i. i*.? 1 viyjf'.'.ulT ?? ? ? f" jW. JOHfiHON, ED1TOB ANI> MASAUKB. - V. - . ; , THJS COITHTT, THE ?? ?!*???' ?>????. ? - ? ? ?? -?..-fa? . ? ? .i 7. iCi.T; ?. i.^ ?p ? ? ?>. . SCBgCBHTriOX (MM FEB YEAS. ?*"" LOUISBUBG.H. C.. f"'" ? ~ ? 4. AMES STfLL COMING IN . - . ' Franklin Times Great Auto Contest NOMINATED BY THE HCNBBEDH. V. .? , / ??4 Pulky of Contest Much -AeHve Work Already Rp i w- Nominate Yourself ? Enter "er In the history or newspaper^ Irns a content created so much' Comment aa has the Frank It, AM*Congest., Tb? r pas been busy every answering questions and ao omlnatlons. Moro than three Hamea have been sent In and niail bringing In,more The npUty by which this contest is con dncted mot with the hearty approval all contestants, and already^uitfyfe has.begun. That all the big votes are given in the beginning grows smaller to the close. Is evl lough that success dopends eattrely on an early start. For all estra bonus votes will be Issued during the Brst part of the contest, and shall gr?? smaller each week, to the clos ing of this contest. By this method ase would have to put up two or three the worth of the prizes to win away from the contestants who taken an a.dvantag of the extra offered In the beginning. This, of course no one will do. 80, the suc cess of the fortunate winner of th^ Five Passenger Ford Touring Car, the Grand. Prewntt Piano or eith er of the district-prizes, depends en? tirely upon an early start. The proper thing to do, Is to get busy today, seeking thes^upport of your friends. If you -do not fully understand et> ery particular of this contest, either, come, write or phone to the contest manager Uxlay, and all particulars w,lll gladly be given. Do not waste any time in this matter, for the prizes of fered are certainly worth many times the time and work, that It will take to win. Besides other contestants are already taking advantage of the first /rulta of the season. I tookjover the Ifst below and if "your Mviiie' does not appear among them^send It in today. Don't be back ward or faint at heart, be determined and ambitious, ahd ypu can surely win if ypu try. Enter yodr iwme ?Hh the one aim of being the winner .of the capital prize In this contest. Come to the office of the Times and see the car?the Piano and the Watchcs, then you will know what you have to work far. ? The management ot tbe Franklin Tlnjes, tried Hard 16 select tbe lciqil ^prizes/mat would appeal to the Tpnng JfcdieB, and In tUeir effort to please-and satisfy you, they. , have ht more prtsea than hag ever been Offered on any weekly paper In this sita to. The Fire -Passenger ' Ford Tburlng Car, sold by the Lonlsburg JJJaohtne Works, with one price all7 ?*er the world 1586.00 Jo the capital prize, and Is one certainly worth work-J a tor. You can yajua your time at] 1.00 pOr month if you win this car. The Prescott Upright Grand Piano | is the Orand Prize, a one priced jjjro ?IU. that has been manufactured more one hundred year?- under .the energy. This plani Is _ nteed from every point of "view by tilt HoweU-Buy-HprtBBH Co., lift., M&N?pH>urv.' >: t . ?phe two prtasa mentioned above, are open to all district* and are on tfspiay at tbeefcoWi ? earthed places. 