?. 4'-&nfc?auL \/ ' nwiu \y Mm WU1? Dr. X. A Ntv.ll ' ?B..B. BL P KINDLE. fs '?? Oetarpatfclc Physician ? Htadcraoi North Ctrtllia - * DB. W. B. MORTON Bye Specialist *' Loulsburg, North Carolina Offlce With J. A. Turner, Next Door to Hotel Entrance. DB. E. M. PERKY Physician and Surgeotf^ Loulsburg, a r o 1U hi Offlce Next I)o?f"to Aycock* Drug Co. Day PJuw Post- j ,j offlce. Loulsburg, North Crolina Hours: I to 4:30. Phwi No.40. I Y\ \ DB. J. E. MALONE I ? Loulsbarg. North Carsllnar Office In Arcock Drug Store. Market Street, OUce practice. Surfrv and consultation. DB. S. P. BUBT ? / PHYSICIAN and SURGEON L-" Loulsburg, North Carolina Office in Burt Building Mala Street Hours 11 a^m. to 1 p. m. and 4 to 5p.m W. M. PERSON //* ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ? Louisburg, North- Carolina Practice In ail courts. .Office on Main Street. > " ? ' DR. R. F. YARBOROl'KH // PHYSICIAN and SURPGEON ? j Loulsburg, North Caroliaa Offlce in Yarborough ? Building Nl|kt calls answered from T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 70. j - *Tf. hovck lr \ CONTRACTOR and BUILDER' ' Loulsburg. North Carolina Trading agents (or al kinds ct build' las supplies, artistic Mantles and Titles. Architectural designs sab mlttod. T.W3ickett, R.B. White, E J) Malone BICSETT. WHITE k MALONE . LAWYERS \ y Loulsburg, NorthCarolina GsGaGeral practice, settlement at es tates funds invested. Oae member of the firm always in ttie office. WmJIATWOOD BUFFI S ir ATTORNEY-AT-LAW if Loulsburg, N. C WU practice in the courts of Ftaak 11m and adjoining counties, alto M the Supreme Court and in the United States District and Circuit Court. Of fice orer the First National Bank. SPBUILL A HOLDEN i ATTORNEY 8-AT-LAW ^ Loulsburg. North Carolina Will a ten d thee ourts of Franklin, ?aace, G ran rile, Wars* sad -Wash counties, also the 8a?rente Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention ?' to calectlons. Office in Sprulll DR. JOEL D. WHITAKER, Balelgk, X.?. Practice conlned to eye, ear, throat and note. Will be In Loulsburg fcije lrst Monday In each mouth at Dr. Tar-, borough's office DB. J. 0. NEWELL. j / Physician and Surgesa. J ? ' Loulsburg. N. C. Night Phone - - - -T 1S-2 Calls left at any drug ttore will bs promptly answered. I \J >S \ . S t A. WOOERS ^ r Will On UJ job Work GunrXlit'-ed. .Call 11, M?Cam man ta ry Prepared by * Ra*. D. M. Steams. In the last verse of tbepwrflous le? ?00 He said. "TbeH*ttfG host shall teach yon." tJfKtlle lust ulgbt that He wasiwiHr*them, ere He suffered. He ->wke of false teaching even.the disciples thought He referred to bread I for tbe body, and now bees la a man. one tof tbe couiimay,' so litfte:impress ed by tUagfent truths of odt Jaat las son ax^jkM^eolemn things of the fu ture that^K^ls- more concerned about a bit of Cut lily property. -vv ?; is it iot so Mill, and ara not men, with nte fvwcllMi, so oecrapVe* with Hjagaftiia'iporal tkat they <** scarce find time to give a tbooght to things ettjcnal? Ho?* mlgMj and \Mort searching the Master's words, "A man's life conaisteth not in tba abun dance pf the things which he pos sesseth" (verse 15). Since "coTetous ness is idolatry" (Col. ill. 5), how much we need the words, "Having food aneaks to His disciples, truly, saved men. all but Judas Iscariot (John zlil. 10. 11). I and teaches them that since they are ! now childreu of God there Is no room j for anxiety about food' or raiment. Th^ kingdom Is made sure to tbem (verse 32>. and if they will cow live to hasten Its coming by living only unto God and winning souls to Him fie will see that all things uecassary for this life are given to tbem. Tbe teaching of verae 31 and Mutt, vl, 33. is not that of seeking our souls' salvation, for the words were spoken .to saved men. but It tenches saved T>eople that as such their flrst aim In life should be the coming of the king- i doaj for which we pray when we say from the heart. "Our Father, who art In beaveu. ? ? ? Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as in heav en." There Is no use talking of ex-" tending the kingdom, for there la no kingdom to extend. It waa at band our Lord was here, in their very ^Midst In the person of gtmself. the bat when the/ cried "We have no king hot Caesar" and killed their Meastah they caused the kingdom to be postponed till Rt shall com again See carefully Lake xtx, 11-15; Matt. *xlli, 39, Acta Ik 20, 21. tfe are la the age between the poetpcaanif?