T? Y?? - * > 3 ? ...? f Did you give bita a lift? He's a brother of man, And bearing about all the barany, of Youngs town, p., to itself at -vi.u.jutc, N.C., order notify J. W. Hollingsworth, of sa!S city: which con signment arrived at Loulsburg. N", C., on May 27th, 1913, and has been re fused. The proceed* of Sid sale will be applied to the exbenses of sale, charges of transp0rtati in, storage and demurrage which have accrued to said Railway, and the balance will be dis posed of according to law. 9-12-4t J. t. ELMORE, Jr., Agt. Seaboard 4Jr Line Ry. New Town Ordinance At a regular meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners, held on triday night, July 4th, 19IB the following or dinance was passed: Be it ordained; that no person shall sell or ofler for aaleany freeh meats or fresh fish or oysters upon the streets or side walks of the town of Louisburg, provided that this ordinance shall not apply to persons selling or offering for sale, fresh beef, mutton or pork of thoir own raising; either by the whole oi quarter. 2nd. That It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to regularly inspect at least once a week all places in the town where fresh meats or tresh fish are of fered for sale, and report to the chief ranitary officer the condition thereof. Whenever the chief sanitary officer shall find the condition | of f any tuch place to be unsanitarv Be shall give written directions to the keeper of such place, prescribing wfhat is necessary to be done to make the said place sani tary, which aaid directions shall be fol lowed by the keepeV of the aaid place witnin a reasonable time. 3rd. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of ten (10.00) dol lars for eaoh offense. This July 4, 1918. J. A. Tubkeb, Mayor. ! A. W. Alston, Clerk, COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF MIN ING MACHINERY. Under and by virtutf : offer far ?ale at public outcry, to the highett bidder, for caah, the following de scribed mining machinery, namely: One Lidgerwood Radical Cableway includiogsooe Hf"*1 -double cylinder 12 i 11 doable 'Vy* -Friction drum engine without teller, engine No. 82095 as per Specifications Plant No. 1079. consisting of one main cable 2" diameter patent-locked steel, about 850 ft. long, with Special step socket securely attachejfelo eaoh end. One set of main CtBle anchorage con nections for Bplft anchorage at each and, consisting of O&ateel rope with iittlnga, one hea^y njtaud turnbuckle. anchorage sheaves of the. Portis Mining Company in Gold Mine Town ship. Franklin C?ifity, Worth Carolina, and delivery to be made there of the Cable way and tirturse. j , . -. ?; j This 12th day'of September, 1918. Wh. A. Guthhik and - W. H. Ruvifn, Commissioners. FOR SALE. ?! A nice residence on Mason street, a portion of the Wallons lot, in Franklin ton. one of the m0st desirable locations In the town and ft In splendid condition. The lot is large and roomy. Possession can be had Jan. 1 1914.? Apply at once to Henry May, 617 Church Street, Lynchburg, Va. DR. W. B. MOKTON Eye Specialist 8*Wto?uiMborg, N.j Carolina ??? 0?aUtTHUR HYllc Entnafa. HYNES FLEMING^ ***T&vi -\r^ r?1"^ Ko. & ? DR. E. If. ' Physician and Surgeon Looiaburg, . North Carolina Offlos knit door to At cook, pro* Stcn ywood lJUPpqjf ATTORNEY AT LAW 4llipn?ti^ I.' tJitrfrU rf Franl/lln ttud idjofnla* conutlss. alio in tbe Supreme Court aad la the United States Dlatrlct and Circuit Ceart. Offlce OT?r First National [ T\E^ j. E. MALONE, Supt. Health 1 1 / Loulsborg, N. C. Office in Aycock Drag Store, Market Street. Office | " " and ?JB. 8. P BUBT 9 PdYSICI AN and tSU^OFON /[ Louist , OSM in Burt xUildtcur Main street. JJB. B. F. YAKBOROUUB PHYSl- 1 AN and 8LROEON, LoalsbaR. N. C. I Offlce ia Ynrborouah it Biclutt. building. S'ltrht sails answered from "T. W. ? Bickett a residsnss. phone 71. 