?4a* . 'number 19 -9WWS GW6I WflKK Offered to Those Making Good Hecords. (By Annie Pauline^ Smith, Cq^labor-. _a(ok ot ::^lso tion Ty Miss Arrlligton, Primary Su pervlsor, for the betterment of coun try life in Frttnlcttn County, Is ths GlrU' TtfflW" coun ty is fortunate in securing it, as there .to m lom nuiiuii, list ut uiuuuwmug-' flnr fnr tlia wnrk History of the Caning Clnbs. Miss Marie^1QrC?i?iv^apjjjfriea, ?jijJ C., is the plotSedtorganlzer ot Girlfe^j Canning _Clubs. In Jaiuiar>t"* 1410W while President.of her County Teac^ I ers' Association, Miss Cromer orgar 1 inttawwsAh ** & UiMVS^|>#icent o?.j ' By Tnf-gfns Hs used for educational purposes. _ e?rrwtesrjt. key-note to the work, "To get the girls to do something worth while, have tC approved and lead on to higher ' i tiling^ " Canni SfOt ffcj ?iliftUfclfaMUltht colla loratJS which I have attended, the t-bcent school held in Raleigh tfas de-j cldedly the most helpful. .Jntere.itin0jmagnjj)^f the work were lead by Major Graham, Commls-' Bluner^uragNCimure, U It HBUBUn,. in <il t North Carolina, Miss Creswell, assistant, in charge of demonstration fWW{Vui k tn United StateB Depalt-T aiuoi of Agriculture, and~Mrs. Charles ' of girls' demc 1 4nra(lbn work-id "f>*8rtli Carolina. j e<< !PkB:&otlre" enjoy >f ?Hit perffiiite' Mfc Martin's lccture i_ ^The -Results of Our Work" and M s. McKhnmo^s op^J^a^n? a d l^JlzinK our Products" ercL _^'e m6sfliflpful. . . ttdfitte'On t|e: Results of 6ur Work," told in J?i to a marked degree the .gMdiaesu id' in ampies of this ??KoW first canning ?omonstrati< l]rl,l In tl.?i ^U-u-n., ? i :e IS* IioiiBja. ii) HVilfon Onnntj H V Thin demonstration lasted a week. Thfe 1 farmen^ju^thelr daughters drove in and jfvwgtiblQicir fruit each day. idy mark laboratoi^anTT ab Is to 350 collaborators &nd Aborts girls. T hp TuiIiosp of the Work.- . ] )ur maln^W^Jt^iafh^Us'tt "ut" ffl??8Hfitiar the workjaa mB&r#k>M%4Wte2. cation oPfflsjr^flq?<5yaK^ Ir for them to gain culture, self re oe and strength ot character, lm ive living conditions to,their hojnen I make a, ReasonaUti lfuufll OOXlilr *'j?dC4glfMB and bukfti?B savxii. jleA j ?SSfJRSfiWW^ ef benefit a girl derives from the i Ideals \f ts&kiif,' ^<Mslr<?6f suing furUie# fteT' J may made by her own hands to en Id her to continue lit school.'" Mr ft R Mirfln SI authority on OS 'S y a chance of en' Ctrl 'ftin |j||ii"l i ii wl ldeal7an inspired purjwse ot m ing tfrrtwpy. wit tu tureaTU roseate with Increasing s&a&KW " The? cluB work teaches the dtjBltr ftf lCWr UpfiMSlWs wealth wealthy Jlr ly*-f?kdc?rf MAplratlon do something worth She pujj )er kd ln ind best efforts In' school, Ing the .aunshjne jof her presenc ?sfTfaOdftft;'comfort chder wts?r?ver .she wfbt. ?j^J?lM!