A. F. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND 11 AN AG EE. ~ ' THE COUNTY. THE 8TA*fE./f HE' UNION. SrBSOBlPTION *1.09 FEB YBAE. VOL. X1.IV. ^ LOUISBl'BU, M. C? FBniAY^EBKtABY 27. 1?14. ' MsraEK & CHAMBER COMMERCE TO OKUAWZK NKXT - MONDAY ? SHillT. ftritfter I'rosiMJeU For Huceenfal Or* %||ixutl(m,?Many Addresses to be yiBWte by Business Men. ?Dariag tin Mrt ?wk wwwl of our more progreirtWve business men liavc bfeen actively engaged In the establish ment of a Chamber of Comffterce for Loulrihurg. Meeting with the success tboy did they have called a meeting for Monday night in the court horse at which time many good addresses from Revs. A. D: Wilcox and W. M. Gil more and many others of Louisburg's most successful business men have been arranged for. The meeting will l>e open for the entire public and a big crowd Is desired. This is a movement that Fhould receive the hearty support of all the people inLoulsburg whether they are conducting a mercantile busi ness or not. Through its influence 'the town can be greatly enlarged and benefits to-its people increased. Those who^liave already signed the papers of organization end become members are: , J.. A. Turner. P. R. McKlnne, W B. Allshrook, K. P; HIM, l3en T. Hoi den, M. S. Clifton. W. D. Egerton, W. K. Uz zell. F. X.. Egerton, Arthur Hynes Fleming, G..W. Ford, R. O. Blssett, C. C. Hudson. P. V. dcdfrey, M. C. Pleas ants, W. M. Person, J. R. liunn. T. W. Watson. W. K. W lilted I. Allen. A F. Johnson, E. P. Yarborougli, J. W. I.Iol lings worth. P. \V. Wheless, A. W. Al ston, P.-G. AlstoYi, P. S>^llen, Mai-' colm McKinne, D. P. McKTOne, D. X. Williamson, S. I'. Uoddie, Brantley G. Hicks. G. L. Crowe!), H. L. Candler. J. L. Palmer, E. L. Best. E. S. Ford, W. F. Deasley. J. W. King. A. D. Wil cox, W. M. Gilmore, W E. "Collier, R. E. L. Lancaster, J. D. Bailey. Should there be others who think favorably of the wprt of such au or ganization for Louisburg and wish to become a member kindly'hand in your name' to either Messrs. J. A. Turner or A. F. Johnson, or mail your request In by the meeting on Monday night. Don't forget that you ara cordially invited whet&er you become a member or not. The meeting will be called o'clock and every member is red to be present on time. pt?* J Mr. Robert West Dead. On February 2nd, 1914 the death angel - entered the home of Mr. D. B. Pear'ce and claimed his son-in-law, Robert West. No calamity ever visit ed the neighborhood of Dickens and cau^cl such univcr;nl rorrav/ 2? dM the death of our belove;l brpthcr. He was a young man 21 years of age. He succunita^t to an attack of pneu monia after four days of illness. 'All was done for him that loving lianas could do but of no avail, (rod knew best and took him home. Ho leaves a wife, two children, four brothers and three sisters and a father and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss, but we feel that our loss is his eternal gain for the "Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name-of the Lord." <~~ We loved him;.oh, we loved.him. But Jesus loved him more And saw fit in his love to call him From this sinful world below. Our brother is sleeping softly. Sleeping in a new-made gjcave today. We HTe weeping softly, Weeping for our loved one gone away. In the graveyard softly sleeping Where the flowers gently wave Angels are our loved one keeping Neath the celd buts llent grave: He is gone but not forgotten. Nfever will bis memory fade, ftocrtem thoughts will ever Itager Aroun4?tha grave where he is laid. M W. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND *198101?. INSTITUTE Cedar Rock Churtek March 1-8 t Tke Sunday School and Mission In stitute to be held with the Cedar Rock iptist church next Friday, Saturday March 6-$ (Ire* prom of great In-. tereiPLkd tiUft to those who fflUf- b? fortunate enough to attend. The spe cial committee appointed at the laSr anion Mil lines, and are in constant demand for institute work throughout the State it was with, great difficulty this date could b earranged with them. For several years Prof. Mlddletou has been the very efficient secretary ol the Sunday School Department of the State Mission Board, and under hlB wise leadership a great impetus J ?an?the?Still iay school course in North Carolina. Ho knows how to run a Sunday school success fully and he can tell It. v Mr. ttroughton ha- smany years to lils credit as teacher o^ a class in the? f~mou?Tabern&cle Sunday School of Kalein and he know# kow to teacli/ and to tell ethers Mow to do it/ Ref. O A. Upchurch is a preacher and pastor of Ane ability, and his spe cial Job is to enlist the v&^t army 6f unemployed Christians the work of bringing about the Kingdom cf God. He 'has had \>:onderfdl success along this line during the past eighteen months in which he has been giving himself' wholly to enlistment and co-* operation work, under the direction of the Home Mission Board. Tho institute will' furnish a rare opportunity for pastors Sunday scliool teachers and Christian, work ers generally to get U vision whidli will hiake them more efficient and el'-" t'ective worl;ers.,. . . '/ ? ? A most interesting feature xyill be. the fcteroopticon. views each nigiA il lustrating both tnc'SuiuJ^ schoc/and mUsicn'work. . "f ~" Meetings daily In the .morning* aft ernoon and- night, the first one being Friday 10 n. m. The Cedar Kock people, noted for their hospitality will entertain all who come royally. ? 'tJ/* A good delegation Is expected from all the churches comprising the Frank!in Union. Death of Mrs. Kobert I. Hicks. Sunday afternoon at four o'clock the spirit of Mrs. Robert L. Hicks was ushered into the unknown, after a week's illness. No one realized that she was so critically ill, and her death was a great sty)ck to her family and friends. She was 52 years of age. Her hus band and seven children survive her vi2: Mr. A. L. Hicks, Mrs. George Rudd, Mrs. Joe Macon,j&fis? Alice May Hicks, Mrs. Thomas nAus, Miss Kan ?ie Hicks and HenryjT Hicks. Before her marriage she was Miss Georgiana Pendergrass. The interment took place Monday afternoon at Maple Springs Baptist church of which she had been a member for many years. In the ab sence of*lhe pastor*. Rev. W. !?I. Gil more of LouislAirg conducted the sere vice. Building Lana Valid. That municipalities have the power to prescribe a Are district and to re strict the erection of wooden build ings or the improvement of other ob jectionable buildings within that dis trict has been established by the , North Carolina Supreme.. Court, an ! opinion writtn by Chief Justice Clark defining clearly the limits and pow ers of municipalities. The court took the position tjiat slight repairs, such as replacing broken windows or shut ters, cannot be prohibited ly Ordi nance, but that towns and cities are well within their rights when they forbid the recovering of wooden of other buildings In the Are dist*tet. 