1 r'-' WILLIAM WILLIS BODDIE * . ATTORNEY -AT-LAW . ' Leuisburg North Carolina General practice. Office over M< C. Pleasant'* store , "B. W. Bickett, R.B. White, E.H. Malone BICKETT, WHITE & MALONE ' "T ;?? ? 1 ? IT 7 1 1 - I ? lawyers 1 / i ! Louisburir, N? . j ' General practice, settlement of estates fundc invested. One member of the firm alawavB in the ofifce. OlPRUILL A BULDEN f ATTORNEYS |lT LAW Louisbur*. )N. C. j ill attend the courts o! tpauklin, Vance, Qranvifw^ Warrei% and ^ counties, also the Supreme Coutt tu orth Caroling. Prompt attention given collection* offlc? in 8pruill building. yy M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg.^N . Cj Practice in. all courts Offlce on Main Street yy H. YABBOROOGil, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW LonJsbsrg. N. C Sogal business intrusted to' mt receive npt attention. Offlce in Egerton din*. , , i rj i m: CONTRACTOR and BT7ILDEB T^uisburs. N. C.""* ?j Trwdiuw aionir >or all kinds of building sup plies. artistic Mantles and Tiles. Architec tural deaitras submitted. H UGH P. WENDELL Architect A Engineer Frasklinton, N. C. Phone Franklintos 6 TIME OF OPENING SCHOOLS. By an. order of the Couaty Board of Education all Pub lic Schools other than special tax schools will open on Mon day the 20th day of Octo ber. R. B. WHITE, County Supt. williamsoh! PRESSING CLUB J Louisburg, N. C. The place to have yonr clothes prop- 1 erly cleaned and pressed at reasonable | prices. Under Ford's warehouse, Nash St. PHONE no. so. ? i - THE ONE BEST PLACE TO BOY GOOD SHOES CHEAP. T I have bee? North this season and im filling my Ifi ^v,nei*??*y?nd desirable good* lor tho Hall Season. fln'Dri* Good* I have all ot the beet new novelties, with trimmings to match. . ,uU fcWfoUKS? meat and now have just what you want at less price than yoo will find elsewhere. 1 SUITS FOR LADIES AND YOUNG LA DIES ? Children, Misses and Ladies Long Coats, Shirt Waists, extra skirts, petticoats and children's dresses will feeVoond here in all the new materials and marked at prices tliat will be a saving to you ' V from SfO ots. to 15.00 on each garment. hi y.) ' * I have now in stock more than 4,000 pair shoes and am receiving more every week. I sell BET j TER SHOEfc at less price, and MORE Sl&ES | than any othir store iit: Franklin County,. I 1 1. 1 A new lot of Warner's RUST PROOF COR SETS just in ? a correct styfe for every figure. R. Z. EGERTON ,\ The Latest] Expression | | ADVANCED ART L ' v. ,? * .. . J Ladies - Fipe - Hats! j - - . - ? ? ' ' ? ? * ' ' ? ? vj [ \ 1 ' '* ' } ?' ; ' 1 I Mrs. Hail has just returned from the Northern mar-, ikets, with a beautiful stock of STYLISH DRESS! ; goods. , j. BROCADEP VELVETS AND SILKS OF ALL KIND THAT WILL PLBAS1 THE EYE. I ? ? Ji\r* ' ' 1 | Special showing in Fine Embroideries and Laces { | Ask to see our finfe shoes, "The American Girl." Ai !sh?e good to look at aid will give satu^actien. "" 1 I Mrs. aI M Haft - rtl1 ? i :..(M Urtl UmKl-l n ???? ' ?>:<*. Ii TO i . ? u; v.>i ?'/ 1., , Arrange for yeur coal before winter begins, , SEND IN YOUR ORDERS I ?? ? -r' ?? w ? , ''HI >:*?;. '..J ji . . - "* '' 11 . ?? ? JM't i. i>-Ti ' at once. 5*, Will be ready to make deliveries in a few tiayd. Terms positively CASH. Best Kana ii* ? , 1 ??* /?< i wa Lump delivered, 'iff.'. MCJWf _ ; . LOUSBURG COAL & ICE CO. 1 iji'- ??>&. ? ?:*. v ' LOUISBURG, - NORTH CAROLINA 1 * m.V.V >