r"*a??Ss"HjfeSSfK . ?~f ;.w#V ? ?\- 'jvV * v-V^4tHLjS HAS A CI Atalo Contest Now in Ileal. ^.4 T? DAT?NOMINATE tWE rnr. _ to wi? th* . b. iNt mtiu&UE T)im^ lalo CCAltfft .w.lwh^.coo I.w* rtutltitt m* !**??? *11 Mitt rf tk? fttetow 41s It took bat Uttl. tlm.for the 9<Miac ladles to Mfc aadto realise th? Talus of the KtoM aad th? fair method of the eoetoct. The opportunity of cettlnc an ele gant five passenger touring car with oat * single cent coat to you, does not cone to you every day, but to think that the only thine yon ha*? to do. to - to let out and do a little work- Then too, th* time for work is ao short tkat Jt. will-go by before you hardly rea lise it. and yon oan, if you win try. be the proud owner of tMa car when the cojrtait closes. Yet, should ytm (Ail to wttk the ?**, there is a ?450.00 upright Orand Preeeott Piano, as the grand prise. .Vlito prise Is one to be ap for ft will linger with- you to t*e bUssful hour? of dreary days. It will bring back tood recollection of the lun and frolica of the FranKMn Tim?r Auto Contest. _ _ Each district has, also, a valuable prise to win which will be in the form of. a ladle? beautiful gold Elgin watch. This makes a-total of eigut (8) valuable prizes to be awarded to eight young ladles on March 14th. The capital prize will be awarded to the young lady securing the largest count of votes, regardless of district or in other words?this is open to all districts. The grand prize is also open to.all ^Utricts and will be awarded to the young lady securing tlv.> second liigh eftt <spunt Of-votes. , offer to ?lie oSh<(fiitRuts. one MMn watch, to each district, to the young lady securing the highest count of votes, In their respective dis i let. o- coming nearest to tbe young lady ? io wins the gttsnd price the piano it) 331 These watches ar I "toe best (jHat could be bought?Elglna and are worth efforts tow in. Mow, that we have put much time and money Into thii list of j 1 '*? tre leave it lip tO li s contestant*! t? pet i* intd money and money intc rotes fou can wjn If 5Wl try with nan m ? sttdk :-ness. Make uf?}r?ar-*itad that I are 'going to sdioab oat a leader the final count and work to this 1. ilhe only sure and safe TouH And your friends ready and lijMlIim to help you. AU they want la iMton on you part. Just as soon as thay see that you are out to win, they **? come to your rescue. In a man ner that you'll appreciate. Just .Mart boosting your standing _ at- votes and they'll grow faster thai you can Imagine. Subscriptions gets votes?and votes wilt win for you. Ttij^opnortunltv >s ronr. .iikewieo (lie prise, tip capital prirej If you'are whk ing.to go lifter It in the righi manner > and determined way. , _ ]Lifck over the following lint of name aWd,sce your standing today, then see Itd^onucli bigger you can make it Tor ttw ib'e'xt issue. Everybody llk?s' to help a leader, "\_ Subscription a mailed at 'your post office by 6 p. m, Saturday January 34th trill oount on period ending-this date, even though .they do not reach us before the following Monday or Tuesday. . ?. District No. 1. LOPTSTUrhG, N. C. Sue Alston I M Mrs. J- H FulRlium Mary Yarborough , Ml Mren d Boott 1 ?alile Taylor LIHIM High - j Mi jBLoulse Foster Mary Stuart Egerton Pattle Gee Hill Marlon Holllngsworth Laura Duke Mr*. W EX White Mrs. Roeemoad Ragadale Mrs.R. C. Bee* io.ii Bessie William* Clifton " ?. Louta>. Sooggln , w Lonte Meadows 2.060 rutmSe Mnnford 3,000 Cook 4.000 Mattle Allen _ 3.600 Br. Allen V- M00 4.000 2,600 *?#? 2.60? Benlah Tucker 2.800 Hamie t"nes i g mm. M S. Darls 3,600 Alice Morrison 1,400. Jennie Mecums 2,800. _ . - ~ fc.