A. F. JOHNSON, KIHTOR AND iMANAGEB. - . - THE COUNTY, THE STATE. Trf a U .VION. ?8CBSCBIPTI0N $1.00 PEB YBAB. ?0^?. XLII1. LOUISBURG. N. C.. FRIDAY. JaNUa H Y 9. 1914- NUMBER 48 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS l'EAKl'E RESIGNS AS CON- I STABLE. 1 Attor lies* .Mostly Routine Willi [.Nolh- ) of Special Impoi founts Allowed. Board of County Coirimlajsfpn.er.s regular session on last-Monday lajl members present? lead tig and approving the niiriu os of revious meetings the following ' bUslntss was disposed of: Dent Wilson was stricken froi i fiutr side Aliper list for the present! , W.P. Wilson was stricken frohi ?the outside paupe\ list. ? ' Waddoll Alston.,was relieved |bf all taxes .exo?p;t poll tax for 1913. i JnHn was strt^Wr.n^ f. outside pauper llBtr " John Spencer was relieved of graded sehool taxes in Louisburg township, not being in said district. A-i?; Harris was relieved of spec- j .al school tax in New Hope district--4 erron in computing Jpxes. Report of E. X. Williams, Superin- j tendent of County Home was received j and filed. He reports 7 white and 16 ; . .colored inju&tes. One colored receiv ed and one. death since last rej^rt. W. J. Macon was relieved of paying tax on tract of land In Louisburg town ship?same ing listed in Hayesville """township. Oscar Hag wood. W. M. Bunn/^^ P. "'Williams were appointed Jurprs to* lay off road leading from Loj?K?e Williams place to the N'ash Comity line. Report of T. X^tiarrJs, demonstra tor of .Franklin county was received and ordepetT filed- * $ , A (^rttimittee/composed nf j. H. Uz J. H-. Cooke and J. O. Wilson was appointed to investigate and agree up on the damages done McKinne Bros, tear^ which was injured in falling through bridge. ? J. M. Rice was relieved of poll tax in Dunns township. Franklin county. Jack Ferry was allowed to go to County Home. Elizabeth Thorpe was placed upon outside pauper list at -$1.50 per-month'. J. b! Allen was relieved of taxes on $1,000 of prgperty-T-overcfliarge. . It was ordered that the board met at the county home for Uu? purpose ot inian*ory and to 'consider the propo v siu&n of raiding the salary of super ^l^tpndt liV l> ?Jprlft reslgnaJioiv -oLMrT earce ?.\ -as cotisUible of Young$$*Ue township ,-c^ifea^%eccived. Mr. Geo. N. S tell .'appointed constable for Voungsvijle. tbwnship to fill vacancy caused by the ?resignation of Mr. Pearce. Albert Davis w^rplaced upon .out side pauper list at $1.50 per month. The Commissioners and the Sheriff drew the jury for ihn F?hrnary torjy of court, i j ? * . 'After allowing a number of accounts. ?r-the Bo:trd ^djourned subject to order. ? horae of tha bride's parents Minis Jes 4ic Tharrington was happily married to Mr. Coleman IMt ?rtt^, Esquire 1?. N. Williams perfornTlnfc the cere mony. The bride is "the accomplish and at tractive daughter of Mr. J. (\ Thai-ring ton, and has many admirers. v The groom ts o^ic of Sandy Creek townships most popuTrrr and deserving young men. ey both-have hosts^of friends who fcxtAc Congratulation.^and best wish es. f ? ? At Baptist jCfinrcli. On Friday nlgli?, December 26th, the Baptist Sunday ftchool had an original amf Interesting Christmas entertain ment. xThe folding doors of the Sunday school room were converted into a large fireplace, before which hung the proverbial "stockings." lovingly antici patlng the arrival of St. Nick. At the appointed hour tlio dear old fellow iftade bis appearance? coming down the chimney, nor had he left his "pack" upon the roof, but there It was on his back, packed to its utmost ca pacity. Thel Ittle folk? were wild with de light and anticipation but old SMta } said they must slhg for him first, so 1 the primary tots sang thdlr sweet lit gl flMgng. "Just Like Jesus," and Ran t^omened his pack and presented each due pr^jot with a large .big of con 3&t% > TheWtne chains were pushed back and the children enjbyed an hour of ?.'