* of Um kingdom audits coming at tbe see? sad coming of Christ, the mystery bid k God from the beginning or the world, but specially revealed to Paul. (Eph 1U. ?11; Rom xvl, 26-2D,- Reek ing. the kingdom easing l?iaa Is aaa "counting all tblus? but loss for tbe excellency of tbe knowledge of Christ as our Lord" tPhll. HI. &l and mak-, , social life and business life. ? to make known In all.netkxsi as qotrklf possible Ills gnat salvation for bosoever wlir that Hta body. Ok church.. may be comptetadj thla age end *?<1 the kingdom come. ., Thua we mr Mrs reatfsl laasoas ?attsaari M We honestly believe we have the best remedy in the world tor indigestion M and dyspepsia. We urge you to try it at our risk. If it doesn't relieve U you?as we feel sure it will?we'll give back your money without a word. & Y?u know us?yoUr family druggist. You know we wouldn't dare recommend' any thing \vc didn't V know about, nor dare to break a promise. Therefore, when we recommend any it ia " we believe it tn he ^bettor than any utlier to relieve the ailment for which it is made, and when we prove our faith in it and'our sincerity toward you by promising to give back your money jf it doesn't relieve you and in every way satisfy you, you have 110 possible excuse for doubt or hesitation are, we honestly believe, the best remedy' made for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all other Stomach tils je Know They're Good Delays Are dangerous You Risk No Money Rezali DyMrft Tablets.. In addition to other ingredient?, conUio Pepcin and Bismuth. two great difctive aidsiwed by the entire medical profession. They soothe the inflamed stomach. check the heartburn and distress. stimulate a healthy secretion of the gastric juice, aid in. rapid and comfortable digestion ct the toad an* help to quickfrSnTert it Uto rich red blood. ai*i ti^by So Be*, bone and muscle. They relieve stomach distress promptly, and. used regularly (or a short time, tend to re store the stomach to a comfortable, easy-acting, healthy state. They aid "tmatly to promote regular bowel action. Don't neglect indigestion, for it fre quently leads to nil sorts of Ob and com-' plications. Tike ptin -and discomfort, is. flot the most unfortunate part. The fact thit when the stomach is not acting right, the material needed to repair the wastes that are constantly taking place in the body is not being given to the blood either in the proper condition or fast, enough is far more serious. Nothing will cause more trouble than sn unhealthy stomach. The blues, debility, lack of strength and energy, constipation, bil iousness, headaches and scores of other serious ailments result from the failure of the stomach to properly do its work. Our willingness1 to have you use Rexail ' Dyspepsia Tablet, entirely Em? our risk prove* our -faith in Ulem. We always sell them ?this way, and iti?,.beiause we know that they have,'gnatly ben efited scores of sufferers To whom we have sold them. There's no red tape about oor. guarantee. It means just.what it says. We'll astc you no questions. You needn't sign anything. Your word is enough for'u*. We know that when ^cy help you you will con aider it money well spent even if they had cost you ten times as much. If tbey don't help you, the money you paid for them u yours, and we want you to have it. Sotd only at the more than 7.000 fenll S^TM-th, Worif. Gr?it?t Dm, Stor^. |? Ux^th*. 25c, 60c, ?.00 BEASLEY-ALSTON DRUG COMPANY, Louisburg, N. C. v * rx'! ?- 'H i WORLD'S RECORD AGAIN BROKEN WITH -Jf id Fish Brand Tobacco- Manure MANUFACTURED' by VANCEGUANOCOMPANY. HENDERSON, N.C. \ *'? ? 'T . ' - . . ' T. ^ BykH. M. Tally, Fuquay Springs, N. C., who ?old a single load of tobacco on December 12th, 1913, made with ? & *? y < w?,i '??*''? ?' ?" '-J This beats ftjj;: l^Dy'S rspqfff made in 19J? with FISH Afat&sgmethjng like ^400.Q0f Fac's liko these prove that FISH BRAtfD f '* * - . - ? I - - ?*'?. . Tobacco'Manpie is-tjbe 4>est.~ -?""" VANCE GUANO CO MCNOERSON, N C.