TRAIN WRECKED WUT HOBODT WAS i: MUST. Ujih i ill Orer? UiuaiU I'm and Tear* Cp Bl* Aaoaat of t?AWat Tw? uri a Half Kiln Taw?.'/:' ir??(Klay morulas while the LouIb ?>OT train.was on Ua outgoing trip to. VWllWllliu and whoa It goi about two and one-halt mile* from tows a raoet adrlous wreck waa narrowly nvprt^d When a number o{ cross tics MM way allowing thp track to spread ' or break and dropping three ot the loaded box can? to the (round turn \ Mi one over. On account of the (act tbtt the train waa qn an up (rade Its spaedwaa alow and the trate waa stop od before the passenger coaches which contained a nindfor ot paaaengers, won pulled.from tbe rails, or there wokld have possibly bepc mash loaa of life. The oae'that overturned waa loaded -with timber and the fall brake up the bar. The wrecking cr?W reached.the ?cene (row Ralegh abaot four o'clock attd begun to cle?r a* the remndatia. At about nine o'clock that night the track waa plaped In position that the train coald get by and It made lta trip to _ Frankiinton and back. After the wreck the passengers were taken on the tender and carried to Franklfb ton All dar Tuesday Loulsburg cat entirely-off from the out world both In travel and mail facll! j If lull (or the automobile. CapLL. U Jojner was alert to the occasion in aacurlng an antiwoblle to accomo date the passengers and mall In going oat, but not until#after nine o'clock at right did the Idea suggMt tUeir to the other ofllciMs to use the same means of sendfag'tt over to .^a.. News was received here the past week to the effect that On Monday morning wben the Loa^aburg train waa- leaving Frankllmton a box ear JunOipaa tjhe tr?3Sr anddid consider >-?silk iikge to the track tor almost *..? a bm4|UStrda. ^ ^ .. ' On Tuesday night while the wreck ing train waa on lta way'to Loulsburg attar clearing the wreck of.that morn ing,'. broke through, the track at Mr. EL A. Kemp's and let the craAe trucks ta the ground. Tbta aooeasttateft more Work and delay#! the outgoing trip Wednesday morntof. At.Uty^Hme no damage waa doofe save to the Uaok aad cars. After all Its great to live i tea mile branch railroad. iklra A facill '/? Tuesday Afternoon Book On Tuesday afternoon Mrs {ji . J. Paxham very delightfully entertained the Tuesday Afternoon Book Club. The meeting waa wpened hy Mr*. 8. J. Parham, the roll called and 'each member responded With a quotation from Van Ifrke, he being the subject fof the afteAoon. 't 1 .: Mrs. Parham read an inter eoUaR itnd Instructive, sketch of the lite ot Tan dyke. Ift*. Primer read poem. 'Tor I^onely Folks." Mrs. J. H. Malone read "The Mansion" aijfc a road table iManaaalon followed. Mter tk? program had been ao pleasantly rendered delightful aalad and deaert courses were aerved. waa tSma to have a? ia ? with them. Mrs. I?#?Si m Natb. ?ra. Ba*n Materia tan. Mrs W H. Ruffln entertained the Friday Afternoon Bridge Club on laet ?Thursday . afternoon. A delightful gatoe of bridge waa enjoyed to? the ?f^lnt extent -attar whioh tke meat tempting aad delicto us refreehmeota were aerved. - l ' ' > C Those present Ware Mrs. Joe. Bar row, Mrs. John King, Mrs. Rob DA via. Was Annie Allen. Mra R. O. Allan, Mrs L. U Joynea. Mra. M B. Clifton, Mfl B. J. HHmh, Mra. k. t. Beck. Mrs. Qeo.' CraliM Mra. Jao. Tar , borough, Miss Bdfth Tarboro, Mra. ?. > R, OAiie. Mra. Oar land Rtoka.'MTs. ? m calved. The congregation o? ?L,Paul's cliurch hu Increased fro- ? to thirty per cent under tionn, utd bin people with excesdng sorrow, they are not Justdsd In si JX uf Ilia" entry lain more promising Held la I Alabama. During his at) burg Mr. Malone baa de calls to other churches I Una and