/ KmM and fun. Boys "Loneoak." C. IC. Cooke has purchased the beautiful Main street to Mr. F. B. McKlnne move bis f%taJly to his new the next few weeks. Important Happenings of 1913 Iiy PicioriaJ R,eview JANUARY HfcLLN GOULD WtDS FLBRUARY tHO&KTANSSOMt?! POWER J.P.fflOKGftWDttSl APRIL iSOtt reads coessf&t; KAtStKS DAUGHTER \weos JUNE. AtOtPlCAN POLO TtftfO WINS ! JU IV KitTTySBORG REUNION 'wwioli C& W13 ?v Awtymhw *^n.sa AUGUST S1L2LK iMPtACHtO SEPTEMBER TKWCF5 WNS OCTOBER. VOUORNO BURNS N0VEM6E.R NWHVTL HOUSC WtDDtNG DcCcM&LR. WLXiCMt CRISIS MISS HELEN GOULD was married to Finley J. Shepard at Tarrytown, N. Y., oil Jan. 22. General Victoria 110 Huerta became provisional president of Mexico on Feb. 18. J. Plerpont Morgan, financier, died In Rome on March 31, aged seventy-six. President Wilson read his first message in person before congress in Joint session on April 8. Princess Victoria Louise, #lily daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm o?-Gerinany, was marrled^to Prince Ernst on May 24. The American polo team won the international match from the ItrHtlsh challengers at Meadowbrookv N. Y., on June 10-14. . Over 40,000 Civil war veterans uttended the great reunion fit Gettysburg, July 1-4, to celebrate the ?ftieth anniversary of that battle. Governor William Sulzer of New York was impeached on Aug. 11. Jerome D. Travers retained his title to the national amateur golf-championship at Garden City, N. Y., on SepL 6. The steamship Volturno, Uranium line, burned in midocean on Oct. 9; 131 losing their Uvea and over 500 being saved. Miss Jessie Woodrow Wilson was mar ried ut the White House on Nov. 25 to Franci? B.. Saj re. GeneraT Carranza'a rebel followers won important victories in Mexico In December. STROM? 1'ROtiKAM ADOPTED. State Conference for Social .SerTlce 1'lans Progressive lr ograji Wit It A:- Stroijg Speaker. At a ^meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the State Conference for Social- Scrrtcc in Raleigh on Friday last. It wan decided-to bold the second annual meeting February, 13th, 14th, i and 15th. The central idea of the Con j ference this year will be to develop the church and social service work. To [ this end the strongest possible pro-1 gram was planned for a thr.ee days' met?'nr. i Dr. Crahafti Taylor of Chicago, the ' president of the national service organ ization. will deliver the principal ad dress on Suntlay afternoon, the last ? day. l)r. Alexander Johnson, of ? Vineland, .N. j3.? former president pf that organization,' is also expected to address the (Ionference on Saturday. Gov. Craig, the Honorary President will formally open thee onvention the* first day. Following, the formal open- ' lng of the Confe/epce will come the 1 reports of various committees. In the* evening the President's address will be ^ontnvT^liv an'inrorm.il meet7" injr of^tbc members. Three meetings will ..feu held on Saturday, the final meeting being a symposium of the church and rocial. Oh Sunday it is planned to have pas- . tors fill the Raleigh pulpits. Full de- | lalls. of the program will be published | at a Inter tla to ? ? l At* Seven-' I'atlix Academy. There wil be an *>kl Fiddlers Con ven- j tlon glvfn at Sev^tt Paths Academy ( Friday night, January^?rd. | Oystejs will be wervWt. 'fhcre'will ' be prizes offered to those paying best ! Admission for children under 12 years 10c: adults 20c. ' The public is cordially invited, es pecially those who will take part in the convention. Baptist Women Have Social. Every Baptist lady in Loulsburg, Whether a member of the local church or not, is cofdially invited to attend a social meeting in the -bnsement of the" Baptist- church next Tuesday night. 