Merchant's Association Meet?. Below we (ire the official pro gramme of the North Carolina Mer chants Association meeing to be held la the. Knights of Pythias hall In Durham on June 16th, 17th, and 18th, and to which all merchants u.e Invi ted: PBO?lUJOIli. . . Wednesday Morning, June 18th, ?:S0 o'clock.. Assembling and Registration of Dele gates. Convention called to order? President, Joe Garibaldi. Prayer? > , Rev. John Jeter Hurt, Durham, Address of Welcome^- ' On Behalf of City, Hon. W. J. Brog don, Mayor. On Behalf of Bar, Hon. W. 6. Bran ham. - ? On Bthalf of The Commercial Club and Greater Durham, Gen. Julian 8. '' Carr. On Behalf of Jthe Durham Merchants Association, Hon. R. O. Everett. Response to Address of Welcome on Behalf of the Merchants Associa tion of North Carolina, Hon. J. Norman Wills,' OreenBboro. Appointment of Committees as fol lows: Credentials. Constitution and By-Lawa. Ways and Means. Resolutions. Auditing. . Nomination. General Dlscuasion. Wednesday Afternoon, two-thirty o'clock. Reports of State Officers? Joe Garbaldl, President. H. W. BerryhllL, Secretary. S. P. Burton, Treasurer. Ten minute Talks by Secretaries and other Association Workers. "Membership," J. E. Griffith, Secre-1 tary, Winston Association "Association Work," Mr. William James, Secretary Salisbury Association. "The Merchants Position in Com munity Development," Mr. R. T. Fountain, Secretary, Rockj^Mt Association. "Organization as Meana to Secure | Direct Results," Mr. C. W. Stal llngs. Secretary Durham As-1 soclatlon. 'The Credit Situation of our Mer chants," Miss Mary Gregory, Secretary Raleigh Association. "Association Work," Miss L. Male I Stephenson, Charlotte Associa tion. "The Modern Merchant," Mr. Ander son Pace, Industrial Commissioner, The Chicago Association of Com :mevoe, Chicago, 111. General Discussion Open to Delegates Thursday Morning, 9:30 Unfinished Business. General Discussion. Open to Dele gates. "" . Report of Credential. Committee. Address?Mr. Clarence Sawyer, tor mer. President of the SState Asoclatlon Ashevllle, N. C. Address?"The Association as the Most Valuable Assest to the Busi ness Interest of any Town. By Representative of Hickory Ass'n. Greetings ? from the pioneer State Asoclatlon workers. General Discussion on the Ways and Means ot organization work of the State Association. Thnrsdaj Afternoon, two-thirty o'clock Unfinished Business. Report of Auditing-Committee. Report* of Standing Committees as follows: Insurance?J. Norman Will's, Greensboro Finance?R. T. Fountain, Rocky Monnt. Arbitration?R. ,L. Poston, States ville ' ' Transportation?J. N. McCaus land Charlotte. Legislative?Edgar lE. Broughton, Raleigh. V Special Legislative Committee? - K. B. JsstJoe, Chwhrtt?. , Thursday Erenisg, eight .('clock Unfinished Business. * General Discussion. Open tvTlMe gates. Reports of Committee as follow?: Constitution and Dy T^ws Ways and Means. Resolutions. 15 Selecting the next Plaoe of meet-] ln* ? " Report of Nominating Committee. Social and get-acqualnted meeting. Adjournment ENTERTAINMENT. ? . T- swr;* ' Wednesday Afternoon. ' Trip through the Duke Branch of V' the American Tobacco Company, by N. E. Green, Manager. Trip trough the Duke Branch of the Ligfcett and Mr??l typhoid fever and tuberculosis anf the home. Our reasonJIF being here, to-day is primarily to protect our homes. This is the highest reason-that calls u? here. I want to see the time com? when every child In North Carolina will have as good an opportunity as any other child In the world . I want to see him have an opportunity to at tain to his highest posslblltles In phys ical and Intellectual and moral strength. I want to see rural districts lifted up. I want to see a nobler and a higher way of living. The obliga tions is upon the Democratic perty, the dominant party of the state. This Is the party of all the people, and lis laws should take Into consideration -the welfare and protection of all the people.?'Prom sp'eech of Governor Craig. Flre-Eseape For U*. State laws are constantly being amended so as to Increase the use of lire-escapes where necessary, and these escapes are not serving their purpose If the exit is blocked by trunk*, tioxes, or other things. In many cities vre marshalls have a habit ?f en-tern g, unannounced, ,tS*M baldtagsoa which lire escapes are required, & making Inspections befire giving warning. Fire Mar shal Wead of Houston, Texas, has adopted -ibis method, and found that many persons had become careless. N'oth Carolina offlceers In some In stances ' are doing the same thing, th^tt pavilion being that fire-escapes are worth los h unless they can be used at any time. AI way? Lead to Better Health Serious sickness start In disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys. The best corrective and preventive Is Dr. King's New Life Pills. They Purify the Blofid?Prevent Constip ation, keep