i*L , ?'T jr-jfl J0HX80N, EDITOR AKP MANAGE!. Tra WuaTX. Tin 3TA.TB. THE U1TI0H. SUBSCRIPTION ?14? PEB TKA*. VOh. XL 11 [. LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRIDAY, l-EBRUAKY 6. I?H, NUMBEH 62 INTO THE BIG CONTEST RACE Running is Fine^Contwt Now in Fever Heat, "r T:; MOK 01 r FOR YOl'K KAVOBITE, MeMets All Working to Win, Each Determined to Claim the Capital F*iie?Contestants are Working in ?anient. But Plenty of Tlaie left U later and Win. .'jft* every corner, In every store, in ftarta of our subscription terri Mfry, every frowd is talking about th? Franklin Times Great Auto Con test, and the big question that Is puz zBn* the entire lot Is: Who will win tie capital and grand prizes? The afcswer cannot be given, but can be determined by the contestant, who NBlly makes Up her mind to be the vAiner, inspite of all obstacles that arise before her. wait, means defeat, but cet^duiJ^dv^HBtle, means that your friends^w'ttfc^ooje to your res ??e. Your efforts iM^fe^^Bupport will mean something in theeta^ honors of this contest, means as mu to you In the race, as the honors of winning in the great political cam-' palgns. of our honored leaders or nation. When you Htop tor consWref tke value of the prizes and the h oft-" ?rs of winning, it Is indeed too much tt Ioee. There Is plenty of time left for am Htlous contestants. No one has jet reached the place where thej cair safely claim either of the prizes, not ?ren a district prize. If you have not started to work, and now believe that you can win, dont wait another min ute,. to start work. Call on the ConteBt Manager and let us talk'with you about your chance of winding. Get a list of subscribers itt your district and work them to a finish. Go over to the LoHlstwrg Machine Works and look at that beautiful Elvc ! ?Msenger Ford Car,- that la offered as the capital prise. Get In It and rte a spin, then make up your, mind win ltJtoull find It a prize worth j ?? timl^S k energy. ten stroll up to He*eU-8fan-Hntl store and let your fingers run :ly over that sweettomed, elegantly tructed Ufreight Qraffd Present t 10 and you'll tAOd.iir.ift the most ilful soundWg ?450i?0 piano that ears ever liMeiied to; Thfg piano e grand prlfce open to all districts irhaps for you. ? you should be a winner of One je district prises, ty> *jll keep Ume the future for daily rp id you of the-fup a&dr frolfcs at the that youll never forget. T toe watches offered as district prizes Nnd one to a distrlctjs the beat piece ^?-Jewelry that ngwy could bny and their beauty, "quality and ffclue will I 4MeJiappy the ones mat,W}n thefa. #Sttter you have seen, and eramined' these prize? you can work beuer,.i?ft6 of aid harder with a more determisftd, dealre of wlnntag. The sjght of them la really the motive for energy. Now Is the time to prove your popularity,^ 1p winning the automobile and the ibonors, by energy and determination. Don't let any start or standing of any other contestant discourage you, for the votes are large and a very little ?fort will ran yon Intn-the thousands, bdok up the scale? of votes and you'll find you can soon feed the list with j the advantages of your district. Bat, now la the time to start. gee how your standing Is compared wflh the other contestants, then make ap your mind to show the people whp the real leader of your district Is In ! next weeks Issue. * D1M1M n?. v LOUI8BCRO, N. C. Sne Alston '? J. B. Fulghum Yarborough ?alile Taylor Mil4r?<t Soott ? LJlUan High Louise Foater" Mw; Stuart Biartvn Mttle Om Htll Ifarlnri Holltngaworth Drtf . -u *a. w. i,7Whit?: ._ Nra. Romom?? Wl itn Alton /* 800 Helen Smtthwlck 4- MO AJilah Person 2 500 Izlile M?e Ay cock 2 ?00 Julia Barrow tj?