'the object of such ordinances IsAp lessen'the danger of fires in business centers. I- ? Vetera? Invited to Meet Here. The formal invitation to the Coafert orate Veterans of North Carolina to hoM-tiietr annual Momon at-RaJotglr June 10 was sent by President John C. Drewry of the. chamber of Comiiierce to Oen. Julian S. Carr at Durham to day. UeE. Carr has Tor s.lHWT 61 years becu the aomjnanJer.of this or ganisation, wtiUk has held one le unlon here, occupying tents ta what Is now Cameron Park. In the Invi tation it is stated that Raleigh Is proud of the veterans and their record and will leave nbt])lng undone to make the reunloa agre^kble and successful President n. H. Hill ?r the a. and M College ?111 be asked to alhnr the use of the dormitories By the veterans aa the college session will end before the rwmlon date, which Is chosen on ac count of the dedication of tbe mem orial In the capltol square -to thy Carolina Women of tbe OaafMp . , v ??? J-* ' CONTESTANTS HARD' AT WORK / X MaKing Good Rowing and feore Complicating ,z. The Questioi WHO WIL1/WIN THE FORI) AM) HE PRESCOTTJ QdIj/^Fwo More Weeks After This to alt to Learn Who tlie Winner IV ill Be.?lM?nty Time to Change the En tire Status of the Votes. The closing of tlie Franklin Times Great Auto Contest is drawing near, when the winning of the Car and Oth er prizes will prove a reality. Are you making yourself safe? Are you working as hard as your opponent to win these prizes? Nothing in the world but subscription and vqtes will win for you and the only way that you can secure ^these is to work. Work early and late, starting each day with new vim, energy and determination. Get tl:e schedule, of votes and plan out a system to work by. - See the differ ence in the amount of vote-; give?be tween 1, 2, 5.' 10. 25 and 30 years sub scriptions. Resolve that you will se cure nothing less than ivco year sub scriptions after* this. ThalV the meth od of winning. . * Study the values of the prizes, ih?r beauty, usefulness and honors. Tlifes capital prize?tlie live-pa s^Onger Car ?-A FOrtD, a'car of mcrit'and a guar antee by the mal-cr??, backed by a thor oughly rejiable tie ale r in tUc name of the Lou'.sburg Machine Works. Call there-and see the Car. have it" demon strated to your own satisfaction? you'll be pelascd with tlie results.( While out on this inspection tour-, call by the firm of Howell-Bunn-Hudsqn and take a look at the pride of scien tific workmanship in the Piano world, the PRESCOTT PIANO our Grand Prize. This Piano is famous the world over with a standard price of $450.00 and for one hundred and one years has been tl:e favorite of the world's greater musicians..^, test.by one who knows the best products of the garden of music, will prove our statement trde. There is but little use of telling you about the quality of the Elgin Watches which we are offering as dis trict prizes, as everyone knows them to be leaders in the hours of- time. Yet they are backed by Mr. Fred Riff who is known by all as one of North Caro lina's most reliable Jewelers. The* day to win ot loose is ebbing, taking with it joys,' inci dentally the painsv attendant to the right of each t individual to excuse himself or herSblf undue and particular participation in the palat able concoctions of thrills and frills to be found upon that sadly abused in vention of modern enlightment which groans inf^agony and in unison with mankind wfien the aforesaid tide flows your way. Never mind whether it be of mahogany set like ?a jewel midst other splendors in the, sumptuous* sa lon of the poor, rich man or wlieUier It be tlie soft end of a dry-goods box squeezed between a wabbly wash etand and the bed-bug repository of a hall bed-room the groans are there just the same. The'distinction being that in the first case they come from the long sustained, effort by the owner to do justice to the before mentioned excuse, in the