7 o'clock, given under the auspices of the Woman's Missionary Society. Re freshments will be served and an. In teresting program will bo rendered. The social will be In the nature of pot together meeting, and a most en joyable time is anticipated. The week will be observed as a week Of prayer by the members of the local society. An Addition. We*take pleasure in announcing to the public that we have secured the services of Mr. J. D. Bailey, of Ral eigh, for the new-year. He will hay9 charge of bur books and will assist the editor in looking after the business of the'office. Mr. Bailey has had much experience In this line of business. VOTES ADDITIONAL BONDS Louisburg Township to Issue More Condi and Complete Roads ? :?0:j VOTKII FOR AMI 13 A(?AI\ST. The Total KeuMrati<ai Was 2S2?4ii 1911 the Vote Stood 2W> for and I! Aural last, 10 Not Voting. The elec tion held in Louishu?? ou la? t T uesday for the purpose-of au thorizlnj the Issuance oT $40.000.00 goo i read bends to be used in comple ting t'.:e ron^ system of Lovtsburg township resulted as follows: Total registration 3S2. For Roai Bonds 303; against Koad Bonds 113; not voting 66. A comparison with the vote of two years ago J s as follows: Total registration 373. For Koad Tends 'JS6; against 41. not voting 4?J 'rhis is estimated to be an ?fiTTm'im lu fln!.-!l t!io I'tWd wyr!" .-nT the acftliorities say they propose to push the work to an early comple tion. It will" be noticed that the Interest in Roo'l roads has substantially in ? reared >ince the last election. TTie people of the township has tak? en .advantage of another occasion to , do credit to themselves >.? Hinges Oiiicers. x *. At a meeting of the directors of tlfe Howell-Bunn-Hudson* C?.. Inc.i 'Tit their place of business in Louisburg on Wednesday nTght Mr. O. C. Hudson was elected President, Mr. M. T. Howell. Vice-President, Mr. J. It. Bunn So?retary and Treasury, Mr. Ben T. Holdfn, Attorney.' The several reports of the officers i:? n;;r?.rd to the business for 1913 were j splendid and reflected much , credit { upon its management. The election of Mr. Hudson to the Presidency of this corporation Is ? quite complimentary and Is a just re-~j ward for the Interest he has taken in the business. Marriage Licenses. The Register of Deeds Issued licen ses to the following couples di4 month of December: ? WHITE?A. C. Perry and Minga, J: G. Loyd and Annie B: ton, C. Q. Ayescue and Eckie Robert Perry Neal afwl^Lucy Alice Wilder. T. J. Edwards anfl Noby Ann Breedlove, A. W. Perry and Fannie J. Leonard. *R. J. Turner and Myrtle Rowe, F. S. Pearc? and Mattlc May, J. M. Pleasants and Areta Nelms, Thomas W. YOung and Nellie E. Whlt aker, Arthur A. Sheferln and Hattle T. Neal, O. J. Welddn-and May Jones,; JL O. Holmes Irene C. Pergorson.i Spencer Gilliam and Lebby Leonard, J. D. Stanin^s and Lona Bunn,* J. R. Jori?';m alio Zelma Minor; Davis Jeau and Nannie Jeans. E. M.' Tliomason I i an-J Clyde MItchlcl, Harry Wood and iLula House. F. L. Lnyton and Flor ence 'Modlin,- D: V. Clieavea and Er-J Incstine Stric kland. U. II Evans an*: i lFanrile Sliearin. W, L. May and PattU*: JjL. Mosely. Paul Mjillrn "and Eleanor | j Terry, Willie J^K-afln and Mrytlc Allen 1 Jlnimie, Tucker and Patife Albert. C. E..I jTant and Leila E. Perry, Llndsey An-! 'drew* and Bonnie Leonard. J..E. Yar- 1 borough and. Mollie 13. Adkins. H. O J Woodllcf and faille Lucy Winn, J. E. : Williams and Lonnie B. Mullin .. Jor-j | don Allen and Onnie Gupion. .* i COLORED? Tiicma* Gay and LeTa fwiflSTwUi Jno%. L.Clifton and Chris 'tiana Chiton, George *E. Morris And ! Sarah Tliomas, L. E. Stevenson and : Emma Arrington, Omega Harris and i ICella Sptvey, Bud Spivgy and Nann i .Sills, till lie A. Williams and Ann Smith Herman Stokes and Bcsfeie Thomas, i Spencer Collins and Lena Higga. Jun-, juis Johnson and Gilia Mangum. Frank j Burne tl?U and_Sadie Perry,- Henry ?and ^Sfftoerta Porrjr." TV - M. 