THE WEATHER I ? L ? . _ . M | ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ THE BEST ADVERTISING K air t?m?)M? ajid Krltajf; MEDIUM i.. ..< j ? mmXL, I I Ul ll%lll I * I II ? Iv>k3 wbcthnuuum / VOL. ZLIT. IHjEi uuuni i) A?? naaaxj, uaiavai. wv?wv?** *?v? v-^w tun iaa* LOUISBURG, iTC.. 7RI DAY, JUNE 26, 1914. - ? NUMBER 20 ATTOBJfEY GESEKAL BJCK1CTT WANTS SALE SET ASIDE. ?Suit l uder Shermaa Act Finding of Corporation Commlalon Justifies It Under The View of The Atteraay General?Department of Justice Bfotitied Lant Mght ' Attorney General T. W. Blckett last night notlBed Attorney General Mc Reynolds, of Unltod States De partment of Justice, to bring action to set aside the ode pt the Cape Fear an and, will be a most modern structure both In conveniences, and designs. It will be a most conven ient, and handsome home. Jlr. E. S. Green, la erecting a nice cottage on the corner of Perty Btreet and Kenmore avenue, which will be a most desirable addition to that por tion of the town. Mr. J. R. Bunn. has recently Impro ved his-residence on Kenmore avenue, with a new coat of pdlnt. \ Play at Cedar Rock. On the evening of July the 7th, at 8:00 o'clock; the- young people will present a moat Interesting play. Ad ? mission 15 and 10 cents. After the play, refreshments con sisting of ice cream, cake etc. will bo for sale. The proceeds from the play and sale of refreshments are to be used to aid In the new school building, for Cedar Rock. The public is cordially Invited to be^present. e.'t. oill I)EAD. Last of Five Brothers All Conleder ate Yeterans WW" S*'dl,'rs Home. E. T. Gill of Franklin county, the last of the five brothers, all prominent in the Bervice of the Confederacy died at the Soldiers' Home Monday night at 1V:15 o'clock. He was 70 year,s of ?ti and had Men 111 for a month. funeral service will be held from 'the chapel at the horns Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock, and the Interment will be in the Confederate Cemetery. While Mr. Gill was |the last member of his family, there are several relatives living In this city, Mr. W. C. Q1U being a nephew and Messrs. C. B. and John A. Park being kinsmen. He entered the homo February 17, 1913, from Wake County and was a fneipber of Company E, 27th regiment. ?'W f'.- - Friday Afternoon Bridge Club. On Friday afternoon at4r30 o'clock Mrs! 8. P. Boddle very delightful entertained the Friday afternoon Bridge Club. A delightful," enjoyable six table game was played, adter which a dainty, and tempting fealad courso was served. ? - Those present wero Mesdames, Edward Best, A. W. Person, Garland Ricks, J. R. Collie. 8. P. Boddie, J. L. Palmer, R. G. Burroughs of Hen derson, L. L. Joyner, B. B. Perry, Maurice Clifton, L. E. Scoggln, 8. J. Parham, R. C. Beck, F. H. Allen, Joe. Barrow, Ro$>. Davis. Jno King, Geo. Cralle, and Misses Eleanor Cook, Annie Allen, Alma Allen, An nie Belle King, Green, and Edith Ydrborough.' ? Get? New Safe. Mr. Fred A 4 rofelved a new and han?#o?e HuKv safe on last Tuesday, and has placed It In M? place of business on Court street. The safe la a huge one weighing above 3500 on the inside contain ing a nice chest for Jeweler's use. Mr. M. F. Houck put t)ie safe In posi tion for him., Case Continued. The case of the tJnlted States, of America against Sid Davis, for hav ing in his possession a distilling ap paratus without being bonded that waa called before commissioner J- I*. Palmer on Monday was continued until ' Monday morning, June Mth, 1914, at 14:>0 O'clock on account ot the abeeaee of wltnessee on both sides. High Tempera tares. _ Loulsburg was not overlooked by. provides?? the past, while high tem perature were being passed around to the many other points in 'North Caro lina. On Monday the government yiemometers-registered 100 dirihon Tuesday it reaehed ?? ,"W;- ** ALLEN -LOT. I'rokilaent Lo?itb?rg lit Weds Bas*; boro Lady. J Jjj? Rofiboro. J una 23.?Mr. J. M. Allen, of Loulshurg, and Mr?. Annie Loj were quitely Married here thU morn ing at the home of the telds's father, Mr. W. B. Webb. While the event has been looked tor some Uaw, It out* as a distinct surprise today Tka bride Is one of Roxboro'a nsost popula bride Is one of Rogboro'a moat popular ladles and a voipan of many good qualities and One traits of obaractor. She had held a responsible position for two. seasons with a leaAtajt busi ness firm of Lbulsburg. Mr.- -Allen ia one of Loulsburg's most prtfmtoent, and substantial citizens. They left Immediately after the marriage In Mr. Allen's oar. ' ?*orate and remains In theleaf to make It rich and heavy. * It baa been my evperlemo? that we inust cut tobacco when there Is oil la [it, if we expect to have oil in It when >?are4.^ For instance,, yon have as .periodc?d cutting nne Wfeek and hav ing excellent luck and then cut a few deys later, probably on,the same piece of grouqlaad with riper tobacco, and I shall be pleased t? Mswer an/ correspondence from tobacco growth who may want to wrtto me, provided postage Is sent for reply. ' ? D. .?. "Davis, ' 1 Fork, N. C. opejtto Settlement. < o^^ Har:SaT;' e?" General Carranza, bef^e'uWn Niagara 2?^ * the Huerta HAi0. r,a srsrs mediation conference whether V^?h0Uld asrc? to them or not. Villa, the report stated, said Mexico was rotdvT*11 aai th" h? 0Mn"erveLlon.threa,en!nKPOSSlbnU>r "Enconrglntf- Say? Bryan. '' Bryan When ask0,nrmi?ue H prohibits the u?etof the name of wine on product*n>ade by the addl ,0|;?'W"W to pomace or M'P ot ffW*. ylgK?. wine to be . eproduct MlBa normal alcohol!? ermto^aipn of tte jnlce ?lthe freah * *jf aew OeoWoo provide? that whe?? any water la add?? to, the Baa ace of grape? It la not panoisalbla m label the prodnet " **?"-"?? Imitation wine," a| made aftor June lj. j has been tafcan, In th? 1 decision, "bec^n?? the 1 agrlcultor? has eoneti^led j deception* kave beea pratlced 1 feod Inspection deelaion II#."