A Hermoielle I* tteamslent Merchant Tell me not In mournful number*, Advertising's but a dream; For the business , man who slumber* Has no chance to skim tbe cream. l,lfe 1? real, lite Is earnest, Competition's something great; If your dividends thou yearneat, Rush your business, do not wait. It the business field of battle, Mollycoddles have no place; Be not like dum, driven cattle ? Be a live one la the race. , I1 Uvea of great men all remind UK, We can bring tbe bacon home; And, departing leave behind ua. Foot-prints on somebody's dome. ? ;.et us then be up and doing, Otherwise we may be done; Still achieving, atlll pursuing. Advertise and get the mon'. From Oak Grove. Mrs. Wesley Williams is very ill. The doctor think she hastyphoid fever. Miss Mattie Pearce entertained a number of friends Saturday night. Misses Nora Pearce aud Bertha Privett. sfrent Saturday with Miss Kthel Catlett. Mr. . B. Shad rock drove out to Mr. Kd. Willams Saturday in an automo x- bile and took a party of young people to Mr." W. S. Braswell's. Mrs. S. E. Pearce spent Saturday uight and Sunday with Mrs. B. L. ? Pearce. Mr. J. B. Pearce went rabbit hunt ing Saturday. Misses Ethel Catlett and Bertha Privett visited Miss Annie Williams Sunday. We are sorry to learu that Mr. B. L. Pearce and family are going to leave our neighborhood but hope them good luck. Miss Kthel Catlett spent Monday af ternoon with Miss Myrtle Watkins. Best wishes to the .TIMES. K. K. ReciUil >111(1 Box I'urtj at Huplnille. "* * V" Monday night, December 15th. Miss Sallie Pickgit Oldham, of Wilmington, .. N. C., will give an entertainment in the Maplevllle Academy auditorium. Miss Oldham has completed the di ploma course in elocution of Meredith college and has been very successful as a dramatic reader^ She ?a ? ?,tu dent of the best classic and iiumnroas ' writers, and her recitation.* pre well | selected. j After the recital, a box party will lie given for .tl>e benefit of the new academy.^ The entertainment will begin at 7:30 p. m.. Admission: Adults 25c, children 15c. Shenria-Neat. Invitations as follows have been received by friends: Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Neal request the honor of youc presence at the marriage of their daughter Hattie Lee to Mr. Arthur Arrington Shearine on the afternoon of Sunday, the twen ty-first of December at two o'clock Mt. Zion Baptist Church Laurel, North Carolina This event is being awaited with much interest by the many friends of the contracting parties who are justly and deservingly popular young people. Williun^Mnllen. Friends have received invitations reading as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Mullen request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Linnie to Mr. John Elmo Williams Wednesday afternoon, December the thirty:flrst at three o'clock Poplar Springs Baptist Church Franklin County, North Carolina The bride to be is one of Dubo's township most popupar and accom plished young tedtos ? 8he Is tho daughter of Mr. W. A. Mullen. Sr.. and is deservingly popular among her host of riends and admirers. The groom is one of Louisburg's most active young men. He is the son of Mr. John R. Williams, one of Uie county's most prosperous plant ? ers, and Is a young man of splendid ^ ability. His genial disposition and pleasing address has made for him scores of friends, who will extend their heartiest congratulations to him and his bride. Reports Big Business. / Mr. i '!.? Kulfrlmm, Count? Agent f Jr the Formers' Union, reports big buAI reis fn cotton storage the past fe^r 'wdeks. They have introduced a ware house system whereby one may store Ills cotton-taking a receipt for. the * :.