Jjtt the Franklin Tim?? be a .B&gvlar Visitor" VOL. XLIVj to your Home - ?. ?V ? .... MINOR NAVAL BATTLES HAVEN TAKEN PLACE Austria. Loses a Cruiser and French. Destroy FourCfreat Zep pelin Dirigibles and Capture an Aeroplane?English Troops Are Mtm-friM Through France to Join French andBelgians ?-Kaissr SayAHieswIIl Spon Get a TMte of What the Flow of the lather land's Amy Can do?Navies in Clash in rB*a *?rterday?French and German* Join In Combat Beiginrn.BntFrench Say Engagement Not Important, torn the war1 ?one conjft only rief reports of the activi ty of the vast German and allied armies opposing each other. {The French officially report that the Germans have aban doned Sarrenbnrg. The liege forts are said still to be intact and a Brussels dispatch says the German advances toward the Belgium center seems to have been checked?'/ '? "The French troops are in contact with thjS'wermans, but there is no important engagement to report,'' saCys an official announcement of the French embassy at London.. A British expeditionary force numbering more than one hun dred thousand hta landed at French.and Belgium ports and doubtless is1 welt-on its way to form a junotionftsSth its allies. A significant statement is issued by the Briti^t official press bureau to the effect that desultory fighting has Occurred be tween the British patrolling squadrons and floatillas and Ger man reconnooiteringvCruisersv . "A certain liveliness jsapnarent in the southern area of the Sea," the statement adds. There are rumors of naval engagement about 100 miles off Harwich in the North Sea. In a stirring message to the troops King QjBqccge savs: ''Duty is your watch word and I know your duty will be nobble done." French Occupy Lorraine. i The French commander in chief Gen. Joffre personally re ports French progress in Upper Alsace and declares Frewjfc troops hve occupied all the region in Lorrinaire, 32 miles ih side the German frontier.' An American corps has been organized in Paris and severa! Amfwan aviators have offered the wvernnent their seroplain es? There is some question as to whether this offer will be ac cepted of possible !internation complications. Tie former French Minister of finance. Paul Downer, who has returned from the front in Belgium savs three Zeppelins have been destroyed by gun fire and one wrecked by drop pine into a forest. ? To set at rest reports of cansulties in the British army the official bureau declares that there have been no casualties. A Rome^dispfttch gives a report from Vienna that the Aus trian oruis8fii?intah has been sunk. Court Opfliitt, the Japanese Premier, declares it is Japan's intention to eliminate from China the root of German influence. Side of Germans Told. Berlin, Aug. 18.?(via Copenhagen and London, Aug. 18 9:07 p. m.)?A series of statements on the Liege situation is pub lished from the headquarters of Gen. Stein, according to which French officers and pefhaps also French soldiers were sent to Liege before the war to instruct the Belgium troops in the de fense of the fortifications. "It wa>8 impossible to protest against this," says Gen. Stein, "but after the WRr^be'gina^this conduct had to be rewded as an infraction of Belgian neutrality by France. We had to act with all speed and mobilize. Besriments were sent to the front tier, and marched on Liege. Six weak brigades on a peace footing, with soihe cavlrv nnd artillery took Liege. "The brigades were mobilised a tLieg? and there received as first reinforcements their-trwif fWierve. To whether regi eneraies through t that 100,000 Germans wore at liege? and ow enemies thShgh that 100,000 Germans were at Liege, and ow ing to dificultiea With the commissariat were unable to advance. This, however, was a mistake. There was another reason for the pause. ' - . ?? -v- -'i-,? ? "Bow, the forward march can begin and our enemies will hare ah opportunity to eonvince themselves that the German force is well supplied with food and arms. ? Th? Emperor has aivwi tlite1 word not to sacrffice another drop of blood to cap v -r ? thethfcelves secure in the forts, but the our w^afcgtfcig gun-forced the forts to surrender or oniflklv deihoUsh ttfen, hnryiqg the 7?>E8q?*ki-jKr; &?". "? -: - ?"? -.:-v. t-'V-J ??