* THE WEATtiE* generally Fair Friday t variable wind?. k. V. JOHNSON, EMTOB AND MAK AG KB. VOL. XLIV. LOUISBURG, N. 0., ? (FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 191* """" "NUMBER 17. CITY FATHERS MEET ALLOW DETECTIVE ACCOUNT 1? WINDOW CASES. Small Meeting Bat Good Beporti Were Beeelpcd From Several Offi cers?Signs te be Pnt Up. -???r The Board of town Commissioners met In regular session On last Friday night with all members present ex cept Newell. The Board ni called to order by Mayor Turner, ahd after reading, and approving the mlnntas of the previous meeting the following business was disposed of: Report of E. 8. Ford, Treasurer, -was received, and filed. He reports a balance due town of (3,946.59. Report of A. W. Alston, clerk, was secelved. He reports: collections as follows: water rents $245.96 light rents 1498.80, making ./* total of $744,76. None uncollected. ?t Report of A. W. Alston, tax ool ?Jected, was received and filed. He reports as follows: Received for gen eral purpose $443.64, for light fund : ?110.36, for water fund -553.54, mak * Report of J. C. Tucker, chief of Police was received and filed. He reports costs (44.55, fines (24.00, licen ses $18.00, rent $5.35, making a total ?f $91.90. A motion was- made to allow the account of $105,00 tor the detective work In the case of the braking of the window glasses, which occurred seteral months ago .'a roll call was had and the vote stood. Aye?Allen, "* Ford, Williamson. No?Hicks. Not fotlng Wheless. The account was allowed. An ordlance offered by Commis sioner Williamson looking to con trol the section of the - town of bad reputation failed to pass. Chief of Police Tucker was In structed to have made and pnt up on the roads leading Into Loulsburg, three signs warning automobile? as ?to speed >>mlt. * ,v After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to Its i:fxt regular meting Woman's Missionary Societies. The Womans Missionary Societies of the Methodist ,and Baptist Shur ciies met In a joint meeting on Tues day afternoon, at the home of Mrs. F. N. Egerton, guests of Mrs. Win gate Underhill and Mrs. B. G. Hicks. The meeting was called to order by the presldent of the Methodist society, Mrs. R. Z. Egerton and opened with a scripture lesson and prayer by .Mrs. P. G. Alston. Mrs. Wingate Underhill then made a talk on the origin, work and pro gress of the Baptist Woman's Mis sionary Society, and Mrs. M. C. Pleas ants read a paper telling of the be ginning growth and work of the Methodist Woman's Missionary Soc ... leties. ' These papers were intensely lnter ?estlng, showing almost a miraculous growth In the work, and showing also that both branches of the great work had practically the same difficulties * to encounter in the early days of Its organisation Mrs. Emma Allen gave a very In teresting talk on the purchase of Loulsana and vividly brought out Its relation to the religious Influences of our country In the making of nationalities, creeds and belief* and its now great Importance in relation to the Panama Canal. Mrs. E. S. Foster read a paper on the religious life of Mexico and Mrs. F. B. McKinnle gave a graphia ac count of the work now being done in the various school? established and maintained by the liMlMary Boards. Mrs. Emma Allen then closed the ' literary program with prayer and ?K a social hour was greatly enloyed. ? Delicious refreshments wen served, and the societies adjourned to meet , in their respective societies two weeks later. , ? i The Methodist Cfcarck. ' Services at 11:00 a. m. and at 8:15 p. m. iSJ^S^hodlstjhurch next Swnday ooadtjoted Tjy tSe pastor., Subject of .(bp mon^ng sermon, the Genloua >. at. Christianity. At the evening hour the p?gtor will present an illustrated lectors on the work of ?P Woman s Missionary Society in Oriental Landau. 