A. F. JOBIWm. Edttar ind toiler | . Friday, Sept. M, 1018. TAR DROPS. ?" ,, ?The town commissioners meet to nigh^' -Read the change of advertisement of the Franklin Oil Co., in this issue. ?The attention of our reader^ call ed to' the news advertisement ol Aaron ^ Delta to this issue. ? Attention is called to the many locals of L. P. Hicks in this issue an nouncing his demonstration of the Southbend Range. ?Fake tuberculosis' cures are the lowest works of the worst crooks de Bianed to dupe hopeless victims. Who will j^asp at straws. ? H there is danger of race suicide, it liee not jp much in the decreasing birth rate "an it does In our needlessly high-death rate. From Oak Cfroye. Mrs. Nannie Fraser has returned | from a visit to her children. Mies Minnie Novel], of Franklin ton, j is visiting Miss Pearl Young. The farmers are tryin I to get opt | their cotton while it te high. Mr. Sanford White, of Neuse, was in | our neighborhood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Pearce visited I Mrs. Pearce's mother, near Bolesville, | Sunday. Messrs. R. B. Hall and M. E. Wat- I kins went to Wake Union Sunday | kchool last Sunday. , Quite a crowd of young people gath- 1 eredat Mr. Ed. Williams' Sunday night | and all report a nice time. Lots of tobacco went through the neighborhood to Youngsville last week they say it is selling for very good pritfse. *. Mr. W. E. Hail and Arthur Perry, of near Oak Level, came to- our Sunday school Sunday. Qome to Sunday school and see it grow. Misses Annie Williams, Ethel Catlett and Myrtle Watkins, and Messrs I. ufctier Pearce and Westly Williams, visited Miss Carrie Williams Saturday. Messrs. F. E. Williams, E. H. Hall, Washington N utt, Charlie and Clyde Tharrington, Preston Boiling and M. E. Watkins were callers at Mr. Thomas Young's Sunday. (iood wishes to the Times. > ? HSBS Will b6 Here Thursday. Oct 9th. Or. S. Rapport, of Durham, will be at Lotiisburg at the Louisbur-g Hotel, Thursday,. Oct. 9th, for the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. Re member that you pay nothing for the examination of your eyes in buying glasses of me and I furnish only the best quality at a moderate price. CARD OF THANKS. I wish to express the heartfelt ap preciations of myself and children for the many kindly deeds and words ren dered us during the recent sickness and death of my wife. W. A. Jokis. WANTED. iy A. KEAVIS. Ten carpenters. A^ply at once to Chronic Py?AP*i? ? l" hope and e?i?g. to parson. affl'ted with chrome dyspep,,.; ?i haT. ^ ? chronic dyspeptic for years. and of all 'h?.m?^toa I hay. taken, Chamber lain ? Tlkkl?ti h ?Ve done me more Mood than anything alee," says W. G. Mattl P"?" 5*7 Hornellavllle, N. r. Kerr sale by all dealers . SEE DR. S. KAPPORT, at Louis bm-g, at the Louiaburg HoU1, Thurs day, Oet. 9th. My fifteen yeatvti?per-~ lance in fitting classes ln Fnuklin Coaaty 1* ?r*?(ir seryiee and I.,0Mran tee you aatiafaction at ac honest pott. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator, c. t. a. of the eatate of Susan C. Uary deceased, late of Franklin coua?4_ithi? Is to notify all persons holdin JTlaimB against said estate to present Re same to the undersigned on or before October 1st, 1914, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All personao am ine said estate *111 come foYHtWand make imISOTate settlement. This Oct ober 1st, 181J. Bland O. Mitcheli., Adm'r., c. t. l. Youngsvyie, N. C. ] Notice is hereby given to a| paitles interested that on Monday Sept 2, 1912 1 bought at a tax sale made by the Sheriff of Franklin county atlfiffeourt house door at Louisbure, the "TBlUTwlng parcels of land sold for the taxes for Wl: ? , FaANKUNTON TowNBtf^?' Beddy Pettiford, 2 acres, Long Chapel. I Porthenia Teasley, 1 acres, " W. M. Dunn, 1-2 acre, T. M. McGhee. | Haybsvii lk Township. | Betsey Macon, S acres. Rills (cm*. The above named parties are un known to me. Unless the said lands are redeemed aa required by law on or before Dec. 5, 1913. I shall demand a deed^for said land of the Sheriff^ Sept. Julius I^ias. ? T-fBT Don't fail to attend the denoMtra tion of the South Bend Malleable Kange at L. P. Hicks store, Oct. 6th to 13th. A $10 00 set of Aluminum Ware giv en away with each MALLEABLE RANGE sold during demonstration week at L. P. Hicks. Hot Coffee and Biscuits "Bt-!,. P. I Hicks. FREE. rj The South Bend Malleable "Kange, the only range with Patented Copper Bearing AUimi' mi-fused Fltsp.- come and see It c?ok L. P. HICKS store, week beginning luunday the 8th. ' Have you seen the Sooth BWui Mal leable Range at L. P. Hicks, if not be | sure to attend the demonstration there | next week. We have ? completely overhauled our cotton gin and are now ready to gin your kmg or short staple cotton wTth the quickest and best results. WOOD SUPPLY CO. For Weakness and Lous of Appetite The Old Standard federal strengthening tonic, GROVE'ST ASTELESS chill TONIC, dnres out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonio and sure Appetizer. Far adults and children. 