~r 2 600 Benlah Tucker *, 1750 Mamie Jone? ' 4 M0 Mrs. M. B. DiltIb ' 3 500 Alice Morrison 1 400 Jennie Mecoms 2 800 Louise'Allen 4 500 Beatrice Turner 3 800 Mrs: J ?B. Mlone 2 80d Mrs. Dr. B. M. Perry 4 600 Mrs. Wnlt?r GUmore K M0 Ruth Allen 3 608 Mre. O. V. Crowell 2 600 Virginia Foster 10 000 Marguerite Hicks 5 M0 Dorcas IfsHnjte , ' 3 4M Buth Htll 4 000 Mrs. p. ft. arm? 3 mo Ovie Alford y " 34 M0 Ulllan lUlJfcjr 2 SM Mre. Jo* MMna ,v 3 .Mo Downey 2 100 Mrs. B N. WUllaimso? 3 000 Mrs. B. T. 4 600 Noie Aycook . 4 000 Mrs. R. H. Strlcklani^O^-MOO Mrs. Pbl Tbomllnsoa Mary Sherrod Marguerite HarrU 3 M0 Mrs. June Pnrgersoa >,\|^ 600 ^Mrs. R. W. Hudson < 4 000 Mrs Malcolm McKlnae 4 0M Elizabeth Tfmbertakr 3 0M Mrs. H. P. Brltt ' J 000 Mary Mitchell '??M Beulah Oyrus 4 800 Mrt. JqbH Howell 1 3M Rath McObee 4 400 May Coofcer 2 ciftllfe Jones > < 6 MO Mrs. tfjley Joyner 3M :01Ue b'loyd 8 M? 'smjm, - ?1 Cft&ella Tarboroacii 2 MO Mrs. E. V %rrU S M0 Oda Strickland ?'/.Vjflt\860' Mrs. J. A. Harris >, &r<>;> District >?. i. LOCISBURC, N. C. Verlle Weldon Mrs. Clyde Grlssom Mrs. Graham Person May Wti&oa Sa^ue Oupton Mantle Johnson Lucy Finch FRANKHNTON, N. 4 ?0? 4 600 3 tOO 4 000 tv 71 700 ? j ' 7? 000 . fi 2 tOO ?. v;' 3 000 . i 5<>000 : 3 000 ? * 4 MA ?I 3 500 i '? 2 tOO 3 MO 2 40? Lato Dtckerson r-y CO 600 Joseyhine Henley ? 4 00V Hleanor Vann V y .6 000 IIU7 Stanton ' J* ; ' B 000 Nellie Conway ' Ti'"'* ' 4 500 Bessie Whitaker ' '.I | 4 000 Lillian White T , 4 000 Ruth Biackiey ) ' f-;?' 3 000 Lillian Blackley 2 800 Oca Cooke 3 200 tthtabetfc Wlnstoa j 4 000 lira. Dr. A. R Winston " ( 3 600 Kar Cooper ? ' 66 000 Mary Reld Daniels % 36 000 Rebecca Wester ? 4 000 L. C. Pili? \t 4 600 Fannie Bell Alien 4 600 Sarah Canyers t, ?0 000 Margie Speed M M0 ifas. Norwood Speed V* 3 100 M*rtha Harris . 4 000 McQhee . *1 ? ? t 600 Ula fuller * 41 *00 Minnie Morris - /? 000 Ins Fuller VtOO Wood Gussle Finch i 13 006 Ora Garrett i ' 4 500 Clara Yogi? > ,*? Dollle WooclHff U?!.h Woodltet Maurtaa WoodlUt aJlfl# . ALERT/N. C. ,? Mrs. Luclle Marshall B 000 Mrs. Mary Wheeler 3 W0 Lucy Pernell ?2 800 Lillian Harris v 41 100 Rosa Murry 4 500 Mrs. Mary Hick? 4 800 Mrs. Lena Pernell 5.000 Mrs. W. M. rtrnefl ~ 4 000 Sarah C. Tharrlngtoa ' 4 000 Carrie Ball 5 000 Addle Carroll 4 000 Sadie Pernell . 3 000 Mrs. Lizzie FalkBer 4 500 Mrs. R T. Tharrtngton ST 800 DUtriet.fi?. S. Y OUNGS VILLE, N. C. Corinna Holmes Mrs. Herbert Holmes Hat tie Parserson Eaper Suitt Lettie Garner Marguerite Da ris Ruti) Puller Norma Moore Lucy. Mota . Gertrude Winston Anale B*ll Preddy Bettie Holden Mrs. Stephen Winston Mrs. Wade Hlght Ernestine Hayes Mrs. Cleveland Purgerson Winston Harris MAPLEVf Lossie Sykes Mrs. John Sykes SPRING HOPE, N- C. Mrs B. F. Wood Miss Mlnne ' Matthews Grace Bunn Miss Dollle Edwards Mrs. Harvey Griffin Mrs. Sam Marshbourne Mrs. S. P. Weathersby UiBs Ruth May Miss Helen May Miss Lula Haillngsworth Miss Lillie Grlffln Miss Lillie S tailings Carle Brantley Floyd Moore Norma Richardson WAKEFIELD, N. C. Luale Green Mind a Green Bonny B. Pippin Buby Melvin Mary Whltely ?-? Laura Bell Mobile Leathers Louise Horton Bazel Jooefe Blonny Be^ilngffSld Alva Jones Mary Pippin Annie Godwin Maude Lancaster District V o. 5. LOUXSBtJRG, N. C. ?alile Lou Macon ?alile Louise Macon Ethel Williams Annie Culpepper NASHVILLE, N. C. Jaunita Penny E|tla Cooper -J Eurilce Wation Francis Fralzer Mrs. (Carrie McCabley OAST ALIA, N. C. Ruby Bartholomew ? Irene Taylor Bailie Williams Mrytle Parrlsh Lucile Inscoe Gray Collie Mrytltf HolllngBWorth Claude Nelma . Mr?. J. B. 8turdlvant WHITAKERS, N. C. Mary Etta Hunt Annie Sledge ALERT, N. C. Mary Ijurnett Mamie Oarfroll Mary Aiaton Lessle Foster Annie Foster ? - ? - MAPLEVILLE, N. C. OllTa Hobgood QUPTON, N. C. Mrs. O. C. Parrlsh Mary B. tr i""? poslikan Sc. There has been a rumor whIJh baa been heard Ut. Raleigh that Judge Charles M. Cooke has bis eye on the gollttm, ijnd that he may enter the llHta In tilt* Fnnrfh Ilis. uiunc is tke one which has been heard as a possible opponent for Congressman Pou. Judge Cooke, so the rumor goes has lately been rldln this judicial district and keeping cloee to home not only on his regular clrfcutt, but by an ex change of courts. This, so rumor says, la that he may get In touch with the folks whose ballot; nre going to count when it cqmes time to nomi nate f :?