FRANKLIN TIMES i. F. JOHNSON. Etitsr u* lUiu^er Oh T Mr, ?1.00 Ux iMtti, r. ....... M Kkree Months, iS Why not have a meeting of tbe chamber of commerce. The chamber of commerce, can do a lot tor Loulsburg1, It It will only get to work. ?Not dead, but sleepth" will easily apply to the Loulsburg chamber of commerce. The press reports say Huerta has made formal announcement of his in tentions to resign. There are still a few sections in the county that have not been blessed with the rains we have. The battle cry In the light against disease is cleanliness. Clean things are safe. Dirty things are dangerous _ In the fight against most, 11 not all, of the ills of life, It Is prevention, rather than cure, that counts the most The illustrated lectures at the Methodist church, are of a high educative order and well worth the time to go to see. If the money spent for whiskey could be devoted to public health work,' our dreams of a non-disease land would soon be realised. The Medical Depository report shows sale of ?919.00 for the month on May, with a gross profit of $80.00 and the prices are above these char ged at the dispensary. What a difference it would make In the appearence of Loulsburg, if the merchants would display their goods inside their stores. Instead of on the sidewalks. Now that the fiscal year has ended why toot lets have an annual state ment from the town. The officials have been promising these and we see no better time than now. When the Medical Depository was first established It was a very strange occnrance for the Bales to run over 200 per month. Now it runs around )1.000,#Q quite a difference isnt It There was evidently a lot of sick ness In the county during the month of April, if the report ot the Medical depository, is a true indication. Ab out 1000 precrlptions were filed dur ing that month. The service relative to health and sanitation is secured from Chicago, and are recognized the best made. The people of Loulsburg should go out. The program for next week will be found In another column. Supt. Beck informs us that from now on the llg|>t plant will give a twenty-four hqur service, with the exception of during heavy electric storms, through which the service will be discontinued, until after the Installation of the new plant. ? Hon. H. E. Norrlsf was nominated to succeed himself as solicitor of this district on last week without opposi tion. He is a fine man and a splendid official, and our people are to be con gratulated upon the selection. The law and order league seems to be interested in the present amount of whiskey sales In Loulsburg. It Is nothing but Tight that some one tfioald feel enough interest in the enforcement of laws to see that the tew te complied with, not only In one bat ?11 instances. , The people of Dunn's township are to be congratulated upon the effort th?y are making to tat a good roads system. This will do mor? towards tha Improvement of the towaahlp than aajrthing else at present. Sapt. R. 0. Beck informs us that tha reason why the water waa so mud dy on Taeada? waa dua to? new man at the plant Monday aU| HnA< says that immediately aftCT dimW ! ing tha trouble ha again waahed out the standplpe, sipe? whieh the water has been all right AmUm^Ioi. (Continued trad page one.) now was tha time tar all good men to stand together. When was that act time? He" also said that th?re waa povsrty all over the coun jtom was that not true? 1 been preald?nt for with a republican coa and he had never dared to do the things that Wtlsoc bad done. He himself had admitted that he nad allowed the steel corporation to ab sorb its only competitor. 14 Wilson were to dp such a thing as that there would be fifty men in eoagress who would demand his Impeachment Roosevelt waa always preaching a square deal and Wilson was always practicing it. On the subject of patronage, Mr. Pou said that no one bad ever taught him how to make two'apples out of one, but he always tried to respond to what he conceived t?-be the pre vailing sentiment of the people. He expressed himself a^apprccia tlve of the unanlmoaa action of four of the counties of?