TUESDAY, MARCH 3D, 40:30 A. M. AND 2:30 P. M. >;!. Tfc - 10:30 A. M. ?w ' Baker Place near. ?i "tileys X Roads. W r. v- V"! v.. FREE Barbecue -M Dinner Free Band Conceits Everybody > Invited 2:30 P. & /* Jt At Bann 12 choice Lots ? JI r Free Valuable ? f , Prizes Free Band Concerts You all remem ber the "Burtons" Everybody Come ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMP'NY N ? GREENVILLE, N,xO.. , I , * , ' x t , s , ... ' ./For particulars see J. A. Turner and K. P. Hill, Louisburg, or B. P. Sandlin, Bunn, N. C. /Pope's Items. We are sorry to state that Mr.-?. .Ann Bragg is very sick, but we trust that vsh4 may soon recover. Mrs. Seanie Williams is visiting her ? nughter, Mrs..Blanche Cox, in Ral ? :rh, this week. ? "*he chirdren and several youn?. lu^ivs have been enjoying the rerent bad weather skating on Long'^ pond. If the ice had been soft as sand some nice pictures would have been taken. We have a new enterprise at Popes. Mr. W. M. Perry has opened a black smith sl*op. Its pretty hard on R. L. Conyer.s and C. C. Holmes as they are in the same business, but you know competition is the life of trade. Its wonderful to think of the im provement. We have a frlendUiat has a saw that cuts more wood in one day than a family can burn in one year We will have no more wood choppers j in Popes' section. We were glad to have Uncle Hard j Frazicr and wife, o fPumpkin Center. : with us Sunday. Uncle Hard don't i come up in the summer as he makes j so much tobacco he sticks rignt at } home. - ? Mrs. SMt Woodlief, of near Wake Forest, aled on Saturday morning, ? February 21. She was the daughter of William J^azier, and was 38 years old. She leaves ten children?five girls and flrf feW- .-She wafe a good Mpbnan and^fftfcinnany friends arid rel atives to mourn their lost. She was] buried at Popes church Sunday after? j noon, where a'host of friends "^and l relatives gathered to pay the last re spects. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Harrell, of Franklinton. , Tfa? husband and family extends their maife thanks for the service and as sistance of their friends in her sly - ness. . G. H. P.. ^ Jackson Bend Items. __ Perhaps yon "Kave never heard of this place before, but Just the same there Is a little town springing up here and we don't know what else to 1 it beetles Jackson Bemd, w aa good a ??me as ?ur. 4tr. SV.1t 1* going forward, on grading ?In line of tU? Montgomery Lum <*ait, balnt cat an a*t men. brick and lumber have alrtadjv been hauled. A(tfr,-a town is built here sure enough. JacVcscn Ccnd nyiy noi h?- the name of the place, but it's alr^Iit to start off with at first, anyway. j a r."r>ri:i:.. PerrjV M it! Item?. We are having some very bad weather. Mr. Charlie Lum^ert and Mr. Cook paid Miss Lula Pearce a flying visit last Sunday. * Mrs. Johnnie Moore and sister, Miss Lilly Pearce, visited Mr. G. H. Coop er's last Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Wheeler visited their daughter, Mrs. Joe Pearce, last Sunday. t Mr. M. S .Perry is all smiles. Its a fine little boy. Wishing good lnclc*t0?the good old Ffanklin Timfcs and its many read ers. BROWN EYES. Rock Springs Items. j - ? *? Just to !ct yon know we are still living. So much ?now ana rain in February after such tine weather in January seem? tough. And all the people that did not sow their plant-beds early will be rather late now. Rev. Hartsell preached a flne ser mon Sunday Several of the Jiunn people were at church Sunday. There wgu* .a box party at the school hou?e Friday night. The weather was so bad there was only three boxw prsnsat. However they sold well. Iirtu^u better than $15.80. Mr. D. E Harris Is on Che sick list at present- Hope for his speedy re covery. Mr. H. J. Strickland, of La Jupta, HoTo . who has been visiting his peo ple In our neighborhood, returned borne Sunday. Mr. Paul Strickland and Mlttes Sadi? Strickland and mm dreena accompanied htm as for as Fran kit n ton Mr. William Wbelees and slater, Al donla. went to Ransdnle Chapel S?*-' day aftenoon. ?-V ?**The road near the church is Me place between Bonn and Laub Its very near laspaaaaMe. It all ?Mar an? l'riiett Items. Rev. W. D. Harold lectured on "Co operation and Organization" at th? i academy Jan. 28th.' On the following Sunday morning he lectured on "The Seven Worlds." ? Both talks wer^ highly instructive and enjoyed by n i lar^e audience. On Feb. 6t!i the Berac* class enter | tained the Philath?