^nWni?>nT by her l&ttoth*n ;<to?tfleMr34n their ? son not to hellere herself lnde| poor children ot h?c home counl We emphasise our standard We guarantee oar canned goods >rk, sen d M>1 j;rir.?ii?triittait of fimnira at'tta# '* ,'i '(??? iI..I HT. ? .'J ? i 111- lfrli' yrSk'toiffP ajr gfcofl.btif . goads, fqr lngti ^!fer>.fish?^^oinatx>iC8 mu?t welg oimpca... Kotwp4tr .cm be *d<le& Hie >e?>Tb?3t:re4 rtpa fruit-*?, ' If Hreanrdoei cot come up tO thlssUi - rtirnl u,'t girl' whd: packs mu?V be* spoiSalhle, glvfcg the purchaser"! , c njpjip,als. cjapao^be put, on,th?.:_ i t*ei>/ fruit and packs by collaborates : andictab girls, .rtu u^sr j r ' ''In^rti&^ahnta^ scBbol expfert^ qn^fjf^ted iff? melhoa to ,be used t?r.i , fyfytqeats in their club wot1? . f ^ is 1 Groups olabout^en were arrangd^' around tables. Tlio first fact impress ed oh us was the cleanliness <of eviiy; thing. Every girt dressed 1a wlflte, wearing white apron; and capS/ tables ?ppvered In white bil idlbtii,' wl$je pails, fresli, towels and clean batidij anc^wfe were ready to can f^uit which ffiien \completed*- ^tvpeared like ? ordinary cans?but Bow different! - Bvdry wan* ?'averilgei eight ounces tnore ttuWtUe. 'wdtnkry cc^rimerclalspan"ana cohttfln St' war ,^?t tomatpes, apfr. iflWWft to*08' .-..?-v:' 'e&ttg f> ? The one hundred collaborators 'did -?V*ry tiling connected' with the w?rk from stringing and blanching 'be&s to tipping cins:' Each .ilay- grojfps ^ayfe ff^ngg^so ",tjhe work might-be learned ..eanfatenoed. jHsibi ;ii -*y?. i ? i j These demonstrations were under the Supervision of the beat experienc ' A'Cafea'df# andbacterlologlsts taown in t)ie Dnlted States and each of us iett wilh the satisfaction of knowing that -w^^ad had ^ieLbest instruction ;*tt be ?W?iB?dl?hat we knew the best mBihbcte~kBd <Mth!<tliege ideas we felt bettel prepm-ed totfb tour very best wftrk Tor onr girls, our homes' and our cpunties. , C^nnlpg CInb Girls of Franklin Co S: J?#q)^3(ipnj?,moielle Smith, Annie Gulpapper,- (tiois Boone, Mary Stal lings; Viola ,?owdea, Monnle Stalllngs, 'P&tftfiW' BoWdeni -Belle Hayes, Ethel Dei bridge, Clafa Hays, Marie Mltfch eQ,.. Gladys Poythress, Bernice Baker, ^Bosamond Ptarce, Adna Richards, Bertha Medlln,, Beatrice Pearce, Go TliMia Alford, Dollle Massey, Mamie Pesrc?, Ora Bnnn, Nona Massey, G Iris ranntap C'labu?Enrollment Girl6 enfoliipg may be from 10 ,te 18 years of agei ?> - \t A few older may be enrolled^in' -each club .but meyi not Compete for ^ prliea. -These women shall be sab ?^fcefte thfe aatoe rtrftW'and'rtghlatfons' 'erfll?g the' girU'wor*. Cluh= la 'F?^?? iSP1? 011 ?">n ' n. that work eqmes up to ata^d IWf sc jutmi. tnatl \ - ' j? ?JTHaclf -glfl-ttadd plant ene-tabth -Acre of tom?toetfj?aap-beans, cucnm ^ SotS# ?jfhA* garden vegetable a"1.