< Con?, "> * ? iilx y?.?N wv ObH; .?er. Little thMy :'# he nffely ?ACOK-ADAMS. > ' A Ptittf Home Wed din* at Linden Salt Oil j? of iMedj and lote. UMlen, S^b.. ?.-A pretty home wedding vu celebrated Wednesday I Afternoon at 3 o'clock p. m., at the I residence iff Mr. and Mrs. John- C. I i dams at Linden, N. C.. when their | ibvely daughter. Miss Lillian. w*? tatted in p i ?! rlsgs to Mr. Jones B?J 'don, of Lcuisburg, N. C..?the cere Ijnony behkf fperformed by Re*. G. T. . Adama, of Wilmington. N. C., who t? ! an uncle q! the. bride. The tows were spoken in the re ception room of the spacious home. Before an' improvised altar of palms and ferns entwined with southern smilax. The' simplicity of the decora tions and,lhe soft"glow of many can dles made a beautiful setting for (he central figures. As the hour drew near, the guests were placed by Mls aps Elizabeth Adams, of Greensboro, and Anne Adams, of Four Oaks. To a soft (tecompanlment played by Miss AoneJ^dajnS,- Jfrs. Ernest AdamB sang "Sweetly, T i-i^ve You."Immediately followmg^he evef~tbijUing strains of Lohengrin.pl^yed undettte deft >toiM& (|f Mrs. Erit64t^ Adunis, ced |hat the all impwtant moment in two lives had arrived. Tlie bride was preceded by two bridesmaids. Kathleen Hlnton, of Elizabeth City, and yfcrgle Macon, of Loulsburg, each attired in a charming creation ot white <?v*T yellow, and carried carna tions! Bach -eame in alone, and was. foBowed ?? turo by the attending groomsmen. J^IeSsrs. Bill Crowell and Harry Candler, of Louleburg, Miss Cora Adams, slater of the bride, fol lowed as maid of honor, wearing yel low crepe de online en train. Little Miss Rowena Adams carried th^-1"" In a large white rose. Thej was atlred by his best man, mond Yarboro, of Loulsburg. waiting groom received the bride from her father,'tflrocene made a MauUful finale to the pretty pro cession'. ? The bride's gown of satin and Dutches lace was a ?ream of loveli ness, and her natural beauty only en hanced by the hand made veil, caugh cap-shaped, with orange blossoms and falling to the end of the long train. Her flowers were bride's roses show- . ered with lilies of the valley. \ During the ceremony the sweet soft strains of tpelody of love seemed a fitting accompaniment to the impres sive vows. Aftelfa lingering over the OTerTHerestEifiSrroom, the guests departed and the bridal party enjoyed the search for the usual trinklets- to the bride's cake. In the late afternoon of a balmy day that made one think It May, In stead of January, Mr. and Mrs. Macon left on the north bound train amidst showers of good wishes that their live jnight be as cloudless as their wed ding day. Mrs. Macon graduated from Louis burg College last May. where she was deservedly popular, and will be wel comed back to her-college town by a host of friends. Mr. Macon Is a rising young mer chant of Loulsburg* whose home and family have been Identified with Franklin county for. many genera tions. ii As will b*$^from?^5 ha?