The Farmers National is the Strongest Bank in Franklin v-uuniy The Bank That has Money for its Customers We make a specialty of providing for our customers at all seasons. During the spring and summer just passed, a period of unusual stringency in money matters, not only in America but in England and on the continent, we provided most generously for the needs of our cus tomers, in proportion to balances maintained, We also rendered material assistance to a great many farmers who did not carry accounts with us. In fact our services in this most important particular were so efficient that our bank is now generally known as "The Bank with money for its customers." i * The Bank That Fights for the Cause of the ? Farmer' ' ' The Farmers .National, single handed and alone, shampioned the ?ause of the farmers in the fight against "The warehouse trust." The result is well known. The octopus, in whose grasp tht far mers of Franklin county have been held for several years, is crumbling, and in a few months this creature will be no msre. The arch conspirators art tired and want to run, but, like poor Harry Thaw, they know not where to run. People are coming daily, thanking and praising the bank for its work in routing the "Trust," which means a new order of things; the passing of the old regime and the birth of "The new freedom;" it means a square deal for the farmer, and the open door. The Bank That has set for Itself a Large Task The Farmers National invites all the farmers to join in its efforts to bring about needed utilities to promote a happy rural life. If the farmers will cooperate generously, we will be able to assist in the construction and operation of Farmers Cooperative Stores, a Cetton Storage Warehouse, and a Tobacco Warehouse. With generous cooperation and encouragement, each of these public utilities can be completed and in operation within five years, and the tobacco warehouse will in all probability be in operation Aug. 1, 1914. These matters mean much to rural life; they are not idle dreams but accomplishments within easy reach, if the people will take hold and push. We cheerfully offer our services and we. know we can carry to completion each item mentioned and within the specified time. If you believe in our program, lend us a help ing hand. Instead of keeping on hand in your pockets and in your house idle funds, deposit in the Farmers National bank, where the money will be used in building up yourself, the county and the town, and at the same time be available when you need it. LET US SERVE YOU Our outfit is complete in every particular. We will take care of your checking accounts pay you 4 per cent interest on savings accounts and certificates of deposit, issue cashiers cheoks good anywhere without cost, and render you a banking service well nigh complete. Bring us your checks, whether drawn on our bank or some other bank; deposit with us and check out what is needed. We are open Saturday afternoons for the accommodation of the public. If you need change, or we oan be of other service, come to see_us. We will be glad to see you and to serve you. r M v J" I OFFICERS J. M. Allen, President; J. M. White, Vice President; T. H. Dickens, Vice President; J. 0. Beasley Vice President; J. B. Smith, Vice President; R. G. Allen, Cashier; F. J. Beasley, Assistant Cashier' DIRECTORS J. T. Weldon, J. 0. Beasley, J. C. Tharrington, J. B. Smith, R.H.Strickland, T.H.Dickens, W.Tt. Massenburg, T. B. Wilder, J.M.Allen, J.T.Mann, J. M. White, J. H. Weathers, C. H. Mullen, K.K.Allen T. T. Terrell. ? P. B. Griffin, * D. T. Hollingsworth, R. G. Allen. ' x ' - ? ? *