Brockway Buggies Corbett Buggies |_ ? ?-r . , v- VX HARNESS Cortland Buggies Durham Buggies " ? t i , All Buggies guaranteed for one year. Will sell for cash or credit, but prefer to sell on credit FORD, Louisburg, N. C South Anerica Trade. Washington. May 31.?United States Department of Commerce has Just issued a comprehensive report on "South America as an expert field" which is of special Interest at this time disconnection with the work being.. done by the Southern Rail 'Company and .the companies as ciated with it in developing trade vlth "South America by way of tbe Southern ports served by their lines^ This report contains <w>me Interest ing Information as to the methods pursued by the United Kingdom and Germany which are the two great competitors of the United States in supplying South Americanmarkets. and President Harrison of the Sou thern Railway Company today called attention to the following extract from it as containing valuable sug gestions for Southern manufacturers and merchants who are Interested in the trade opportunities of Sop t h America: - , "The Germans owe a great deal to their banks, which lend active as sistance/to shemes of trade promo tion ; and the facilitywith which shipments are financed and credits handled through them has been noted as one of the greatest German as sets in building up their South Amer ican trade. The most important ln fiuence for creating this result, however, has been the through mai ? ner in which the Germans have in vested the special features of each partichlar market and the peoples desire. It is the established custom for young men fro ma Germany who intend to engage in the export to spend some years Ip South America as a part of thetr <commercial edu cation, learning the language and studying the habits of the people. Through them a first-hand and de tailed knowledge of the trade is ac quired, and the information gained Is closely followed. There are also In Germany many private and semi official associations devoted especially to the furtherance of the German export trade, and these not only dis seminated information as to the kind LOOK AT YOURSELF Is Suffering Writing Lines In yonr Face? Many a handsome woman look a in the gtaila and aoaa the prema tore lines hag al ready be ginning to ? h o? fa nar nn. Secret suffering and lieknw is writing t ho? lines every day plainer I and plainer. y , trnn) don't know what to do. Their backa ache, their bodica ache; poor ap petite, bad digestion, sallow sklna, iWuaytug shoulders, always tired..Prob ably suffering from organic or function al trouble peculiar to women. Doctors ilHM to help tkem. It's pitiful. lis PPHHi pkysManl of constant study to led* for suffering wo _ he kad perfected it be I It JMk Wtes, tke star All dealers sell it and so certain are hat they guarantee to give your rw..y A *. - - ' n and regain your physi _ i-try a bottle ct StUm today. Don't bssitate, fy 1 nothincr lx It fails to MMflt r dealer aelh it in tl bottles. ? Co., at C of particular articles required by the trade but often subsidize agents to South America and other foreign fieldjs, who make a study of market conditions. The co-operation of all German influences in South America toward the one object of furthering trade has often been remarked, and it has resulted in the present high commercial position of the country in all parts of the continent. The promotion of United States trade in South America does not necessarily depend on following either English or German methods, but. as in the case of those countries, both the invest ment of American capital and the closer attention to details on the part of American exporters hare been im portant factors in the trade increase of the last few years." Important to Cora t?rower>. The Ave main objects of cultlvs | tion are as follows: 1. To prevent weeds: 2. To save moisture: 3. To make food s valu able;- 4. To warm the soil; 5. To help germination. These things are still of importance to the farmer and club boy who wish to make large i and profiable crops of corn and other I crops. A severe drodgfyt is prevalent over most of the State at present. May 27th. Farmers who have not farmed pro perly have much hard and cloddy land. Still it is not yet too late to make a good crop. The most criti cal time in making a crop of corn Is when the ear Is getting growth. It needs much moisture then because it needs much plant food. As before stated, the way to save the moisture is by keeping the soil loose on top, simply by keeping a dirt or soil mulch one or two Inches deep. Do not let the land stay packed after rains. Do not let