second ease from the creative effort by the renter, the little box doesn't mind except to moan slightly when it comes in contact with the renters knees. A distinction and a difference appreciated mostly by ?ich men and printers. Now lest we be accused of being a6m6"wnat "facetr<5u8"Hi~tir? race" of" a rery serious mitter~we will pass from the contemplation of our gormaadiz Ing abiMties, really *do blame should attach to us because of them, Inher itance, yeu kaovr etc., like other.mote ?r lees disagreeable qualities we hare A more momentous consideration confronts us. The contest man was Indeed pleased with results during the I last ten days. It must not be con sidered a Joke. Betweep five and #ev- | en hundred subscriptions during the IaaV weelc~BfcTa been turned in by the progr?ralTe c?i><l<?<M of. Vil? contest,1 While complaints hBTft oorm* to oari ears by a tew Oeintest&?l?,ooncorning th? octroitr of BUj^rlptlons etc Now' c??*. that* .f talk will not obtain a nicklea worth at 0a?| Th* Oa*^ at thai mrws ir me," the samo spirit that that remark from you will comfortable little foothold poor house gate, ami as you itly to and fro you can watch tore .enterprising neighbors >y in their costly motors te stretch is before you. it is never. Work from now ou as you I have never thought yourself capable! of \*orking. The time Is so short t^at eraa effort will not hurt you. Ypur final spjace in the contest rests th you, andNiot with anyone else. \ >u can get thesear not "by wishing for It but by wording for it during he remaining time. It is as yet. any ne's race. Go in now and irti. District No. I. LOUISBUKG, X. C. Sue All on .. .. 22 J?00 Mrs. J. 3!. Fulghum 2? 900. Mary V irborough a 000 Sallie 1 lylor.* 54 200 Marion rlollingsworth 91 200 Mrs.-lH. C. Beck.. , 89 TOO He-sie Williams 48 500' Many l-.\um Burt.. %..... 83 700 Mrs. C. pi. Hudson 121-050 s^ivlt Mojry Lou Ihirrls..- .. . .^S2 C.I Stifle MpaOows .. .. 2 000 IMe^&nithwick . 6:1 000 Abkili I'pr^on .. .. 82 500 Mamie Jones V .. . 4 .600 Beatrice Turner, 58 800 Mrs. Walter Gilmore 73 003 Virginia Fester.. .. ..... 10 000 Dorcas McX.cne ? 73 100 Mrs. P. B. Griffin.. 3 800 Ovie AlfOrd:. ...... i .. 34 000 Lillian Murphy 2 800 Mre. Joe Mann .. . - - 3 600 Mrs. Shirley Downey 2 800 Mrs. D. N. Williamson .. .. 3 600 Mr ?t 3. T. Hoi den 4 600 Nole Aycock. 4 00.0 Mrs. R. H. Strickland. . 1. 2 200 Mary Slierrod 2 S00 Marguerite Harris.. .. .. 3 500 Mrs. Juuifc Furgersou.. .. .. 4 600 Mrs. Malcolm McKenne .... 94 0CC Elizabeth Timberlake .. .. 3 000 Mrs. H. P. Britt.. .. .. 5 000 Mary Mitchell .. 2 600 Beulah Cyrus .. .. .. .. .. 4 800 Mrs. John Howell ........ 1 30i> Ruth McGhee 4 000 May Cooper 2 100 | Clellie Jones... -?. .. .. 6 000 ' Mrs. Wiley Joyner 3 500 Ollle Floyd 3 000 Mrs. W. L. Beasley 4 000 Mary Jones Cottrell 10 000 Cnmelia Ynrborough 2 500 Mrs. EVL. Harris ........ 2 400 Oda Strickland ?. ..... 90 650 Ruth. Webb ? t". C 600 , Mrs. J. A. Harris .. ? S3 S00 District No. 2. LOUISBURG, N. C. ? Mrs. Clyde Gpissom 47 Mr?. Graham-Person 3 Sadie Gupton 92 Maggie Johnson 4 Lucy Finch .. 1 FRANKLINTON, N. C. * Nellie Whitfield.. .. / 71 700 Annie C. Parker.. *. .. .. .. *135 750 Ada May. 2 800 Lola Dickerson .. .. \ 60 700 Josephine Henley. r*7T~vv "7. 74 000 Mrs. Dr.'A. R. Winston.. .. 71 600 Mae Cooper 59 300 Mrs. H. T. May .. &8 100 KITTRELL, n. c. Annie May? Garner.. :..... 50 500. Nan Williams 10 000 JoRgnhine Held 5? 300 Qtissie .. ?8 (too ALERT, N. C. Lillfkm Harris .. .. 41 100 Mrs. R. T. Tharrlngton .... 77 600 District K?. S. YOUNQ9VTLL.B, N. C. HaMJfe Purgersom 38 080 Bsper Suitt 18 000 Ruth Fuller.. . -. 