'r/THE DMTKICT^rtttZBS - k are: prises of merit and mucn Kalne, aitt are to be appreciated .by the win ners of each district There is no need ot our talking about the quality ot the Elgin Watch, for every6re Is aware of the fact that they are iicdei?. But ?ur h is the case with all the prizes, inght the best y~ time la short and its the early of this contest that counts for votes, and our advice is for start Y>*< today, and' begin affi aillhii .campaign for votes. Start gM feeling that you are going la tbe end.Work Ideaa (eel that ' ftpMM Then ?h?n the oentest ctoses, you eaa closelr I** the otto* ~rr i&s :- -t ? i >vi; name IhIIk to be numbered among I them, fill out the nominating blank, and send tt is today: -. LCittlSBtrRG. N <\ Sut AtBtoU Mrs. J. B. Fulghum Mary YarboroU&h Mildred Scott *" rt' ?aUle "ftiylor V Lillian High Mary Louis Foster Ethel Williams ' VerHeWeldon ' Mrs.?Clyde Orla Bom yfi Mary Stuart Egerton Pattte Gee HITI Marlon HoUlngBwortli i, Lura Duki' , ' L Mrs. W. E. White '% Mrs. Rosemond RagsduV Mrs. If C. Beck Bessie Williams Elizabeth Clifton Mary Exum Burt Mamie Hicks Mrs. Louis R. Scoggln Susie Meadows Lonle Meadofwa ' ? Fannie MuitfMd Eleanor Cook Mattie Allen Efej All?ti ' ? Helen Smithy ick Abiah Person Lillle Mae Aycock ? Julia BarrOw Annie Green Baftlah Tucket. Mamie Jones ? f Sallle Lou Macon ?alile Louise Macon Elizabeth Allen Una May Hayew \ " Edna Allen - Mrs. M. S. Davis, Jr.. v Alice Morrison Jennie'Mecums Louise Allen ' Beatrice Turner / Mrs. J. E. Malone/ Mrs. Dr. E. M. Perry Mrs. Walter Gilmoce , Ruth Allen Mrs. G. L. Crowell Virginia Foster Marguerite Hicks Dorcas McKlnno Ruth Hail Mrs. P. B. Griffin Orle Alford Lillian Murphy ? Mrs, Joe Mann Mrs. Shirley Downey Mrs. B- Williamson Mre. B.. T. Holden 1,I( Nolc Aycock ' 24< Mrs. R. H. Strickland _ ' 1,1( Beverla Pierce ;? 1,31 Mrs. Phi. Thomlinson 2,04 MarySherrod . " - '? ? . ?*'. 1,31 Mnripiarltn HarWn ? i?f Mrs. June Furgereon ' 1,11 Mrs. R. W. Hudson? 3,<M Mrs. Maloolm-McKhine Z,5( Elizabeth TlmberlaK* 1,41 Mrs. H. P^/Britt ^ ^|| Mary Mitchell . --- JSJ! Beulah Cyrus ( ljg,) Mrs. John S.1 Ho well ' ).M Ruth McOee , ? May iyaH|ir Beulah Cooper Mamie Brown . ? ?jQ| OtemtrJmres - ?lj6 Mra. Wiley Joyner 2,<H MSggto/Lee Bailey - . V.W oiHejnord - i&mgu - Bwawr ?? ? tj* Mary foaes Cottrott l,i< Camolla Yarborough . l.Sf Mrs. E. L. Harris (Ma 8trickiand xX Elizabeth Alston ' * Elizabeth Morton , Sophia Wilder Florence Boone Mrs. J. A. Harris Mrs. Oraham Person May Wilson ' / Sadie Qupton Maggie Johnson FRANKLNTON, N C. Maggie Coke Lallle Blackley La?ile White s Mrs. C. F. Cutts Nellie Whitfield Aittle a Parker A?J? May mm**. ROtlf Whitfield Lector Ray Mtnafa 1 EleanorVa?a v 1,700 Mar# Stanton i tr,o. NertleCdnway.. . Bess!? Whitaker .' Lillian White Ruth Blackley Li'.llau Blac'.loy . " ? Oza Cooke . Eleanor Winston Mre. Dr. 'A. R. Winston May C softer Mary Reid" Daniels Rebecca Wester Fannie Bell Allen Mrs. L. C. Plrle -- Sarah Conyers ? Margie Speed * Mr*. Norwood Speed Martha Harris ? > Buaie McOe< ' Lola Fuller. ? , ' Mrs. Henry T. May Minnie Morris Mrs. Fleming Fuller x Y0UNG8VILLK. N. t Corinna HolnJes Mrs. Herbert Holmes Lizzie Purgejfon Kate Mltcheiir Esper Suitt Mrs. C. F. Best , Mrs. J. A. Catlett Mrs. B. G. Bragg Lettie Garner Marguerite Davis Ruth Fuller Nonna Moore Lucy Moss ' * j ' Mary Winston,. Gertrude Winston Susie Pierce I^ma Allen Ruth^ Strickland Annie Bell Pr^dd Bettie Holden Mrs. .StephenWinston. Mrs. Wyide Hight BrncKtmo Hayes Mrs; Cleveland Purgerson elen Winston ?alile V. Harris ? ?? ALERT. t(. C. Mrfc. Ray Tharrington Mrs. Lucie Marshall Mrs. Mary Whiller Lucy Perneli ? Lillia Harris ' Rosa Murry Mrs. Maty Hicks Mrs. Lena Perneli * JJrs. W. M- Perneli Sara C. Tharrington , Carrie Ball .. Addie Carroll ? Saliie Perneli , _ Mrs. Lizzie Falkner Mary Burnett " . Mrs. R. T. Tharrington Mamie Caroll Mary Alston Lessie Foster Annie Foster KITTRELL. N. C. Annie May-Garner i,300 Nan Williams 1,300 LiUla^Crudut) , 1,250 Josephine He id " 1,200 Luclle Ellis :jr - 1,300 Mary Ellis " ' 1400 Cora Hunt L 1,300 Rosa Hunt, 1,200 Anna Hunt 7 ~ " 1,250 Gussie Fincii . -_1,300 Ora Garrett .' . 