VOL. XLIV NUMBER ft. Public School Graduate*. Below Is given tile nauiea of tliose who will receive diploma? at the County Commencement showing the satisfactory completion of the seven grades of the public school course. The requirements tfl be met for a diploma were: .; v ?u Tint tim uftmuitfli'gnmiin nave covered the work prescribed for the seventh grade and none could be con sidered who had not. 2. That he should pass the examina tion submitted. ? The following have done both and will be entitled to admission lpto any high school in the county: Wilder.?Robert Layton, Erma Wil der. Mltchiner.?Allle Pruitt. Wood.?Lena Hamlet. Pine Ridge.?Bernlce Beddingfleld. Hickory Rock.?Fannie Macon, Ar thur Inscoe. Flat Rock.?Robert Wiggins. John Gill. Pilot.?Ora Bunn, Dollie Massey. Prospect.?Bessie Lee Beal, John D. . May.. Popes.? Loomls Suit, Numa Suit. Maplc'vUle.?Clyde Harris, Jr., Mug rgie Macon. > . Seven v Paths.?Annie Strickland, Minnie Gay, ?alile Wilder; Justice.-.-Langdon Stal lingS, Stella Haycs.JJllie Harris. Cedar Hock*.?Ell hi Dean, Eleanor Uzzelf, Mtfry R. Stallings, Myrtle Par rlsli. I nglcside.-?Herbert It. Johnson, An nie J. Johnson, Bessie Smith, I.illian Beasley. . Pearcc (Dunns).?James Jlay, Lutlw j er Perry, Addison Pcarce, Rosa Lee Pearce. ? Laurel.? Billie Williams. Voungsville Graded School.?Nora ( Pcarce, Kenneth Tharrington, Eula | May Massey, Maud Winston. FrankHnt*>n Graded School.?Minnie j Jlansdell, Bessie Wliituker, Ruth. Whitfield, Lai lie White, Mildred Frye, | Lizzie. Wilder, Marguerite Davis, Elea nor Winston, Lou'.s Rofc, Fred Mor-j ris, Norma Moore, Zelrnu Wester, Felix ( ioyner. R. B. WHITE, ^County Superintendent. Tuesday Affcrueoit llo|k Club. ? 1 Mrs: E. S. Ford, at lief home on | Main Street, most charmingly enter the Tuesday Afternoon Be ok | tatned Club to 5 p. m. The subject for the after Club on Tuesday afternoon from 3 ? noon was Thomas Nelson Page, and a most delightful program was render ed. * . Mjs. S. J..Parham gave a. graphic , ?sketch of the author's "life and "Mrs.! Jajr.es A. Turner read his sweet-fettle I story, "Mi Lady." . # | After the ' program* refreshments j -were served in throe courses.4 fc 'Democratic Mass Meeting, Itahjgh, | April 8th. . ? ? ? 1 William J. Bryan, Joseplius Daniels,.' ?Governor Locke Craig, ex-Governor Glenn, and other Democratic leaders ?of State and National reputation.are to speak at the great Democratic Mass Meeting in Raleigh, Wednesday, ApriJ 8th. beginning at noo^ A State.wide legalized primary, tlie adoption of the proposed Constitutional amendments, a b'etter system /)f taxation, improve J legislation affecting rca*3, schools, ? health and. country life, a better child ?i tyibor law, and iiiuny other big issues arc to bo discussed. Every Democrat j in the State is Invited, and special ^raiifoai rates arc expected. There \ will"dotoM-less i'C- a-rroat attendance. t'.e MpUiojIM. C'hiuch. .T' o revival ifTeoniiigT at the Met* o ' doing'a gr-iaV I AVf of almost higl; and : tr r . ? ;r" order creating mVfrT \ T.'io sihpag of ?TfSyPrice .1? s.p'cnt-id anil ityicli appreciated by ? audiences that are a t ten d hy. meeting each nigirt. The ?t-Vl~ n...C^ jjfieT-tf.rougb tfrc " ? ..isiW next.. fteti *-> <Wt.