'Moore and., Sarah WhclesfJ .1 i m .Mann and Uufcbie Lea. . Charley Perry^and Perlie ?Williams, Tom-Wilson and Rosa ^Chavls. Jorry Perry and Mollie Freeman, Louis Hen- ] dersyn and Hasty Cooke. Jim Cooper and Carrie Little John, Albert Gill and J | Lizzie Johnson, James Edlor and Sue j Harris. W. N. Freeman and Lucy J.] Webb. Henry Green and Ellen Jones, Victor Harris and Nancy It. Ellis, j Wilson Sills and Tremiller King. Jim-1 mie Alston and Martha Webb. Arthur ^ Brodle rinff AllllI? Kearney. Jolwi Fogg -+ and Mnry Dunston, Qrover Wilson and i Less Mitchell. Willie Gill and Peggie Allen " * ? | Tobacco Market. The Loulsburg tobaco markaL.'x>pen od up yesterday for the remainder of i the season and (he prices proved to be ! pretty good. The ^holiday season seemed to have but. little effcct on ! cither the demand or the price. Rnnn lianklng Co. ^/"The Bunn Banking Co., as will bo s?%li--trpm. their advertisement on an nUKfttohe. lias begun business. This is qulWufemplimentary business for thQ little town. of Bunn and the that community should feer^^^olR.^'ftfl officers Mr. R. L. HufBnes, .J^Mident, of Rocky Mount, and Mr* Montgomery, icaahler. of Bunn, a^H^of splendid ability and_3sili give C?^||gftd people [of Bunn the beii_pf * List of Jurors. . ? v The following is a list of jurors drawn for the February term of Franklin Superior Court: FIRST WEEK?J. A. Mitchiner. J. St. Winston. W. B. Moon, H. D. Mitch ell". H. H MuJUr. B. G. Allen, J. B. Fu'ghuni, J. R.Ve^fc^rson. O. J. Cop | podge, it. A. Speed, Wilder, C5. M. Manning. J. X. Wester."K, G. Banks. C. F. Faulkner, W. E. Hall. Ws^. Mur phy, A. T. Harris. W. F. Mos.es SECOND WEEK?W. O. RoterV Toney Woodlief, C. S. Merrill. J.. F. | Mttclv'ncr. S. II. Dickens, L. P. Hicks, E. T' Rt^JJ^B. Harl.-R. A. Wilde*. R. V. Harris. R. H Place. J. V Young. P. G. Hagwood, G. W.Parrish. J. H." H edge pet h. JI. eT Pearce, H. L. How IkjVI?- John F .Mitchell. I?r. (?'onion Hribine. Dr. J. K. Gordon, State Representa tive from Guilford, has just arranged to help the Stat?.' l3oard of Health se rure full registration of aJl.Wrths aEc deaths iu t*ie State. is work will hi' very largely Educative. He will meet with the doctors, undertaker?, local registrar*, mid wives end others con cerned with the now law and- explain to them not only the working of the law. hut the tremendous possibilities for good that will follow its thorough enforcement, in order that they may ?earrr the same Information among "their patients and other;*. ? Dr. Gordon will then do some ae xuat' -wort? siir.h as~ rtrerfctng re ports, looking up unreported birtlus and deaths and so on. The important thing just now Is to ] get the public to appreciate the value of this'law to the State and to future geperations. If the law is once fully comprehended there will he no further questjon^about its enforcement. Kxpress Reduction*. - Some idea of the reduction in ex press rates arc -ordered by tbPe inter state commerce convmission may he j gathered from the new srtreflule an-1 nounced today by the Southern Ex press Company to be effective Febru ary 1. It was estimated by the com mission that the reductions ordered would amount to between $10,060.- I 000 and $15,000,000 n annual re- ] ccipts. The J*ate between Raleigh and New ?Y^rk* on Ave pound packages \vi)Y be 29 cents Instead of 60 cents; between Raleigh and Chicago 34 cents instead of 70 cents; Atlanta, 20 Instead of 60^ New Orleans, 36 instead of J5. On twenty pounds the rates between this city and New York will be 68 centa instead ot |l;_ibetween this city and Chicago, 76 centsinstead" of 11.20; At lanta, 60 cents liratead'of $1, and so on. The r^tes were pffefcred to be placed in effect eatiler, but the com pany found 1t impossible to work out the new. and