Tfca Death ?<" the Pine*. ~ ? 1 cutot aln* today,.my heart U ?ad. (?? titty lie Ilka clahta JP <*.*%***- atrength npon their own brawa beda. 1%* Pin?*! lubllme -?rr'ajr of naturea Immt, ? A- ?*a?d and coble boat of aentiaela They're battled with tl)e raging Vm atorms and jroa. . ?"?r yeara they've ?lowly crept nearer , ' the sky? Heaveaward?ne'er looking down but alwaya up. ' They're taught us noble things?gang tor us, When winter? snowy feathers crown ed their heads, . the summer wlqdgjighed fcullables , t maloUyi uiaong tlwli tups.?' '"wfere my childhood's friends and memory dwells On \lttle paths, made plain by little feet, Aad banka of fragrant leaves, where oft I'd lie Aad dreaaa away the happy Uonra, and Ik Faat the tall awaytac topa. up to the ?kr. WkMI 1anting claada broaght aagel Ta make tor me the alagtac of the L ta h aad, there meaaarle* Wtth ttoaa at otter days, vhe* rwll ef aaaMUoaa thoagfeu i pine nap aeaat saorethla? i to aae. Dreamt came to life, words to thetr laasic set la the tender light of the sheltering Of those dear old pines. >. When later years brought pain and grief to me, And those I loved walked by my side no more, I left their graves with bleeding heart and walked In paths of other days, and memory came And swept as strings the million swaying leaves Of these grand old pine.<i, und lo, a (tfchorus Made of angel voices came to my ear. And nature gave to me the balm of aong. - Now all 1? still, the spring's first gen tle breath. Finds no responsive sigh and passes a*. The little sparrow nesting here so long, Finds not its home and leave? me here alone "Witt only bitter thoughts of how these "(triors brare fcoMtfered all natare's foee. and how ^ for years. They've sighed with me. and sung when 1 was glad. ' !*iow their last enemy the Greed of Cold. With glittering armor fells them to. their graves. ?Lutle Cooke Foster. Getting Water bj Qraiitj. Will a fall of three InoheaHn 100 feet be enough to ran water to house. 1,890 feet away? What sized pipe should i ase? Would It be adrlsable to Save standplpes at the high spots to let off the air?" I think It very doubtful tliat you could get a satisfactory flow of water with so small a fall, as til# friction In the pipe that distance would be considerable. Use-not les-j ttuyi two inch pipe. If you can't get a greater fall In another -direction, act the spring Js a strong one, yoa could use a hydraulic ram to elevate tlia water 1 to the house andput It In an derated j tank to supply the upper floors. This *ould take' a strong flow of water, ,l sine? the ram wastes a great part of It.?'W. K. Massey, in Tbj t'rogresslvj unw " i kindred Ola. Seed Vino!, oar MV dona ood llrer and iron tenia with ?0 wMnh ?m create an fppatn*. fur? btfod and create strength. Kn. waltsr Priost BOaxt, Idas., ? ?ays: In a naxlow? condition for znoJJb, r had titW waial fleft Mam bat they seeded to do mo BO ?DOd. Finally Tlnol wm m nWMsnit ?d, and tram the lint bottle 1 tapi to Umror? until I am itnat Md weO m rntmr Trr a tot d. <* 1M witt to. ? ^tm trt ?- -T7?' Oh, Who Can Tell! Oh. who con tell What a bqg can do, hi* Hf? Is rndl, ' And hta heart is trvo? Whqa hla .friends deny. Aid hti courage expire. And all his wtte subdue? Oh, who can tell? C Am I undone attar all my trials, Or can I not some secret and And tace the noble with sunny smile? Oh, who can tell? Oh, can I not some fortune find, S And then reveal my broad, sad mind? And tell my friends and relatives ^ (bo V What noble deeds a boy can do. ^ Oil, who caa tell? I am baffling today whore the wavea go hid. Trying sad struggling aeath the akr; .To gain some groand or win scms And wreatllag with tka trials at < I may eaa OAs ? fOoihoWthsrete. Oh, ?*? osm Mltf Oh. ?*? X1 Heksss IT?sis to wia the raoo. If t Oh, who eaa tall? , ??? ??:.( / : Adversity may.torn and come soy ? war, And follow me both by night and -day; Or prosperity may show the sigh of light. And follow me both by day and night. Oh, yho can tell? ". ?Ollie Harris. Improving Sand/ Lund. Can you give ime any information bow .to tmproveiupland that bas no clay subsoil ?., W?