*s < Allen - 4.600 Beatrice ^Turner 3,000 Mr?. J. B. Halone 2.800 Sire. Dr. B. M. Perrr . ' 4,600 Mra. Walter CHlmore ( fc 6.000 Rtrth AU?n 3,M0 Mtb.-Q. U Crowell 2,600 ? 'U 8,000 5,000 ) 3,400 4,000 '? 8,800 4,000 Mnrphy ? '. 2,800 jgjiWl _. 3,600 stirier Downey 2,800. B: N. "Williamson 3,600 Hi* SC. T. Hoi den 4,600 Note AycOet? 4,00 Ure. R. H. Strickland 2,200 Ura. D. O. Pearoe 4,000 lira. Phi Tbomllnaon 3,000 Mary Sherrod 2,800 Marguerite Harris 3,600 Mrs. June Fnrgerson '? 4,600 Mrs. R. W. Hudson 1,000 Mrs. Malcolm Mckinae 4,000 Ellza^pth Tlmberlake ~ * 3,000 Mrs. H. P. Brttt - 6,000 Mary Mitchell 3,?00 Beulah Cyrus ??-. ? 4JKM) Mrs. John 8. Howell * 1^0 Ruth McOhee 4,000 May Cooper v Sj?O Mamie Brown . 4Mf Clellle Jones 4,046 ?f?: Wiley Joyner ? , - 8,6$) Magjrie Lee Bafley 8,860 Ollle Floyd ? > 3,000 Mrs W. r, Beasley 4,000 Mary Jon??' Cottrttt 0,600 Camel la Yarborough 2,600 Mis. B. JU Harris 2,400 Oda Strickland 6,100 :Rnth Webb 3,600 Elisabeth Alston 4,000 Elizabeth Morton 4.600 Sophia Wilder 6.000 Florence Boone . - ? 8,600 Mrs. J. A. Harris 3,800 Mrs. D. Q. Pearce 3.000 ' District Ha. t. " 'V LftpISBURG, N. C. Verlie Weldon Mrs. Clyde Griseom Mrs. Graham Person May Wilson,-. Sadie Gupton Maggie Johnson FRANKLINTON, N C Maggie Cooke Lallle Blackley Lallle White Itjrs, C. F. Cntts Tfeme-WhitneTd : Annie C. Parker Ada May Alice Utley Rfah WhitBelfl Lector pt?r ? Minnie Ransrtell * Laura Mltchlner Molile Mltchiner Mary Kearney f Kva Moore Lois Dickerson J Josephine Henley Eleanor Vann .. Mary Stanton ' ~ ?* . * Nellie Conway I, Bessie "Whltaker Lillian White Ruth Blackley to*, Lillian Blackley Osa Cooke J Eleanor Winston w Mrs. Or. A. R. Winston \ , May Cooper . ???,U-~ V Mary Reld Danluls ?^ - Rebecca Wester _1 Fannie Beli Allen Mrs 'l: C.Plrie Sarah C'onyera - ? ?. ? . ?.? Margie Speed ? _ Mrs. Norwood Speed lUrtlm Harris Baals McOhee Lola Fuller ...iw; - ' % ' J Crudup Raid Luclle Ellis Mary E11U Cera Hunt - Bosa -Hunt 4pna Hunt - Ouak. Pinch .* Ora Qarrett Clara Youni Polilo Woodltef Cols Wood lief Maurice Rogerw YOUNOBVILLB, N. C., R. F. D. NO* J Mrs. G. T. Bast . 10,00? ALBRT, N. C. Mra R T. Tharrington Mra. Lucie Marshall Mrs. Mary Wheeler Lucy Pernell 141 Urn Harris Rosa Murry Mrs. Mary Hloka Mrs. Lena Pernell Mra. W M. Pernell Sara C. Tharrington Carrie BaU Addle Carroll ?alile Pernell Mrs. 1*1 ule Falkner Mrs. R T. Tharrington District He. 3. Y0UNO8VIEL1), N. C. Corinna Holmes Mrs. Herbert Holmrs L(f.i1c Purgerson Kate Mitchell Esper Sultt Mrs. J. A. Catlett _ ? , Mrs. R. C. Bragg - Lottie Garner . ,;~ Marguerlte Batis Ruth Fuller Norma . Moore Lucy Moss ? Mary Wlnstaii.'' Gertrude Wlnato > Annie Bell Preddy Bettie Holden j Mrs. Stephen Winston Mrs. Wade Hlght j Ernestine Hayes \ Mrs. Cleveland Purgeraon i Helen Winston 1 Annie Grace Harris ' ?alile V. Harris ;LM?le Roberts HHttl? Porkirson . District Ne. 4. . MAPLEVILLE, N. C. Lossie SykoB 7,00# 8PRINQ HOPE. N. C.. Mrs. B. F. Wood 4,00# llrg. Albert May - 1,600 MIsb Minnie Matthews ^ 2,800 Grace Bonn ?4' s 3,400 Miss Dollle Edwards 3,600 Mrs. Harvey Griffin 11,009 Mrs. Sam Marsh bo urne a.XuO Mrs. S. P. Weather by 3,80t Mlsa Rath Mff 3,200 Miss Helea fjfnj- *7500 Miss Lula HoUtagaworth 3,000 Miss Lillle Qrifen 3,000 Miffs Llllle Strings , . 2,500 ? . WAKEFIELD, N. C. ? Luale Green 3,00j) Minda Green ? 2,500 Bonny B. Pippin 3,500 Ruby Melvln 4,000 Mary Whitley 5,000 Latira Bell ?? -> ? 4,500 Mozelle Leathers 5,000 Louise Horton 2,500 Hatle Jones ? 3,800 Alva Jones _ 4,800 j Mary Pippin ?? " 5,000 Annie Godwin 6,000 Maud Lancaster ~- 4,0't0 District No. 5. LOUISBURG, N. C. Sallle Leu Macon 6,000 jSallle Louise Macon 4,000 Ivtlie1! Williams * &,000 ,; na?bville', K. C. Jauntta Penny 3,500 Eula Cooper % 4,000 Euntqe Watson 5,000 Francis Frazier 3,500 Mrs. Carrie MoCouloy? fc60? ' ^ CASTALIA, N. C. Ruby Bartholomew . 