a hrust from. Cul tivate often and shallow when the ground Is not too wet. Keep this up all throhgh June for early corn or until It is in full tassle and "silk." During dry weather it sometimes pays to kep up the cultivation until some of the "silks" begin to turn brown, provided cultivation has been often previously. Much corn has often been lost by "laying by" too early. If the corn Is pale, and not doing well, perhaps 100 pounds of nitrate of Boda per acre will help It. This should be spptled broadcast Just be fore dnltlration when the- rorn It between one and thrte feet high. Confederate Krsves la New Terfc Decorated. (By Associated Press.) New York. June 1.?Graves ? of Confederate soldiers In Hout Hope cemetery at Hasttngs-oo-the-Hudson, arout tne Bonsa memorial shaft, were decorated Sunday by a party df Confederate veterans and their friends who went from New Tortt by special train. - The oration was by Commander W. DeH. Washington. Colonel J. C. Hamilton of Lafay ette Post OAR... who has attended the exercises for 2i years, placed n wreath on the Shalt. CM?bs and Csldi Wsnkaa Us Brste? Contlued Coughs, Colds and Bron chial troubles are depressing and weaken the system follow. Get n Me. bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery to-day. it wfll stop your cough. The first dose helps. Its bant medi cine for Stubborn Concha, Colds and all Throat and Long Troubles Mr. O. H. Brown, MuscatftM, Ala., write?: "My wife was sick dnrfaU the hot summer months sad 1 honestly be lieve Dr. King's New Discovery sored bar life" Good for children. Me. and |LH, at your Druggist Good air is good for all of ns all of the ^ - - S?w ?111 On last Friday night the saw mill belonging to Mr. W. Ben Edwards and located near Royal, was burned The orgin of the Ore Is not known Besides the plant which wss valued at *2,000 about ?3.000 In timber be longing to Mr. Q. W Ford was lost There was no insurance. Mr. Edwards Informs us he expects to open up again as soon as their machinery can be secured. Hot Weather Tealr and Health Builder, Are you run down?Nervous ? Is everything you do an effort? You are I n?i 7?? ?re sick! Your Stom UTe_r' KMneys. and whole system ueed a Tonic. A Tonic and Health *? driTe ont the waste matter ?th v7.?? ap ,an.d "?new your stren gth. .Nothing better than Electric Bitters. Start to-oay. Mrs. Jamee "ajMville, Me., writes: Completely cured me after several |^l0rS ?"L,me ?P " 50c. and $1.00 at S"eM8t BaCkten'8 A?1? Sammy <;0t His License Bat Sot The Klad He Seeded For The Event. State Game .Warden Davis was rather startled a day or so, ago when he received a hunting license from h north Georgia county, on the back of which the following was written: "My dear ser: "I dont want this sort licents. 1 thot I was get tin' a Marriage It cents, sum body sent me to mr and sed he wood gimme a licents, inandy was so mad when 1 got back with this here hunter licents she wouldent have Me. she sed I didnt hav senu anuff to git a marriage H cents, so she ups and runs of with bill Jonson and I am in a hel of a fix t. 1 wants my money back, unless this hear ?cents will let me shoot* bill jonson. "yours most truly, "sam Jackson." ?The Docket. _ rse Am' Oat A?' Oat Plata Mjger. I ain't none dem highborn ladies Whats puts on paints an.' powder an? stuc; I'se an* out an' out plain nigger 1 ' An' de yood Lord's gimme color "nuc. I alnt had no luctaations Wh at dewhite folks say dat dey done seen. AH I'se seen graveyard ghocts * And leaves shakih' when dere ain't ao win'. -h| I ?tot been to no theeters Aa' big balls an' all sich htull as dat All rse been to's wake* and meetta"? An' nigger dances barefoot an' flat I atat sheered of dem deseszes What ^e white folks slway. skeer <-d teyll take "V ss I got bog's Jawbone teeth And spiders la nutshell 'round my neck. Summertime brings watermelons Wld red jncy meat dat's hard to - - -+mt. 7^ ~ Fall time brings da greassy 'poiisaM A*' loads of taters dat sho' am Call a* Mack gal if you want to. But I'm aa hspyy aa I can be, a' dere atat Bo evolushun Aa' things like dat a-botherln' ma ? ?VBBLA WILLIAMS Matthews, N. C. ? It to a dtoty commnlty that has ? ' that hu L NOTICE OF ELECTION. Mor? than one-forth of the quail fled voters of Dunn's township, Franklin County. N. O. baring petit ioned this Board In writing therefor, as pro rtded by law. notice Is hereby given that under the authority and In pursuance of the provisions ofChapter 122 of the Public Laws, of North Carolina of the session of 1913, en titled. "An act to provide for the working of Publls Roads of various Townships, and Issuing Bonds for the