& class. Several ! contests ^on historicar subjects were enjoyed. 'A special delivery letter was I brought in and found to contain jokes , on each on'e pfcfCsent. Misses^ Ijtosa i Pearce uni Be'.lc Glovier delightful!^' rendered several musical selection^? i vocal and instrumental. Salad, beaten biscuit, cocoa and wafers were served. Rev. G. M. Duke preached at the | academy Monday night, Feb. ? 9th. I Tuesday mornfng at the opening ex | ercises he talked to the school on "Be attentive; be careful, be dutiful and I be honest." The school girls, of. Miss Smith's room, intertained the older boys Fri day afternoon at a valentine party. Hearts and arrows formed the decora- I I tion. "Delivering the Valentine Poet" ! was the chief attraction of the after- i noon. After an hour of fun, hearts were matched to find partners* and dainty refreshments were served. Miss Maude Lancaster intertained a few friends Thursday night at the home of Mrs. B. F. Pearce. Rook was the chief feature of intertainment. Miss Lancaster delighted her guests with several vocal'tfolos. The refresh ments' were hot fctaocolate and -wafers ' The home -of Mr.. L. D. Lloyd was burned Friday morning. It seems that Mr. Llcwra carried a tank of gasoline, thinking it was kerosene oil, to mm open flre-place and poured soma on the coals. The can exploded and In an Instant the entire room was In a blare. The family escaped, though badly burned, and Miss Lloyd whotwas visiting bar brother, is critically ill from the burns. We understand that there waa no Insurance on bouse or furnishing. 'Mr. and Mrs. Belle Glovier spent Monday !n Ral eigh. Mr. A. C. Perry spent V.':dnesda?* *n Halc'tith. Messrs. E. O. Pearcc, A. \. Moullr. D. C. Pearce, B. F. Johnson and T. Oy *<rcnncn made r. bu.-'nc > f!p to waivi* l-'jioit and tientfer*on Monday. Ml? M*u&o Lancaster, MUs Panlii.o Smitli and Miss Marie Etta Mitchell attended a teachers' meeting in Louis burg Saturday. Mrs. A C. Perry ic visiting relative? in Raleigh. ' *, Mrs. Paul Jone.-; and Miss Hazel Jones, of Wakefield, spent Tuesday with Mrs. T. C. Brannon. Miss. Belle Glovier who has been visiting Mrs. John Allen, returned to her home in Mooresbom b inday. Prof. K. A. Pittman, of Wake Forest College, will lecture at the academy Saturday night Feb. 21 at 7:30. This is one of the monthly lectures given at the academy. Prof. Pittman is highly recommended and a large crowd is desired. Our school is in splendid condition with an enrollment of 130 and a goo:' average attendance, -"fhe following is the honor roll for the month ending January 2nd. 8th Grade.-j-Rosamond Lee Pearce, .Addison Pearce, 7ih Grade.?James Ray. '6th Grade.?Willie Pearce, Thottte Belle Pearce, Clifton Perry Avon Pri vet^ Lai la Upchurch, Grover Medlln. 4th Grade.?A vice Allen,Otha Pearce 3rd Grade.?Ava Williams, Mary Pearce. Ether Pearce. E<!na .Up church. ^ Lottie Strickland, Lei a Porj-y. Pearce, Ether Peasce. Edna Upcharch. 2nd Grade.?Zoie Medlln, Maba'. Pearce, Margaret Pearce, Maybelle Pearce," 1st Grajfo*?Beatrice Baal. Sadie Beel, lUdhl Medltn, Jobnle Allan, H. Modlhrr Mn Pearce, Claraon Carter; Deftnns Strickland, Alton Strickland. % am, - There wtll be v^rlco, at lie M E. rho/ch not Sandar K11 lit??? 7;|fr p. eoatactftfr f ' ? NEW SPRING GOODS AT THE / RACKET STORE Now is the time to make your Childrens Commencement dresses. A new lot of Lace's, Embroideries and White Goods. AIS9 new styles X 1 ?* to make, them by. - We have some more Remnants of White Goods. J'Not Guilty of Stealing WM the verdict when It nil I?arw4 Hut he made his por ehaeee at The Bargain Store Joseph N. Ramey -Bwprietor.' I ' ' ' t ' The place where job ran ilwi;? ?are ? Um M i*m kari wm< Mian to * " with je*. 0?r'?pe. week tectot* ?11 WJater ? wiA 9wa^? ?? I MMte MM *?t l> HMgi A&tfi . ... To the^ Pleasure Seekers , We hate inntallrvl an np-tO'dato Vulcanising ihon to Tilnilu auto mobile* and motor, eyele litres, from S 1-2 to 2 inch*? la diameter. Ail work will be gaaraatoed to be utrietly flrat p la??. She m year wort n'?A wfll un y?ta thae and troaMe. \ W ,*r. J. O VMekell, aa karfa of **L>% KaTa 'isM

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