We want to thank the Tobacco Farmers - *? f. _????? ?; V/'f - ' ' of Franklin and adjoining counties for their help-in making us ; v ' \ Leaders of the Tobacco Market of Louisburg During Season 1913-1914 A ^ We will be in business next season at the same old stand. RIVERSIDE INDEPENDENT WAREHOUSE CO. ?. S. FORD B. W. WILLIAMSON HKTERAL FATALITIES. # ?Him?: Hllzzard Als* Mm Huu Tall?Drifts rik? Up. Chicago, 111.. Feb. 23 ?The biting bllinri that yestrrday swept through the Prairie and Middle Westers States continued ?lowly eastward today, tearing In its wake prostrate wires, delayed railway trains and apaet busi ness. Snow con tinned to (all In a ear ly all tfaa affected region and where It allghtly was '?-"f the Inereaaad. cold hampered efforts to restare nor mal conditions. Several fatalities were reported In Illinois. Wires were down all over Indians and nearly all lnternrban lines tied ?P Drifts were piling up before a sharp wind fn the St. LM BMcrtattre Atal^ Hive. .????% MI ml i.lrtlili ?fa? r<&n(h?m. Gnmud Garden Seeds. t ^ 111 I it U. Write tor it. T.UT. WOOD 4 SONS. rama Far .Heat. Five Bice farm % Fraakllnton ovuhi|. adapted to cotton, corn, to kacco. grata and feed stuff?, on good oads, within 40* yards ofgood churcb ad oae mile of splendid school, lenty of pasture a?d wood. A good iroposltioa for t ood farmer. 1 also fer for sale a fine Jersey Ball. Ap tty at oace te t-" /X C. P. BEST. K. F. D. 2, YottogarUls, N. C. C*tt*a Seed fer Mai?. Riclu bit bool prolific early pur* and free from disease. Improved each jrear. $1.00 per bushel. Write for prices oalarca lots. Jk* R. H. RICKS,/^ 2.1S-10t? Rocky, Mount, N. C. li ft ??WT M ?act UfhnitfMM relUkte 2>a ?inn AirriMMri/t heaxjhg oil. > rical Inufac Uni r/4i*-rra maim mmd koh ?* IttmHOai. NbTa liataBcmi. IV 5*r ?" f . TIKES, TIRES, TIRES Buy yoar tires direct at lowest price?. dlrect fr?ra 016 factori- 'or Urea In raw* ~ ^ooiamer "" "T** We ae.l Ur?, ?hat too pa, to? ^ 88 "d yOU ,et Mg V*? and tataTlSirr" tompose <""? itSrtomers .moi/thea. are Dwl** the poet dull winter kdIowaMI* - direct ?xeeU?*t deal? fcm ii._ #. . montfie we secured some the fbUowbif prlc4?& ^ 8nd *?w off#r our Purchase? at ptr*A^rt*a^d'?.t.*8 , DUmon' Ooo^TB^r, Quaker, N'aaaau, Em WfW and others of equal qoaltty. - w*5~wr* <-? ?*? ?J?.. IS* '* "? Ms*i-t.. .f JWM 11*+.. Wl-i, 114?.. - ,11.41,, 2tx? ..tur.. tttrrrm ..tt*?.. :nw*. H.. .? .. . .?.20. ..Ml. M M H* aeat hlgfcar. lit??, ao we act rite tarly arflertnc rMh, ft?r auaraateed goods. An >, ?ar eaut djtowtal m fan eaioont accompenlee order C. O. D. ayoa receipt dt It far cent i. "Auto" Contest ^ ' ?" *" 1 If filled in and sent to Contest Man ^ *ger by M arch 3d. a H Name . X-?T Address Dist. No. WJTH.SI faittFOOTl iai ?Sr3l ""1l III! I I I ?ar*1