*?ge advertisement on another \age there exceptional opportunity ; irg t?t^gnk? nts [ property I Atlantic Coast 10th. This now bear , paying good ta also wall lo val J* "V ' _ sV _? * for COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JIET IJC BEtiULAB SESSION MO*. DAT. Salary of ?T *. . WlUiafts, Super!?.' tendent of County Boar? Raised From 9B5 to MO Per Month? Other Business Routine. The Board of County Commissioners mot in regular session on last Mon day with all members present. Af ter the. reading and approving the] minutes of the previous meetings thq following business was disposed of: J. W. Winston, f YoungsrviUe town ship, was relieved of taxes on $5,185,-( 00 being an error In computing the taxes. Willis Griffin was appointed stand ard keeper for Franklin county for! two years. By order J. S. Williams was re lieved of taxes on 380 acres of land.! the same paving been listed by Reavi? and Hill for 1913. The Board ordered that a notice be posted on the bridge at Loutsburg forbidding the driving acrou same taater than a walk, under the penalty of the law. It was ordered that Hayeavillo towto! ship be allowed M feet of piping fpi" road building in said township. J. H. Cooke waa appointed a com mittee to so* about building bridge over Long's pond. The county agreed to paj for tim ber and work to build two bridges In Frankllnton township across Jackson branch and Billy's creek. The resignation of J. O. Hagwood. Constable for Harris township was received and accepted. ? It was ordered that Walter Wrenn be relieved of Graded School tax in Frankllnton district. W. T. Parrish was allowed six> joints of 18 Inch piping to go across road near his home. . ' J. H. Timborlake ? wap relieved of taxes on $2,201?being an overcharge. JI. T. Purkeraon was relieved of tajfs'wiMO acres of land?same be ing an overcharge. W. J. Frazler was appointed Con-: stable Harris township to Oil va cancy caustod-^by the resignation of Mr. J. O. Hagwood r>v J. B. Davis was placed upon out ride pauper list with an allowance of 11.60 per month.'* < Mrs. Richard Denton was allowed] 16.00 ao temporally relief. J. E. Wilder Wasal lowed 88 cents-; overcharge lntrfxes in Gold Mine .township?same having been paid byj Mr. Murphy. The bond of W. J. Frazler, was re-j ceived and the oath of Constable was administered to him. The Board ordered that the sal ary of E. N. Williams, Superintendent of t lie County Home, be raised from $25:00 per month to $40.00 per month. '.The leport of E, N. Williams, Super intendent of County Home, was recelv ed and Sled. He reports 7 white and 16 colored inmates. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone waa re-! ceived and ordered filed. The report of A. W. Alston, regis trar for the bond election for Louis burg township was received and order ed recorded. Tho- report of F. R. Pleasants, man ager of the Medical Depository was received and filed. A petition to lay off a new road from the Louisburg road at' Sid Hor ton place in Harris township to Bunn, a distance of about two miles, was received. 1 After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to Its next regular meeting. To Inprove Servle*. V We publish below a letter receive^ by, Mayor James A. Tamer, relative to the service being given the people of Loulsburg by the Loulsburg branch of the Seaboard. Mayor Turner lii entitled to the congratulations of thfe Loulsburg people for tbe efforts he has put forth in this matter during the past twelve months. Although, the promised.reforms are only smal^l and many more cab be made. It show* the mayor has taw alert and llnai ly after so' long k time got some ex-1 presslon from the head officials. We| are thankful, however, for this much but let It be hoped that this U the finning ot a batter appreciation to lpq. nkurn Louftfcqrt for the buafiieu giv en the road, by ^ddlnK Knottier trip and curai^out so nhlfth awltq" t ween Loulsburg an<f" .fra Tbe letter to W^Paraar fofI?