same" the Board of Commis sioners of Franklin County have ordered an election to held In Dunns Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, on Saturday, th& 11th day of July, 1914, at which said election there will be submitted to the qualified voters of said Township the proposition to issue the bonds of sail Township for the purpose named in Section one of said act, to-wit; the laying out, establishing, altering, p re pairing, grading, constructing, and improving in anyway the public roads in said Township, and for the purchasing of machinery, tools, etc., necessary for such Improvement" and of levying a tax upon all property and polls in said Township sufficient to pay the said bonds and the interese thtreon. The said bonds to be coupon bonds bearing Interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi annually at the office of the treasur er of Franklin County, and to run for thirty years, and to be of the aggre gate amount of Fifty Thousand Dol lars, and to be paid principal and interest by the said Township of Dunns for which they are issued. Said election .will be held at the regu lar polling place as established by law In said township, and wfll be con ducted in the same manner and sub ject to the same rules and regulations as are, or may be provided by law for the election of Township officers by the general eledtlon laws of this State, except as otherwise provided In Bald act. At said election all those qualified to vote who are In favor of the lssurance of the said bonds and levy of-tk? tax necessary to pay the principal and Interest of the same shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed. "For Road bonds" and those qualified voter* who are op posed to the proposition shall vote a ballot upon which Is written or prin ted "against Road Bonds." W. H. Williams has been appointed Regis tra tar for said election and the Reg istration book will be kept open for the registration of voters at the afore aald polling place for twenty days proceeding the day set for laid elec tion. Begginnlng on the 18th day of June, 1914, for the registration of all voters wboee names do not appear on registration book of said Town ship used In the last general election. Said Reglstrater and J. B. Privett, and B. H. C. Mullen who have been ap pointed Judges of election for said election ylll conduct the same. This the 1st day of June, 1914. By order of the Board of Com missioners of Franklin County. T. S. COLLIE, Chairman Board of Commissioners of Franklin Connty. J. B. YARBOROUOH, Clerk to Board of Commissioners of Franklin County. ?-Ml, IcMs Have Killed Tke Haerta 0?ee Wke Kefs ted Kal ate. Waahlngton, D. C., Iter 80. -A tele gram to the Washington He^rld from Tamplco says that Col. ' Adolpho Hlnojoea. whose arrest of the p?y jnadter of the gunboat Dolphin brought tke Mexican situation to crisis, has been executed by the rebels Htnojosa was cought In the Interior by two rebel officers, who had sworn to average the insult to the United fetates. He was executed by a double trine spuad. It was because of the arrest of the Doplln's paymaster and boat crew that Rear Admiral Mayo demanded that the Mexican commander apolo gias aad sflute the flag. Citizens of We expect to be making ice next week, and to be able to furnish you regularly. We have plenty of Buckhorn Lithia Water For Sale -V- ?' ,? .* We have plenty of deep well water that we are spy ing free to people who will come for it. Louisburg Coal & Ice Co. LOUISBURG, - NORTH CAROLINA I' t Instead of carrying Cash use our. Travelers' Checks. They are absolutely SAFE and as good as the money itself, for wherever you go you can aLaaays cash them. No bother about ident ification, for they are self-identifying. This feature is available by all in this" community, whether they are depositors with us or not. Resources 11,000,000. THE CITIZENS BANK HENDERSON, N. C. ? THE leading bank in this section. Ice Cream I am now ready to make and deliver any quantity - of ioe cream of any kind at your door. Having ful ly equipped my plant for such work. I can tOrnish yon cream ready for the tableat about jrhat the ingredient* will ooct yon and save yon the worry and trouble. Louisburg Creamery ^ B. L. Harri* Prop. Louisburg, N. 0. CHOKE H Cut Flowers FOR ALL OCCASIONS Roaaa, Carnations, Violets and' ValliM the leaden. Oar arr la1 ??Ma* Mpwpapli ara of ti? sasst-tea,?" .Ss5gama.{aSii pjaea and many other nice pot MaII, Telegraph and TthwMf orders ^ promptly executed by J. L'. O'Quinn & o. Raleigh, N. C. g tor? phooe 41 OraattSouM phones 149

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