*? ? - K .r grade, weight- and price that day and can realizo a loan upon the receipt. It seems to be a pretty good Idea for the farmers who dp not want to put their . staple on the market, and espec-. tally so for the one who has to. have caqh and don't wish to sell. A Kecortk 1 One day the past week the Job De- j I partment of the TIMES ofllce con- ; tracted to get out a job for a local i merchant and within less than an hour j I a portion of the job had been' deliver- 1 ed and all was finished within one and one-half hours.. We are ? continually j putting forth every effort to* give our patrons better service and with your continued support we expect to give you the best to be had anywhere. Warning as tv Christmas Decoration*. By way of practical suggestions we subniit the following as to the dangers of the Christmas tree, all of . which are easily followed: ' Don't leave an illuminated tree un watched. . ? Don't use festoons of tissue paper or cotton batting ou a tree. Don't use any ornaments Qf cellu loid. ?1 Don't let the children touch the tree. Don't permit a draft of air to sway 'the branches of a tree while it is illu minated. i $on't put cotton beneath a tree to make the carpet look like snow-coj^ ered ground. ( Don't remove a thing from the tree 'until the candles on it are blown out. If the appearance of snow Is desired for any purpose, use "mineral wool." or asbestos. Itwlll not burn and gives a better effect than cotton. Finally, let the safety of your chil dren and your property be your first consideration, and Christmas will then be . a season of happiness, undisturbed by accident. ^ The Thrift mas Atmosphere. Among all evenings in the year, and all the days, there is no other evening like the Christmas eve, no other day like Christmas- day. Wheth er the eve and the day be dark and, stormy, or still and fair, 4oes not mat ter. The difference is not in the weather or the season, but in that more subtle atmosphere which, from generation to generation through all the centuries has been our inheritance from that first Christmas' eve and a day when a new boVn babe sent its wailing cry from the manager of Beth lehem. The world looks different through this Christmas atmosphere. However festive or sad the occasion, however g^y or. gloomy the streets may be. whatever may be our surroundings, the Christmas feeling is "there. No one may say just wherein it lies. It is like an unseen halo that glorifies ,and makes holy every good thought and impulse, while it reveals in darker relief whatever is tragic, unworthy, or vicious. A great disaster on Christmas eve or day shocks us as it does at no other season; a great joy comes in that sweet raiment of glad ness that only Christmas brings. Through nineteen centuries has this light lingered around the hearts of men, and through all those ages it has not grown .dim. Year after year slips by and is added to the past. But with each Christmas eve and day our homes and our highways are once more fill ed with the old, sweeet joy ? the halo from that star which rose over Beth lehem. The Texas Flood. We publish below the text of a post cost received by us from Mr. A. A. Clifton, who is on a visit to his uncle, Dr. W. R. Clifton, in Waco, Texas, which will give a little ide^. of the real conditions. The card gjves -a picture of one of the Main streets in East Waco covered In water, which from appearance is about five feet deep or more: ? ''This is the worst flood ever known Here, half the city under water. Wat er is within a few feet of my place. We have been cut off from the out side world for several days.- Its been raining steady for over a week. Wat er Is ten to fifteen feat deep in tke Clif ton Manufacturing Co. 'a plant. Their loss will he at least $25,009,00. lis something awful." Charlotte (iels Iftrncr School Oxford. Dec. 6. ? Captain Horner tonight telegraphed Charlotte his ac ceptance of theoffer made by jttfTit i city to secure the location of Hor ner's Military School at that place. Charlotte offered a beautiful and well located site of 30 acres, 2 1-2 miles frpm the center of the city near Elizabeth College, , and guaran teed a cash subscription of $30,000, it is understood here. What of This? / Says the Wilmington Star: "The Chamber of Commerce of Florence has. atrttred a new Industry and the Tinges says it will mean a Warning Against Century Life Insur ance Company. All citizens of the State are warned against the Century l^fe and Accident Insurance Company. This company is trying to do business in the State through the mails and agents. It is no good. An explanation by the Penn sylvania Department shows : v_Total re ceipts. $7,517.24, of which $2,133.15 was borrowed money. Total disburse ments, $9,477.39, of which only $1,321. 