? ..i'. i;> i.fci* i i, i t k. TBI COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. ? ^ j ? _ i, ? ... i VOL.^ZLIV. . " ? 7 - \ LOUISBUSO, K, P., felDAY, MAY 8, 1914. ? NUMBER 13. -COUNTY CONV ENTI8N NOMINATES JOSEPH T. IMK'OE FOB THE HOUSE. All Old Otlkcr- Nominated Except Comnitoakiner I'zzell. Who Will be Succeeded by Mr. Joseph W. Wijis ton. The Democratic county cOTweuuou tor tlie nomination ol county offlsers was held lii the coim:iuu?e lu-Louls burg Monday shortly alter 12 o'clock, tlic house being well filled with dele gates and spectators. Chairman-Col lie called the meeting to order as soon as the crow;l became settled,.he call ed Supt. R. D. White to act as tem porary chairman of the convention \ GOVERNOR LOCKE CRAIG. ,"Whd will make tjie aSdress next Wed nesday, May 18th, at the unveiling of ilife Confederate monument. , tiid^iecsrs. C. C. Winston ami A. F. .Johnson as temporary secretaries. These gentlemen taking their places the roll call was had and all town. rh; "c:'c.":-as t'.k'r names were , s called. . > , ? * The next business was to perfect | ? organization and upru a, motion by ! Mr. E. N. Williams, cl Laniy -Creek, | 1' 0 temporary orgui Izallon w. s made permanent. Chairma-i "!..te t'ren an nounced that tl}!< cor.ventiQn ? wu calle : Cpr ti!?. i?uipo=e of nom n-flns, candidates tdr the Hcu e of Repre sentatives, sheriff, treasurer,, register of dcids, Clark of the 3tu>-rt? ?IccjnW nnd a ljm.ru of tou. W com -missrtoners. He also explained that at the time ti e jprlclirlc J .was caller the executive r'omm'.ico ht.d udopted the precinct plan or that Tjrliich had "been in ute tor number 6f years back, but at Lit io c./,i ' UK" rcting j lull* .r;$:-'n all calieii for ii.e etii-vt at I e prjul.-rie.^ i itlie plans j:a.'. nfces.-ii "v c'.anjelj to I plan No.-i, .vii'eii ! el;1. that tbe one | receiving t're lariest nurabev of pop"- j lar votes was'tlie.namlnga. *"':ecpt " .a ease of coj^to** *?. 4 ^I |,;).nt Mr: V? M. Person was uil'u'.ve.l tr.e iloji>a:i.l argisl tiiat :.s ??the primaries \vere act lei: accord ing to Ir.v.' in t're "fact that the tickets were not p-eic^ v - u-;l! after tlic . conven(?.~n, mr.vi.d tVrt 1* e o'.3 plan be adopted. This brought about a general discussion, wherein a large *B. THOMAS 8. COIiLIR. ' Who wlir receive the monument, Mr (he county. Ha Is {he chairman of the Board of Commissioners: a?d U an old ?Idler with;. an ? record, ? 1,./.' ? ? T ~? number of delegatk* took a part lt wag soon seen that as there was no. contest?? roll Mil navlng been takin ?the question soon narrowed down v to whether-or.aet th? poU holflcr? and registrars had properly counted the vpten. T'-f corner t'on was qulok to register unanimous disapproval of such an Idea and declared It would BCIss Mary i'ouBg Dead. On last Saturday evening Just as thee lock was striking six the Death. An(el entered the home of Mr. J. W. Mustlan, on Spring Street and took therefrom ttie spirit of Miss' Mary Young. MIsb Mary Was thirty-four years old anjl had ueen a great suf ferer for a number of" years, but bore lier affliction wlth^the greatest obrls tioh fortitude. She leaves a mother, 0Hd one brother, both of whonMlve in Loulsburg. The funeral services were held from the Baptist church on Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Walter M. Gllmore, who paid a pretty tribute to the life of the deceased. After the ceremony tfce remains were taken to Oaklawn cemetery for in terment, attended by * large concourse of sorrowing friend^* and relatives. The bereaved relatives and friends have the sympathy of the entire com munity. | .? S ^adhere to plan No. 2 and let the popu lar vote tell the tale. ? - Nominations now being In order and with ar ecord of the rtufna of the primaries was begun. A motion prevailed that In order to save time the chairman should read from "his list the votes of each candidate by townships and declare the nominee for such office, correc tion? In the figures being made should any errors be found as the vole from each township was called. Therefore the nominations were announced as follows: __ ' For Sheriff?W. H. Allen, total vote' 1176, with no opposition. For Beglster of Deeds?J. B. Yar blrough, total vote 1204, no Opposition. For Clerk of' the ourt?J. J. Bar row, total vote 1168, no opposition. For