Georgia, feell ^ duty was here; but when | ing little city of 1J,?00 North Alabama, GadsdenJ vary flattering offer and ) to rlalt the church J _ > Hlralned to accept the 1 a far more promising Sj^,1greater ltold. and so will leave ft&^jbts nfw work soon after. March l^-'fflie peo ple of Lovlsbijrg, lUttrel);'jrt&nklin ton and Inglealde loin with the con gregation of Paul's foMlrtttifw the loss to North Carolina of tils sod ular and able young ?!????? ? mSBJvP. I <"? TarUrengh Ktttertala?. On Wednesday afternoon l*rs. Jdo. Yarborough qfttertalned the Wednes day Aftempoq Bridge fHaty" V *>?>? ?t were bejnO^ll, and srtfrtkfty orated In fenje and potMitVpt^its. km engrossing game of Brld^'fc play ed after which Mrs. ColMv'MMed re freshments in a mannef 'nu Original and' delightful as to nuka/tl^, occa sion distinctively pleaa?prf; salads, desert course anq serve#. Those present were iss Annie Green, Miss.) MVs Rob Allen. Mrs. Mrk. Johjr King. Mrs. Mrs. R. .C. Beck, Mrs. O. J Mr?. Geo. Cra|le, Mrs.' 'ffe) Miss Edith Yarborough. ' Arrlngton, Miss Vlrglnlft.f Garland Ricks, Mra. Joe i J. R. Collie and Mrs. John Tart [' ? ir-1, ? - / . OH??? >olek. On the plg^qf the Uth a number of Uva, glrja fiod (Messrs M the Col lege went to Baleigb to ?(*?Melba." Though the anow was coming downln blinding sheets and thft. wi^d howling like-, lost spirits, the Oria ware a merry, happy lot, and ?kink them selves we" repaid for wind and anow. Th?t -Cqlfflge campus hj? been ?he scene of much merriment, Auring the Mow, that has been sQi^t^ ground for some day*. Lom of tumbfe?, hard knocks and bruised types b?e been the result of sham battles with anow balls, and toboggan slides, bat the girls say the fun was recompense enough for the knocks, and surely they are the ones who should JJnow The Young Mfn's Bible C)a?9 met with the College Sunday [School last Sunday afternoon. The. gjr(s say it was a very refreshing ocAelon. | " Horrible What was a moat recce and may prove near Pearoe'a school . miles from hers on last Just aboat day. wt\en. "[ lost hie house and -j ipjpr*; hold of gasoline instead ; and when he applied blase filled the room. com? frightened and bod with- fc llttM lnfsart < mid artwdi hut for the presence' father both ths mother vftild have beerf . ter was sleeping In another, r wsd awakened lust In hme tojSe saved alfrs. ahe h*M so badly tyM$Sd that her condition'la thought -??' rlous. The family In Uieir algbt olothc^ _ Ire ud bat for the fast' which served to help flames by their.'ronU? no do^t bat'fhal the _ would fc?ve been, burned ,tq j care of in the 1 &t]Sr iXi+t i(be girl* f k4w!M "z?' You arc Sure To r ?' r Win j ^ The Prize If Yoo Continue to Work With a Deter ^ mination that knows No Failing. CAM, P1AH0 MB WATCHES AU WOBTH VOUK WHILE. And Tour Pr&mi* Will Bally U Tht Support'fftAnir Flat To? Arw In EarMst?Boat Let Beperts lb ImI Tom. As the days ?ad hoars to by. It draw? nearer -the cioeiag of the con teet. It la only a short time trn tU thte treat and excttlag boor wlu arrive, and with it touea a time, when you wUI bo the winner of one of the val uable prlies, If you go at It tn earnest. Yet oa the other band. It yon sit and wait for your friends to come to your rescue, without any effort on your1 part, you to to bed on that nlfht with a heavy heart. Your fate reata en tirely with your enerty, ambition and determination. We know that your are not * ?Hit ter, neither are you an easy- looser, ! jet we sometimes wonder If you are really aware of the danters of your loosing to a competing contestant. We wonder If you know that there are several other contestants who are lust as much determined as your