in Scripture, being used over 7,000 times. We know but little Qf the mean ing of any of His names, but to me this great uaiue comes with comfort as I think of the great, the mighty God, the Creator of' all things, as my Re deemer. a. sacrifice for my sins, the One who was and is and is to be. by the sacrifice of Himself delivering me from the wrath to come and working] out His purposes because of Ills own faithfulness. Some do not. perhaps. ! know that whenever the word God c: ! Lord is all in capitals the name is a I ways .febovuh. In connection with Ex. vi. 1. 1 have for at least fifteen years bad associated in ray mind John: vi, U, "He Himself knew what Hei would do," and there is great rest in both. May we know more fully the great redemption of the Lord and ills faithfulness and in faith and patience go quietly on to know nim and to make Illm known. Note carefully In chapter vi, 0-8, thai the section begins and ends with "I am Jehovah" and includes seven greut "I wills," covering the bringing out, the complete deliverance, the making them His people and bringing them into the Sromised land. He said He would o all .because of His covenant with Abraham. Isaac and Jacob and be cause of His own faithfulness. Yet when Moses told these great things to Israel the cruel bondage and their an guish of spirit were so great that they would not hearken (vl. 0k How often in their later history tie had to complain that they did not know Him and would not listen to Him. as In Ps. lxxxi, 11-18; Isa. 1, 2, 8; xix. l.V xxxvl, 16, and other passages. Tb? Lord then said to Moses: "I am .le^ horah. ?8peak thOu onto Pharaoh king of / Egypt, all that I say mate thee" (vl. 28, 29) That is the whoU responsibility of a messenger of tin Lord? to receive the word at ni> mouth and give them warning from Him. As He said to Jeromlah. "Thou shalt go to all that 1 shall send thee, and whatsoever 1 command thee ttaon shalt speak" (Jer. 1, T>. Even the Lord Jesus Hhnself Mid. ?The Father which sent nfe. He gave " me a commandment. what 1 should say and what I should speak" (John xli, 401 Moses again objected, saying, "How shall Pharaoh hearken unto me?" M, 12, 80>. Contrast the obedi ence of Isaiah, when the Lord said. "Whom shall I send, siad who will go for us 7" (Isa.-vl, 8.) Mot Satisfied Mb. Editob: I see you printed my letter in your paper last week about my lore affair, burl am here to tell you that me and my gal ia busted all to piece*. Sbe. kicked me 'cause my olothea want fine enuf. I went to town and (tot my britchea and galluae* and paid 15 centa for my galluses and $1.26 for my brttchea. I called on her in high spirit*, -but she said sbe wouldn't ha^re no man with common elotKee like that. I was goin' to git m* a $1.60 pair bri tehee but my money give out and Mr. Allen and Brothers and Bona and Co. wouldn't credit me for the balance. I had all my plans fixed and Mr, Pun kin Center said be would play the wed din march if Spanish Monkey would call Aggers and do the pettin. I waa hurt mighty bad and thought she waa the anlr gal I could ever lore until abe told me she- waa goin to wear a split ikirt at her weddin. Right then my lore went to zero, and was glad she did kick me. and told ber if I ever married a gal in such garb as that, it would have to be In a mighty dark room or I hare a mask over my face one or tuther to bide my blushea. Sbe wouldn't agree to the dark and I couldn't face tbe light, bo it's all up between us. Sinoe I come to think about it I didn't love her aa good as I thought nohow, and have made up my mind that a full blooded militant suffragett is the kind of gal I want to tie to, so if at any time I should land in jail, she could git me out so quick with one of her bombe. Young man, let this be a lesson for you. Never have too much confidence in a gal, and be sho not to love her too good, and beyond all find out what aort of dress she aims to wear at her wed din. Aa the styles andfasnions change so much and so often she might march up to the altat with you in a skirt split on both sides, or maybe no skirt at all. just as dame fashion says. If fashion says no skirt, then it will be no skirt then how would you feel T Your uncle Zictor. Rid Your Qhildren of Worms. You can change i fretful, ill-tempered children into healthy, happy young sters, by ridding tnemof worms. Tosa : ? ? ,i: ? ? 'rngjOf teeth, crving rfmpanied with ln the stomach and [s and bad breath, indicate worms. | ing, rolling, grind! out while asleep,"' al tense thirst, pains ll bowels, feyerishnd are symptoms thai Kickapoo Worm ^Killer. a pleasant can dy lozenge, expels 1 lates the boweli, rel to health and/' happiness. Mrs. J. A Brisbln, of Elfein, I! and entirely^ rid my the worms, regu tores your children I 1, sajs: "I have used Kickapqo Worm Killer for years. children of worms. I would not be without it." Guaran teed. All druggists, or by mail. Price j 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., [ Philadelphia and St. Louis For Weakness nnd^Loss of Appetite The Old Standard lene/al strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds ukrthe system. A true tonio and sure Appetizer. Jfmr adults and children. 