-* at homo, or can. ... . -, ** ?:? zii ? ? i r<: Jiro x\. . h. ipaji Wire. thglj, Upd ^bpo^en bill arp expepted, to do thgjiuUiyation, cSMte*mfli'srK^8 up Itefe ?smpf*-*1 ifMHSts ?jft* , fpr , ail jY.pjrk .d^i^,^, themselvfp. or' j?d o? TTrA^-. M?e cannloB^a too'1 %eavy for one person. ^ ! ' 5. Each member must keep daily record ?t ,Uw.;war4,t<cl spapinb blanks tthioh will be famished?how long ?fflrt Voted. TSdw mu<W'tertitf!2er sfclie j$eft!yio$r ^^cbnj^i^i?H"^s?a8c;, etc.1 -6. Each member most read Instruc tion k sent her'and try to' fellow tlieqi ?w<*evr r-'^r. V'"N' i* ? - .? >.??> ^ 1: "s j.U ' v money cleared on her tenth-, acre la to be banked In the gif it 'name that'phe may spend It as she. will. We can learn to spend wisely only by hajjijjg.nopflgtfo spend. Fath , ers are asked i,o. ^rqe,^ this before girlfsb^ll be .^rolled. ... .a *?; Name.. . * .. .. . * ?*. ?t*.("*!?. Address.. p. nVt* County.*-...^=-- .?),'-i'' r ?:''\? ? -? ? Father'sna.m<*. t ,. ..r .T._,....,.. Addresj^' *->V ?'' >v. ? * ?M}TC* An'*' ?? IJeiiocl^ of I nuikjiu, <-'<)unti Club*. r-WS'^t sjiib, organised . in - the ? county wa!s.aji Pilot. After tbrep visits .#>.,ij>?s school. I convince ,,s?iveral Ifeirl^ ^Rd iheir parent^ .that, a# inter/e^ingLaad profitable ^ork. ; ye have 7 enthusiastic members there., Fortunate for. them was the eat;!;..be-' ginning. Almost all members , have plants ready to stake and ..young to matoes on them, though tie, (height and cut worms. })|?ve made, on^pr,two late in setting topiatoes and planting beana- ' k uwx* Knur canning outfits have .. been bought and can? Dae ordered.in readi ness tor blackberries- The paopte of Pilot believe In doing things vaUand v,c look forward, to a greater success of the ciub work than in any.-previous undertaking. -.< j,There was some misunderstanding connected with the time eet.for or ganising the Cedar Rock Club and no meeting was held. But witli. the as sistance of Miss i Dean, of the Cedar Rook school,?few girls have bees en rolled, These girls represent, a? usual, some of the best workers to be fOBnA.lB-.tba soWmuslty.. il&eyibave entered the work with the spirit that i insures .success la any mterptise (The-dub has tfra canners, tJ> nil ' The Justlte; daWiilg; '(Hui)' Wi or 'WiftlSed May iOth. Hiss Stella Hayes ein ardent Jrettermenf workerof.. Jhe 'dtslHct hqd called_the gfrls togppler. Abobt 18 young girls had met s'nd.dec 'fttg. The' late start and dry weather 'hive' dlscodrageld ome 6ut the oiitr look is hopeful tor good results. The ssilsir v. ,v .- w.'v. .~ f. V as??c ?J - m jtb-wMM *?**" "Tit. hI Jj l?rl- int.c os t? ovi j ?fg*n .r-TvgUrv - ? *"=* ?