20 000 Annie Bell Preddy S6 000 AbbU Qrace Harris ...... M 760 , District Ho. 4. maplKvillh, n. c. UawteBrfce?.;.. .... .. .. so 100 srim**-*,, u (so ?BfeHOfj, w. a .. .. .. MM?J OraM Bfca* .. .; It ?W Kdwar?s 4* 600 WfMjberatv .. .. MW " 88 600 m? *? ... si Blonny Beddingflcld ....... 4G COO j Maude Lancaster 50 100 I District No. 5. LOUH3BURG, N. C. ICtliel Williams .. 8 000 | ?4nn'e Culpepper .. 155 500 1 NASHVILLE, N. C. Jaunita Penny 39 900 ivula Cooper ? .. .. . ..?44 000 Francis Frazier. flnn *CASTA LI A, N. C. , Uuby Bartholomew 50 000 Mrytle Hoi Iiuks worth.. .... S4 000 Claude >ielms .. .. 49 900 WHITAKURS. X. C. Mary Etta Hunt S3 500 Annie Sledge .. 40 800 ALEUT. N. C. Mamit Carroll.. .. 37 200 Lcbsie Foster 33 000 MAPLKVILLE, N. C. * Ollva. Hobpood "5 000 -QUPTOX, X. C. Mrs, G. t Ju'arrlsli.. .. V. .. 4 000 Mary B. Gupton.. .. .. .. 41 100 K.XlOHTSDALE, X. C< Miss May in e Weathers .... 42 000 Jrla E. Valentino.' 6S, 450 BUX.'VX. C. Mrs. C. II. Mullen ........ 50 C 0 iHPOitT.i vr to TO N TES1\(*i T?; As we have stated clsewhifrc !*.; this issue, the day fgr . winning and losing'is drawing *ncar, w<r have a. few words that we wipfi to pass nlonp fon-n the line: . We know that wBnt you., hecir. ; on co.n"t depend on?t! at what see you c an belies in?-that yo:? can have faith in the things that you know. In order that you may fcnbw a fo\r'thirds to have faith in, we aro going to tell you some thing about the Contest. Kirst, we are going- to tvll you tlic names of the gentlemen .who will act as Judges?the men who will count the votes and answer the question that is burning in your ambition. ? . They are Messrs. F. B. McKinne, Cashier The First National Bank, Ixmisburg; Rev. E. Lucien Ma lone, Rector St. Paul .Episcopal Church, Louisburg; Capt. E. J. Cheatham, Agent S. A. L,., Frank linton, N. C. "Next we are going to prove to you, that the contest has gone good so far?that we are satlslied with the results?that we have bought all the prizes and paid for them, by reproducing the RE-' CEIPTS in this issue. J We also wish to announce that we have taken out all the names of Contestants that have not shown a desire to win one of the elegant prizes. Also to state that if we have taken out the name or any person who wishes ? their name to remain, wc will glr.dly . replace it. This does not mean that those whose names have been left off the printed list are made ineligible for the Contest in any way. That we have discontinued district number six by bringing jfll that territory into* district number five. ? ' F. B. McKlnne, Pres. 8. C. Holden, Secy, t Treas. -?-t W. C. Eodabush, Mirr. LOOKtEl RO MACHINE WOKKS, *? ? INC. Loulaburs, N. C., Feb. 25, 1^14 $S8?JtO ' Received of Franklin Times Pivo Hundred Elghty-flve ($585.00) dol lars for one Ford Five-pec-enger Touring Car, No. 355011. Louisburg Machine Works Inc. Per 3. <X HQldch, floe. & Treaa. HOWELL-BUNN-HUDSON, IXC. 1 Kurnltare and ludertaHog. Louisburg, N\ C., Feb. 25, *314. Received of Franklin Tlme^Fonr Hundred and Fifty (??*60.00) dol lars, for one Prescott Piano. ' H?well-Bnnn-Hnd?OD Co, lac. M&0.00 Per C.-C. Hudson. F RID 1. BIFF, Hwite * 0>l?Mtlil?L ^ LMlsbUK, N. C., Feb. 25, 1?14. Secured of the !^r*nklln Time* SIxty-flTe ($?6.M) dollars, (or *?e | Watches. FrW A. Riff. , ?J?. J. X. Mitku Ukan roo#i .t ?. 