*B; service on our Loulsburg-Franklintra line. |4 ' Coach No. 957, which has just bee* put through our shops at Portsmonth <8 to be assigned to the Loulsbirs service there within the next few &ys. We are not now doing a*j switching with this train at Franklhi ton. except such as may be necessMff 'to piclTup freight cars destined tp Lbuisburg. This, of course is neces sary because there is not sufficient 'work at Fran klin ton to Justify Ike 'expense of a switch engine, and 1 feel that this small amount of switch work will not cause our-patrpns any incoa rmmlmce. *.*_c < 1 CAl thank you (or calling my atten tion to these matters, and our people ?<H11 follow up to gee that the eqalp ittent Is kept clean and In proper con dition. " ?/i ' Yours yery truly, <:>' W. J. HARAHAN, , President rNttei. A uumbp^of \ur girls attended Ike 'Basket Ball game at Wake Forest Friday b!?W. I.. The Sea Gift and Nelthean Societies MM in Joint session Saturday night and a delightful program was prh ata ted. ' Mr. Ouy Wlnstead, of the A. ? M. College, flatted'1 fats sister, Miss Lo ?Mle WInstead ope day last week. Mr Duke Leonard, a friend of. Miss 'Agnes Hales, was one of the college visitors on Saturday and Sunday. YRECEPTION. The college for some time has been mnch Interested In the appr<\chlas marriage of Mr. E. Jones Mac%n and Miss Lillian B. Adams, of Linden, N. t. The marriage took place on Wed nesday at the home ot the bride. Mies Adams was a former graduate of this institution and few hare held such a high place in the esteem of faculty and students. Mr. Macon is one of Louisburg's prosperous young bus iness men and has many friends here. On Tfiursday a brilliant' receptloa was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Macon by Mr. and Mrs. Iver Allen at the eol 1?C?. The guests were met In the hall by Miss Lottie Kerr and Mr Cqorteny Egerton^^ho directed them to the Clpak rpom. ^ . y. tfto" MMrel PftYlB and Mr. Weldon Egerton escorted them to the Croat parlor where they were presented to the receiving line, consisting of UK. and Mrs. Ivey Allen," Mr. and Mrs. E. Jones Macon, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Crowell. The guests then entered the back parlorv presided over by Misses Laurane Joyner and Miss Martha F*rey Theie each, guest registered her or his name in the bride's book. Ia the. next room Misses Susie Suther land and Burdette teier met the gu^s and requestedfihat a wish for be recorded on a tiny card ?fl^Pren to #ach. These cards with the wishesjfcrere presented to the bHde, to still brighten and illumine her brghtest pithw&y of life. The large miWofthe new memorial building had been beautifully decorat ed In ferns and'palms and here Miss Vcarlo Briflson and Mr. Harry Candler presided at the punch bowl. In the reading room in charge of Miss Elba Hennlger, Mr W. W. Crow ell, Miss Annie Basley and Mr. Os mond Yarborough' the junior? served cream, bride's cake and confections. In the coffee room Miss Elizabeth Allen and Miss May Underwood ser ved coffee. ? Misses * Helen House and lassie ^Voodard furnished music ot the evening and added much to the pleae tire of the occasion. The guests rere: The present senior class. Mary Stuart Egerton, Julia iw, Margaret Harris Margaret Hicks, Eleanor Cooke, Edna Allaa. Mrs. June Furgerson, Mr. and Mrs ^rB. McKlnne, Mr. and Mrs. J. A '^urner, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McKla ?pg, Rev. A, D. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. yr. E. White, Mr. and Mrs.W. H. Ma con, Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Clifton,,Dr. and Mrs. D. T. 8mithwlck, Mrs. pa#t JHart, Messrs. El Hot t Egerton, P. V. Godfrey, W. D. Jackson. C. C. Hudson, ?.?.Lee, Edward Collier, Henry Pau ohal, Geo. Clayton, Hl?fc Rov. E. L. Malone, O, T. Stokes, E, 0. .lone, WJj^m Lattbertao*. Jan .Ions, t*W?. ,o?gh and,,.Clifford Hall. %

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