> s ?j- ji? * *.;c St. V. I3o'J?fic on r.'Kii'n'- *. ? i* r o : :n;c in t d a \ this charge '?e became tho nee } as such that tr.itG held him tin dor bond, tor carrying coneoal "":i:4 nncl for an assault upon K La t?p>to of the inclement rather, '* t hero wa3 a goodly attdffdanTS'at the J union meeting, which met with the Red Bud 4>apti?t Church last Satur day * and Sun4?r; ri?ov. George M. ? Duke, the pastor, made a notable ad*" d Op* Saturday morning on "The Chufcfc?Whut Is It, Why Is It, and What'Is to Become of It?" Rov. J. W. Sledge Also made a tine address in the afternoon on "How to Arouae and Fos ter an Interest. In Mission?." Others spoke. Prof T. H. Sledge conducted the Bnaiay uiliunl mass ' nnuLlui,. Walter M. Gllmore, of Loulsburg, preached Sunday morning on "Chris tian Stewardship." An offering of mor3 than $30 was taken for Home aiM Foreign Missions, v ? Capt. T. S. Collte^roslded over the meeting J. M. Tliornffkept the records. The next union wi]l be held with Mt. Hebron ?phurch. uear Ward's store, the fifth Saturday and Sunday In May. ., MISS M.Mr OX HCfrbt^GlSWOATH Ixui<fcdJj|*N <? Winner of t!:c jJfRta! V'rize ia the Franklin Tlufc? ,,.,4'lto Contest?a Ford Touring Car:** Mr*. Perdue Dead, Mrs. W. H. Perdue died Sa?u*4%y morning a!v!:or I't:::-? on Kenmote Avenue. Mrs. Perdu? Lua b^en crlthpl &liy ill v?ii*? ptttnitaon'a for almost ten days unci ;le eni was not. un^ looked for. The clecea#td* way 49 years old. had for m^ny"y^cr^icc ? i e^rnot awH active member of the Mt. Ollead Chris tian Qlmreh a friend and neighbor loved by all. . rThe remains werciL tarred on Sun day afternoon in the Murphy *hurytng r.round, the terrlces conducted. by Dr. W. B. Milrton. ? Mrs. Perdue leaves 11 mourn their Icps, a husband, Mr. W. H. Perdue, one brother, Mr. Don Bent of Maples ville, and several ti? ter?, nmonjc whom art* ftira. Bettie Tuclici oi Cc-J^r Hoi!;. Miss Lucy Inscce of '.'astr?1!i. *w- c .t ntrtSHox Jr^nd Rrir?' In t o FVa:?kl'?? v m j Avi-t^Pont^.-Jt?tm* be**Uui:l PrrrM^t PL?i\o. *?' 'g'hitf :.y 1 ;?> o; Cast 1 ? ttail jrg * ?cr^v ::on,' ?Ror4 Motn tr- ?ta*<' ^?Wilit-rtb** ^HOr" yt~^, of "oToTrV "qrrfe. Ihft.tfi' ^<v vt "V . )id promo1 '? who fatl^ro?! j TV-.Mpli a?'1 "O. T t 1' :!, ?. t.*? w: r, turn " \ ovrjr tfi>' flTC X'TroW^FotiTTr 'i n r" ? ,? lrtcr V tlvlli'*!. . i?^r? Voeii alor. f tiio lino of t':f? K^'o^wvi. Cp.Hfr *fn. pn?' Wl'son PnHrnafl t?> ho *tr?rtc<l tri oon ptrnctwn Hps >\*nr,. the*o fs <om^ Apodal M ton . as 10 what effcct- his ricrH'i -ri.ty- |"mv \ i t latar?Nrt;*1'. Vftnco and V/U^-on Oo'.mty ' pro.T<Rr^ Whc^lier it .may'nu.au the ultimate end or: Ms cn^incf*!*. Mr. C ruc*:s!jrn!:, "r?>? kccp. or. prohnhlvNnrfnLk_g<. .t;, cm may send aorto Othsf mnofu^bft the project promoting thftrnal, vvluglt, It Is understood, wiis none otl-.er tj<an a plan of extension for the Norfolk southern.?s ?