A NEW FEATURE FOR LOUISBURG IN UNDERTAKING We have added to our already large and complete line of undertaking supplies one of the famous Savonian Steel Vaults. Tnese vaults are absolutely air and water tight and are constructed by the most experienced ' mechanics. We would be glad to show you when you are in town. We continue adding, the latest and best creafions in undertaking and using all the latest ideas in conducting funerals. Should you need our services we will be pleased to respond Night or day / HOWELL ? BUNN ? HUDSON, Incorporated Justice Items. v. Mr.' and Mn. J. S. Alford spent laSKjjunduy and Monday at Bonn. ^ Mias S^Ujv Hayes, of Hayesville, spent last Subd^y with Miss Stelli Hayes. Though we lwve beeU^silent for a long lime, we -are still alive and enjoying life very much. Mr. Henry Buwden and Mr. L. W. Bowden and family, of Raleigh, ?pent last Sunday at Mr and Mrs. J. L. Bowden's. Mr. Langdon Stallings left Fri day for Wilson, where he will enter college. We wish for him much success. Prayer-meeting will be held at the Academy every 8rd Sunday night. We want everybody to come and help us. The wind and rain storm last Wednesday waa the worst that has been experienced here in a long time, and did oonatderable damage to the corn apd cotton crops. Miss Eleanor Long, the little neice of Mrs. J. S. Alford, spent a few days with her the past week. Her visit was very much enjoyed by the children. There will be a game ot ball on the Justice ground Saturday after noon, Sep! ember 20th. The Better ment Association also meets that! afternoon and will serve ice-cream o'n the ball ground. The proceeds to be used for the benefit of the school building There has been much improve ment around Justice lately. The school building has been painted, the roads put in good condition, and last but not least, Mr. J. C. Bowl (*ii has had the grovt around his new residence on Mitin Street cleaned up. We can. easily guess why all this hap. been done sow. Because iii.a few more weeks school will begin. With best wishes for the Times. Bi lk Eyes. Popes Items. The cotton in opening rapidly and we are expecting a fine crop. Mrs. W. A. Fuller has been spend ing a few days in Vance oounty with her parents near Kittrells. We are sorry to learn that Mr. E. L. Moore has two children quite sick. We hope they may soon re cover. ? t We were glad to have Mr. Wil bur Card, ot Raleigh, with us Sun day. We are glad to have our old friends with us. , The 'opossum hunters have al ready oommenoed hunting Mr. Possum. They know the law in re gard to hunting, so don't be a law breaker; if you do, you mayget in trouble. The Ladies Aid Society will meet at Pope* next Saturday afternoon ? This society had been organized i.ot qutie a year, bnl it is doing a good work, and all ar invited to join with ns smdlielp the oiuse. The storm of last Wednesday did oonsnierable damage to large trees around here. Over fifty were blown down near the Cook Place on about three acres ot land. G. H. P. Mother of Eighteen Children. "1 amthe mother of eighteen chil dren and n&ye the praise of doing more work thka any young woman in mv town," writessMrs. C. J. Martain, Boone Mill Va. "I suffered for five | years with stomach trouble and could net eat as much as a blvcuit without suffering. I have taken three bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets and am now a well woman and weigh 168 pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much aa 1 want and feel better thah I have at any time in ten years. I refer to any one in Boone UU1 or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say." Cham berlain's Tablets for sale by *11 dealers Advertising Is Insurance By HOLLAND. AN advertisement is an in surance policy. It in sures against loss through the purchase of goods of in ferior quality. When you buy goods that are advertised you know you are setting the best. Makers of poor articles can't afford 10 advertise them. Unreliable merchants are not allowed to advertise in this paper even If advertising would be profitable to them, which is unlikely? unlikely because truth and reliability are the essence of successful advertising. , You don't take chances when you buy advertised goods, because if by . any chance there should be any thing wrong with the goods there Is the reputation of merchant and manufacturer back of them, and nny article that is not up to the adver tised specifications will be re \ placed. DON'T TAKE I*. CHANCES. BUY ADVERTISED GOODS. Despondency. . Is often caused by indigestion and constitution, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. For 8ale\ by All dealers. Malaria or Gi)i!!s & Fever Prescription No. 666 isprepcred especially for MALARIA or CHILIS ?. REV:' R. Five or tix dosca will brcjk /,ny cmc . and if taken then I*1* i ionic ths i uver will not return. It e'-ta on ti'.o liver better thaa Calomel end (J oca not jjripi or lichen. 