=- - PBOF. E. J. FX WILL DEAD. . ^ rK Kxjilrex In HauUerlum In Asherllie? Itcmiiliis liiouk'lit to bilitai. Th?t*d?dth lor* wy was nevor mop* A'e^ly^fcmOnstraied than wh?n the "?rtta reapar" -Tl^irmi? for li'is 'vicMm.last Friday night at 12:15 In nr. Ton Ruck's Sanatorium la Aahevllle, Ptof. ? Eugene J. Newell, youngest son fit Rev. and Mrs. George W. Newell. \ V > Prof. New^llWss born 27 years ago -In MaplevilleL Jive miles east' ot thl? place, where U>4 was reared and re ceived his AcaneViic training. Early In life he gavAmvked evidence of unusual Intelle^taS gifts. As a stu dent in the University of this State, where he speclplize&on science, he made a brilliant reaprd, taking his A. B. degree In 1907, Vmd going back In 1909 he received l^s Master's de gree, cum laude. For a year he was principal of the High school at Zebulon, making for himself an enviable recitation as a teacher, his chosen profession. In the fall of 1911 he Entered Har vard University, making? a special study of Philosophy. All this great University ha took a verjjWgh stand, winning the esteem and oonfidence of both the faculty and stala? of 'Prof. Palmer, a noted fipeciafbt ^.Hiat branch of knowledge who had wen given a year's absence. Prof. Newell was making good^ln his responsible position In Harvard, when he was attacked "In the early, spring by a most maligant case of "grip" and pneumonia, from which he could never recover his strength. For some weeks he was in the hospital Cambridge. .Qecldlng that the mace friendly hllaata of the South would assist him In'making his light Car kis life, he came to Southern Pine?, where he remained only for a short tin?, and then went to Ashsville, where baa been for the past two weeks. ^ . In response to a telegram frota hi*, physician last Thursday; Dr. Hodge A. Newell went to him at onoei and was with him when the end came. His remains reached FnGa Mentha Saturday night, and were met -kjr-a large delegation of sympathetic trfsnds and Were brought to the home-of his brother. Dr. H. A. Newell, that night, where the funeral aerrldes were con tacted Sunday afternoon at S o'clock by Rev. W. M. Qllmore, of the Baptist church. Prof. Newell had been, a member of the Maple Springs Baptist church since he was IS years of age. The Interment was made In Oak Lawn oemetery. last outside (Sis city, m the preeenee of a very large com pany of relatives and friends. There mas a great wealth ot floral offerings, taken s of esteem, which were very JMaatlful. The many llnwitlilfiil acts of kindness on the part of Makibt to the family Vara manifested on every hand, and tended their ??led. The Immediate l Dr. OUIa Nefwell. oHjniw. Ur. JB. A. N?w?Jt?nd Dr. B. A.'Newell. ? due to two facts. First the crops is late and second time has been given th* companies to transfer their hoyers from South Carolina. Dr. Brewer at the Baptist Church. A special call Is made for all the men in Loulstmrg, and surrounding pouotry to hear Dr. Charlee K. Brew er, of Wake Forest ? College Sunday If:00 a. m. and 8:0? p. m. at the Bap church. Brewer it at the head of the ,*a movement in this State, and h akt proved himself a master of as and a gifted speaker. He has5? massage that no Christian man. In t^laitoomsiunlty can afford to mlBS the meetings Sunday will not M? exclusively for men. but the Ihdleab will tad them of equal Inter est a*tt value to them. ? Dr. ferewer ts expected to speak at Ranadall'a Chapel also Sunday af ternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Pereeewel ef the New Inleu dtnriBHl. Mexico City, Aug. 19.?A deer?? ts to l*SMMd TfcWlHay hr the Borer aoc at . th* federal district repadlatng froTorn*i?n* notes of the issue of Jnty IS lest.* "nte lame was mfrie during the featfme ^af pntldonal President Catbajl on fpUhoHaation of the $60, 000,ooi7 afx per oeat ten year told by the Haerta admlnlstra n#,000.?00 of this paper M rt*-) la baaed s poo the fy V ?nastlano Car elMMti nTHnerla. I*** TfcaHew Canpi The %rw ooa ?nationalist' cabinet jpoed tast night A follows: ? of 1Mb Affairs?Yrf dre M^a. p "% " the Iatartor?BMse Ar Good'ofrder prevails, but the rigors pf military government have been In n<^ way slacked. Two thieves dagused In the uni forma of constitutionalists were sum marily executed today and their bodies exposed to the view of the cur ious crowds. Warning placards were pinned on the breasts of the dead ' JUUwtym and . telegraph lines con tinue to j^lltarf pur poses oniV, it Is announced that paksenfer t*aSc'between Mexico City and Vem Crux will be resumed today, ' '1 " ' 1 ' A committer of American" women tomorrow will go to the headquarters of General Carrknza at, Ttzactpolsal co to welcome the chief of the con stltutlonalists on the part of the wom en of the colony. An order demanding the surrender of arms by all the inhabitants has been modified so as not to Include foreigners , POPE PIUS, THE TENTH, DEAD Worry Over the Great European War Brings on nipess That Quickly Kills Aged Pontiff. Orlef over the war in Europe had greatly depressed the Pope since its outbreak, and the result has been a reapppearence of the old bronchial af fection to which he has now succum ed. ? Dr. Amici, the Pope's physician, ex plained that the Pope's vitality has been greatly diminished recently and that breathing the vitiated atmos phere of heated rooms during almost dally audiences had been greatly agalnBt him. Everything possible was done to save his life. Stimulants