Ike I.unneM JTwr. Arjjind !? Some tliiirn the Mont Economical , l'-' Way Hone. Washington, D. C., Nov. 18.? The Storage life of horses and automo biles may be increased and the cost of gaining reduced, according to the Of fice of Koads, of the Department of Agriculture, by relocating many old toads and the more scientific laying Gut of new ones. The natural ten dency in road building la to build a atraight road, whether it goes over tteep grades or hills, or not, and pull ing over these grades naturally adds to the wear and tear on horses and1 vehicles. The doctrine of the Office of ioads is that the longest way around may Qften by the shortest and most econo mical way home,' and' that frequently by building ah lghway around a hill org rade, but little appreciable dis tance is added and this is more than offset by the reduced strain of haul- i tag. The chief drawback from the farm ! owner's point of view Is that the lay ing otft of roads on this principle of avoiding grades necessitates, in some cases, running the road through food farm land or orchards or pastures, SBtead of going around the farm line id building the road through old rn-out fields and over rocky knolls. i?? of course, must raise a ques tion in the mind of the Individual land wnw as to whether thee uttlng up of hlsp roperty by a road yields him in dividual advantages and so -benefits his Comniuivity as to offset the use of such land for a road, or to overcome the inconvenience of having his land divided. In this connection the Office of Roads points out that the running of a road and the. resulting traffic through a good farm, where there are good sheep, cattle, horses, grain, fruit, or vegetables, has a certain. ad vertising value and in many instances makes the land more valuable. In oHierc ases, the importance of such a level road to the community Is so great that it might well repay those using the road to give the farmer the equivalent in land equally good in place of what he has sacrificed to the common welfare. At any rate, the Office of Roads is now taking special pains to make clear the economic advantage of avoiding steep grades in their roads, even at some sacrifice of better land, lavestigation shows that the laying ~crf such roads over hills has resulted more from attention to the preserva tion of farm lines than from scientific attention to the problem of road build ing. ' According to the testimony of farm ers consulted, where a horse might be able to pull 4,000 pounds on a level read, itw ould have difficulty in pull ing 3,000 pounds up a steep hill. The size of the load, therefore, tends to be measured by the grade of the largest hill on the road to market. In a num ber of cases actual experiment shows that the relocating of roads around hills has been accomplished, either ^ with no addition in road length in some instances, and with the adding of only a few feet to the highway in f others. The office knows" of no case where a properly relocated road which has cut out grades has led to aay question as to Its material reduc tion of hauling costs. Something New. One of the newest features we have seen in the development of the farm i?g conditions in Franklin county is given below/ /It has been so long since the c^Tn crop has been of suf ficient sU'' In these 'parts to justify it tho old time corn shucking has almost been forgotten. However, we are glad to note the return of such festivals as liave been in evidence in many sec tions throughout the county this fall. Invitations reading as folows has been issued by some of our more pro gressive planters: You are cordially invited to atend au old-time. Corn Shucking at the home of J. H. Conyers In the Best county, near the Best town in America. Tho fourth Monday night in Octo ber, 1913. at 6 : 00. If you do not care to drink corn, you may shuck corn and eat possum and taters. Buft'aloe Items. Mrs. Lonnie Cottrell of near Louis burg visited Mrs. Neal Hlght Sunday. , Miss Florence Mitchell has returned homo after having visited her uncle near Bunn's. rMrs. Phi Tomlinson spent the* after noon Monday in the neighborhood. Mr. Ira McGliee has started up Win saw mill near W. T. Rodgers again. Mr. J. A. ^Iltchlner has moved his saw mill in the George Cook woods at the W. P. Perry place. Misses Mollie and Addie Mltchiner were pleasant callers at Mrs. F. G. Banks Monday afternoon. Dr. Banks has sUrted on hia new residence near Douglas Station. Misses Florence and Virginia Mitctj ell spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. H. T. Hlght In Franklimon. Mlssea Bessie Edwards and Addle Murray, of Frankllnton, spent Satur day. with Ml as Martha May. With beat wishes to the T1m?s and Its readers. A FRIEND. Justice Item?. Mr. O. S. Earp has moved upon Main street. Out* farmers are pretty busy these days getting out their