FRANKLIN TIME? S^T'jOBNSON. Editor-and Manager TAR DROPS, ?Dont forget to swat the fly. ?What about the Y. M. C. A. move ment. ?We (jan at least have a reading and re?t room. - ?The opera house la to rented tomorrow. - ? ,-rA"~ Bro" C?- have recovered their mill property. ?There seems to be more talk about a new court house. ?Many of our people are buying automobile*. ?t' A number of our people are Installing, electric fans. ?^The talna the past week have been quite a blessing to everybody. ?A few more nice buildings on the King property will make it a most desirable residence section;' ?The rains the past week have been a great help to the farmers aa -well as to the general public. TKe~iown has changed the main JJne from the jiower plant to Middle street from across the lots. " C. Beck gave a dinner party; to hisses Julia Barrow and Eleanor Cooke on Monday evening. Misses Jaj-man have moved from the old King residence to the home of Mrs. Jordan Barlow. ?The large plate glass front has been put in the new building oh, Mar ket street. ?Attention is called to the page advertisement in this lsue of Mr. R. Z. Bgerton.- Some big bargains are being offered. ?Little Miss Mary Page Wildaren tertained a number of her friends at dinner and the "movies" on Tues day afternoon. ?Quite a number of our people went up to Raleigh, the past week, to attend the congressional and State convention. ?Mr. A. D. Wilcox gave a stereopti cal lecture on temperance to the juior members of his church and the Knights of Ezllate on Monday night ?Would it not be well for parents who have children attending school in the town to take Interest enough in the ,schools and their children to visit the schools at least one time during the term? , Work on the new residence of Mr. P. B. McKlnnie on Middle street is being lnlshed. It is a large house ??twill be completed in a hand some manner. v -^Pull together, brethern.We are all here for the same purpose. Theu live and let live. The best way to build up a town Is for each and every man to pull together and not strive to rend and tear down. ?We are requested to state that the regular quarterly ?onference at Shiloh Methodist church will be held on Saturday and Sunday, and that Rev. J. H. Hall will be present and preach. The public is invited to be present. ?Nothing adds more to the attrac tiveness to a town, and makes a better' impression upon visiting strangers, than newly painted residences, good sidewalks, clean streets and alleys, and withal, a good number of shade trees and ornamental shrubbery and flowers in your yards. It Is indica tive of refinement, culture, good taste and thrift. ?Although six states in the union are without compulsory school attend ance laws, and four others have laws that apply only partially, definite progress during the past decade is re ported in a bulletin Just issued by the United States Bureau of Educa tion. Since 1905 eight states pre viously without compulsory laws have adopted them, and it is thought to be a matter of only a few years when compulsory school attendance will be in eiTect in every state "an ter ritory of the United States. g ' ?Now is the time for you to paint ia?4 fix up M<t mftk*_home look a* if ?there was a little enterprise around you. Take the garden rake and -col lect all the old rubish of 1913 la a pile and set Are to H?don't burn the house down In the operation?and let !lt be burned up and never to collect Tthere again. Then go for that pile .'at ashes collected duriny the winter and remove It far ?hence ao that your iyard will look as if some one was llv 'lng there. There la no place like jioma. Jiitafora.J?)te-tt a beautiful, Ideiibbtful, enchanting and your at chments for it will be the stronger. ?It la all fol-de-rol to-be everlast gly hankering t6 live in a large city aus'0 of larger oppoqtuntles. Of ourse a men wJbVhk really out t>wn his nitivfy/lilatfe bas a moral ight to seqfHarger opportunity else where, but that man la as rare aa a 'pearl in air oyster. Thousands o tour . outh, however, are annually ru shlng ?to our larger cities believing them it sel ves to bti*talented and capable,tq Ibeoome famous and sncreMful in thtt . midst of thqjarge and passing.oppor tunities of the stty.~XIor^nlf tO? compelled to turn the grindstone the tool* of other. sharpening t PEB80JTA18. lir. G. A Ricks, spent Sunday In ?