Treasurer?P. B; .Griffin, total vote 1174, no opposition. For Coroner?Dr: W. P. Simpson, total vote 856, no opposition. "At this point Mr. B." N. Williams, of Sandy' Creek, placed the name of Mr. B. B. Egerton in nomination for County Surveyor, stating tliat he was away at the time or arranging for the ballot primary end Mr. Egerton was ncminated by acoiamatlon. Tbcv ote for Franklin County's member of the Bouse of Representa t\yeg wm-mJ.as follows: "Inscoc 7?j person 687 IjffS?tolmes 82 Mr. Inscoe. receiving the majority was declared the nominee, The vote for commissioners was then read and resulted as follows: - Ballentine 1007 Cooke 808 Wllsoi) i 806 -Winston. 762 , Collie * 711 l'z/j'!l 709 McGhee .. ... 56? Copper i | ? ?? ? ? ? f 623 ^ Strickland .' 562 - Upon this ballot Messrs. J. H. Bal lentlne, J. H. Cooke, J. O. Wilson, J. \Y. Winston'.and T. S. Collie were de clared the nominees. All of the nominations being con cluded, Chairman ? White stated that he had been requested by Mr. Henry A. Kearney to state to the convention that all the reports that hWL^ieen handed around relative to hia having received Inducements to withdraw from the rac6 for 'sheriff were with out foundation and absolutely false, that he acted in accordance with his own judgment and desires and surely within his privilege, and thanked the -people for'the many kind expressions In his behalf. Mr. insooe was then called to the ?oor""by the ftfclegatlon and in yrorda ull of meaning ISI^kratlttt^? gadti'-^ iHii<2i' ljg of imy lflfld from -any on a -tofrj?opia'^n afe?i?totr 3 half 10 hardiSP"aSSBt wonld to represent them-1 would see no.reason to re ferrln*rthe honor upon himsell Mr. Person then addressed tSer con vention relative to his candidacy af ter which Chairman Collie read the applications of Supt. R. B. White and Lieut. W. W. Boddle for a primary ln~ the Senatorial campaign to b? held on Saturday, May 16th. ?? . j This closed one of the moat con genial and satisfactory convention* that haa been held In OTptnkMn Coun ty In many years. ' ?Mi Quite an enjoyable tackle party waa xlven by Mlaa 3aUle Pleasants at her home on Matn Street o nlast Friday night to quit* a large number of friends. A most enjoyable evening . . ' ? THE CONFEDERATE MONI'MENT. f This is a most beautiful design and represents great efforts as well as much credit to the Joseph J. Davi^ Chapter of the United Daughters of the Con federacy. It was^e-ected by the Suffolk Marble Works or Suffolk, Va., and ju?t recently completed. Yhe v-crk-ls masterful aDd is an honor to the county. ... : ? . PROGRAM Of Exercises to Be Held at jte Unveiling of Monument to the Confederate ^oldiers of Franklin ' County May 13, 1914. ? MASTER OF CEREMOX1 ES-^-Aftorney-General T W. Biekett. ' , .? CHIEF MARSHAL?Mr. .Tames M. Allen. MARSHALS?VV. H. Rnffin, B. T. Holden, A. W. Person, -r JL. M. Perry, W. H. Yat.borough, Jr., Joe Mumford, Sam Meadows, A. 3V' Alston, D. F. McKinne, J. R, Collie, M. S, W. Boddie. : ? ??-*? PART ONE. ORDER OF MARCH?Starting fronj Coni-t House Square fit 10 O'Clock A. M. i. v*-'*? THIRD REGIMENT BAXI). ~T? - - ?? - ?.. ,- ..vw AUTOMOBILE?Governor Oralg, Judge C?ok, Sheriff Kearnev, Rev. Geo.. I)uke! HI. ~ '? AUTOMOBILE!?Attorney-General Biokett, Capt- Collie, Sheriff^Allen, Mavor Turner. ^ i IV. ?? ' Daughters of the Joseph J. Davis Chapter U. D. C. ' ? , V. _ -1. , Confederate Veterans of Franklin County. VI Mounted Guard From Tup Townships. ~~ I ' . VH. , . , ? Float?"Spring of '61." VIII. Mounted Guard From Two Townships. &- ---- T Float?"Tenting." ^ . ? X. . ? ? Mounted Guar4 Frbaa-TwoJIownships. ^ J -Float?"Back. From tin- Front, "? -** xn. . Mounted-Guard From Two Townships, XHI. Float?"The Home Guard." XIV. Mounted Guard From Two Townships. ' ? ' . . , XV. ? - Float?"The Beturrf " ^ N ' XVI. - Military Companies. PART TWO. Exercises at Monument. Prayer?Rev. Geo. M. Duke. '> ? . n. ' >f Monument to -Mrs. Marshall Willitans, ident ,U- D .C. by Mrs. John Winston, Presi oseph J. Davis Chapter U. D. C; (Continued on Age Seven.) . ' j, _ | j : : ~-*r Current.Literature Book Club. On ThuiSday afternoon, at her beautiful home on Main Street, Mrs. Jno. W. King very cti&rmlpgly enter tained the Current Literature Book Club. The guests were met In the hall by the hostess and shown Into the par lor, which had been beautifully deco