80 was paid to policyholders. Total admitted assets. $54.28 ; total liabilities, $15,767.25. of which $15,767.25 was bor rowed. money. It. is a Delaware corporation, operr ating from Pennsylvania, and now is allowed by its chapter to do only health and accident business. ? N. C. Insurance Department!, * : / : ? V SUBSCRIBE TO ? \R A3 KLIN TIMES . *1.00 Per Year. ^*1 Mayor's Court. The fact that Mayor Turner had to occupy liis official seat in the Mayor's office Monday ^norning was a little un usual as it was the first time in about thirty days with the exception of try ing one case for drunkeness. Frank Satter white was lined $10 and costs for being drunk. George Person and Clayton Mitchell, were fined $2 each and caused to pay costs for fighting. Land for Sale. 100 acres of good tobacco and cotton land for sale. Seven miles from Louis burg; plenty of timber, well watered, near good school and church, fronting on two public roads. $200.00 per acre This year from tobacco raised on place. Abstracts show perfect title. Best neighborhood in the county. This land will be offered for a short time only. Terms easy: Address "Farm er" care of FRANKLIN TIMES. big payroll for Floronce. It is a plow factory. Come to think of it, a ; country In which agriculture Is the j chief source -of wealth, la ideally I adaptable and advantageous for the manufacture of tiling^ used on the | farm." There is a suggestion worth careful consideration. What proportion of the implements utilized by * Mecklen'ourg farmers Is produced at home ? ? . Would it pay to make our own im plements and machinery Instead of shipping them in from elsewhere and paying a price increased T>y one item j of freight rates? 1 There are a number of farmers in the country who have money to invest j There are a number of men in . the ! city with money to invest. Does tills avenue look attractive? ? Charlotte News. Your ideas are entirely right brother but the people In most sections will have to learn to lay aside that petty jealously pound foolish way they have of showing such little confidence in home made material. Loral. Will Pleasants has just received a sample line of ladles, Misses and chil dren cloaks and is offering them at wholesale cost. He is selling them cheap. Call in and see them before you buy. A shipment of cut glass just ar rived at Will Pleasants. adv. ? Notice. The copartnership between J. W.' Perry and A. W. Perry and others, under the firm namfc of A. W. Perry Jr., & Co., doing business on Nash street in Louisburg. N. C.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the busi ness will be continued by J. W. Perry as sole owner. November 25th, 1*1S. A. W. PKI*RY, JR.. for self. A. W. Perry, JR.. as self J. W. Perry. ? Loi> Christmas Holiday Excursion Fares via Seaboard Air Line Railway From All; Stations on Its Lines. Date of sale December 17th to 25th nclusively December 31, 1913, and Jan uary 1st, 1914. Final return limit January 6th 1914. The Seaboard of- I fers excellent local and through train 1 service; trains equipped with ateel electric lighted, day coaches and pull man sleeping carp. Latest up-to-date steel diners: For information as to rates see your agent or address C.B.Kjan, G.P.A. J.f.West,l?.P.A. | Norfolk. Va. Raleigh, N. C. WASTED? One milk Milk ~Ti>w. State quantity of milk and lowest cash | price. w. b. Cooke, Enfield, N, C. uk ess y Strictly frai quality? oat e<coedji cor mDlcads. ^ * Tbeaarnc roofing sold through } jbbera. dnim-\ men and ret alien under well known factory brand at one-third mere. Wo sell (Uroct to user. You pay but ono am mflt Over hvctory coat. SP0TU8S tUBBEk R FINC. 1M a*. feet to rail, with Nails and Ctnain . ? Guaranteed Satisfactory. 1-Pty. Waifht 35 Po - U. Reft. Tie. S-Ptr.Wal<ht4S Par ?*, Rail S1J8 S-Ply, Waifkt 55 Pa Rail $1.84 Shipped auick frorv. .'Uchmoad; little freight. Free Bampk* and Nov Catalog quoting ijv>ney aarins pricra on 500^ Articles for Home, Field and Shop. Every Southern Farmer needa thia book. the spotless company ?*!