to win, and that there are other contestants running right along with you. There are several reasons why you should not loose a single minute, if you are flthting to win either of the bit prixee. We also wonder if you are goint to 1st some other contestant scare you by telling what they have secured, or j*hat-they are toint to do before the contest closes. If yon believe all that ^?tt. hear, you'll have a head fall at false Information before the contest la over. Stop and consider, tet your self In line, and yon will at once coise, to the logical conclusion, that none Is going to tell you or any one elae how they stand. To do that woold mean defeat. Now If yon have heard such stories as this discard the thoutht and forever after let your mind be at rest from suct^ absurd things. There' Is only ope way that any con testant can defeat you and that la' by a bitter count of votes and this lies with you. M you are not successful you have arty yourself ia blame and' the work of yoor opponent to contrat wlate The winners can boast of their "victory by their work only, and not by favors shown' them throuth the of fice of the Franklin Times or the pro motors of this contest. This is one contest, where honor and work are the only mean? or wlnnlnt- The prices are not for sale anci cannot ba bought, they are to be Won, by an hon est race for the larteet count of vbtos. If yon are sot satiated that you will receive a fair, just and honest deal by the managera,of this contest, we would rather yon would stow work to day. It t* bar daatre so , return ft' conduct a simitar to do this . we t must conduct a smooth and clean-out proposition. When we leave LouUbury we want the good will of every one and shall strive every min ute and move to this end. (" Oet In the race with just a little more "linger" and faith and youUi' ana it the imt consolation in your work, and at 'the clo*e other conteet ^U wDl ha? to ooaalder. your ap plication for the honors of winnint In the treat auto contest of the Frank In limes. 1 ? 1 UMrict I* 1. " I LOblSBtJRQ, N. C.,. * > Sue Alston 3? 800" |fcs. J. B Fulthum M ***? M?ry. AbUh Pe?o?.. .. 2 500 Llllle Mfce Aycoclc.. .... 2 800 JbU. B*rr?w .. .. . 2 mo M 8rBaTl?.. ;.V. \f"" 2 Lotti* Alfin:.. 4 590 2r**lr2Efr 3800 ^.^f?ll,nore ??? ?? ?? 5wo Ruth All?*.. (, L ? 3 900 3^ Virginia Walter .. 1( ^ Dor?? Ai?,..:;;;;;; \ <?, 34 <00 I ?00 3 ?00 S j LilllarMarHiy.. Mr?. M Mmn .. .. Shirley Downey Mrs. B. W. Williamson .... 3 goo ^ T. Holden ..... .. .. 4 600 Nole Aycock 4 ^ Mrs. R HStrickland 2 200 Mrs. Phi Thomllnson 3 OOO Mary Sherrod.. 2 800 Margaerlffe Harris 3 500 Mrs. Jupe Furgerson.. .... 4 600 Mrs. R.^W*. Hudson 4*000 Mrs Malcolm McKlnne . . 4 000 Elizabeth Tlmberlake .... 3 000 Mrs. it. P. Brltt 5 000 Mary Mitchell > .. . 2 600 Beulah Cyras 4 goo Mr?. John Howell 1 300 Ruth McGhee .. 4 j00 May Copper 2 100 Clellle Jones.. .. .. (i g 000 Mrs- W?ey J^yner ........ 3 600 OUie fleyd .. . 3 000 Mr?, w. L. B^sley. . . 4 000 Mary Jones Cottrell 1? too Camelln Yurborough 2 104 Mr*. fy) .Ji^rrls ........ 2400 Oda ''Strickland 90 100 Rath Webb 3 600 BUcabeth Alston 4 000 Elizabeth Morton 4 600 Sophia Wilder 6 000 Florence Boone 3 600 Mr?. J. A. Harris i .. 3 800 ~ District No. 2. LOUI8BURG, N. C. Mrs. Clyde Grlssom ....... 47 300 Mrs. Graham erson 3 000 Sadie Gupton.. .. 62 000 Maggie Johnson .. .. 4 000 Lacy Finch.. ...... .. .... 1 600 A.<re FRANKLlNTON, N. C. Maggie ooke.. . , 4 000 Lai lie Blackley., > 4 600 LalUe White.. \ 3 800 Mn. C. w. Cotts.. .. .. .. . . 4 000 Nellie WhltMd.. .. .. .. .. 71700 Annie C. Parker.. .. .. .. .. 79 000 Ada May 2 800 Alice Utley.. 