The Home Circle Column Pleasant Evening Reveries-A Column Ded icated to Tired Mothers as They Join the Home Circle-ut Ev^iing Tide v ^ CRUDE T ODGHTS FROM THE EDITORIAL PEN %> A Husband's Duty". A very grave responsibility has the man assumed In his marriage. Dot ing parents have confided to Ills care the welfare of aloved daughter, and a trusting woman has risked all her fu ture happiness In his keeping. Large ly will it depend upon him whether her pathway shall be strewn with thorns or roses. Let~your wife-fully understand your "business. In nearly every ease she will be found a most valuable fldvlver ?when she understands all your cir cumstances. If r dispute arises dis miss the subject with a kind word and do not seek to carry your point by discussion. It is a glorious, achieve ment to master one's own temper. You may discover thatyeu are in an error, and if your wife la wrong she will gladly. In her cooler moments ac knowledge the fault. , Never neglect your wife for all jthe -world besides. Never deceive; con fidenceonce lost can- never be wholly regained. Never give all your pleas ant words and smiles to Strangers? the kindest words and the sweetest smiles should be reserved for home. Home shoufB be your heaven. Never fail to tell your wife the truth; If truthful you get the reward ?you get your punishment If you de ceive. Never fall to say a kind, en couraging word to your wife; praise and encourage her. To keep her love, be kind and loving?always be a lov er. And last and above all, to keep your wife's love and respect, be a strictly temperate man. It would be difficult to love gsfl honor p man to whom Bhe is compelled to fook down upon, who would drag himself, wife and children down to poverty, shame and disgrace.. One and all turn from the * Intoxicating cup. That alone makes more misery, causes more un happy homes and Is the greatest curse on earth. Ood jjlty the poor wife .with *? Intemperate maa. Her life's fppfSimarTFlll be complefy destroy ed by such a union. Better a thous and times be single, free and 1 de pendent maidenhood than married to a man addicted to dissipated habits. Don t go down town every night to see a man, and then expect your wife to be all smiles when you, ' 4 :J! i a The Happy Hoi The art of the perfect housekeeper lies In her concealing her efforts. To the aalnltlated her work seems done by iQMlo, so smoothly do the wheels of domestic management roll along. If there la a Jar in the kltohen, her flrst effort Is to smooth It quietly ov$r so that there Is no reflection Of ft to the serene atmosphere above stairs. In every emergency the trjie house wife Is mistress herself. We have ajl (MB such households, where the mistress was always ready .to receive her friends and her - hus band's friends, where everything seemed to moro by same a&eeon rhythm. Thesecret certainly lias la perfects ystem, la "timing oae's w?o turn's," doing the routine work on ex- i actly the same day nnd t'nlBof the day each .week; and in training tlic servants to Work ao methodically that they always know what Is expected of them. If housewives were moro mc- i thodical In Ureir way of laying out their servant's work for each day, and j in adhering to it, there would he ?0"b ' trouble with servants. ?. I ???-. I Did You Ever Think? Oid^tou ever think as a! hearso I passed by That it would not be long until you or I Woul.d be taking a ride in that black plumed hack,. And never remember the coming back? Did you ever think as you strive for gold That a dead man's hand can't a dol lar hold? No matter how much you earn or save._ You must leave It all when you go to the grave. It Is better to buy a cheap bouqet For a living soul this very day Than a bushel of roses, white and red. To place on his casket when be is dead. ?Exchange. Marriage makes or mars a woman' i life, and a young girl should be plain ly taught that marriage with a man lacking certain qualities Is a most de plorable, Irremediable blunder. She muat be made to feel that unless a man la temperate, moral, honest and gentle, he has n6 right to expect to associate with her, that having these qualities, If she loves him with a love that time has tested and prdVen, she is pretty safe in trusting herself to him. , How many good things we have to be thankfnl tor?the flowers, the fruit, the harvest, the seasons, day sad night, the son, moon and stars, the tW ?? "*= tura hJ nt with Uia *TT Srn sweet harmony of music with tha ear, the odor of Bowers with the nostrils, the foods that give us health *nd