1,100 Clara Young ' 1,150 Dollie Woodliet ' 1,150 Lois Woodliet v . 1.?OO Maurice Rogers '-_t3T 1,400" JVAKEPEM), N C Luale Green ^ .1,000 Mind? Oreaa 1,100 Bonny B. Pippin 1,400 Ruby Melvtn \&jt Mfcry Whitley >.' Laura Ball L20? Moaelle Leathers 1,200 Louise Horton Hasef Jones Alva Jone* 1,250 Mary Pippin 1,200 Ann!? Godwin - . 1,300 Mai^H T 2,500 ; . MAPLEVILLE, n. c. Mary Lou Harris . 2,000 OllVa Hobgood : 1,300 Lpssla Sykes , - 1,600 QUPTON, N. C. Mrs. O. C. Parrish ' 1,300 ! Mary B. Gupton 1,400 ' KEARNEY, N. 6 Rllia fuller , .1.60? SPRING HOPE, N. C. ' Mrs. B. P, Wood ] NASHVILLE, Juanlta Penny Eula Cooptir * ? . " Eunice Wtofkr1 K-v" 7 . 1,500 wjp-** ' 153 Mn,;. B. Sturdfvant 1,500 WHITAXBR. N. C. Mfey Etta Hunt, 1,300 Annie gledfte ' i,350 ROCKY Mth^NT, N C., R. "F. D. NO. 3 May Color t ? 1,400 Thousands J'*ri?h In Volcano Anhes. Nagasaki,' Japan, Jan. 13.?Indica tion# today were that tbe death list from t ha ea Ih quake and volcanta did turbanc? declared any oBclal estf mate at U?, extant of , the disaster would be iapoeeible fbr several layy? The popqi atlon at the city of Knc oshlma, :h was .almost crmpletc iy burled inftvolcttite ashes a-?d atones .was 60,600 t the last cpn ius. -The imputation ot the adii.lnmg Is land Sakura, the centre of thy dis turbance Is ?ivi'ti at lS.OCo Or) tills island hundreds -are report e lto hn\ e perished beneath streams ' ol luv:i from the volcano Sakura-Jin\K Many more undoubtedly were drown oU whiln attempting to escape ^ Refugees ? who amved l-)(!ay from Kagoshima sara: "The eruption started suddenly witi; columns of thick Wivek^smoke an J flame from tbe crater and Sakura Jlma. Hun dreds of - Inhabitants ot the Email in land rushed to the bew'u and leaped Into junks and ate-ijnet i, which unt ried them actoas three miles of water | to Kagoshima. _? "Ashes, stones and particles of white-hot lava fell upon the decks of the fleeing vessels. At Kagoshima the heat was intense and the con stantly increasing hall of glowing cinders tgade it impossible for citi zens to remain there. - "The horror was increased by in cessant eartiishocks more than 350 which recorded before pightfall. "People fled in droves alone the highways leading west and north from tliec Ity, abandoning every thing. 'i "Soon they goffered a set back from lack Qf food and waterv * When they left Kakgoshlma the volcano re sembled -an enormous set piece of fireworks, flowing from the foot of the mountain*" to the summit. Dur j ing the night glowing lava Uluminat 1 ed the entire district.*' FRANKLIN SUP'R COURT CONVENED MONDAY IK CKIMrNAL TKBX. Hi? Honor Jndjfc Cooke Presiding and Solicitor 11. E. Norrln on the Job. The regular term of Franklin Superior- Court (or the trial of crlm inal cases only convened here oq Mon day morning with Hon. C. If. Coke Judge Presiding and Hon. H. E. Nor ris, State attorney present and prose cuting. Judge Cooke, In his charge to the jury gave much sound and far reaching advice and ffladu Liiuir di entirely clears He dealt at length on the violation of the prohibition law gambling and nlatol toting. His charge was well delivered and weigh ty. Solicitor Norrls- is making himself known to the law breakers In no mis takable way and is doing a good work After the charge the Sherijf drew the following who were sworn in an Grand Jury (or the term: O. W. Eaves, Foreman, J. F. Baker, J. R. William*, J. W Davis, J. Z. Ter rell, W. W. J. SfWtnn. A. ?. Frailer, A. T. Mkchiner, C. P. Ncrwel!, J. S. HowelJ, D. K. Burnette, J. W. Batton, George Terrell, col, O. C. O ?C. Mltchiner, C. G. Ayoecac, K. B. Freddy, NTH* Huff ' ' :~r? 8, J. Aiford waa sworn to as officer to grand Jury. - ..." \ ? The bsittlMwas taken up ajid dis posed of a* folio* p: Stato V? J. ^D. Pcrgorson, defendant discharged and case removed from docket " ? ? [ Etafe re Claude Eaton, court Buds the defendant~has violated bis bond, r fined ?26.00 and coats. State VI Weldon Horton, continued op.account ?