* -v *"* Brc* nay^' tgj-ge canning outfit^ ot ,Qcrfid, ,"rT.? li >s 4* .v i ..b . a + ine remaining club memb?9 arj^ - Shrink* Jftr;3?Mey sch^8-:,eact having onp or ilT?- 9 fOvde^onstrate.. n"jUML . .club; .work. Eaph tola will'have canners of their own. ,. 'ij" -* he* ?1h? Seott's Visit to Franklin. !??** Mar*ar? Scbtt, assistant in "girls' demonstration work in North Cftrblintt, wfio Is cbnsiijercd oij'e of the' -flneSt ' sterilizers, in 'the ^butfc"'Wlir spend'two days in' this cqtinty thVfcst' of June. The purposifW'fier tfjsft U <6'get In tonch with glrlS and1 tishrn <Hto'the eiiti^e prde^a'i'f^si?1 nlng. The date' will be^WnSuftcerf later. Any womeii.Vh?)0^ ii'Usftltei' J6 o^Mfare ,^0 atten4"the meeit infB.""' " i-I'tir --tf % Frizes For the Cinb' Glrfs." i'iTJa tolling,Prizes., are offered by, Uj^ ljusina^f? (pep. p?, Louiflburg;to. the, Sifter uat ^. It.-s-.rJk salEc ? ' -$5.*0Uur Mr,,-?r_. r--x prfi ? u - ? Il.eo^by-Mr."- v , 7s ? <<jcc.v ? . $2.50: by Dr. D. T. Smitrlrwick. i U HiMVby thaFsrme?s aaal Merchants' Bank:. .'1: ?c. 1 lei ?obA - Several btftfer caslr prizes;" tile ex-' act amount-not known, *1M be- giren.i cul. Tlris wili.be okwJ td aend>-to-the? 3tote*P81r^hevt%o'girl's mijktngthrt greatest number of pomwft'of toma toes. including the required Report an* history of the crops. " vji <;?: : .2. To the two girls maklli^ thb Sec ond best records. - ? .tii"': i $K0t> rocker by- Howeil-Bunn-Hud-; eon; $5.00 willow work.' stand by White Furniture-Co. t 3; To. til? girl canning tli<*. largest" quantity of tomatoes UrortiKono.renth acre, -*? .,* 11 - .tiiTfir cM jnatr * 1 icRug by WandiaiCroweMf-Ctr. "t ? : d . 4. For tile jtoesteXbtfaHxin gtaSs/ief allver-kalvoo and forlio l>y The Hard waT?i<ki>;?sH (Isillii.'i MTV tIc" ? . 16.' For the - second best exhibit In fclatse; f gallon iW-ofeatoiTreezer hy aervastni sitting of- flarred PlymoUtlr RO'Ck bird eggs |by TV! M. Pie^HAnts. j " i. For the bid{ tfireg^glaa?es o'f lei-'! ly. il 5Q_W0rth lollei articles bn-Ar-J /t .* 1 rriS-.vF'W-.^l^ifaefl dttetoe r ..of blackberry Jam. suJit caie by f. W. Xfctehrux * ....11 ,.u?- For tUq best 3-quarts pickK par abol by Josepli M Eamcy. 10. . For the . best' ,I-pUit bpt,tle , of ketchup, j pair, silk liose by R. Z. E?ertw. tUin V. W IX. For the largest, yield ot siting be^PSr f*pt%. 9^-fenthacre,,, ntckle lamp hy Hill Live ?tock Co. 12. Fqr the }arges); number of cans of tQinatoes and string beans made, on one-ten t If aye including recorded' history, of jrpp, raincoat by Mrs. A, M. H*1L, [ . , .", 13. .For the best written history of the crop, 1 year's subscription.4ft .The Ladies ,.Huon? Journal -by. Drf. R. F. JNboWMfc iii ? , - - . J-.4:;Fop.4^? fecpnd,, Ijept, liistqor^ I pair silkjljpa* b^.p, S. & ^jlen.