4,000 Irefto Taylor * f ' 3,000 Sallle ?Williams . ^ ~-?5bd Myrtle Pnrrlsh 4,800 Luclle Inscoe ' 3,500 Gray Collie : f.4,600 j Myrtle HoHlpgeworth- - 4,000 | Claude Nelms - =6,800 -Mrs. .B T, Drake Elizabeth Green 4,000 Mrs. J. B. Sturdivant 5,000 WHITAKER8. G. Mary Etta Hunt, - 3,500 Annie Sledge *> 4,800 ROCKY MOUNT. N. C., R. F D N03 Mrs. O. _ S3RXT QIJt* Hy|j?i,il ?- . 6.000 /.000 Mtrr B. 4|pon 6,000 by, n. c. " ? :i Rill? Puller ' 6,900 Ha. 6. IOHT8DALK, N. C. MUu Munh Weather? 2,000 ?I? et 1 Graded HehoeL W* ?re isqueste d to state that Prof. H. St My, of the University of North Car Una, will address (he peo at ths Graded School on next < tdnesday evening at 7:30 o'eliMk.' 1 Us Is the beginning of a plan of a Uoa upon the part of the University to extend Its usefulness to th? vaffous schools of the SUte In and the public in general out men of experience and the special lines of study he Information it possesses particular by settdinj know] to impart to th* pupps and public In the form of lectures. ly fn* U Is rhese lectures are entlre the public, and the entire ?rdially invited to go out ?lm:' ?? Sit XaplevlUe. ey, pf the State Unlrer liver all address at Map levllle, In \ the academy on Thursday Bight, January 2?th, 1914, at 7:80 o'clock, "fbe puhlic Is cordially In rlted to- attend On February 13th the ladles of the Betterment Association will give an Old Fiddlers Convention at the Acade my. All who play the violin are In vited to a part. There wilt be two prise*?the flr?t being $2.00 and the seconq $1.60. The admission to this will be 25 cents and 16 cents and the proceed* will be for the benefit of the school.. / ~ Notice. The members of Col. R. M McKin ney Camp Nov 1527 are requested to m6et In the court house in the town of Louisblurg. Friday January 30th. By order /pf the Commander H. C* Kearney to pay their annual dues for the ^$ar 1^14. All confederate sol d>?? ari Afll.il eaent. / t Franklin Saperlor Coart. The January term of Franklin Su perior Court for the trial of criminal cases came to a clos; on lii<st Satur day afternoon. Since our last re port the following cases were disposed of: ' - The grand Jury returned a tru? bill against Ernest Kearney for ranrder and he was arraigned. The Solicitor stated in open ceurt that he would only ask for a verdtctof muTdCF" ir. the second degree. ' The *hntence againA Sam Kelly was changed to a fine- of $1.00 and costs. Also the sentence against Ed die Strickland was changed to a fii'e of $15.00 and costs. State vs Joe Young pleads guilty to forcible trepass, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Sonny Perry, Judgment Of Justice ojjthe Peace reversed. State vs J. Hi Arnold, continued oa account of sickness qt witness. State vs Willie Shearln, judgment of Magistrate reversed^? ? State vs 1. L. Andrews, judgment of Miisiarate rcvcrsodr" State vs Allen Perry and "William Perry, not guilty. . . State vs S. J. Bartholomew, ?ct for hear:!'/ Saturday 21t!l -day of Jan-J udry. ' Statr VS Irene Fobs, judgment sus pended upon payment of costs. State vs Robert N'cal, false pretense, : not guilty.. Befiiie the adjournment Solicitor II. E. N'ori'la' sulimltte 1 ti o foliov. l-i;: TpTiirt vijioii t'.:r llut'tTof t'c rp; ("ire: ... To the Hon C M._C'ooke, Judp:c j're The under*,;* ". Solicitor i!f tljp-j Scvcnt i Judicial district respjptftffiy j report? to lite Court tiiiit h? hai ex amined .it this term ot-rtid court Info row the Clerk of the Superior Court floe well administered in alt-jespects, that said sl#k keeps in his oBlce all badks required by law, prpporly lir dented for speedy and convenient ref erence. '?