1 This addrees will be Illustrated .with about 75 excellent colored stereoptltpq*. On Monday nl?ht an illustrated lecture on the evil effeets of cigarette smoking will be delivered to the young " people of the town and choroh. The admission la free and a general ta \ vltatlon 1b extended to all ot tbe boys and girls la town. 1 The subject of tbe Wednesday night prayer meeting Is Religion and Health. At this meeting an Illustra ted lecture on the conquest ot tuber culosis will be given. A generat-tn vitatlon Is also given to this lecture. Illustrated Lectures Rev. Mr. Wilcox ia giving a series of lectures on temperance and Mis sionary work In place ot the regular Sunday evening survlcq. He gave tbe first of these lectures ooblast Sunday evening. The lecture was Illustrated by the stereoptlcon views. The subject was cuba and waa very Interesting and Instructive. It Is hoped these lecture* will be largely attended. To Drill. Captain J. A. Turner Informs us he wlH have a drill of Company D. Louls burg, rifles, eveW Monday night at 8:00 o'clock, during the month of June. These drills aro being held to prepare for encampment to be held In July, and every member Is ordered, to be present on each drill. The drill dates will be 8th, 16th, 22nd andzaiu. All members are expected to be pres ent. Installs Befriglrator. Mr. L. P. Hicks, has recently in stalled a large McCray refrlglrafor with seven departments for refrlglra tion, and an Ice capacity of six hundred pounds. This will be used in Oaring for and preserving perishable goods, such as vegltables, fruits, butter eggs, cheese, etc. It is a pleasing design and adds much to the lxtures of the atot'e. PLANTED BY A WATCHMAN. Explosive Directly Under Secretary Houston's Boob?Clerks Flee In Panic When Kan, Wow Arrested, Tells of His "Find** Several hundred clerks and officials fled-in fright from their offices in the Department of Agriculture yesterday when Daniel V, Jauch, a yatchman, scurried through the corridors shout ing that the buUding was about to bo destroyed by dynamite. Led by Jau ch, several of the cooler-headed de partment officials ran to the basement, where they found four sticks of dy namite, on which the fuses had been burned out Apparently an explosion had been averted because the fuses had been jamed bo tlglu into the de tonation caps that the fire was ex tinguished. Say He Woald Be "Hero." Then came a hurried sequel. Jauch, who had suffered severe In juries to bis head while serving as a soldier in the Philippines several years ago, was taken to a police stat ion and subjected to rigid questioning. Later the police announced he had admitted that he hlmselt placed the explosive. Department officials said they believed the watchman intended to "discover" the dynamite before it could do barm, hoping thereby to win promotion for heroism. ? The dynamite had been placed dire ctly beneath the office of Secretary Houaton. The Secretary was out of town, but Immediately across the cor ridor from his office Assistant Secre tary Galloway and several other offi cials were working. That part of the building wonld have been destroyed had not the sltaling fuses burned out. Fly Day. We all know the danger menaced In human death and human - life aa conveyed by files. While we cant Mil ill of them, yet we want to ask every, family and individual In town and county to fight files next Tneeday the 9th day ot June. Let us call this data fly day and by all means manner and weapons to kill all the tiles we can that day. Let us all concentrate our efforts against thefly with fly swat ters tangle foot fly traps, and screen doors. It will not be much trouble tor all of us to especially try this experiment this one day. ^ County Health Officer. - - - Y List ?? Letters. .The following la a Ust of letters remaining la the postoffloe at Louis b?rg, N. C June 5, uncalled tor. ? Mrs. Clara Drumer, Miss Carrf Far, Miss Lula James, Leander McSwaln, WUley Mumford, J. It Nowell, Mr*. Virginia Thomas, Miss Minnie Wil liams, Miss Cllaner Williams. "Penans catling for any ot the above will pleBfc say they saw then ad vertised. M. W. YARBOROUOH. P. M. InternatlQaal Hunduj School Co? rentlon. As the date approaches, the Interest la the treat triennial International Sunday school Convention to be held In Chlcayo, June 1S-30, Increase?. This evidenced by the large number of peo ple who have signified their Intui tion of attending by sending their names to the State school faead and waa told that out of the 623 all but eleven had come ifl. 1 Roosevelt had delivered a broad side on the Wilson administration in the coarse of which he had Mid that (