~ Mr. B. bY>U4*r, Br., Dead. The Krcki??NA|)te, community wa4 deeply graved on %*ue?day mornlnr whfcn the death of Mr. Burt. F. Wilder. Sr., was announced. He was 79 years old and leaves tlireo daughters Mre. P. B.Qriffln.Mr^ W M. Puller and Miss Sophia Wilder, and three sons, Menai wu. a. wnaar, b. k wham, jf.. and M. C. Wilder, all living in this county. His death has brought the bitter cup of sorrow to ?he lips of friends and relatives. He was one of nature's no blemen in its truest sens*?brave, generous, manly. His was tbe soul of honor, and his friends and friend ships were sacred to him. There was a daily beauty about his life which won every heart. In tem perament he was mild, conciliatory end candid; and yet remarkable for an uncompromising firmness. He gained confidence In his association with his fellowmen. m Having s serve d his county in the capacity of treasurer caused him to be known by-numbers - of men. He was an old \eteran and has a rec *ord In the Civil war activities of much credit. He was a jpem ber of l.ouisburg Lolge Xc A. F. and A. M., and was readj* to do his duty to his mar.. - - . He *as a faithful and cona member ot Hock Spring v. Lurch r.nd his goa!y iiiflueuc l:a greatly mi sod in his comml The funeral was hold from Uie-1 on V.'cdncsJay and the interment iiiu-o at O:>lwoo3 .Cemetery beside the rem:-in.-, cl ins wife,'.who had pc.e cco.iv-I.im v,-*' ^ravc only a few ye ira. The services v.ere conducted by ttovi. L. Hnrtsell ac, ' W. M. Gil more, pastor of the Louisburg Baptist Church, and was attended by a num ber of Masons. The pallbearers wore S. A. Newell, W. H.'S'arborough, W. H. Fuller, S. t P. BodcHe. J. E. Timberlake, J. H. ! Weathers. Quite a larrje number attended the tfuneral to pay their last sad tribute Ifclpve. TljjPsympathy of. Louiaburg and Jehis homo community i& ex c bereaved family, | The Show. j _ The Musical Comedy Co., that was advertised to give throe performanceF at the opera house here this week, upon request of the citizens of Louis- , hurp, cancelled their engagement and left on Monday afternoon. This action was taken on account of the conflict with the dates of their performances and the*'revival services at the Meth o'lft Church. - ? To the OM Fiddlers* We want you to talce part in our Old Fiddlers' Convention at Maple ville Academy' on Alrpl 10th. Three prizes will be given to the best fid dlers. and cne to til o best performer on the hunjo. You will have the honor of he!n?x the first to play in our new building. Refreshments will be served and the occasion in every way wUl bo enjoy able. Get out. your fiddle aud' practice tho&.e oM pieces of real music. Every fiddler K asked to join in the coittcsc. TK.e ctercl&c will bcglu promptly at 8 o'clock. Be r.iire to be on .hand. .Mission Study Cla^s. The Mission Study Class of the liaptist Church was cutort:;'i:ci on M'nidav r.f**.?rnoon l>y Mr?- S. eT Wilder, c'. 's i - . ? r.uT\ in^ I'"f>nny Heck's TTTtTa' ?V vi c'icnV'Jt " " ' * ? *?!?evc v v v? m.?mb< ?; ent. Ti V ne xt nv' -* "ng will ' o : c!?t v. iLii aliM. Will Coc^ejy, M-nd " . " r- ' 0th / ' p m. ? -t " ' I)r. ''Miitli ^ V .to Of 4ie??< ???-. O. T South ~ ? "lor cbnductoS . J' Lo->1al)urfr, inforv Vrs >.}? 'J-caJM- ? nf-: -b c i* ? nr.. Ti*r'Ti\ v . i ? I v."YiIc in t!:o rf?l [.(v.