were in jected and oxygen administered. For a while these relieved the Pope, and enabled htm to aak about the execu tion of his commands. - Cardinal Merry Del Val, the papal secretary, and Mooeignor Ross, have been in faithful attendance on the pontiff,during his last illness All Cardinals have been officially noti fied by Merry Del Val Monslgnor Rosa will be secretary of tne conclave now, and it was to him that Pope Plus con fied tils last wishes Death Case Freai Grief. Those close to the Pope believe that grief on the final crials had so, overwhelmed him that he was an able In hi* eightieth year to withstand still another attack of his enemy, gouty catarrh. ?1 health has been the Pontiff's ilot for many years, and' interalt ently the attacks have been so seri ous that the whole world waa ire pared several times to hear of his passing. During the summer there had been numerous denials from the Vatican that his Indisposition was serious As late as August 10 laat upon an occasion of the 11th, an niversary of his ooronatlon, Pope Plus granted numerous audiences. BmM Over tke -War. L Two days later ft became known he had eaaeetM virtually all ed he was unable to work and that he sat Htleea and si!eat (or hoars, evidently brooding over the great clash of arms b? jtnf ifftipji;'" ' The follo^Jag la i Jtst of letters remaining la the Poet-oAce at Louis l?mt. M. O! nCailed nil, Au?u?t II. m O. W. Clayton, Mrs. Hary Coppedge, Kal lie May Crawery, V. Parmer, N. R. Harris. W. M. Haakin. X O. Lan caster. Mlsa A&mle Walle. Mary Nor Wick, Victoria WIRiaaa. Benlah WU Marns. Yonker Broe. Mrs. Minnie Toong. ",V; ;\w" . *? *? '' ) Persona calling tor any ST Hie above letters, will please say timy saw them Advertised. <; B. H. Davis. P. M. , ii '-jj TypheM AatMexinek" i<. ? - When a thbg W so cheap, free from and hannlM*. whydtst yon take ??? ?? TEACHERS INSTITUTE FOB FBANtLUC COUHTI PKSUC SCHOOL TEACHEM, " Opened e- Xoaday F?r m t?o'W?akl Session Largely AWeeded M Sprit Interest Shown M Part et ^?ri* The Pranklln County teachers 1*? etltute opened on Monday i a two weeks session. The - Institute is being held at the istaQpA school under the supervision of W. R. Mills; of the Loillsburg gr*AqA' quired to attend on account at havtag attended a summer schooli ? Is being two sessions held i 9:00 to 12:00 Is the morning i 1:00 to 2:30 In the afternoon. The school work In every phase .1? re ceiving especial attention and much good work Is being accomplished. In addition to the , : regular work there will be two especially Interest ing features during the coming week. The first will be an address by Dr.. J. E Malone, county Health officer, on health and the sanitary conditions ' ot the school. This will be followed by Supt. Best to carryout the sugges tions and make an appeal for the In terest of the school In every way. The second will be hold on Thurs day of next week when the commit teemen and Trustees meet the teach ers at the graded?school. At this time much Is expected to be brought out that will be of the utmost Impor tance to our school system and a benefit to our teachers and officers. The colored Institute Is being held In the court house and Is In charge ot Prof. S. A. Smith, ot Winston Salem. This Is also largely* attended and Is meeting with much enthusias tic work. Supt Best expressed himself as be ing Very much gratified over the large attendance and splendid Interest that Is being taken In the work. PROGRAMS District Meeting, "Staeteiti? Masoale ? District Lealaborg, N. 0. Wednes day, Ammit M, ?14. ~ The meeting begins, and the Lodge opened, at 11:09 o'clock ?i tn. Hod. J. A. Turner. Mayor will present Hon. T. W. Bickett, Attorney General, who will welcome the vlBtttntMaBons In behalt of the to.wn.' " ." J* Mr. S. P. Boddle, W. M., will present Hon. Benjamine T. Hold?* for an ad dress ot welcome In betwf ot Louis-, burg Lodge No. 413. jWsponse by John T. Alderman, of Henderson, M. W. Grand Master. 10:00 o'clock p. m. call.for dinner. 3:00. o'clock labor UlJil. The E. A. degree exemplified by Frankllnton Lodge No. 123. . ' : 4:30 p. m.?Recess.' ^ 6:30 p. m?Dutch smofe'r In Lodge . room, tendered visiting .Masooi by Loalsburg Lodge No. 41J.t- WfW>-Vp' 8:00 p. m.?Labor reeume?., entatlon of Past Masetera' jewels bflf. H. Yar bo rough, Jr., to J. J, 1 A. Newell, Ivey Allen and J. 4 paat Masters of Louisburg Lotit'N*' ' 41 ST A. P. & A. M vr7v.-. ? 8:30 p. m,?The Master '1MV degree exemplified by a piok^ijfcihip?L X. Bailey owen, P. D. D. G. King Solomon. .'ATvVsa^ Lecture delivered, and llli by stereoptlcon views, by C. ley. P. M. ot Corinthian Lo4?? No. 542. of Greensbofo, N, C. '. il Co ?nit tee? of LeaJsbnrg, j?t Cotomlttee tm arntftmsnU IMS X (TTA. -Tiirnar. Cbatrma?. i jrf jT-. W^weBSi Reception CoefiBttee: 0 ? , JL* Chairman: . t>.r.itc^tone -,0-*q*?H?n , .?'.'J, W fi