Liver, Kidneys and Bowels In healthy condition. Give you better health by ridding the system of feiV mentlng and gassy foods. Effective and mild. 25c., at your Druggat. Bucklen's Arnca Salve tor All Hurts. * Fire Lohms Ob Farms. Mr. Frank P, Tucker, 8tate Secre tary of (he Association Advance Pre mium Cooperation Fire Insurance Companies of New York State, fires out a statement that, to say the least, is Interesting. He says fully 90 per cent of 'all Insurance covering farm property in New York State Is carried In cooperative companies, and that thece. has been a general increase duflng the past few years In the loss ratio, and that this has been the ex perience of stock companies on the same class of risks. Mr. Tucker says: "From the expe rience of adjusters, it has been gener ally conceded that practically all losses except those caused by light ning have been due to carelessness.' After giving a list of fires and their causes, he says: "It Is not in the least unreasonable to charge 75 per cent of the 'unknown' causes in dwellings to 'defective flues,' for at least this percentage of such losses are alwafs found to have started In the attic or near the chimney. It would also doubtless be pertert by far to charge 50 per cent of barn losses from' 'unknown* causes to Incendiary and smoking, dividing the honors(')." Cares Stubborn, Itchy Skin Troubles. "I could scratch myself to pieces" is often heard from suffers Of Ecze ma, Tetter Itch and similar Skin Er uptions. Don't Scratch?Stop the Itching at once. Its first applica tion starts healing; the Red Rough, Scaly, Itching Skin Is soothed by the Healing and Cooling Medicines. Mrs. C. A. EInfeldt, Rocky Island, 111., after using Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oinment, I writes: "This la the first tlnft to nine years I have been free from the dreadful ailment." Guaranteed. 50c. at your Druggist. ?* \a\ v Irill Be Dry in Thirty Days Washington, June I.?Navy offi cers today entered upon their last "wet month. Just thirty days more and the "wine mess" on battleships and at navy-yards will be a thing of the past, unless President Wilson an nuls an order, of Secretary of the Navy Daniels abolishing use of liquor in thediavy July 1. It Is not believ ed the President will hold up the "dry" order. < NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Rufus Burnette, de ceased, late of Franklin County, this is to notify all persons holding claims against his estate to present them to the undersigned on or before June 1st 1916, or this notice will be placed la bar of their recovery. All person's owing the said estate will come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Jane 1st. 1914. ? W. D. BOWDEN, Admr. 6-5-14-btlp. . VANISH m Mm! Chrotrie Suffiifi Find Relief After AF?W Ara Taken Backache, urinary disorder*, and rheumatism, an caused (Pom weak, inactive kidncyi, which fail to filter out the impurities and keep the blood pure, and the only way on earth to premanently and positively curt ?uch . The new diicoYery, Croxone, cure? auch condition! because it reaches, the very roots of the disease. It aoaks right into the stopped up, in active kidneys, through the walla and Ha tags; cleans oat tie little filtering cell* and glands; neutralizes and dis solves the poisonous uric acid tub atances that lodge in the joints and muscles to scratch and irritate and cause rheumatism) it neutralizes the arise so it no longer irritates the - * tr membrane* of the bladder, dean* out and strengthens the ai -M ?P,.Mfak?u.Wdneys so they tun die blood, and drive k out of the system. ? So sur?, io positive, to quick and listing, are the results obtained from the use of Croxone, that three doses a day for a few days are often all that !> required to cure the worst oase of backache,' regulate the most annoying bladder disorders, and over come the numerous other similar conditions. > It is the most wonderful prepara tion ever nude for the purpose. It ia entirely different from" all other remediea. There ia nothing else on earthy tO .compare with it It is to prepsfrd that it is practically impos sible to^take it into thq human iy? You caff obtain an original package of Croxoae at trifling coat from atV first-class drag store. All druggist* art authorised to personally return the purdMM pric? 11 Croxope fails to gn Mnl ?Mils, rsp? Bum. Cow Pe?i,i V?lv?t Be&nt, Sorghum?^* Ensilage Corn. MUfcts*' and all other Seasonable Seeda.j wJt. tu* lilaa J'iTnfitiMllin' wluv iw iww vivwvnpnTv Catalog and prkWoiienyTi iid? fa which yon are interested.V T. Vf/WOODdJJONS.1 How You Can Save Money Buy your'kSummer outfits, such as Clothing,Shoes,Hats Shirts etc. for cash and call for a receipt which entitles you to 50c in trade or cash on purchases that amoftnt to ten dollars. Sure is some Bargains. No doubt about that. Where? AT The Bargain Store Joseph IT. Ramey Proprietor.