\lh? district and the unanimous action ot the conven tion. Members of tbe executive com mittee were named as follows: Wake, Chas. V. Harris, J. P. Bunn; Chatham. S pence Taylor; Franklin, J, R. Collie; Vance H. T.' Powell; 'Johnston, N. A. CJgerton. Save Clover Seed. There Is going to be a big demand for crimson clover seed {n North Car olina this season. This may result in high prices. Whether It does or not, home-saved seed are the cheap est, surest and best, sin?e the husk seems to hold moisture when plan ted, thereby reducing the danger of failure to get a stand. Moreover, when a farmer alreacy has seed, he la more likely to plant them than he Is to buy seed to plant. An average acre ot crimson clover la easily worth tea dollars whether turned under, grazed, or cat ifor hay. Then It prevents washing and leach ing and in any case adds organic mat ter to the soil something which pract ically all our lands are greatly de scent in. ? There are several practical meth ods of saving clover seed. One way Is to attach a large sheet to. the cut ter bar and have a boy walk behind holding it until filled and then dump ing the clover in piles. This prevents much shatterng ot seed. The piles -are trailed out on sheets and the seed seperated. Another way Is to haul to a tight floored room, when well mat ured, and stack there until some rainy day o rother convelnent time, then by forking down and removing the clo ver, the seed wll be found on the floor. If the clover is very dry and is hauled in a tight wagon body, with some tramping much of tba seed will shatter and may be recovered on the floor W the body. There are other ways of saving clover seed. . These will suggest themselves to the thou ghtful farmer who is interested in having cover crops and who wants the cheapest and best seed possible. All farmers who have clover should make an effort to save much seed from it. Very trtly yours, C.R. Hudson. Baraca ? Pbilathea PUt for m?"Young women at warfc for yooag ?ona, wad young m*n at wort for young imn.aM standing by the Bible the Bible School and Um C hearth." Our MoOo-^"Wc do Thinga'-Wall. 4:13. Our Ai. -"franklin County (or Chrlot" Edited py Mrs. Dr. & C. Johnson The Baraca and Phllithea classes of Franklin County met at Bunn, N. C. on last Sunday May 31, to organize a county union We had with ua Miss Flossie H. Byrd of Greensboro ( who delivered a very Interesting address <w Baraca and Phllathea work. She presented the need, benefit and purpose of a a dissententlng voice and the follow ing officers were elected for tin com ing year "?? . The Union was organised without a discerning voice and the following officers were elected for the coming year: , ' President?Mr. Clarence PeSrce. 1st Vice president?Miss Tenna White. , 2nd Vice-president?Mr. N. H. John son. j' 3rd Vlce-presidjfit?Mr. H. A. Strick land. ? . ? Secretary?Miss Blanny Beddingfleld Assistant Sec.?Mr. B. B. Sykes. Treasurer?Mr. Honard Jones. Editor and Reporter?Mrs. Dr. B. C. Johnson. At a meeting of the executive com mittee the following committee were appointed: Program committee: Miss Tenna White chairman. Constitutional committee?Mrs B. C. Johnson?Mr. Honard Strlcklind Chairman?Mr. Honard Strickland and Mr. W. H. Johnson. Extension committee: Mf. fclarence Pearce chairman, Mr. B. B. Sykes, Mr. N. H. Johnson, Miss Annie Wil der and Miss Aldonla Wheeler Miss Byrd is an enthusastlc worker, and imparts inspiration and encourge ment wherever she goes, anyone desiring literature on Baraca and Phllafiea work, can get some by writ ing Miss Flossie A. Byrd, Greensboro, N. O. The union will hold its flrst meeting with the Baraca and Phllathea classes of Cedar Rock Baptist churchy the first Sunday in November. Ctrtj III tarts, IMr I latitat tut Ctrl The worn caaca, no matter of how long standing, are cored by lie wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter'* Antiseptic Healing OiL It relieve! Pain and Heala at the aame time. Sc.Hc.tIIH You are never much healthier or very much safer than, the city In which you live. I't CM The wont cases, bo matter of bow Ion? stsndiag, sn cured br the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Foalei's Antiseptic Healing OiL zt relieves Pain and Beats at the same Use. 25c,,'Or. fJM Shoes for Dressy Wear IN the matter III footwear there Is a demand for th>* finish, elaboration design, aad general elegance of ap pearance (bat is 'spreading- Hke" new* of war or the da wing erase. It keep* the designer* aad manufacturer* of ?boas on the anxious seat, ever alert to keep up with It Milady at leisure aad milady of busy days ara asking tor a few little things la this particu lar article of apparel. Her shoes most qalsttely contrasting and, of who could fMhMT that h*s brou?t about this fastldlous nees: If w6,&en Is one thing hi its tor how plain the