>( being before Supreme jooutt- - L state vs Henry Mitehell, nol pros leave. BUM ? RlfitaH Dtu?ston, ap>eal to [?"Court- dtailaaeiJtald form* :e of thte court to bq. enforced. ?*? ?u*fcWn M1 pro* with leave. ,-StSte v. BaWte w^HMMnUlams JOIN CURRENCY SYSTEM jlouisburg National Banks Take Action . At Meeting Tuesday. pleads guilty four months on roads. State vs Matthew Eerson waives bill and pleads guilty, twelve month* on rpads.. ? j State vs John Stone, c. c. w. 'rid a. d. w? defendant submits, lined $20 and costs for e. c. w. and $38 and costs for a. d.w. State vs Berry Moyd, c. c. w. pleads guilty, fined $20 and costs. , State vs Ernest Daniel pleads guil ty, fined $20 and costs. State vs James and Ed Williams, cruelty to animals, guilty, fined S20| and costs. State vs Ashley Clopton 1 and r. pleads-guilty. state rs Cornelius Whitley, c. c. w? pleads guilty, fvo months, on roads^ State vs John Williamson, a. d. v., not guilty. ? s.: State vs ,8am and Laney Kelly vlolat ing prohibition law, pleads guilty, - months on roads as to Sam, Laney to give bond tor appear an ce^at each January term of Franklin Superior good behavior. State vs Josh Qlles, Otho Giles and Luther Giles, Josh. Giles pleads guil ty two months on roads. State vs Daniel Harris called and failed. Cornelius Whitley, defendant to be hired to the town of Loulsburg for the sum of $30 per month and to pay cost of action and'the balance df two-" -months wages to be paid into the school fund. . ? "V* I State vs Eddie Strickland w., pleads guilty, 60 days on roads State vs Irene Fogg. c. c. w., guilty. . State vs Solomon Mitchell sentence changed to $25 and costs. State vs Mary Terrel, retailing, nnl prosed. State vs Bob Yarborough, retailing nol pros. State vs Thomas Jordan and Dock Splvey, disturbing public worship, not guilty. . V ? State VR Joe Cooley, c. c. w., pleads guilty, two months on roads to bes'.-i after expiration of former sentence. _ State vs Charlie Harris, retailing, nol pros. State vs Ben Richardson and Spen cer Pearcc, affray, guilty as :o bath Spencer Pearce fined jOvo cents and costs, Ben Richardson fined fB.OO and costs. ^ State ys Percy Williamson, pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon pay ment of costs. ? ' < State vs Wllbert Hawkins, pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon pay-, ment of costs. State vs Piatt Perry, pleads guilty In two cases, Judgment suspended nn on payment ot costs. State vs Joe (jooley ,a. d. w., pleads guilty, two month?" nn marts ? As we go to presa court is still in ?progress. , . REPORT*GRAND JURY. The Grand Jury finished its busi ness yesterday afternoon and made the following report after which they *ere?discharged with the thanks' of the court: * - To the Hon^C. M. Cooke, Judge Presid Ing at the Franklin Superior Court: =?t the January term of Court: We beg leave to submit the follow Wo have passed on all bills. to the best of our knowledge and belief. We have visited the county jail In a body also the court houfce, the convict camp finding all in good and MnlUry con ditions and prisoners pleased with the treatment. We have inspected the various coun ty offices finding all neatly-kfept. _ We recammend