3 000 pnth^Whltfleld .. .. " S 000 ?Lector Bay .. .. .. .. 3 000 Mlanle Ransdell .. .. .... 4 OflO .Laura Mltchlner .". ... .. .. 3 600 Mollie Mltchlner 2 800 IMy Kearney a- <? .?4 At.JIk 3 000 1 tfVa Moor* T. .. .. .. .. '2 4(0 V?s Dfctarsoa . 00 M0 'joms'hltEe Henley..-*.? 4 000 ' Eleanor Vann 6 000 Mary Stanton 6 000 Nellie Conway . . .. .. ..' 4 ?00 Bessie Whttaker 4 000 Lillian White .. .. ...... ~4 ?00 ? Roth Blackley .. .. .. .. .. 3 OOO Lillian Blackley.. ..' ' iWfr. Oaa Cooke .. .. .* .. .. .. S 200 Elizabeth Winston. Mrs. W. A. R Winston Why Cooper. Mary Ret* ttantols*, Rebecca Wseter T. .. ss: Fannli FRANKLIN SUPR COURT CONVENED IN BEGULAB SESSION MONDAY. A Tw WWH WM ol '('ItII Coart. Ho?. C. M. Cook? Presiding?Slow | Progress.. The regular February term, of Franklin Superior Court for the trial of civil cases only was convened , on j Monday morning at 10 o'clock with Bli Honor, Judge C. M. Cooke preside Ing. The Judge wishing to make every minute const had the jurymen to take their seats in the Jury box as their names were called and immediately after the list was finished he began to ckjl the cases. The first called was that of Ford vs. Southern Saw Works,' this case being under voluntary ad justment it was postponed. Roberson. vs. McLean was called but neither of the parties being present the case was ordered off the docket. The next cue wis that of W. ML Fuller vs. R. G. A1-* (den. This is a case whelreln Fuller is seeking to recover damages in the junouat of 11,000 and interest from, Allen in connection with the purchase, of Mattress Factoid stock. The was immediately Wren up and con sumed the whole of Monday and Tues day and a part of Wednesday. The Jury returned a verdict that the plain tiff was not entitled to damages. The plaintiff was represented by W. it. person an? T. T. Hicks, of Hen derson, and the defendant by Messrs. W. H. Yarborough, Jr., W. H. RutBn. Sprulll ft Holden, Blckett, White & Malone. . The next case on the docket was that of Cooper vs. Allen, which was very much similar to the one above and consumed much time. - Thcsb two cases consuming as much time as they have has put the court way behind In its calendar and there Beems no other prospect but that the court will continue on through next. week and then not complete tte work. Loulsburg Tobacco 1 A few figures given Bfeow will ?peak for the local market nore than can poaaAly be (aid in wtards. Dur ing the past yedr the increase in the pounds sold at the jtrlce will be seen to be about SQ .per,cent. During the Season of 1912 and 1913 there was 2,480,197 pounds at an average of 918.66. In the same period just clos ing up to February 1st there was sold on the Loulsburg market 3,650,848 pounds at an average of $21.35. We are informed that above 150,0011 pounds has been sold since February 1st which together with the remain der that will likely come In will run the sales in Louisburg for the. 1913 1914 season up to about 4,000,000 pounds. t This showing looks good to Louis burg people and goes to show the market Is keeping fully abreast or the times. _ DIED. Mrs. Carry Wright, widow x,t J. K. Wright, was born August 10^860, and departed this life Jan. 26, 1914. Her husband preceded -her four -yeafa, leaving her and a doughter. Haley Pearl, to fight life's battles alone. Good Hope Christian church leaM ( devoted member and asafcms worker Well as-the entire eommunps loses 4 dear friend and associate. She wpn for herself many ?lends and . her crown many starsvby her motherly conduct toward herttep-chlldren. She was always ready to lend a helping hand to the sick, but "It Is finish?!,'' her work on earth is no more.1 Oar loss is heaven's eternal gain.. There the words of our Master come to us with a Warning cry ."Be ye also risady; for In such an hoiuf as ye think hot the son of man cojiettj." The body was Interred in the Bynum cemetery; aarvteat being courtufe?d~EyTtey. 