25c EtfECUTpR'S NOTICE. Having qaalilif<l as exeoutor of the estate of Jamc-j A. Hawkins, dee'd., late of Franklin rounty, N. C.. this is to notify all pfcrsons having claims against the estate of said defendant to exhibit them uhhe undersigned on or before the 22nd day of August 1914, or tills notice will/be plead in bar of their recovery. Alljperaons indebted to said estate will plelso make immediate pay ment. This Aig. 22, 1913. Otis Hawkinh, Executor of JAs. A. Hawkins, dee'd. W. H. Yarb/rough, Jr. Atty. New BAKERY \1 arn now prepared to furnish the people of Louisburg and F rankjin county fresh loaf bread and hot 'r<}l]s every day, except Sunday. Phave an expert bak er and can filPypor special or ders to your owrN^atiafaotion. Oar prices are reasonable and your patronage will be appre ciated. A special _ invitatioiNis extended you to call in and n- \ amine and inspect the baking ?and its workirgs at anv.tjme. Lot us havq your orders. W. H. HARRIS Louisburg, N. C. Special Prices on Watches When you want your watch repaired, you carry it to a jeweler, because you know he is the one to cairy it to. It certainly stands to reason when you want to buy a good watch, you should buy it from a jeweler as he will gladly explain the mechanism of the watch and adjust it to your personality free of charge. We have special prices on watches for the next thirty days. If you need a good watch, now is your chance to get one. Fred A. Riff JEWELER Louisburg, North Carolina E. A. ROGERS Tinworker. Louisburg, N. C. * Will make estimates on any job Work Guaranteed, Call or write w) an in noed of anything in my line. "\ SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIKl! CARRIER OF THE SOUTH SCHEDULE OF TRAINS FROM RALEIOH N. B: Th?> following schedule figures are published only an information and are not guaranteed. No 21-8:85 A. M.? Through train for , Aahcville with chair car for W ay nea vilie. Connects at Aaheville with Carolina Special for Cincinnati. Chi cago. also for Knoxrille, Chattan ooga, Menu his and all Western points. Connects at Greensboro for all Northern and Eastern points. Vo 145-12:40 P. M.? For Durham. Oxford. Kevaville and Richmond. Connects at Richmond for Washington. Balti more, Philadelphia and New York. No 18??4:65 P. M.? For Greensboro, han dles through Pullman Sleeping Car for Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 A. M. connecting at Greeusboro for all Northern and Eastern Points, also Aabeville and Western points Makes connection in Atlauta for New Orleans, Birmingham, Memphis and for Tex a and California peints. No 181-7:00' P. M.? For Greenaboro make* connection with solid f< Pullman Car Train for Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and all oth?r Northern and Eastern points. Alao with through Pullma j Tourist Car for Ns?r Orleans. El Paso, Los Angl es and Sau Francisco, also with through train for Columbia,. Savan nah and Jacksonville. No 111-2:80 A. M.? For Greensboro. Han diss Pullman Bleeping Car for Win atnn-Satem. which is open for occn paacy at Raleigh at 10:00 P. M Maxes sonnectfon for points North and West, also for Aaherille, Mem phis, St. Louts and Western points, also connects with through Solid Pullman Car Traiu for Atlanta and ? New Orleans. No 112-4:80 A. M.? For Goldsboro make* connection for Wilmington, New Bern, Morehead City. Alao connects . with A. C. L. at Selma for point* x. South and North. NiTV}S'10:40 A. M.? Local train lor Selthu >sud Goldsboro. New train terviee (Kective January 10th. 1013. . No 144 127&OP. M. ? For Selma and Gold* boro/Snakes connection at Selma with A. Railway, North and S<-nth. alsost Uoldnburo with A C L. and N'orfoll^Sontberu Railway* No. 22-7:80 P. M.? ForNjelma aud Golda boro. through trninssitb chair ca. irom Aahcville. M?kS?. connection at Selma with A. C. Ds. Railway North and South nnd at uSWsboro with A. C. L. and Norfolk--! o^hern HaUways. x. For detailed information alao for infoK mat ion concerning special round-trip rate* account yhrit.ua spe-ial occaaions and Pullman Sleeping Car reeervationa a?K any Southern Railway Agent or communicate with the undersigned. h.f.cary, j. u.Jones. . Gen'l. Pasa. Agt. Trav- Pass. Ag*t. Washington D. t,. Raleigh, S. C. S. H. HARD WICK. II. H. COAPMAN, Pans Traffic Mgr. Vice Prra. & Gen. Mgr. ?? Washington ' D. C . See, Ice, Ice I Beginning April 1st we j will have on hand at all | times a full supply of ice j made by the latest improved I methods. We solicit your j orders and guarantee prompt j delivery and satisfaction. Our house is located under the old dispensary building. Your humble servants, CITY ICE COMFY ED FULLER, Mgr. i SURVEYING I All Kinds, Leveling, Plats and Estimates ' v B. B. Egerton Phone J. B. Jones, .or leave message with M.S. Davis. ? ' - WHEKEfER TBU HEEI t EEHtRAL TONIC ? TIKE (IKE'S ' ???????????? The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. For Grown People and Children. \JEp~' 'I 1 1 . "? ? Yon know what you are taking when yon take Grove'* Tasteless chill Tonic ss the formula ia printed on every label showing that it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It ia aa strong as the strongest bitter tonic and ia In Taateless Form. It haa no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Weakneaa, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing Mother* and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. Relieves nervous depression and low apirita. Arouses the liver to action and purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthened No family should be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. Parents and Teachers Stop! ? Listen! Consider! Don't throw away?what ? you have and that which you can't replace. j Of the 8,700 school children]Jin]|Franklin county, about three-^fths or 5,220Jhave de fective vision. Without Improperly Jjj fitted glasses they will not only^suffer ffrom^eye strain, headaches and the like, but will hardly be able to make thsir'grades. I give special attention to the eyes of school children. \y. B.Morton

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