^ IE. For the best record,.D,^^bor oondltlana. wjnsWered,? ?Jlver tbijnMe-1 by FrelfTA. ,, ,p s; ? ,!?? iFor. tha largest .variety, ot.sale- ( able canned fruits?r and v vegetables, p^eaefves, ^ic^j^ JeUl^,, jame and ketchup made by one,gipl,-medal,,by .9hA? U; * IWS.I T Bs.'ior, St.- it ?c : aai4il f. Tomato Clahi.Homg. 1 S? A (Tune: Maryland; "MjB MSrjtana.) The Tomato Girfa^C^nb'WWTirt'-^e are, Tomato Girbt, TOiW?r 6iW>V By omr jilas watc MM Wttf 'near' and Mr *Bt: jplrca 3^; ? j >r.o's.. Tomato Otrla, Toaiato CitA, We love our Olub and tor'fti'wert: >? Ita duUes will ne'er try to Shirk' But take-a prida tnia^oarirwrk- r[ -f 5?; / Ton?atio Qlrlsr Tomato Ciittb.c i-. :efs Itor. QnxtviaXl ?an? tf j One tenth of an acre la our land ? r.i 1 Tomato Qiris, Tomato Club, j Wo do the work wtth our own kand 't'| !>.i ve .Tomato Qiris; .Tomato Club, ! Supply!home first shall be o?r riito ' r. -. W?'il sell some than to gc to SChOOl KlMI!" ] No cinb Clrl8'.laay nor? foal .t' Tomato Girl?, Tomato CluiK- " i-' " *- .t q:-binc lOCTrrr | "To make,the best.better" is our motr IMIN9.9MA v fr.t not Tomato Oirlaj Tpmato. Club, ? Health, Head.. Hand, Heart, are' thus u-! make pore i.aa :tv Tomato. (Mrla, Tomato Cluhr 1 vOur homes wUl be tbe. happier ,i|? ? . . ?? For. what ?? can fomiyeof to nr tj. year 1 jm?T? rtnoit tl ?? ?? t. 1 .?to?'W ?ra.tfco-tlrtrtattmfc -m.'; j ?Krt *? Tomato <Jlrl?. Toaaato -Clnhj . tctiEL-ra^oJi.'..- V /?(t' A ' GOV. CRAIG'S ADDRESS m nj-tuH To th^ HeaJtli Officers of -\artfi 4Jar? . Una?Htandil^or the Health of tke ?_ People AM*e thf IntWert* W'the " OfHcerholder. J? ?? t? . In 1.1? J.. MlUtH -P hl? , address before ? the State ? In$b ^"cSS' ABSOf^tlflSu^Pal ;? .Monday: on, tj^e ,the ?a" r<K- J"lrini -***1 Governor 9rate minted out ta.^tow ,3*?.f^S.^.rwld^strides Oj?t:jud iS?% B* J&i&M. jew ufi?*S!?or t 'WTtlty M8rn& \%&e- A?!?viya, wo vgffifiX9 fee cqp^opJljat^,wells We did no(/,B?g,fts gojMlj, public water sup^then as ?fhaVe UQ? btt p bet W.^yhafr'ft0r - "$** J a*"!0* uS, u.1 P0**? Cra/rTfe5,W?n ^ c<H#Wer g'|< *8J? V?!?? who tg. mu tations. but finally It .was enforced '? l*TiW ia5ft?cHe* of PWMt gwer *mw ^sssurKv-w i<==.jSSe Ga^rnoj. took ^Ji^ ground that i?'talaj.8PP.4 W?,.?re fiTvea.^nil tall iJSMItite'SJboftFSb tejfegr*Kh.?nd -stall AerSlS? ??? y??/own,Routes? clean, sanltajy (join?? and <)Ies#^ heal thy: hajjpy people lu such homes wero tife. .greatest aswst of the State* T4le-.Apv?W argued fQr t|ioi wo i^TLi: >'$S% vonvenlances, specially SW^'^as pi.quty of pure;,running jSm.lv?xeTSt- J19aa.6r >run*l,or, ur#an. ^%jpoJr^d ogt th?^tjlt wgs,nrJioc Rome 2*d .