cotton. iviiss Belle Wright .and Miss Oma White went to Bunn Friday and came back Sunday. Mr. Huford Harris and Mr. Walter StalllngB went to Bunn Friday night to atend the party given by the Phlla thea and Baraca classes. ? Miss Nblla Wright spent Saturday and Sunday in Spring Hope. Our Sunday school was very small Sunday. We <&ope to see more out next Sunday. Don't forget to come to our Bazaar and oyster supper Thanksgiving. "Our boys" and Cedar Rock will play ball about 2:30 o'clock. A short program will be given free at night, after which there will be a sock party. Give us your presence. BLUE EYES. Castalia, N. C? K. F. D. No. 1. Mr. Russell Batholomew, of Caa talla, has completed his nice resi dence on Main street. Mr. S. J. Bartholomew has pur chased him a new automobile. ? Miss Maude Lancaster, of Red Bud. left last Sunday to begin teaching at Pearce's Academy on Monday. Mrs. M. J. Lancaster has broken the record on raising sweet potatoes in the Red Bud section this year. Miss Kathlene rMoss, of Meredith College, spent a few days last week with her parents at Castalia. Rev. Geo. W. May and (^mlly WM1 soon move to Castalia again. Mr. F. W. Bartholomew of Middle sex will take charge of the new drug store which is now being built. We welcome him back. Best wishes to the editor and his good old paper. "THE RIDING COOX.* Texan s Prepared to Protect Them* seltfNy Austin, Texas, Nov. 17. ? "In the event Mexicans start any trouble v.e will protect ourc itizens and not wait for Washington to act," declared Gov ernor O. B. Colquitt late today after a conference with Adjutant General Hutchings. While nothing official was given out, it is known that the Texas Xattonal Guard is in readiness to an swer on short notice any call that uiig'.it be made. The conference was the outcome of a threat today by Mexicans resid ing in Texas to make Texas "answer to the whole Mexican people," unless mercy was shown Mexican ammuni tion smugglers charged with mur der. Governor Colquitt did not apprise Washington of today's events. He said that during a recent outbreak along the Mexican border Federal troops did not act until the Texas rangers had been called out. Tl\cre has been no disturbance so far. SAKFR THAN CALOMEL. Dodson's Liver Tone at Night Will. Straighten You Out by Mornliiir. Calomel May Knock Ton Oi.l of a Day's Work. If you. are a calome. u-jor, next time you are tempted to buy it ask I your druggist if he can absolute ly guarantee the drug not to harm you. He won't do It because he CAN'T do it. But here is a perfect substitute for calomel which the druggist does guax?^ antee ? the famous Dodson's Liver Tone. Godfrey-Egerton Drug Co. will refund your money without ques tion if you are not thoroughly satis fteld. Go to Godfrey-Egerton" Drug Co. whom you are acquainted with ? and find out about the great number of people who are taking this remark able remedy and feeling better, keen er, healthier, and better able to enjoy ! life than they ever were when taking calomel. Why? Because calomel is a poison I ? ono that may stay in the system. ! and while seeming to benefit you tem porarily, may do harm In the end. If you haven't felt these ill-efTects so far. it is because you are fortunate enough to have a strong constitution. Don't take the risk any longer. Get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone (60c) and note how easily and naturally it Corrects all bilious'' .conditions, how it clears away that sick headache and coated tongue, how it sets you right without ache or gripe. The most won derful thing in the world for consti pation. Ail this without the slightest inter ference with your regular habits. fainting and dizzy spells, backache, lieadacue weakness, 'debility. constipa tion or kidney tr6ubn?-*boi^la use Elec tric Bitters. They (rive wheu nothing else will, improve the htailti), adding strength and vigor frcm the first ?lose. Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, La., says: '"Four doctors had given me up and my children and all my friends were looking (or me to die, when my son insisted that I use Electric Bitters. I did so, and they have done me a world of good." J us' try them. 50c and tl.nl all druggists or by mail. H. E. BUcklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louts. ' - ? NOTICE OP SUMMONS. North Carolina ?! Franklin County \ In SuP r- Court Robert Day * . vs Emma Day ? The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin County, for divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 10th Monday after the 1st Monday in September, 1913 at the courthouse in Louisburg, N. C.. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the Plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in the com plaint.. This the 10 day ol October, 1913. J. J. Barrow, C. S. C. W. H. Yabbobough, Jb., Att'y. NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of W. B. Joyner, deceased, late of Franklin county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against his es tate to present the same to the under signed on or before October 9th, 1914, or this notice will be plead in bar o( them recovery. All persons owing said estate will come forward and make im mediate settlement. This October 9tb, 1913. W. H. Perry, Sr., Extr. FOR RENT. 2 horse farm, Harris township, white or colored tenant. ?r , Mrs. W. P. Nkal. AFTER C0U6HIN6 TWO YEARS Waycross, Ga., Woman Found Relief in Vinol. Did you ever cough for a week? Then Just think how distressing It must be to have a cough hang on for two years. Mrs. D. A. McOee, Waycross, Ga.. t says : "I had a very heavy cold i which settled into a chronic cough j which kept me awake nights for fully j two years, and felt tired all the time The effect of taking your cod liver and Iron remedy, Vlnol, Is that my 1 cough Is gone. I can now get a good night's rest and I ftel much stronger j In every way. I am 74 years old." | It is the combined action of the : medicinal elements of the cods' llv I ers aided by the'- blood-making and I strength-creating properties of tonic I Iron which makes Vlnol so efficient for chronic coughs, colds and bron j chltls ? at the same time building up the weakened, run-down system. Try a bottle of Vlnol with the un derstanding that your money will be 1 returned If It does not help you. i P. S. ? If you have any skin trouble , try Saxo Salve. We guarantee It. Aycock Drug Co., Louisburp-, N. C. CHOICE Cut Flowers FOR ALL OCCASIONS Hoses, Carnations and Chrysan th mums are tlie seasonable tlow ers now. Our art in wedding out Jits is equal to the best. Nothing finer in floral 'offerings than our stvles. . BULBS For winter and spring blooming: ready; now. Hyacinths, Narcissus, Tulips and Lilies in great v rie ties. Plant early for best results. Hose bushes, Evergreens, Shrubs, Hedge plants, Shade trees and Herbaceous plants. Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed, by J. L. O'CNiinn & Co Raleigh, N. C. Store phone 42 Greenhouse pin j > 14 City Bar ; ber Shop We guarantee our cus tomers everythinf sanitary, plenty of clean lin?P, sharp est razors and the politest attention. Hot towels free at all hours. We also have a good pressing, club in the rear of our shop. All prices reasonable. Your Servants Wilkins & Stegal I - ? ? .r.' in a Good, 1 Warm % Room A "warm" breakfast ? the kind that sends you outr ready braced for a good day's work ? should be eaten in a warm room . You lose half the good of the meal if you are shivering in discomfort while you eat it A Perfection Smpkeless Heater makes breakfast a cozy meal for. the whole family. . /. ..? No smoke or smell with a Perfection. Easily cleaned. Easily moved from room to room. An ornament anywhere; a luxury in the bedroom; a necessity in the sewing robtn or the bathroom. Dealer* everywhere; or'vorite for descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. C. Richmond, Va. BALTIMORE _ Charleston, W. Va. r Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. You are Cordially Invited to inspect my line of Fall Dry Goods and Shoes before buying. Quick Sales and Small Profits My Motto I also keep a full line of groceries at ail times F. W. JUSTCE, The Country Merchant r. F. D. No. 1, Louisburg, N. C. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. D. Ferry, deceased, late of Franklin county, this is to noti fy all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before October 14, 1914, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons owiutr said estate- will come forward and make immediate "Settlement. This Oc tober 14, 1913. ? I?. H. Horton, Axlm'r. . Ben. T. H olden, Atty. E^A. ROGERS Tinworker. Louisburg, N. C. Will make estimates on any job Work Guaranteed. Call or write wl on fn uoed of anything in my line. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator in the estate of the la'e B. H. Freeman. This is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to me on or before Oct. 0, 1914, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment to roe. Thos. j. Harris, Adm'r. of B. HFreemaft. Thos. B. Wilder, Atty. Designed and Patented in 1867 The Standard Ever Since Roofs put on twenty-six years ago are as good as new to-day, and have never needed repairs. What is the result? Why practically every other shingle manufacturer is trying to imitate it, so be not deceived ? look fot the words "Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat Off." embossed on the corrugation. It is put there for your protection. Accept no substitute. For Sale by M. F. HOUCK - Louisburg, N. C Remember when in want of stationery or job printing of any kind tha Times office will do it for you in the best style