. ? ICE We will have one wagon loaded with ice standing at the ^oui-t house square all day, every day. Phone No. 7 all your Ice troubles. Louisburg Coal and Ice Company r * r LOUISBURG :: IN. C FIRST BATTLE SAID TO HAVE OCCURRED i i Clash Ob Tke DuiW Is Hst Thonght To Hate Beta Very Soku?Kin dt Has 5?t Ordered Kobllltatloa Bat Has Takes All Preeaatloaary Heasares. London, July 27.?An engagement between Austrian? and Servians is re ported to have occurred on the Danu be but no details are available and It la not believed to have been of Im portance. Austria has not yet opened her mlllltary operations, so far as can be learned. Meanwhile, diplomacy Is proceed ing along two seperate lines, to aveiV the war If possible and, If that is Im possible to localise the conflict. first Sir Edward Grey the British SesftJ tary of State for foreign Affairs, has proposed to the Powers a plan for Joint mediation, which. It Is said, France and Italy already have ac cepted. Germany has not yet replied and her acceptance Is regarded as doubtful. Sir Grey explained in the. House of Commons his idea, which was that Great Britian, France, Ger many and taly co-operate in an end eavor to arrange the dispute between Austria and Servia, on the basis of Servla's reply to Austria's ultimatum. Hope Fna Russia. The second line of diplomatic en deavor, from which even more is hop ed today, is taking place at St Peters burg between the Russian Minsiter of Foreign Affairs, Sergius Sazonoff. and the Austrian Ambassador. It is un derstood that Mr. Sazonoff is making a strenous effort to bring about a di rect understanding and that a solu tion on these Uneswill be more agree able to Germany than Great Britlan's^ conference iropoeal. War Spirit la Yleooa. The Russia Emperor has postpon ed his intended visit to Finland, in order to be in the capital during the crisis. It is said Russia is urging Servia to give Austria the fullest pos sible satisfaction. An extremely warlike spirit prevails in Vienna, where the evening papers declare the Servians are only making evasions and that, therefore. It is Im possible for the Austrian government to retreat. Further they hint that even should Servia accept the Aus trian ultimatum unconditionally, and offer*to pay the cost of Austria' mo bilisation, Austria now would becom pel led to ask for new guarantees. CONFERENCE AT POTSDAM. Ctitnlllif Fwmi ef (knu Em pire Are Planing Polk-j. Berlin, July 27.?Important -'con ference*. Were held at Potsdam late to day between the German Emperor, the Imperial Chancellor, Dr. Von BethaHiaim-Hollweg, and the itrategl?? ?? ?' . . ^ ,V' .V The Franklin Times, Headquarters for Typewriter Supplies - Hk:* ? ?' v. . . _