1 Wolf. The fiord tributes vere among I j the most numerous ^d beautiful. May our Heavenly Father comfort | the bereaved me. Jt A FRIEND Dealt rt (A. J. W. Wood. Death Aaa oomslagain. This time] , hoatrof i f^-vre) pastor of Cook Creek church. i?r Spring Hope, at his death. Those who knew him beat are the ones to know a good man Is gone. Qm the morning of Jan. 24th, bidding hb wlfe and rhllrtran ^goodby and fortlng them with his cheerfulaM* and good hopes ot coining, back, he left for Baltimore where an operatfcta proved vain, and on Feb. 12th he trfsfc his flight to the other wor|d. His remains arrived at LoulabMK Feb. 1.4th at 8 o'clock. Mr, C. C. HMr aon taking charge, he was carried -4k the undertaking establishment of Howell-Bunn-Hudson Go. and keg* over nlgbt. . The remains waa taMm home the next day and interred la Me old family burying ground at Rev. W. H. Collins Owing to bad weather the fume*a! waa. postponed until the fourth Bab day In April, and only the Farna?*' Union ceremotay waa held. Rev. |T. Valentine chaplain.. He will be greatly missed In Stta day School, grayer and protracted meetings. ....... We miss him; oh, we miss him. But Jeaus needs him more. "fend caUed.hlm.Bp to heaven ? ? From this war Id of sin and woe. His words, are. as. light In the dark To guide the poor wanderers who stray.. .. Pour sympathy, as a pure fountain. To refresh each .tired soul on Its way , * " ,? ? His voice strikes, a chord that is hidden, And thrills,each, heart to the core. And conjures. up . each beautiful , vision,. The memories .of bright days of yore. ? y 't ... - . v Oh how-bitter-the parting, KkcIi one who .has known him will know, . .. .. "?* i When the bands that no more toll for us, Were Crossed en his breast In re pose. ..... N j V.-.? His words have sank deep in oar memoriae,' Our hearts he has stirred with " lib pes thrlllM. Aid who knows although we are sinners - s ; '-*i' '? .' ?/ Perhaps there's a chance tor us still. . .. . .v? :<J?3 ? /u And when earth's toils and caree have ended. And death's ahadowy vale we have trod. May we rest In the Beautify City. Whose maker and buQda^ || Bsft ? To the bereaved who have our deep est sympathy, we can only say, pre pare to meet him In-heaven where parting is no more, for>-we truly be lieve he Is awejtly resting In the arms - of Jesus. \ V?' r Written by ,a, cousin. ? ; vr L. E. R " - Fa^qNttM. Not much doing. Everybody Is stay ing In, having a t&ifi time, as Mr President says. Many. onr neigh bors are engaging the cold nights playing rook. Well I would call It arithmetic as I see nothing but figures and aidtt^B. .They have another klad of gam elhay, call set-back, hut I should call It set-up aa thay set up nearly all night and play. There in not unite so .much addition Is thfc game. ? We are sorry to state that Mr. W. A. and Mlsa Vlck Cook have been OQ like sick list for some time, but are hot ter at this writing. Mrs. J. Tj Hofden has been very sick the iSSst week, buth as rAcovar et. We have a second Nimrod In oar ?ecitlou. We understand that this Nimrod haf bagged 190 rabbits this wiHisr: ; t-t-t? ' Well we were (lad to hear from Pun kin Center last week. Mr. Presi dent, we will be down )?at a* sOon as the first Under as Ike ^VtMMasr wants to come. Ike safs turtlen d<?t come out of the m?d until m tha*?iaat an*- W H'Maj ?iw; Hard Wasle* ft

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