1 ?? FARMERS' INSTITUTE HELD SESSIONS IN LO('ISBL:K<? WEDNESDAY. In t bp >'uce of the Weather a Bi^ Crowd Was Oat.?Hen Met at Court" jteu i.adies at Bantlit Ctok? in keeping with their appointment, und notwithstanding the bad weather t^? Farmers* Institutes were held in Louisburg on Wednesday. The ladfes" meeting was held in the Sunday school rooms of the Baptist church and was conducted by Miss Carrie Hutchins. The meeting was interesting and well attended considering the inclemency of) the weather. The meeting for the men was held in the Court House and was presided over hy Mr. T. B. Parker,' who is in charge o fjhis work, and wps assisted by Messrs. R. L. Sloan an;i G. M. Garron agronomi? t. At the beginning Mr. Parker made clear th?t the object of these institutes was 1 not to .try to force the farmers to do ! ::s tloy yar <'o. 1'ut to try to teach them the pr'ncip'e of improving their lands, and the benefits of such improvements. Hir demonstrations were botli _clear and striking and were well received by t!;c large number who were out to receive the !nformation he gave. Mr. Garrcn devoted his time mainlyto the advantage In sowing cover crops. He demonstrated tlftt with the proper^se o{ the facilities the farmers today have they Can cai-ily douV.e the yield on the same lan',1. r His explanations were so clear and easily unilcr^tood that there Is no doubt but that great good will re sult from his talk. He proVeJ the ar guments now being jo forcibly put forth ?n the Ie:vKng farm journals about improving laud by the use of winter cover'crops.. After the dinner hour the meeting was given over to Mr. .Sloan who made a roost interest ing-address along various lines *of seeding, etc. His, like unto the others, was plain and comprehensive and well received. * This ffopk; connected-with -the couri>* ty work, is doing a great good toward teaching the farmers how to improve th"6 soil and ihereby get better re turn. Mr. Parker assured those pres ent that he would. return next year and would try to select a better period that more people could get out. SOCIET Y A N N1V E US A It V. Louivburg College Organizations Give Kujoyable Kocital. The twenty-third anniversary of the .Neithcan and Sea Gift Societies of the I^ouisburg College, which were or ganiz^l l.y t'.e p-c.cnt president of the coilege, Mrs. Ivey Allen, during the first year of her connection with the institution. *as fittingly observed Monday wiiglit in the nature of a stu dents* recital, followed?by* a" sotejal hour. Notwithstanding the regulation (snowy) anniversary weather., quite a iiumber -of out-of-town guests from -Wake Forest, Trinity and other places *greatiy enjoyed the occasion. Thfise taking part-in the recital were: Misses Annie Dixon, Carrie Banks, LucilG Spain, Moselle White, Nannie Bland Kountree, Eleanor Yarborough-, Min nie 'Weisner, Helen House, Eugenia De Ford, Jane Noi^ian, Mary Turner. Ruth' Crewe, 'Maude tJtley, Laura Doub, Ethel Toppings. Camilla Yar boMUgh^nnte Parker; MJJdred Yar borough, Mr.'W. D. JacksSi. and the Olee Club. ^ The marshals from the So ciety were Misses Lucile~*Winstead, chief, and Marie Long;'from the Sea ?Gift, Cora Adams, chief and Irene Hardison. ______ Burning ('ust*. During the past week Annie Perry at Cdncord wae bouna over to court for burning, and at Newton! X.eary Lawman also bound over by a justice ef the peace for burning, but L. C. Stephens was n?t These cases will no/ come up in the Superior courts of the respective counties. LIST OF LETTERS, ? The following is a list of letters re maining In the postofflce at Louisburg,. N. c? Feb. 27, 1914, qneallod for. Sick Alnton, M1b? Mary H. Alston, John Branch, Mr?. Leasle Edwards. R. B. Faulkner, Mlaa Effle Oreen, J. K. Griffin, Mia^ .ttVKy, Hayea; Itra. A. C. EMU. Mto? Haggle Hlcka, John B

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