-^ave quite a lot of land that lias a sandy subsoil her&tn Buncombe County, N. Land of. that c h ar^fetefsh o al d have the vegetableclse&yinctaased In it to make It^jnxSre retentive of moisture an(tt<Jdarken the color and make It warmer. It is naturally leachy and the organic patter decays Tery rap Idly In It, ana must be continually re newed. . (Irnwlii tagiime crops and feeding them to stock and returning the manure to J?e soil wjjl, be one of the best means. Down,in the plno barrens at Plnehurst, Mr! Tufts has made a deep sand soil produce 90 bushels of corn an acre, which six years ago would hardly grow corn knee high. He has done it by feedini; cows and using the' manure, and growing cowpeas and feeding them, and constantly using'every means to store organic decay in the aofi. A good rotation of crops is important as a means for economically and prof itably doing the work. Corn should always have peas sown ameng It, and there should always be a wintar^oo\e> of crimson clover on the land to turn for corn,, and peas should follow small grain fof hay to feed and make man ure. Such land is easily impro+ed, but rapidly loses the Improvement unless constantly renewed.?W. F. Massey, in The Progressive .Parmer. ? i The Flower Department. ; Oladiolns as a house plant? L Why not? If yon have the bulbs plant a few now in pots of godi soil. Keep (hem in a cool, moist place tfll they sprout, then bring thbm to the light It they don't bloom by early May, then set. thearin the garden.?? Preeela bulbs planted now will give plenty of bloom before outdoor flow They are among oar most of their exquisite fragrance. More-' over, the bulbs are very cheap. K not already done, spread a goodly mulch of tttter, cornstalks or other material m beds where bilks were plaltted last Ufit aad such se roe ?s, deetala and Though thene plants are hardy, they are not benefited by heaving' and set tling of the gronnd. The mulch wflV prevent this. f Plants seem to hare their personal preferoncee. They thrive in &e house but not in another. Defatise Jones succeeds with a geranium, and not with a fuchsis'may not prove that Anna Smith would do the sam?,per haps there's something in the person, but more likely It's in the quartos.? Southern Farming. ? Drarkf aad Carriage Service. I meet all trains with carriage a?4 will take yea anywhere in town ter I n ?? dnr and wfli be glad Blr If You are Subject to Colds This Editorial will Interest You. A Great Majority of People (Jet One 6t Sore Golds Every Season and It is of Vital Interest tb All to Learn How to Avoid, and Believe ColdsQuitkly, Since Colds are Said to be Contagions. ---i ????> Bom* people think ooltfa an only caught through exposure. This in return is oontradieted by the fact that Arctic explorers are peculiarly free from oolds. It li more generally aooepted that colds are the result of civilized life, dne to spper-heated room* and a very rapid change in temperature which causes the nerve center? to be depreoed, and still more largely due to oon tagion?ene member of a fkmily imparting a cold to another by sneezing or OOQghiug. A oold means nothing if relieved quickly. That such a purpoef "ifT'lrt acoomplUhed, aTqtuck- aij to a'cold is an ewentisl. A remedy especially devised to relieve oolds quiokly Is PXBTTKA T P KRUH A con tains such Ingredients that hare an especially beneficial in* fluenoe upon the inflamed mnoous jnembnnes and the quicker theee muoooa membranes are gives the benefit of a remedy lik* FSKUIA. the quicker the Relief and the less oontagion. A neglected oeld mfy beoome a ssrioas menace to one's own life, afdflw Worse, may endanger one's fltmily. We insure our homes against firs, oar lives against death. Why should we not insure ouwelree against tflds if possftls by having a i telly ohest that earn be ned at paeet mWA 1? a reila>la household r?ijj Jar? shoalf be a dfrire to eemfcat a eeld as qulekly ae ] quickly tire yea, year sasoeptfhdty te eolds i ' Psoma jriu> oMeet to liquid mediate T ABUTS. Jf Trustee's Sale ?( fc?