^>aa?u>?l,jrt jHtre.crystal watera flawlogiq lift aqijaducts, when-,. her peop]?. bathed dally.Uj4X{inma became .jthe ru^r^.the.wfu-W, ' -t/ i>,i:m -r r?hf**^ir*Tiir -** friftf* ifflitrfftirn In Morejiead Q?y- the jOoveraor said: Poajd offleal th Jfti?'Pr,iVf:cW0URR.JV?Si.W> i?ailco 19r ?})} . wll!.;hi (fjinii foj-^J^^t'.town or t% iflkt^iM t? ido J^ogd,:.?a4' alio wljole Stjitejgeo^,. juid, I iya^ glad to .see .if. .tteeau^.tlip, greatest >wjffr to rJfUt.a Ayy.M6jj? jhe world is tolm?k9 t^at. wrong .pubiip. . f( there is a town f? Nortel iiawjIJna.tiuit lp not living, up to its ync^ij^.,flWlgatlon8.and.be comes ujjftff! ht9 ,aUv tjje citizens, and .to all .l^jtpjuges lnt^i Its borders tq m?)te jnfiapr out of them, or, for,the ? fSPli-enJpyntepjt, th^a.tbi, cocdjttona. 'hat, to^n , oiight tp,3e, eipo?f4- to apd^.'t.he.^ojld pught Jcnox, thmi(, }t t^e waiter .v^f t^ons (p ,^aJeigU, , tfiis, capital city where qy^ybody ,m,ust coma and gftojj. (tljerq if nothing '?lse 1'Gre to (irinKl tjut, anjway, we ,are supposed to drink syater,' and If it Is ^ot what li ought to be In the dity, then the news paper service is doing a service ^ jt^^ep^e ot North CaK- ~ ollna n Tgttng^the world knpw exactly ;whaOt '. ' . riai^WS* PiVw*>,!^lo!n 1183 fo^prtJjVi ^ot only for one city, b^t, for jyery town^Jp, North Carolina. I tell you what?things will beliti to clean.up, and^vhen a town in f hlu Cj ^ flf rt n A (rl n/>f li Iiak n n ?? 11 n*... nn_Jl this State neglects her sanltary <;ondl tions and neglects pests that are going everywhere unpha^eiif ed"t an g prison ous insets carrying 'all ^manner of fjlth to t^e mouths of children and scattering dfse^s'e^, it oif^ht' to^e ex gieaiei ^cri fuf afiotl^ ^kctsV hfi. .. .?? 'IJeWiatMitH? JM&'ltfcyNv^ffiould Tnbt "^att \tfflK?a86the?r efififetelc f>feaki*$3i t8 c:aTl atVetitlon to the very m{s"th<ft' cWafed^tr' few Real's W Iff* riAWWWhlfc to willf tititlfVrVieili- th^laBeflSftdns | of mothers and see the coffitfAT^i&ss | raht 'b?W Weill ttteillHdn^to' con ditlon^Vio^ existing tttal'eauKea'thtse tHlnW g?ntf??ten'.? tm T*wy, I corilfrtJftjlat^fflft'Btat? ttf Ktortft Car ollnk for ks taHtfk'thlh ittp forward. .><?' ?t>.f<1 " .'???? oarrUamr.t ?r. M'li EJtetrW f?l*play. ??>?* ''4 +hft dl^pSay1 o? electrical' foods' In the old artpofy' ttuildinr by lla^tra. 'Beck ahd Newell In [jrovin(t' ijnlM an Interesting spectacle for' 'T?ulaburg people. They Wave "'tm ' dlftptay all 'klhih of ' electrtfW appllaaow1' In cluding cortters, W(M?. fans ahd many oth?f thing? fh?t are proving a ctniduslty fo many of tfur people Who iiiife' fltfref" jwti; eoofcln* ?Me hy elertrlrlty. It Is a moaCcomplete ^x hlblt and show? the JBJUir, ' ??A w?lillgl>l n::M, i-w #ytdy,T*%~3tft,tsi trt-4 ) ' V 3T*f'???'?? f*-* Tt+ "ifc-f . v. TV .

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