strength, tha blecsed sleap that oomes without prtce to the poorest. It there Is any dog In a man It Is pretty a'pt to growl when his food la not to his taste. Overteektag Little Tktaft. Many persons go through life overl&oklng the little things and valn th? W*.ones. When death claims them they ara still grasping, but not pOMealni." It was the result o< starting wrong. And ao It la with many men, with some women. In t)ie matter of news paper advertising, although the ranks ot the overlookers are becoming thin ner every yaar. Bone people never let an opportanl ty slide by. - ; -7 s - -n No Una la the local paper ever es capes ttsm, least it ba which might be turned to their vantage. . ??>, ? No advertisement is ever overlooked, , lest It contain an article-?f which they "in nee3 and which may be pur chased to ft better advantage now than' ;utcr. All people read the advertisements. Sodi? make it a business, have re duced it to a science, and extract the jroateot benefit from even the most In significant things. It is a hi# stone in the foundation of their success. No merchant .spends money on printer's ink unless he has something worth oftcring, something you need, and sooner or later musk have. \No one can afford to overlook these .fdvortisemcnts, least lie miss an op portunity to secure an article of need at a minimum price. No man or woman who starts right with a firm grasp on the little things will fail later in life to attain the big opes. _ All things are small in t^ie begin ning, but they attain size In accor dance with the acumen, the enprgy, the perseverance of the one who guides their destinies. All advertisements have some merit, are of especial interest and value to some person. They are an important part of the little things in life which should never be overlooked, for out of many little things a few big ones grow. OAR-SWELL'S LIVER-AID SECOM MENDED BT f. R. PLEASANTS Better Thaa Salts Ons or Pills, ui Meaejr Back If It Doeseal Danish Constipation. S " ?Oh! What bliss! People have rib furtltter use for calomel or other sl&m bans cathartics. that act barshly on Bick liver's CARSWELL'S, LIVEg AID has the call these days; every hour of the day; It's going faster than the proverbial hot cakes. It's changing hundreds of weak sickly, lazy ovevrworked liver into healthy, vigorous ones. It is driving poisonous waste from the body; put ting an end to indigestion and all atomarh misery and causing constipa tion suffers to rejoice. CARSWELL'S LIVER-AID Is pleas ant aad harmless; It takes the place of calomel. Children can take it freely; Its gentle action cleans out their llttli bowels In line shape. Its a 'anlendid remedy'for sick hea Iffllt Umiti? V1* irinnaf imnnies ' Get 60 centa from F. R. PLEASANTS. Government Investigator?What made yon born your books! Railroad President?The motto of our road Is "Safity First :"%-Ufe _ Ml am much honored by yonr pro posal Count, but t am already en gaged:" - "Well, couldnt you be engaged to me next time?"?Ulk: IMMTli Vfftil ?Bf nUtfl TlMAKtrtKYtJUo Jtm the flrat ?;u|)luli oIa ren-down |)fma,ud nervoua people too often tibo oeal their ache* and paina and auftcr in (Uknce, while, if negitcUd, thia condition which menace the rouodationa of hetlw, and jaat take the pore, atrengthenins nouriahmeat in Scott*a Bmulakm, It would oMt new blood to pulaat* through the organa, refcpah their bodlea and build op the whole "ner?oaa ajratem., It la riqh, aoatainfng nouriahment, free from wine?, ~ ' " ordrufs. Shun aubatitutea. A dollar Works Wonders at this Our customer^ know it-we want others to That's the reason we are asking you to bring your next dollar here and watch it perform. It will cause the goods to, slide right over the counter and into your arms unt$l you'll think you are buying the whole store?with the clerk included. ?. /. - % _ 1% "1'-\ ' %? 7T "r if t .-:5m T: f. ?!;. * ?( Incorported v Leading Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Main Street LOUISBUgG, N. C C. A. ROGERS - Tinworker. Louisburg, N. C. Will make estimates on any job Work Guaranteed. Call or write when in need of anything in my line. SURVEYING l Kinds, Leveling, Pi and Estimates B. B. Egerton HUGH f. WENDLE ?S' i * " , Architect and Engineer Architectural Designs submitted. Estimating 'and r Contracting CONCRETE WORK A SPECIALTY Bllard-Cheatham Bldg. FRANKLINTON, N. C. Do you remember when you were lit tle? Did you ever get enough ice cream then? Buv an ice (lull yntir ciuidreu war lovej?ri more an Efvt 41/5 ?/T> m y -si. "SHE HARDWARE