taste of i (not to n^entioe unnotlce aShtT be* gown flsl( sni a glimpse of hepr feevSLd the chanced'are that yon wfll wotider at the amount of style and beauty*she baa managed to accomplish la clothing ' them. Trim, silk-clad aaklas. faultless shoes with elegant lines, aad, Tory likely, brilliant buckles yof rUaestone or cut steel or plain Wal are them. These buckles come tsrisfcling along, the streets in tb* broad daylight, aa their war to the flre-o'clock-tea, or the formal call, or the clnb luncheon, concert, and are bit* of which are discernible Ions before wSareFs "mminery Is aflythlng hlssr. A good example of a fashion skis ?hoe? la shown in the picture. It fa classed as a "tie," bat finished with buckles, and goes by the pretty of the "Mignon" tie. The vamp la ?t patent leather with figured Quarters One can buy shoes of kind with colored faarters, as well all black, for manufacturers mi them np with dark Una, green, purple, gray or fciowa ?gwse silk cloth wttfc bIMk ramp and heels. IVom the standpoint of economy, the all-black shoe ta the best choice, staea it is dressy enough tor any sort ot disss j wear. - Bat tor those who do need to wnislrter the Item of pWbe, the colored quarter to match a ifM tome I? worth considering, eren If its wear Is llmlted Constderlng all that Is embodied Mi ?hoes of this character, the prises asa not extrari Thar sell at tan dollars a pair, ?tth the. cat rhineetoB* buckles included. Thar ara Used with satin to matah the color of the quarters Ths buckle? are aa item of considerable expense, their usefulness Is not conflMd to JULIA BOTTOMLIV. In the Pioneer grocery of L. P. Hicks there has recently?been In stalled a handsome McCray Refrigera tor, the dlmentlons are 7 ft. length 2 1-S ft. depth by 6 ft. "height. The McCray are used bf the Pure-Food Laboratories at Washington anil in the dlet-kltchens of the leading hos pitals. They are endorsed b/ the good housekeeping Institute and are recognised everywhere as the beat The reatrtcttona recently placed on the use of unsanitary refrigera tors by the Pure Food Commission, and the testimony of many eminent physicians la sufficient evidence of tkqir serious danger to health. Therefore Mr. Hicks Is to be cost mended and .his many patrons con gratulated on this progressive action for their protection. * .t * ? i ^ - ?Tie top for the standplpe has been put In place, and hereafter the cltUens of Loulaburg, pan feel free from having buzzards In the water. i l ' ?' Squire?Well, Matthew, and bow are you now Convalescent?Taankee, sir, I be better than I were, but I beaut as welt as I were afore I was aa able as I be now.?Punch. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Rutp The only Baking Powder mode from Royal Qrape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIMB PHOSPHATE June Bargains That Will be Money Saving to You jw. t ?> Until the lines below mentioned are all sold we will offer the exceptional prices noted Come early and'get your selection. A beafrtiful assortment of Ladies and Misses two-piece Balkan Blouse suits at $1-25 A large assortment of ladles wash Skirts in the latest style. Prices 89c up to Untrimmed Millineryj all must go, some shapes were $1.65 and $1.98, your choice .. .. ..69c. Boy's Wash Suits?fully two hun dred suits to select from, in all colors and sizes up to ten years old, a mar velous bargain at .. 98c. A great saving in Sens Straw hats, Oxfords Clothing and Cents Fnr Alshiag*. / ?+ , " - " / Call and see us before buying and let us convince you. I. J.Dietz Company LADIES AND MENS OUTFITTERS FARMERS' NATIONAL BANK Louisburg, North Carolina SPRINGTIME e farmer breaks his land. Plows and harrows it. lants his seed. Watches theijpL-Sitrpiit and grow, orks the plant. Then in the fall gathers his hat es t and lays by for th? winter. In business how many of yog are preparing rour brains and planting yonr small money in THE BANK As aummer comes on will you work fresh ideas and add to your bank account? 'Then in the fall of life gather your crops and ,retire to an old age of pleasure which is every man's right. ??????????__________ "Samarnm , "CI . i . (lr ~-r55C. ?mrrtsr A NATIONAL BANK FOE YOUR SAVINGS ~i ? ir ti -toi ' * >?? ; b-lo? If? ?? fl? ?-TiWK ri-% FARMERS' NATIONAL BANK Louisburg, N.C *0' 13557? ,v . _ * *, . tjP'JhzTr i?- ? . #un ? ?;?; UNfcEE the supervision of the u. a qoveenment. >?5muvi' . * ? ?" " > . v ^ -? ' :r,J'

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