50c, t*bJ Sic Ope a etcril e After or doctors pr/ei EMULSION? \i vital elements to repaid wast el picknet itlon SCOTT'S contain* the Mature crave* create pure | blood and bail J physical strength. No Alcohol or ppUta WANTED AT ONCK; A woman either wh|tp'or colored to stay with my mother anj Only two in funi' to do. For tei R. F. D. No./ help her a little, scarcely anything y to I.TKR J. Perry, Louisburg, N. C. Only coal dump Ifn town. Ample coal contracted for/7 Will require $1,000 Apply to /{P. A. Rbavi8. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure yot Neuralgia, Colic, Sprains, Barns, Old Sog Etc. Antigen ternally and lenmatiem ches, Cramps, jises, Cuts and ^ngs of Insects dyne, used in Price 25c. DON'T MISTAKE THE CAUSE. Weak kidney* distress. ?any Loultfeurg People Have | Kidney Trouble end do not ~| Know it. Do yon have backache? Are you tired and worn out? Feel dizzy, nervoui and depre1 sed? I Are the kidney secretions irruiio. | lar? vl Highly enlored\ contain sedinaenl? Likely v?ur kidneys are p. fault. |ire warnmci of ' / Heed tbe warning; dpn't delay ? Use a tested kidi er remedy. R. H. Brown, far atf, Inez, N. C., stys: "I suffered f; oM pain in the email of my back 1 * over a year when I stooped i r lifted, sharp twinges darted lli "ugh me. My back aobed at nig/it and I got up io the 'morning lam# a headache* and my i ed. The kidne/ see frequent in paauge, get op at niglu and finally Pills ays. tired. I bad ;ht often blurr. itions were too bilging me to ey oontained began using >d Vas reliev. f a box of ade a' cute." all dealtVs. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburd Co., Buf f il'j, New York, sole agents for .the United States. Remember tbe name ? Doan's ? and take no other. sediment. I Doan's Kidi ed in a few this remedy For sale Ramey Main Street, Louisburg, N. C. At Ou. etc., is ed and a good see Main street. Candies, well select always find . Come to What could be better for town that won't burn ? won't leak as the building itself, and CortrigKTMetal Shingles Beware o( imitation! Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." me genuini try builcEngs than a roofing lightning proof ? lasts as long neeas repairs > ever| one' of these requirements. without the words " Cortright cd- on each shingle. For Sale bj) M. F. HOUCK Louisburg, N. C. STATEMENT CITIZENS BANK OF HENDERSON HENDERSON, N C JUNE 4. 1913 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $632, 417.37 Overdrafts 6,419.65 N. C. State Bonds? 1950 25,000.00 Other Stocks and Bonds 30,651.25 Banking House and Fix- * hires 10,732.73 Insurance Department 1,0.4,00 Demand Loans 9,350.00 Cash on hand and in \ other banks 132 677.0 Total, S848.272J LIABILITIES fapitalStock paid in $100,1100.00 lurplufrand Profits 103,072.87 '.ccnjed interest due de , 1,422.20 asnier a Checks outstand r. '.5* . ~ 1 055.15 Certified Checks 3.00 Pue to Banks 4.028.81 peposits ^ 637,195.62 ? Total, $848,272.05 DIRECTORS Jaa. H. Brodie D. Y. Cooper J. t>. Cooper 8. P. Cooper Melville Doreey Geo. Br. Harris I T.A. Harris /W. A. Hunt I . J. B Owen W. 8. Parker OFFICERS H. Parham J. P. Taylor F. C. Toeplemaii Samuel Watkins A. C. Zollicoffer J. B. Owen, Pres. A. C. Zollicoffer, Vice-Prea. W. A. Hunt, Caslihw R. C. Gary, Asst. Cashier, A. H. Cheek, Manager SavinRS Dept. CITIZENS BANK OF HENDERSON "The Leading Bank in This Section." Buggies, Fine Harness Surries, and Wagons ? ? ? > - Now Mr. Farmers, sons and daughters; are you not going to ride in a brand new H. M. T. baggy this time. Now the big meetings will oommenoe next month ?t all the country churches and if you don't ouy a new buggy you wont|be in it at all. Now do not stand about like a tool and let someone come with a new buggy and take your best girl, come and buy and take the other feHers girl yourself. We sell buggies, surries, wagons and harness on time untill you sell your ... . \ ? a . y: ? , . . .. tobacco. \ V-" . Now Mr. Farmer, we have a large stock of agricultural implements on hand and don't want to carry them over, do if yott will f?uy now we will give you a dis. count. We also have one bailing press, one Vaisy reaper, spring tooth harrows, one Thomas drill and a lot of other heavy farm machinery. We want to sell quick as We do not want to have to move them any mors. We havo also shelf hardware to our line and would be glad to see our frien< s in oar store, when in need of hardj . ware, dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats, caps eto. V " . ' ' < .' \ hill Live Stock Company K. P. HILL, President WITH THE SPRING SEASON Comes the time for your house cleaning. Wli pieces of olil furniture that needs replacing o you to come in and see our stock. This seasc show inn have received the heartiest approval] and you will find that it will pay' you to com^ le doing this yoji will no doubt find several r the need of some new pieces. It will pay In especially tfofe splendid selections we are from the bept judsres. Our prices are right in and loojt over our line. OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT I always receives our best attention and should you need our servicesCin this line we can assure you of the best the market affords. \ W. E, White Furniture Co. LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA

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