# He furthet report,! to the court-that, so far as hec an ascertain the accounts o?aid slerk, both as Clerk of this court, tod as receiver, ate re?u tar and wrr+M' ---- - ~ Nr. v ruwsys P Hill went t oRalcigh fuM " El. 8. Ford went to Richmond this i.R O Allen spent Tuesday in ft. Ml? Lacy Perry went ts Balelgh Mr?. T. W. Blckett spent Wednes day In Raleigh. Miss Mary Stuart Egerton went to Raleigh Monday. Mr. Walter Clark. Jr., of Raleigh, (pent Monday in Loulsburg. ?Mr. Jack Strickland, ot Hender-nn, was in Ixwtsburg ? put w<ek. Deputy Collector Stell, of Raleigh, passed through Loulsburg yesterday Mr. C. L. JohnsM, ?( NnUTllla, was a- visitor to Lout?burg the past week'. Dr. A. -C. Ellis an 1 wife, of Austui, IVxas. visited his peo;.? aese the past week. v Mr. J. P. Winston returnei the past week from a trip to see his people at Belma. Dr. T. A. Matthews ana Mr S J. Bartholomew, of Castalla, were In Loulsburg the past week. Mr. A. A. Clifton, who baa been, on an extended visit to his uncle at Waco. Texas, returned home Friday. Miss Kate High, Messrs. P. v. God frey. N. B. Allsbrooks, H. M^ StoVaU," and C. W. Rich went to Baletgh Wed nesday. Misses Kate and Lillian High, Mes srs. H. B. Allsbrooks. William Ear row and W C. High spent Sa5dar in Raleigh. Mrs. F. M. Winchester left on Tues day morning for her home In Charlotte after a week's rlslt with the Misses Jarman. Mr. A. C. Stalllngs returned home Saturday from Hot SprinrArk . ??here he has been receiving treatment for rheumatism. Miss Helen Day. director of the vo cal department of music of Meredith College, Raleigh, visited Mrs. W rxlter 14. Gilmore the past week. Dr. and Mrs. 8. P. Burt went to Raleigh Tuesday to visit their little daughter, Lucy" Perry, who Is there under treatment for her eyes. Mr. I. J. Diets, of Philadelphia, Pa., a member of the firm of Diets Brothers of this place, arrived In Loulsburg and will take charge of Uie bus iness here Mr. J. M. Riechard. local sales man for the celebrated E. Z frrcc Pump, hae returned toVLoutab'i.'g af ter spending the holidays^! the west ern part of North Carol till Mrs. F. 8. Sprulll, Mrs. - Mrs. J. W. Davenport and Mr. L P. Johnson, ot' Mount, visited their people and I In Loulsburg yesterday. Mrs. "P. G. Alston and Mrs. K F. Early, delegates from the Woman's Mlslonary Society, Miss Margaret Hicks, delegate from Young. Womans Mlslonary Society and Mrs. F. B. Mc- \ lOrine, District Secretary, left Wed-i nesday.for Durham to attend the moet lng of the annual missionary confer ence In session at that place Bishop .M, .'oy ot A'.MtifliDa. ? 11 del I .?< r the a:i ? nual Bormpn Sunday. ST, PAWL'S CHURCH SUNDAY. t Sunday FebraAry the First, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen. s Celebration of the Holy Communion at seven-thirty in the morning. Morn ing prayer nnd congregational meet ing ;it. eleven o'clock. At thi? ser Vice 4here a ill bo tlie annual,election of the veatrv reports of the 'work done duriu? the past year. Report? will be rev d of ti-e various organizations and a thorough discussion of the fin ancial affairs of the Parish. Every baptij-ed. aful confirmed member and friend of the Parish is not only invited but expceled.to he V**c J-ening prr.yci* end sermon at sev C'L^lMriy jn f):o evening. ? P' lA tNLXJIALONE, . Rector. .Win* rear^on to -Miijjt Her nu.ny friends \iill y; glad* to tiiwrn lliat Misslva I'ear son, of Mere dith College. Ualefgh, will sprnd this week *jrtf*in Koubhufg us the gncst of Kov. ond Mrs. W. M. Gilmore, ana will sing at the JiapLiat cLurcli Sunday . morning. / ? . O??Iter former viait Ut?Uiia city I Miss Pearson bas greatly delighted