rated with cut flowerB, ferns and palms. Here the guests were served with a refreshing fruit punch and Mrs. T. W. Blckett opened the after noon's dlscusdlon. The afternoon's subject was, "Life In Germany." Eacli member respond ed at roll call with a quotation from the German and Mrs. Malcolm Mc Klnne gave a sweet little German love song. The lesson was interestingly con ducted by Mrs. T. W. Blckett, the Thirty Years war being discussed, and Its political and moral influence upon othet European natldns as com pared with the long struggle In Ger many. Mrs. M. C. Pleasants read a paper on the life and character of John Huss, and Miss Elizabeth Alien gave a reading from Longrellow's YNurem burg." Mrs. T. W. Blckett read an ar ticle on "Student Life In Germany's Universities."' Mrs. W. M. Gllmore sang, "Schubert's Serenade" and play ed a beautiful old German waltz. At the completion of the program - rfallo-htfiil ..l.il -rn.m. ht cream and cake was gracefully served by Misses Sallle Louise Macon, Bertha Neal and .Master Jno. King. Mr3: King as hostess, was at lier best on this occasion and the meeting was a real literary feast. Those present were, Mrs. Jno. W. King, Mrs. T W Blcket, Mrs. Ivey Allen, Mrs. Geo.'Cralle, Mrs. W. H ! Ruffln, Mrs. Joe Barrow, Mrs. D. T. Smltliwlck, Mrs. Frank McKinne, Mrs. S. P. Doddle, Mrs. B. B. Perry, Mrs. M. C. Clifton, Miss Mary YaVborough, Miss Loulla Jarman, Miss Elizabeth Allen, Mrs. W. M. Gllmbre, Mrs* M. C. Pleasants, Mrs. Malcolm McKinne, and Mrs. L. L. Joyner. , Sir. John, Sherrod Dead. Mr. Join- S'.erro'. an unc'e ? o." Messrs. 'C. N. and A. S. Sherrod, who live about three miles trom to.wn, died at the home of Mr A. S. Sherrod, died on Tu(yji-y afternoon and wns burleii at the'ord"Sherfod bnry'ns rr->an<V. on Wednesde; Mr. Sherrod yap ? 80 y_.ll1?. old and was a man of string conviction?, lov able disposition and a neighbor wts-j kind offices will be greatly mls3ed. It was ordered that the-county apl proprlate- $102.50 towards tlefraylflg ? the expenses ot the old soldiers at th? reunion, tt repre?entlng-ene-halt thereof. ; : -t-: ?- . ? W. W. Green, of Frankllnton town ship, Was relieved of graded. school tax on 120 acres of land?not being in said district. W. F. Branch was relieved of special COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Held Begulmr Session Monday?Only Houtlne limine**. The board of county commissioners met in regular session with all mim,-. bers present on Monday. After read lng and approving-tile minutes ot the previous meeting, business was dis posed of as follows: '1. HENi'Y P. r^ABNET. One of Franki!";' - r.icct Worthy old ve-' terans ana * C :c long term as Sheriff of Fror :!i.i County lias won for him tlx isv? of all its subjects*? - | i'chool 4ax In {ngleside district?not . I being 4n said district. ? Margaret Etheriuge was allowed to go to conqty home. Ed Wlilje- was relieved of special school, tax In Fankllnton township? not Ije'.iiS In sai l dstrlct. J T-.A'ferl v--.a .rr."ovel cf ;p;ctal I v.cliool tax In the PI.o t district?ijot | being Jn said district. v i 3. W. Bartholomew was"* allowed seven Joints-ot fclplng to .go across ! roatftiea?-l?1a liome.' V. ? ... | ? r.oport of Dr. J. E.-tMaloue, superin tendent .of Health, was received and ordered ujed. ? . -? j; It wps-crdereJ. that P.v.fHn Branch's ' r'.lowsncc as cu'skle pauper be iu l . Address by Dr. Potest. , Loulsburg people enjoyed a rare treat In the address of President Wil liam Louts Poteat, of Wake J^orest. College, a* the Baptist cfturch Tues day night -His subject was "The Reign of the Kingdom, or Applied Ohrlsttanlty." . Dr. Poteat also made a reryln<a? estlng talk at the opening exercises of the college Wednesday morning. K K A L THOJfAS "WJtLTFK BH'KKTT. Who will be master of ceremonies during the atrretllng Wednesday. His ef- 4 forts towards the erection of the <montara?nt,ha? been greatly appreciated by the Daughteras of the Joseph J. Davs Chapter. , It was ordered that 1 , , rdad he^lnnlng- ilfmit one^'halt mile ttom Harris ??osa Jtoa<Ja e% Louta btarg tlfir Zefiulon '-rftadf an? Mikntng towad Bugs and connecting "Ml MKT road near Crooked Creek, bridge, be ? rfcelved and ftlad. The petition iai mad? by H? PtariM, A. H. Martin and others. (ontlnqed to " " '

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