AT We are -in a position to serve the people of Lonisburg and Frank lin County with a - *? ?' \ _1_ Full Line of Pure Drugs : line < Toilet articles, Cold drinks, oaghly reliable registered drug We hare a clean store 1 Bring L E. Seoggin youApraq have been filled by him to berefi right at to Jed in the State and a thor ll your prescription. [ducted as a dra? store should be. iptions to be filled, and those that id know you are getting it filled Big Stock QfyParis Gree Beasley Alston Drug Co. Nash Street Louisburg, North Carolina Cotton Crops Cotton crops are now certain to be good and you are going to need your ginning machinery in good shape, those who need repairs in this line should hurry them in now so as to be ready when the harvest comes, to wait may cause your delay as we are rushed at time. Get ahead of your 'neighbor gins as you we will have tube to gi alert and get on the . ^ Doors open day and ;ht. ' fc 1 1 ' - r neef new belts and parts and efore you need them, be .ouisburg Machine Works Inc. jouisburg, Worth Carolina NOW IS THE TIME to use Cerealite around your | i. figtv WOOD cotton. / - i Y COMPANY Hamlet, Manager (SATISFACTION OB TOOK MONEY BACK LOCAL DRUGGIST makes STATEMENT | ' ,ri Says Dodson's Liver Tone is the | Best Bemedy for Constipa tion and Shirking Liv er he has Ever Sold Every person who has .tried Dodaon's ? ?* ? and knows how surely and -irts the . li??r to working biliousness will bear out -KgertM Dn* Co., in this boat Dbdsou e Liver Tone, ?ely/agetalje liquid that p tr.a place of calomel, pleasant to the taste, that self the most satisfactory slow-working liver that Liver Tc gently it and rel' the Godfi statement "It is a entirely harmless has urovenli remedy :or|a most of ouri customers have ever tried. A large bottle sells for fifty centa and we do not hesitate to give the money bac* to any person who tries a bottle on the strendth of this statement and is not satisfied with the result. In these dais of doubtful medicines snd dangeroumdruga a statement like the a Dove is a bleasant assurance that Dodson's Liver Tone is a reliable rem edy for [both children and grown-ups. Id buying a bottle (or immediate or fu ture use it is well to make sure, you are getting the genuine Dodson's Liver Tone and not some spurious imitation that has copied our claims, but do not stand back of their guarantee. You may be certain ot getting the genuine it you go to Godfrev-Egerton Drug Co., for it. SALE OF VALUABLE TIMBEB. Under and by virtue of a decree ot the Superior Court of Franklin County, made in the special proceeding entitled, Polly Wright and Diapa Wilson, V. Arthur Alston, Thomas Alston, and Henry Alston, the undersigned com missioner will on Monday, the 4th day of August, 1913", at 12 Mi o'clock, offer for sale at the court hqu burg, Franklin County, lie auction to the high? cash all the timber standing wise, or which may bJ otherwise, during the peri ter mentioned of and ar 8 inches in diameter at Cut in or upon the fi - ?? ? ? ? UWBWIUOT tract of land;? That ceftain tract or parcel of land situate township, Franklin olina adjoining the der and others, and Beginning at a wbi King's comer, then<^ runr yards to a rock pile/tbenc lightwood knot 540/rards 555 yards to a wh/e oak, beginning, containing 39 being the tract/of land David Wilson, /deceased, Shearin and wjfe by deed the office of tee Register o Franklin court y, in Book 1 The purchaser will be gi of 5 years in which to cut the said timber, and will tse in Louis C.tMt pub biider for other iding or hereinaf siie of itump when described Gold Mine ,, North Car tfO. B. Wil led as follows: ik near Billy |i?K -East-508 I South to a thence North thence to the acres, and conveyed to Jby Gardner Recorded in Deeds for 6, page 235. fen a term .nd remove ibe granted >uu mi? iwt giauicu such right-of-way and easements in and upon said tract of land as may be rea sonable and necessary for the cutting and removal of the same. This the 3rd day of July, 1913. W. H. Yarborough, J*., Commissioner. i? Dr. Hobeon'a t a sores and the it r- JBeaiing be l Doc tors dm It * oqlmend It. Mr. SrerT&SS f red it to two r to relieve or St. Louis. Surprising Cnre of Stomach Trouble. When you have tfoubie, with your stomach or chronic constipation, don't imagine that roar cask is beyond help just because jour doctor/ fails to (five vou relief. Mrs. O. Stabgie, Plainfieid, S. J., writes, "(or crtfr a month put I have been troubled with my stomach. Everything I ate upeec it terribly. One of Chamberlain's advertising booklets came to me. After Reading a few of | the letten from cured by Cham cided to try tbt, ly three-fourths who had been lid's tablets, I de I (have talcan near a package of them , m wi uiem and can now eat almoet everything that I want." For sale by all dealers. Unsightly Face Spots. Are cured by Dr. Hobeon's Eczema Ointment, wnieh heals all skin erup tions. No matter bow long you have been troubled by itching, burning or sealy skin humors, juat f that soothing antiseptic _ Eczema Ointment, on t ? suffering stop* inatant f. gins that very minute. D in their practice and re oq Atleman, o I Littletown eczema on Pot ahead; Eczema Ointment waeka.'" * money i mail. 1 Co., Thlli We want 01 friends to store head< We mean Yf >untry :e our [uarters. godfrey-eg^rtcIn DRUG CO. P. V. Godfrey LOUISBURG, N. C\ Weldon D. Egerton The Greatest Good x r To the greatest number and the fairest dealing given by the Aycoc all is always tj: Compan y HE iWNPEES NHftT IT IS-THEN SOOOEHLy Fvrn out The North Carolina I N State Normal and Industiial College Maintained by th? Bute for the Wo men ot North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for Macblrs. Tree tuition to thnae who agree to become teachers U the State. Fall session begins Septem ber 17th, 19th, 1918. For catalogue and other Information addreas JULIUS I. FOU8T, President. Greensboro, N. C.