*t<rtgh. C. E. Johnson, of Apex Ig a visitor to Loulsburg. Miss Cora Monger o f New-Bern, .is visitor Miss Maude Hicks. ... Lie?. W. W. Boddle visited Raleigh, the past week. Mr. Cade Hayes, of New Y?rk City, Is visiting his father,- v Mr. Wilson Green, of Sumter, S. c. 1? visiting Mb people heretlils week. Mr. G. B. Egerton. who hafe been attending school at the University, returned home the paat week. Miss Lola Wells, of Wilson, Is ?tts-4 ltlng her sisters here, Mrs. W. R. Mills and Mrs. M. C. PleasanU. Messrs R. F. Fuller, and K. A. Per ry went to 9 Richmond the paat wek Mrs. W. P. Webb, of Oxford has been visiting her daughter dere the | past week. r Misses Elizabeth Allen, and Mary Turner are visiting Miss Elizabeth Allen, of Goldsboro,. Miss Annie Bell K^i*?7who has been attending school at Raleigh, returned home this week. Messrs John Burt Hill and William Bailey, who have been attending Horner school at Oxford, have re turned home. Dr. E. S. Green, of Monroe, was a visitor to Loulsburg Wednesday, guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Green. Mr. J. W. Hollingsworth and dau ghters, Misses Marlon and Nomla.Mlss Frances Barrow and Mr. 0. C. Hud son visited Raleigh Tuesday. Mrs. R. V. Blankenshlp( superin tendent of Rex hospital, Raleigh was one of Loulsburg'a visitors on Sun day, guest of Mrs. Geo. Ford. . Miss Margaret Hicks returned the oast week from\^* tpnsboro, v tierc she attended the commencement exercises of the Greensboro Female college. * Mr. Bills Ramey went to N'ew York the past we.?A to meet his sister. Who Is coming o'er from Uie lid country to visit i.m. Mrs. J. W. Mann left Friday for Newton to visit her husband, who Is working Insurance In that territory. Mrs. G. A. Ricks left Friday for Greensboro to visit relatives. Mrs. Jno A. Tucker, of Washington, spent seferal days in Loulsburg the past week visiting relatives before going to oce*n vlew^V., w^ere they will again rua the Virginia Bay hotel . * *<? :- ????it Messrs Thomas Ruflln, Joseph Hale Raymond Taylor, Jpseph Harris, and Charles Cooke, who have been attend ing school at the University, have returned home for the holidays. Messrs J. w. Hollingsliritth, H. P, Britt and S. B. Nash, attended the District meeting of the WOodman of the World at Rocky Mount Wednes day as delegates fhMfr> itoulsburg Camp. Children* Day. The annual children' services, will be held at Plney Grove, Sunday, June 7th. These will be all day services. Dtnner on tile ground and we will have some good speakers for .the afternoon. Public cordially In vited. .. S ? . kw\ ? 21,000,000 Rounds of Ammunition Ar? On Way to Rebels." New York, June 2.?TWward Liner Antllla sailed this afternoon for Tam pico with 3,000,000 rounds of ammnu ltion and an aeroplane tow the use of the Mexican rebels. With this new shipment, 21,000,000 rounds of ammunition h&ve been sent | to.Mexico In the last.week. Here Is what It means to let 3,000f , 000 rounds of ammunition slip over the line: 200 rounds will take one rifleman through a battle. 3,000,000 rounds stakes an army of 15,000 men to an allday fight. 21,000,000 rounds will supply 25,000 men for four battles?Washington Post. y New -Livery Stable. - _ ; Spring street Loulsburg, fC C. I wish to announce to my friends in Loulsburg, and Franklin County that I hare opened a first class livery stable at tie *"ord stables on Spring street whef?; I will be glad to serve you when you are In need of driving team, or hauling of any kind. My equipment is of the best, and the ser vice the most prompt I will also trade or sell ?orses and mules. When In need of anything In my line call -phone No. 518. W. O. AYESCUB. ?r5-tf. ' City Barter Shop We kindly >hank our easterners and friend? for fcilr past paferanage. We are equipping our s&p with a hot sanitary bath and everything sanitary known to the barber (bop.. We will be la shape to serve you more o Utely and carefully tbia yeaf -than ever before. Your eerrants. Slvlng Good Show?. The management of the moving picture show here Is to be congratula ted, upon the high claas film ser vice, It la giving, the pictures the past week have been of a most high order, and thoroughly entertaining. Our people should give It their support in appreciation of the efforts of Dr. Fleming, and Mr. Hall, who are put