- H bil " m ;. Tic J?4v ; i r; . i'..vcL? f '<C ,?nd" wo lenni In will lit up>: ;>6Sfl / nlQr Wor.. . i.J0l?bTiTg'5::,iUst t; urcb. ??Tl.y Coll Of tltS Wor! Is tho to' 1 j ijfed" ? SM*: ' t a'.jrpy. b/ TTif p.ntar,'Walt'ir M. Ollmoro. t: cim j lilo. EvjS&Rolcitfc : or\icea flow'In pro ?grcss at the Mothodlst'OMircll. It U ! p^eclaliy desired that o very member ' of this church, bo present mornlnB. Sunday schcol 9:45 a m Monument Komi Computed. The people of Franklin County will 1 e pleased to know that the remaining >? mount of the purchase price of the monument to the Confederate dead tS >e erected and unveiled In Loulsbon: the coming spring has been secured: ?>!r 3i ^!i AlW.n. ?lnnr?r nf Hm nunlnxjlvehunilre j dollars, is to bp conjrratulatelTipon his generosity and' is receiving the h early ggcd wish en of the many friends in thee ounty of the movement. The following com munlcatlons will serve aa explanation: April 2d, 1914. . Editor of The Franklin Times, Loulsburg, JL.C. ' Dear Sir: We feel that the people of both our town and county will be Interested to know that {he contrlbn-. tlon of $500.00 by Mr. James M. Allen, of Loulsburg, completes" the fund necessary for our monument. We will thank you to publish the following correspondence which 1h self-explanatory. i , Yours very truly, ? MKS. J. P. WINSTON,- I Pres.,.Joseph J. Davis Chapt. U. D. C. I.oulsburg, N. C..'April 2d, 1914. Mr:--. J. p. Winston, ? Pres. Joseph J. Davis. Chapter of U. D. C. Loulsburg, N. C. i-.iy dear. Mrs. Winston: I under Ham (hat the funds necessary to com plete the Confederate monument at this place have all been subscribed i except the sum of five hundred dol lars. 1 desire in memory of my de- ' cewcd wife, Helen Allen, who | was a daughter cf t!.c gallant soldier | in v .ose hojior your chapter is nrrr.e'l, to subscribe this rem aning cmount. With *rsat .respect, "jf . Yours truly, (Siitncj) ? , j. m. ALLEN. Louis! urg. N. O.'April 2d. 1914. Wfc.J. M. Allen,. Lojishurg, N. K ? 4 | lJeM Sir: We wtaii to tu knowledge ' : most gratefully your generous contri-. I ; but; i to our m<Hi\^ent fund. Tlie be. utiful spirit In it is'tendered , i commemorating, as it does, a nluci; i lc . ed daughter ;.nc! :,nc .hose absence ' !.a* !?<?(? i corety feU, juakes the do- j I r:. *lou doubly .dear. t ?Usurin* you of tlie hin<Stre appro- | ci lion o? our entire chapter, I bes to remain, | Faithfully yours, ! ?Signed) MK8/J. P .WINSTON, I'-es. Joseph J. Davis Chnpt. U D* C i f'rncst W. Emory of.^socfofed 1'ro^s, Dead. Washington. March 20.?Ernest W11-" ! liam Emery, ciiief of wire traffic in i the Washington bureau oTVl-.e As. sociated Press, died suddenly h<re to day of heart failure. He had been ! in weak health in rerent year and I was subject to heart attacks, j Besides Icing one of li e earliest I ; press operators in this <*;Uiitry, Mr. ! ? Kmery was one of the oldest em- ! ployes of the Associated lJress and ! was widely known in telegraph and i newspaper circles, lie began tele- ? graphy when he was 12 years old and was one of the f.rst operators to man ' t> leased wire Tor the trftnsmio.icn oi' , n? w?. He was an export telegyapho/ I oiid was selected by I'.e Associate ! ?' I ress to secid.the news of flr.-t j:'. ! portance of many Nation ; po'.iiit. _ I conventions. J At por tijne was ;Viy man ' ? " ct*T ft the lYa ? ?|,|.