that a larger safe Be bought for Clerk Saparior' Court room. We also recommend that a second o^mmode ])e placed in rear, of court room-for con reuicnco of the court We wish to T3t?hi thanks to the court and SoMcltotuNorrls for couftesy shown lis during court " ' RiespectfuRy Submitted . / ^y r.' ? , x ' ? - 4 y' * B?a?i*Jr have otrett llr?t TCSfin# jltvery, Mia ?treat and: turtt ? aevj| T-'V-l RICHMOND THE OBJECTIVE. Banks Will Subscribe to Capitol Stock of the Federal Swerve Baafc In This Zoae. / The Farmers National and the F"l*ot National Bank o( Loulsburg In tlk meetings of their respective boards of directors the past week passed rea^ olutions heartily endorsing the change' in tile National Currency system ant* subscribing stock to the Federal Re WW Bank, to be located In this zone T;.->y, Have. nNo cxfcoMil theltL en- ' dori'mcnt of Rlc'.TMid ac the proper place for Us ". :?itou ? w.ng to the con venience of business transactions with tills ulty. This system ts recognised a most progressive move jmd a big improvement over the old one. 1?. Is expected that In the operation of the tie* system, a benefit will be In direct reach of tpo farming people in that a feature involved that promoes to lead to a rural credit system. We are Informed that immediately upoji the opportunity presenting it elf the local banks will, becoiuu a tcrtlon j>f the big national f3s.erve system. - . PERSONALS. Mr. J. D. Bailey visited Raleigh the past week.," Mr. Malcolm McKinno visited Prince ton the past week. Mr. B. F. Wood, of Spring Hope, was ? visitor to. Loulsburg Monday.. Messrs. J. H. West and O. V. Par rish stent to Henderson Monday Mrs. F. M. Winchester, of Charlotte, is spending the week with the Mj^ses Jarman on Middle street. Mr. R. W. Hudson went to Warren ton Monday evening, as a witness in the William Perry cane. ? f"' Mr. H. B. Hardy, the kid of the News and Raleigh was.a Louis burg visitor the past week. Mr. W. A Scott, Deputy Insurance Commissioner of Raleigh, iwas in Louis burg Wednesday inspecting buildings. Rev. A. D. Wilcox, who has been on a visit to his old home' In Oklahoma City, Okla., returned home on last Friday. Solicitor H. K. Norris, of Raleigh, is In Loulsburg this weeV represent ingthe State In the present term of court. ? Messrs. J. A. Turner, T. B. Wilder. W. T. Person and A. A. Pornell wenf aver to Raleigh Friday night to see "Six Sixty Six." Ur. G. iT West passed through town Monday en route to Henderson where he has accepted a position for tiw-wilHftg frcar1.** Messrs. E. F. Thomas. E. M. Koler I. C. Massenburg,.Claude Collins and Charlie Clark. went over to Raleigh Friday night to see "Officer Six Sixty Six." MeaaTt, T. W. Watson and W. D. Eg erton were among the many from here to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons at Raleigh the past week. Mr. vrta. H. Ruffin left Wednesday fdr . Bladen comity to finish up" the legal work he had been conducting for the.lumber company. He will re turn about February 1st. . Macon-Adams. Invitations as follows have been re ceived lit town: __ Mf and Mrs. John C. Adams request the pleasure of jour company at the marriage of their daughter , LFlllan Bradshaw 'to Mr. Edwin Jones Macon on Wednesday afternoon, the twenty eight of January , at one .o'clock " At Home * -? Linden, North Carolina. The bride Is one qf Uadfrn'*^ popular and accomplished yofog lad tfb i nd is well known aipvi; a large' h3(,t of friends In hurttg gradwtad, ttaa-*bMhi1nirR Nnri# Colleee the oast anftalnn i Mr. Maoon to ay006? man of splen did business ability and is one of

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