60c. / NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of Jno. R. Sykes, deceased, late of Frank lin county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against his estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before Aug. 29th, 1914, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons owing said estate are requested to come forward and make immediate settlement. This Aug. 28, 1913. Magoie A. Sykes, Administratrix. W. H. Yarborougii, Jr.. Atty. EARLY RSSEThS I The famous little pills. D1I F? immtdiate relief from l iLLJ Dr Shooo's Haik Ointment ?chat. vet* and ? ? ?44m of these headaches. Take Dr. King's New Life Pill*. >oO will be surprised how quickly >>11 will get relief. They stimulate the. different organs to 'U> their work property. No better jegulA tor for liver ,ai\d. bowel*.. Take JBu and inreat in a Ulit^dky At all drugeiit* orbv nnatt.~tiZK Bdckten ? G*> 1'hll adelphia and % Uxii^. Cole's Hoc.Pitat Heaters make n blrl -reduction in your coal bill? see UieO-j advertisement and gunra .toe. t XOTICt.TO CREDITORS.*) Having quallfeed at executors o( the will of Hra. Of* a via H. Duke late .of Kianklin cou&ty, N. C-. thle is tn noti fy all perao^i: having claims against ?aid estate to present them to the un dersigned on ru>. before the 5th day of September, li>14. <ir this, notice will be plead in bar. of their recovery. All persons indebted to kaid estate will please mak Immediate lavment. This Sept. 6, 1913 Joe w. Winston axd 'Jno. W. Wood, Ezra, of Mrs. Otavia H. Duke. Wll. H. Rutin, ATTi-: v -> V?l_ . ' ft l. ? ' - NOTICE. Having oualjHed as sdministrmtor C. T. A. of the estate <>r Lucy T. Mat thews, deceased, ta'eof Frank lis coun ty, this is to notify all persons holding claims againat said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or be fore Sdbtember 11th, 1914, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. Persons owing said estate will please come forward and make imme diate settlement. This September 11th, 1013. B. T. MATTHEWS, Admr. . Cta. of Lucy T. Matthews No. Six-Sixty-Six Thia U a prescription prepared especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER. Fire or six dotes will break any cue, and if taken then at a tonic the Fever will not return. It acta on the liver better than Calomel and doea not tripe or ticken. 25c CRUyPi I Aioppet ? . . t ilDUlt, }.au#e w.t . T> . Sin* p< C'ruuj i*uj, .I'dy. Onf tcsiL wl!! fvridy pn?\e No v - u? <ib? ? t: olafisuusairrui - ..yc t-Ttuarin* "Have you seen the new Simmons Guards?" ' ML- 1^- ?aih'"--** t,, n ?? ' 1 "? Alt ^ i M ? * ne patterns an wonacnoi, >na * they set off a gown so well. Com* In and let us show you the Simmons piece's we have. We selected them for their unusual beauty of design. They include guards, neck chains, chatelaine pins. SIMQOriS cumins are noted for their wearing qualities as well as for their exquisite deeign and finish. They are not washed or plated goods ? the surface of each chain is a heavy rolled tube of solid gold . Come in bc$/rs these pieces are sold. Fred A. Riff jeweler Louisburg,( North Carolina SCHOOL DAYS! .i : How important to give the little>folksjust the i;ight kind of food? for Breakfast, Dinner and Supper. ' / 11 For Your onsideratidii We Offer Cereals Corn Flakes, Post Toasties, Puffed Wheat, * Puffed Rice, Oat Meal, ?' Grape Nuts, Cream of Wheat, Meats V> j ? t 1 ~ i I ?' . .1 ' r >r ? Armour's Sliced Baeoj Fresh Pork Sausage,- j ' Canned Brains, . 4? Full Cream Cheese, ?''Xs Lunch Tongue, Tomato Soup, * ? Asparagus' T\ps, JiH l <V?}A >?H* Special We offer Sunbeam Pure Strawberry Jam at cost. One week only. Begin ning today. All of our groceries are selected with the greatest of care. Call us up and get some Suggestions for making up a good meal or luncheons of a dainty kind. - ? MiaHswfM ? PHONE 330 B. G. HICKS Thfetjjuality Store your put the money in this bank Do not gU'SZ. money home -with you. There are thousands of thefts of money p^verylyear that i? kept in mw way. .-Put your harvest-money in thja bank? withdraw it \t ' v I when you you please. Start Tan account like all the other farmers ... ^ who have made suc cesses in this world. Commence today ? here. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL ?S0 000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS *10,000.00 DEPOSITS *186,000.00 Officers w" ?j.yp g.?g#y~-r- *? YDU ARE INVITED : To a DEMONSTRATION OCTOBER 6 TO II, 1913 ^ ' ? f - 7 ' O" ? >'? 4 ? " .. s. . y: . ' ' ' " ' '*"?] of ihe South., Bend Malleable Range. This is the most wonderful range made. Tile Hues are made of Patented Keystone Copper Bearing Aluminum-Fused Metal. It has many other remarkable features, but this one alone makes it- the most desirable range ever put on the market. Be sure to see it. A pleasant time is assured all visitors. With every range sold during the week of the exhibit we wiU make a present of a set of High Grade Aluminum Cooking Ware, valued at $10.00. Be sure and come. Remember the date. LP. HICKS "ON THE CORNER" Louisburg NORTH CAROLINA ? * k ? ? ? ' Just Arrived ! ! A big lot of Appier Oats. M<Jfrnne Brothers Company i Louisburg, N. C. SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK

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