^. n? I I .... f. ? , r of -t'. r- !.? ? -TTRTo'jr ??? < ? > X. V , i .i-*" tve" cc'cbr*: t \l r?-r ?'?cr^vy o? ; .-.e* his \vius; '..".r *-o. ' W. Braery, Jr r;j? ^ 1 dal) , Mr*. I. 1 I'rlK'iaM o. Vit'W'.; .1. nun!: fi?x> !e>;u i Vr u. ^ ,i.uent pf th" 'i suiaj I'.fl . atlou ifti'Iv tt* " j of \Tortk .Uno, iorlill . jillier* ' Thli . . y fci.t C-'neral ? ' ^?i icti. r fro Soyernor's Ie'ari N* * .. ( |4?t Xcii ran UirougljrAuKutl. "J will Win command-nf-aa oCKer of I the regular army. Brigadier Ooncrnl llobert K. Evans Is tonipornrHyv iii. s command of the department i)f t h East but after April 1st it will, be. commanded by Ma J. Gen. Leonard Wood after he is relieve i of'lila duty as Chief of <Stufr of the army and sue. coeded by Maj. Gen. Witherspoott. It 13 estimated that with the regu lar army and militia over 13,000 will encamp in Charleston, NOt more than about three rfigi ments at anytime time will be !n camp atid the dutei for the South Curolina" troops to go will be suggested by the adjutant general. The letter states that the allot ment for this State is $13,000. This is in addition to the $15,000 appro priated by the Legislature for main tenance of the mllltla. . ?iiS3 A.NW'E CCLPliPPEIt '< c : .r Ruck le t.?>.?;> ? Winner o i the District Prize in tiie l Ifth^ i>iairict in \) e Franklin Tinier Auto Contest -a* leautiful Goll Watch. College Xotes. Misses Pearle and Blanche Grant ham very delightfully entertained the L. M. Pi. pororitjr of the Louisburg College on the evening of March 2Sth. A very interesting'program had been prepared and Misses Cora. .-Veins, Utile FoHcue and Mattle Belle' Good win read papers that showed much ] ability'and -research. After the pro gram hail been so agree^blj^ restored a delicious salad course, nut? und mints were served. v A very ueSiviilful Kuv, ^cLi'l^ventl took place in our college on f^aturtfaj night, when the fremmen ciasfc teriaineu the sub-freshme \. class a the college chapel from 8 .to 11. chis pel was artistically decorated ^ palms and ferns, the girls w.et.o look I Wig wl.elr preit?c"?t r.nd the ck Mon wa. e n? of %cuor?; beauty a: en joyment. Tt:o met dlstlnctlv. fea ture of the evoking vas a k t'.iten ei nii f t. .Mis-? Ituth Hall rendered sev eral .voeal solos after which trorm, c.i-e ;.r . m'r.ia were serve I. K ({]??? Harrla V-- ?" 1! ? r.. t;jo n !. ? ' .'11. ? ? ATJt^ ?vu- i ? I VVav . "? >'-? , ?it#* *o A. ' *'??cnf f'isiit? . .%eX rcss* ' '.'iiJii. , /* ? j jir.i . .;j., # ?. . ?\ViL rV li-~ j .. . * m i1" :ir. . ;.t S. !:;?>.? Ga., :j>ril - ? O. Pro'Miiuent riten fi; m ali v. i'i '.?e? J>Hci!0:V. {o ?!??' .? ? :t.-> Vf olralfciir.-e t,: csMclat . .'/.<? I T-.l -lD'vOtlar.OC, t.i tilts E?M "? -nrtynf;!fg' tJii% Inmoi'Luieo of c c'.. ion nil railroad? frt ra granl , ?gJ t pi^J8l1jlo rates ^a.the j entire public. An elaborate program ^of entertainment for visitors in gen oral lias been anopnecd. To Be Co-?