ting forth extra efforts to furnish them some amusements that will be worthy of thefr patronage;' With the the day current, they areputtlng on their shows at.6:30, giving oppor tunity to the children to see the per formance in 'the, afternoon. On Sat urdays .the sMow Is opened at 3:00 o'clock In order to accommodate tha people from the country. They will put on a most interest ing contest commenceing Monday. Look up their advertisement, and en ter the game, you will enjoy It, FOB BALE?I have one extra nice Milk Cow with Calf, one week old. D. T. Poller, Loulsburg, N. C., R. 2. FOB BENT?Five room cottpce con veniently located, city water, ,Mt electric lights If desired, apply A'f. Johnson, Times Office. 6-6-2t AUTOBOBILE F0Bv $175?For one week only, we offer a real automobile, in first class condition for $175. apply at once, If you want a bargain. Loulsgurg Machine Works. 6-5-lt. . Farmer?! Take Notice P On the following dates and at the places named Mr. W. H. Jenkins, of Henderson, N. C.. who will run the Farmers Union Tobacco Warehouse, and Thos. J. Harris, President of the Franklin County Union, will address the people. All persons whose princi pal support comes from a farm, are requested to come out to these dis cussions as there will be "something doing" and it will be to your Interest financially to hear ttiem. Moulton, June 5th, 12:30. Wlnns, June 6th, 8 p. m. Raynor, Jiine 8th, 12:30. Bunn, June 8th, 8 p. In. Pearce's, June 9th, 12:30. Pine Ridge, June 9th, 8 p. m. Seven Paths, June 10th, 12:30. Frank Nash Local, June 10th, 8 p. m.. Bab Rock, June Uth^ 12:30. Cedar Rock, June 11th, 8 p. m. White Level, June 12th, 12:30. Woods, June 12th, 8 p. m. y Sandy Creek, June 15th, 12:30. Gupton, June 15th, 8 p. m. ? Laurel, June 16th, 12:30. Mountain drove, June 16th, 8 p. m. Frankllnton, June 17th, 12:30. Motion Picture Show Louisburg now has one of the best equipped motion pio ture shows that is to be found in any town of its size. The management is making special effort to give the beBt grade piotures and none but thisLolass will ever be shown EIGHT LARGE ELECTRIC FANS nsure comfort at all tunas The Theatre opetiB at 5:S0 o'olock each day except Satur day, when it opens at 3 o'clock This pretty little Theatre has no name and to the young lady who s&leots the best name will he given a season ticket Beginning Monday, ?" Junej 8th, the door-keeper upon qu??l ?HI give a eoapon every lady Write a sugges tive name for the Theatre on a pieos of paper, pin it to the , ooupon, sign your full name ?nd mail it to "MOTION PIC Tli RES," Loaisburg, N. C. Th asts for twb weeks. Beginning Jane 8th and ending June 20th. The winner will be annbtinoed on a elide Monday...June 22nd. Aak for eeupon and win the ?eaaon ticket, ~ Admission Afternoon performance Adults 10c Children 5c Night 10c fojr all ;e?4l Ice Cream Daily All Flavors . / Cold Drinks of all kinds Come to oar store in this warm weather and get cool Follow the crowds and make our drug store you drugstore. GODFREY ~ EGERTON DRUG CO ., -' ' ' WeldonEgerton'^g P. V. Godfrey Warm Weather Suggestions ELECTRIC FAKS WATER COOLERS Ice Shavers _1 Ice Cream Freezers Ice Picks Ice Cream Powder Ice Chisels Freezing Salt J * Tea Glasses Jar Rubbers Jar Tops Tea Strainers Fruit Jars Para-wax . Tea Pots ? Teas ,\ - . ? \ GELATINES EXTRACTS fruits Vegetables We handle the brands that sgll?Quality repeats. Our prices are fixed on exact cost plus a reasonable profit: This is the ser vice you want. ( L P. HICKS -"ON THE CORNER" Two Phones 42 and 69 Louisburg, N. C. - Our Duty to Depositors ' . . rr - A bank's first duty is to its deposi tors always. This bank regards the safety of its invested funds as re quiring the most careful and conser-" vative consideration of its officers. The officers and Directors are men of business ability and are chosen with regard to their qualifications for the positions they hold. ??Hu SJ.?'? , .. \ f.-.c ' lr ' ?" ./?"? '> ? ? s- ?/ V ' J" t -' -j . ? h>- . & ? Farmers and Merchants Bank Louisburg, N. ; i,.,-,; " <? ' MUOg C t ? 1 .Tfc.IMt.TC .Ituu.j MAKE ' OUR BANK YOUR BANK F. N. Egerton, President C. P. Harris, VicfrPreaident M. S. Clifton, Cashier. ?'?<? W. E. Uzzell, Assistant-Cashier.; ~ ' Department Pays 4 Per Cent. Compounded Quarterly

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