%? Seath'a Mail Order Ha? a" A MISlMckM HrU.il. SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRIER OF THESOtTTH Schedule of Trains from Raleigh. j N. B. The folowing schedule fig ures are published only as informa tion and are not guarapted. No. 21-8:35 A. M. ? Through train for ? jAshevllle with chair car for Asheville with Carolina Spec ial for Cincinnati, Chicago, also for Knoxville.Chatanoga, Memphis and all Western points. Connects at Greens boro for all Northern and Eastern points. No. 145^12^40 P. M.. ? For Durham. Oxford, KeyBvile and Rich % mond. Connects at Rich "\ mond for Washington, Baltl-. ) more, Philadelphia and New' .( York. "Noy 139-4:65 P. M. ? For Greensboro. handles through Pulttnan sleeping Car for Atlanta, ar rives Atlanta 5:25 A. M., con , necting at Greensboro for all Northern and Eastern points, also* Ashevile and Western points. Makes connection in Xtlanta for New Orleans, Birmingham, Memphis and for Texas and Califoriria points. No. 131-7:00 P. M. ? For Greensboro mmakes connection with solid Pullman Car train for Wash ington. Baltimore, Philadel phia, New York and .ai .other Northern and Eastern points. Also with through Pullman Tourist Car for New Orleans. El Paso, Los Angeles and San Francisco, also with through trains for Columbia, Strranah and Jacksonvile. No. 111-2:30 A. M. ? For Greensboro, Handles Tillman Sleping Car for Wic lon-Salcm, which is open foi occupancy at Ral eigh at _0:00 P. M. Makes connections forpolnts North - North and West, also for Asheville, Memphis, St. Louis .and Western points, also con nnrl New Orleans. No. 112-4:30 A. M. For Goldsboro makes connection for Wil mington, New Bern, More head City Also with A. C. L at Selma for points South and North. "No. 108-10:40 A. M. ? Local train Jor | Selma and Goldsboro. Now ? train service effective Jan uary 19th, 191.1. No. 144-1240 P. M ? For ?elma and Goldsboro. makes connection at Selma with A. C. L> Hail- ! way,~North and South, also , at Goldsboro with A. <\ L. and Norfolk Southern rail- ' way.ztbm bbtm h tm litrd iu No. 22-7:30 P. M.? For Selma and Goldsboro, through train with ; chair car ilfroni Ashevile. j Makes conectlon at Selma ; with A. O. L,. Hallway North | and South and at Goldsboro with A. O* L. and Norfolk j Southern Hallways. j For detailed information, also for in formation concerning special round- ! trip rates acount various special oc caslois apd Pulman Sloping Cars* re Agent or Committeeoias n ens- bm i servations ask any Southern Railway 1 Agent or communicate with the under | ! signed. H. F. CARY J. O. JONES General Pasenger AgontTrav-Pas.Agt Washington, D. C. Raleigh. N. C. S. H. HARWICH, H. W. COAPMAN I Pass-Traffic Mgr. Vice-Pres.&Gen.Mgr. I CHOICE Cut Flowers FOR ALL OCCASIONS Hoses. Carnations and Chrysan th muni 8 are the seasonable How ers now. Our art in wedding out fits is ?qual t" tl>? best. Xdthin? finer in floral firings tlian our stvles. B , B S , For winter prinjr blooming ready now. Hyacinths, Narcissus, Tulips and Lilies in great v rieties. Plant early for best results. Kose bushes, fiver^eens. Shrubs, , Hedge plants. Shade trees and Herbaceous plants. Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed, by J. L. O'Quinn & Co. Raleigh, N. C. Sjore phone 42 Greenhouse phones 14 Fire Works! Fine Works! My lino cf fire* works this year will be complete in - every thicifc- I bought direct from the factory, and have PJRICES RIGHT. See me before you buy. I can save you Tnoney, I bought one-third more than I ever bought before; they must be sold. L v. king j ?"f % ? > . ? . , DON'T FORGET I keep a full line of heavy and fancy groceries? Nuts oi all kind, Fruits of all kind. Call up 327 for anything wanted for ^reaksaut, 'dinner or supper. I run two drays, can make quick delivery. Will do your draying by the load or hour. Phone r 327 Jno. W. King Louisburgj ,N. C. Laugh With Your Girl Make your girl laugh and your wife dress quick to get a ride in your car that is overhauled by Louisburg Machine Works Inc. Phone 43. Doors open day and night Louisburg, North Carolina Send Us Your Orders for Beef, Pork, Etc. . Also Eggs, Chickens, Geese and -*? Turkeys. We are head quarters for Christmas Goods All Orders Delivered Promptly v Call phone No. 241-J when you want good beef in any cut. Ii- will be our pleas ure to serve you and your pleasure to en joy a meal wherein some of our nice steak is served. Y Serve, SPIRE & SON SANITARY MARKET \ Jacob Spire, Manager

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