|?miie. In on interview ? with Mr. T. J. Harris, president of the county organi zation of the Farmers' Union of Franklin County, In regard to the to bacco warehouse pfojcct, we learn that it will be run on the co-operafgfe fr'jyn Hf Mt-.tn? Hint t'-n nhlii i u? Am warehouse plan Is tQ give back to the grower of tobacco the-profits derived hfrom the sale of his tobacco. At present they have not decided wheth er or not they will purchase the building but have leased same with that privilege, so after closing the season all expenses will be paid from the incomes' from the sales which commissions and charges will be the same as other houses, rents or first installment of the purchase price and interest will be paid. Then a reason able interest will be'paid to the stock holders after which the remainder will be prorated to the growers who sole* with them in proportion to the amount I of their sale. Bythis plan those who | want *to avail themselves of the ad* v antunes uf-it can have their tobacco sold lor the actual expense of the eeiling. The organization Will take [placr, no doubt, after the?raeet j-ing of the Farmers' Union Thursday. ToUafcco ('o. Orga.iliet. ' At a meeting of the incorporators ?r the. Farmers _ ^Tobacco Co., of Louisburg. held in its oUtce? .011 Nash .Street ,on Saturday, MuriTi 28th, the tallowing organization was. perfected: lYc.Hest and Manager.?S: S. Mea Cews. . .." vt' Trce-Pre^i Jeni.^-J * N, -Harris- a Secretary nn:l ? 'I*ve ?.sure/.?U. C. Harris. . The election or t'le^Jj^ar.l of di Vvctorr. was deferpcj . a other meeting. ... ? - All three of the *tboVe" Officer* are men of splctiuiil know-edge of the business and their experience on the local market here will assure the-new firm much success. Messrs..S. S. Mea dows and J. N. Harris, il will be re ir.emV'ere'i, have been the popular proprietors of a ?vareheuse in Ljuis Vurs for a long period of y?ar: . and have wen an enviable favor v.iUitlie tcb&cco growers. u Hood Uimmn. .. Taf home of Mr. Ilint Fuller was saddened deeply March 23th whtn the Ccath ango< called* cud c!aiino4 for iUt^rare jewel, his. devoted wi?e, and" ,t-5ok her to the. throne of His .laker *.l:cre she will wait u.c coining of >er Savior S!.e was a, good wife, a iaii ?11 cl ristlf.n, rn*l was loved^ by all who knew lief. ( She left a husband anl host of of friends to mourn the> loss. i " kvh.g fccc i.^ a'jsc.-t, i.er Wei cunje". v;>* o is fetilled, a place is-va cant in our homo that never "will be ? Iflled. 11?v p'.easaift smiles and coun ten: ?}< e, is '-v tiio 5 o*:in u>r. fioin her dear, c.ev.tc-J ones, forever more. Although she's gone from our midst, she feels r.o throb ci p?'n, for sl.e has lr.n:led safo ir. Heaven, u.\u .will never r'ic ujrnln. Her home is i:: tl e palace iind r.o sha-ijv.* of the night in the *:-r:l n of ,i:it l>Jen, wh.ro the flow < 11c :*r l*'ght a fait'.:fill servant.' linML u - j'.dicr, a trh;r.;p*innt /vic ?l-ry won. v ?s called Xrcnf her "toil PUf. 1. l or \\ .c\x her lor Tlay':; work .vus i!o;?e In the. pre.-< ice of ! er ?-\.vi<?.' ?... V" IleivenV erovn in ir'.o-v ?" mansions of !V blest. .1 Uuit i Jr. ' ?J't r ? ,t Olios?; ?? . At rugle-.i !t. at , April lOUi. tit ? il !.o cefo? on la cor?ally ' ":'?7 requc tf<rto llrsaks Xcck, " aw, a -covered c\r ? ... work 'Ecmicry place on Wedness! . . ju scall'aljL and broke dj-lng Immediately. Whether fold broko or hlff fait was a bad step Is not known here.

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