complicated tariff. \ TOWN COMMISSIONERS MET IN REGULAR SESSION FB1 . I>AY NIGHT. v ' Several Reports Received?Contract Awarded to P. A. Ilea v is to Haul Coal. . *? The Board of Town' Commisioners met In regular sesion on last Friday night with all members except Ford present. After reading and approv- ? ing minutes of the previous meetings the following business was disposed of. Report of E. S. Ford, treasurer, was received and ordered filed. Report or Chief of Police, J. C. Tuck er, was received and filed. He reports costs $41.15, fines $11.50, llconses^^ $55.00, rents $15.00. i Report of A. W. Alston, clerk, was received and filed. He reports light ; , rents $623.47, water rents $258.39, with $4.47 back rents. A motion prevailed to appoint J. | M. Allen a committee to have street j around ? confederate monument and sidewalks adjacent thereto repaired. Upon motion the purchasing agent was instructed to purchase twelve rub- % her coats and caps for firemen. It was moved and carried that the 4 town accept P. A. Reavis' proposition to dumps; store arid haul coal at 50 ceuts per ton and to keep a supply at the ]>oweg house, for a period of six months. A motion prevailed that Supt. R. C. Beck and Commissioner J. M. Allen be empowered to purchase all necessary supplies for lights.and water-plant. v After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to Its next rcgr ular meeting, _____ : A NNOl'NCEMENT. The management of this paper takes much pleasure in anuoune ing to our readers and friends that tills paper carries- news of the opening; of the EKANKLIN TI M KS^ACTO CONTEST which uill he under the'direct ions and niamureiueiit of The l'eakc-15ar rett Co., Durham, N. C. V This company ha* what we beliete to he tlie fairest and best system of conducting contests ti'.nFlfa* ever been presented to us. Their method of recording votes raid keeping record of the ^standing of contestants is* such thaK-fHtfhlnir- hut satisfaction can possibly follow.- Vok*s and money m^recorded in such a manner that niake>' it possible whereby the .Indite-* could dis card (lie Ijallot boxhjul correct ly auurd the prizes rm^ni the cash, and lotcs entered ou t he cash book. \ Another feature of the method of tills Company is their system r^-juf oner] uj; ltoims or Extra^otes J*, on club offers? Wherein their tir'^t tmliieemi'ii? nf cxfru l-nfnn is the largest that will be made throngbonf the congest. All otli er offer* that will be made on extra totes wftl crow smaller in number, therMfj-Tnak luir it possible for the young: Indie* to ?ret more rotes dnrinor the tir^t part <rf the contest for s?2."?.00 t ban ean be. secured dur ing the la>t part for $7?>.00. This method inCMUTl HgftllUi parties metliod' InsurcV airalnst parties hours of the contest and buying the prWes as Is sometimes practiced by other tirms and conducting*- contests. We believe their system to be honest, fair and upright, . and advisea 11 the young ladles in our subscription terrltirry to en ter their names as Candidates in this contest, after reading the page advertisement elsewhere In this paper. Wishing you all success, we are Very truly yours, v FRANKLIN TIMES, Per A. E. Johnson, Editor. Beachey Turn* Seven Somersaults In "Air. San Francisco. Jan. 4?Turning seven somersault^ In a biplane In a flight today, Lincoln Beachey estab lished a new aviation record. One of -the lops was executed directly ab^ve a crowd of more than 20,000 persons, ^?no^hef loop Beachey did what la * known an the "cork*cf?.w" twist while hl| aeroplane was in: a perpendicular position. _ "'"AJa" A feature of the exhl^Ttion -was a somersault performed ariwnfaT % hydro-aeroplane. ' Blnoe Re turned M4 . first somersault In th? air five weeks ago Beachey has done the" act 43 v ' F

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