*l aU PerMul By Tirtue at the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted on the Sth day of March, 1>13, by J. Scott McKnlght and wife, Maggie ta Wm. H. Eaffis, trustee, and duly re corded la the Registry of Franklin county In book 1S2 at page !57, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby Se cured and demand for foreclosure har ing been made' upon the trustee by l holders of the indebtedness so^aecured, the undersigned will, onSatCrday the ,14 th day of March. ifrrf^ at about the nour of noon, at the court house door, in Loulabjirg, N. C.. offer for sale at publlp-auction, to the highest bidder, ^or^caah, the following deacrlbed real and personal property In said deed conveyed and there described as fol lows: One qprrel horse, one red and white cow, and increase, one one horse wagon and harness, one open buggy and harness, and all farming utensils; and the following described real es tate: V . ? FIRST TRACT?That tract of land conveyed in partition by Webb Mc Knlght and wife'to said J. Scott Mc Knlght. adjoining Strickland, Bolton and ottners, situated tn Franklin coun y and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock, corner for lot Ne. 1 la the In the lias of the McKnlght land and running north 2d IS' 37.37 ch to a cock, also a corner for No. 1 in Strickland's line; thenoe s 3$d 20' e 6.7 ch to a rock, oorner for Or. Ellis anfl others; thenee s 2d 15' w 37,68 oh. to an iron stake,' Bolton's lands ; theace ? 88d w 6.7? oh. to -th beginning, containing 26 asrss more or lass. I / * ' ". SECOND TRACT-ly tract ot land In ^oulsbarg townsyp near to the towiL-ajC.Louisburg, aablning the lands on the e of Eastern Amity and Trust Company on tbef we*t by the lands of Henry Wilnamson, oa the s by the lands of Anthony King, on the n by the lands of Sol Williams, la which tract of land said Scott McKnlght has a one half undivided Interest. . Terms of sale?CASH. This the 13th day ot February. 1J14. Wm. H. ROFFIN, Trustee, ?srtgage Sals of Talaable Kasktasry. , By virtue of the powers and pro Visions contained in one certain deed of trust, executed by R. L. Peoples and J. C. Tucker, to H. W. Scott, trustee, and recorded tn book 192. page 420, in Registers office oi. Franklin county, N. C., default havldr been made tn tHe payment ot the vst'note secured thereby, the Frlck Company, the hold er of said note, hereM has exercised its optloa, as providedMn the deed of trust, and hereby declines the whole debt due and payable, Lad the under signed will sell at ptfttlA, anetloa to the highest bidder forfoeatf on Satar day the 14th of Majfch, 1*14, at IS o'clock M. at preeept plant 4 miles troi^Jn^leslde, sad nine miles fro** FfsakHatna. Fraaklla Coaaty. N. C.. the feHowlag described persoaaT property, to-wit: One ?elipse 1HU Portable Knglae No. 1489, and oh? Eclipse, slse No. 1 Formula Ctrealai 8rw BUI MX UN with ?2 fsdt of carriage and Si test of ways. Improved feed, three simultaa ?eous ratohed headlocks, and all the fixtures and apartenancea thereto be longing All the above machinery la good condition, upd faUy described tn the deed of trust aHbve mentioned. - ? H W. SCOTT, Trustee Dated this ltth day of Jaaaary, in?. ' ? ?;<? i N. H. TATK. Agent, UtUetoa. N. C. la-buying write X. H Tate. Uptotea. N. C. Preriooa sate date pestpeae? ea IT - --i-- .v Bale ?f 1m1 h4 Feritni By virtne of the power of Hie con tained fat that oertaln mortgage made by Lewi? ?gerton and wife. Mary ElUa to McKiane Bros. Co., on the 22pA-Tlay of November, 1912, and duly-fecorded la |he Registry of PrjuHrtin county In Book 191, Page^KfiT default having been mndejn-tfie paymeijt of the debt thereby-sScnrod, the undersigned will jjtt-Sat?r<tay, the 14th day of March, 1914. at about the hour of noon, at the court hooat&door in Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sals to the highest bidder, for cash, die following real estate and personal property in said mortgage conveyed and there described as fol lows. One light bay mare 5 years old, one 1 top buggy and harness, one 1 horse J wagon and harness, one black Mam- ! moth sow "and increase, one black < Mammoth boar, and a tracM>f land In 1 Franklin county, destiAlwfi aa follows: Beginning at Tliao. Jones' corner at i the fork* df tke oldCnd new Mitch- 1 itier roads and ruiur ift a Southerly di rection to Mrs. lJ6. Staunton's line, thence with ?aidFine In an Easterly direction : V Peter Kearney's line, thenoe