those who heard hftf sing, being a mqsical artist oX rare ability. SaW Mill Rarned. . Information was lecelred in Louis bur* Wednesday to the effect; that (he aaw mill belonging to Leonard Bros., and located about on* mile back U MaplsTUU wiiB burtwd that morning a 4# horse power deitrored. No * i ??mated at about ?1.000 with ll The. origin la unknovft. An Excellent Showing. The regular moralne services at the Methodist church on laat Bandar morning waa given over to quite a unique ? and Interesting feature, la stead of the upual sermon a more of,? general business meeting prevailed. At thla time a feport on the financial matters ot the church was made and the assessment* read out. The re ports made a moat excellent showing In the work the church la doing both at home and abroad. We give t si aw the reports: The first la that ot Uttle Mary Burt Turner, treasurer for thj Bright Jaw ait. and Is as followa: Due*.. .. .. .. ..ii .. .. . *20 f? Conference Exp. fund.... .. 28? Mary Black Hospital in Soo- \ . chow. China 34 19 Japanese Work on Pacific Coast 22 t? Total $8? H The following is tbe report of Mis* Sue Alston, treasurer of tl^e Young Womens Missionary Society: ..' ?14 K .... .. is h ^ppltyreace Fee.. .? 3 2? ju3p|ar,i-... ... .. 66 Total..,.. ........ ?36 80 ? No-., members IS. The following repgrt.ls that of the Womana Missionary Society of which Mrs. M. P? Pleasants is president: No. 'members?54. No. subscribers to Missionary Voice ?18. No. subscribers to Study Circle?-30. Home Departmei^? Dues ^ .... .. 44 20 Scarret B. and T. School.... 1 00 Thank Offering ...7 56 Pledge 61 1# Total.. v ?122 64 % . LOCAL WORK t Supplies seat off.. .... .. *72 SO Supplies used locally 7 00 Assistance ot needy.. .. .'. 44 30 Expended on Parsonage.. .. 160 00 Special..' .- 26 Total.. ... .. .. .. .. . ?284 06 Mo ?niban W. Foreign Department? Due* .. .. .. .i .. ., .. ?47 45 Conference Exp. fund.. V. . io 25 Retirement fund 2 05 Scarret B. and T. School.. . 1 00 Reavls Day School...... 225 00 Bible Woman in Korea.. .. 60 00 Pledge .. .-. .. 235 00 Total s ... ?580 85 No. members?<2. \ '? Home Deepartment 40? 69 Foreign Department.. .... 680 85 Grand Total . _ $987 44 The report of Mr. F. McKJnne, treas er of the church, wan as follows: | Total raised for pastor, Pre j siding elder, conference, as ? sesRment etc $2 808 85 i Collected for education 1 118 16 |Snnday school, church 377.77 jSunday school, 4college 160 19 f Total $4 464 47 W. M. Society.. .. .. .. 987 4! |Y. W. M. Society..,.'.. 36 80 Bright Jewels.. .. 80. 0.0 _ Total..- -v.- ;. ../r. $5 668 71 The above Is recognized a tnoBt ex cellent showing and the Methodiat people should congratulate themselves upon the worfr they are doing. rh.'iliu Dish Clnb Meets - The rector meeting of the young Indies Chafin Dish Cltfch-was held, oo last Wednesday ^Ight with Miss Mary Stimrt Ef?erton at hej. home on Church street. T\e meeting1 was well attend ed and a most plo^Kant evening spent. After many gnmes delightful refresh ments were served. The entire pro gram wn* well nfringed and a most enjoyable evening f*?R' spent by all present. 'ft ?Miss liarrow Tnhffs Jlusic Class. - .IttH? Harrow; daughter of Xr. lJ, J. Barrow, has,aoceptcd the poti ttoh as- Instructor Itr rauntc .11 nif Graded School to ftll the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. J. 8. Barrow, who has so successfully conducted the class for many ya?w. The entire public Will regret to learn taht Mrs, Barrow Intends gtHnff UP teaching music, tout ieols that in her successor a wise selection has been made. Kiss Barrow ia a yoMj^ laid? of tea '?ftainment|?

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