witfeeald line and -Lena Joy ner's llneTV the new MUchtn^r road, thence with said read a, Southerly dl rastloa t? the beginning, containing K 1-8 acres, more er less. Terras of sale?CASO. < , Thin February fith. 1914 McKINNB BROS. CO . ? ' ??. Mortgagee. Ws H. ?UFFIN, Attorney. wn. I of s By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 20th day of Jane. 1912, by Washington Davl:, and wife to Win. H. Ilnffin; Trustee, and dnly recorded in the Registry of Franklin County iq Book 179. page 572, default having beeo made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, and demand tor foreclosure having been made by the holders of said Indebted ness, the undersigned will, en Satur day, the 21at day of March, 1914, at about the hour of noon, at the Court Hoaa/ door in Louisburg, N. C.. offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder, for caah, that certain lot of land situate in the town of Louis burg, County of Franklin and State of XArth Carolina, and described as lows: Beginning nt an Iron sb Martin Dunston's corner on BuM street; thence along said stree t\. W. E poles and 14 1-2 links to V stake on Kenmors Avuue at ^he intersec tion of Bullock street; thence along Kaomore A venaLt(. 12 E. S poles and i links to ajtA> Ux* No 1 ?old to Mly BrlUH lj( Ji: ~P. TImberlake) thence SJU MK1 poles and IE links to a >tue in Danaton's line; thence 8. 42.1-t W. -9 polea and 7 links to the beginning, containing SC-1H of mm ate or m "M Was. H. BOFFIN Trustee 2-2t-4t * ?SjS*Sn5p^^S??a?j aw Ointment, a P. Caldwell, of New Orleans, Lsl, lUtes: "My doctor ad rtced me ta try 'I>rl Hobpoa's Ecxeme Salve.' I need th^e^boxes of Oint sssat and three eatti of Dr. Hobeoo-S Derma Zema So?g/| Today I have not my body and oan I do the aami healing, antl of all. akin ilea. Gctema aores, and and healthy, an teed. All sail. Pfaiffpr Loala ? ?? ?sir . to lead oa real ea L mmlHi. m > FORD, FORD, FORD, T^hree or four times as many in nse as any others. ft* ' \ 1 ; ;?'* ; . Right bow is the time to "Stop, Look and Listen" before you buy your muw automobile. No matter what ear you may be thinking about buying, you eta not get away from the (act, tbe Ford outsells ail others three or lour time?. Over htfif a million people huve bought the Pord ran. I don't know bow you would reason it out. but I believe that if thai many people can ilrcide on the Ford to kepp their profits up and their expense down then their choice ought to be a pretty safe on? togo buy. You cannot afford to experiment. Lifeu too abort to be fussing around witb uncertainties. You want profits. You are en titled to them and you get them quick and in big volume with the Pord. The difference between a Ford and aM others is that it is simple, practioal and will go any time of the year, winter or summer. Your business does not wait until a bright, warm sunshine dav to ca|l you. Yon have to go any time? that's tbe Ford. The best of ' will nan 25 per cent cheaper per mil6 than other makes. Your car is ready?Prompt delivery is tbe regular rule here. Your car will be on the way if you the same dav order i? ?Don't wait, gi?f os ^jruar der today IW One or Two. -V . - \ Phone No. 48 v ^K-Ouisburg Machine Works Several Cars of Choice CoaTand 5 cars of Hay on hand. Let me ahowjrou before you buy?its worth while. ? PHONE, 303. J. W. HOLLINGSWORTH f WHOLESALE Phone No 7 For Wood, Coal, and make Ice con > tracts for 1914. If you want wood sawed call No"~7^ S ,V ?... 1 car load of ear corn for sale Louisbarg Coal & Ice Co. LOUIS BURG, ? - ypRTh CARQUNA / NEW SHIPMENT s of Rexall School Tablets and Stationery just arrived. Garden seed of all kind. Our seed are guar teed to be fresh, new seed, the kind that will come up. , ~ r Phone, come or send to us for anything to be had in an up-to-date drug store and see how quick ly you will get it. V Beasley-AFston Drug J. W. PERRY \ THE ffASH ST. MERCHANT^ Dealer in Heavy and Fancy Groceriea/'^ and Hardware. In fact almost anything you want. Special at tention paid to ^onntry Produce. Come to see me or Phone 27. ^ J. W. PERRY, LoUisbUra.N.G, i i to Franklin Times :$1.00 Por Tear* T",'.;. .

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